Always bet on black

Yesterday we quizzed readers to discover what colour Wii U they would like to buy on launch. The results, you might say, were a bit of a landslide.

Black won with an impressive 190 votes, compared to a measly 49 votes for the white option.

If Nintendo Life readers reflect the mood of the general buying public then Nintendo might fall at the first hurdle with the Wii U launch. Yesterday we reported that a Nintendo representative at E3 had claimed that Wii U would only be available in white at launch, while the black option could follow at a later undisclosed date.


When the original Wii was released in November 2006, the public largely welcomed the white only option possibly because it followed Appleā€™s style at the time. But times have changed and six years later, most consumer electronics are either black or aluminium. Could a white Wii U look too similar to the original Wii for the general public to really grasp that this is a brand new console, not a simple HD revision?

If a white Wii U was the only option at launch, would you snap one up without hesitation or would you wait for the black option to surface? As always, let us know your thoughts.
