

Aspiring innovator and gamer!

Comments 2,185

Re: Tetsuya Nomura Contemplates Retirement And Concluding Kingdom Hearts


@AJWolfTill I love the concept! However I don't think we'll ever get a sequel to Kid Icarus Uprising for a few reasons:
1. Trying to get Sakurai back with the project is a tall order. Even then, there is no active development team working on or with the IP.
2. The voice actors for Uprising are part of a voice actors union. Nintendo for some reason tries to stay away from working with actors from a union. The last time these actors were contracted to work with Nintendo was 2018 for Smash Ultimate (they didn't even do voice work for the DLC).
3. It's been over 12 years now. Clearly Kid Icarus is not high on Nintendo's priority. They haven't even released Kid Icarus 2 on Switch Online. Although that could also mean that a title might be primed for a Switch 2 launch window title.

The series needs more love. I'd love to see it adapt a dungeon-style formula similar to Zelda but honestly even just a small spinoff would be nice.

Re: Tetsuya Nomura Contemplates Retirement And Concluding Kingdom Hearts


Kingdom Hearts had a lot of creative energy and ideas, but the execution and storytelling was a mess and just got worse as the series progressed. The nobody/heartless dynamic made absolutely no sense. Also at the end of the series, pretty much everyone could wield a Keyblade making the legendary gimmick as common as a Zubat in a cave. Despite all the convolutions and shortcomings, the series still had amazing music and created generations of fans.

Hot take - I'd love to see a story of equal crossover ambition but with Nintendo IPs. The closest we got was Subspace Emissary in Smash Brawl which was actually written by some of the people who made Kingdom Hearts. Maybe if Ultimate is ported to Switch 2, it can get a brand new crossover story mode with actual cutscenes and a plot?

Re: Poll: With 'Switch 2' Rumours Swirling, Will There Be A September Direct This Year?


We didn't get any Kirby announcements in September 2023 (or at all during 2023/2024) and haven't gotten a "new" game since RTDL DX in Feb 2023. I half-expect a new mainline Kirby to be in the launch year lineup for the Switch 2.

We've already gotten plenty of news on Zelda EOW & Mario Party Jamboree. I could see a late September/early October Direct dedicated on Mario & Luigi Brothership. Everything else, even a potential mini Kirby spinoff title will probably just be Twitter drops. Switch 2 news is being saved for 2025 but I welcome it anytime.

Re: Japanese Charts: Switch Dominates As PS5 Price Hike Kills Momentum


@Olliemar28 I really do appreciate seeing the sales numbers on Nintendolife. But with an increasingly digital future, it would be helpful to denote the physical/digital ratios of game sales if possible (and for UK/other charts too). I know Nintendo makes it very tricky to track physical sales as they rarely release numbers on their digital counts.

Re: Back Page: Dark World, Lorule, Termina - A Voyage Home To Hyrule Via Zelda's 'Other' Worlds


Reading this article really got me thinking. We need to seriously re-evaluate Majora's Mask post Tears of the Kingdom. It's easily the BEST Zelda sequel (and one of the greatest gaming sequels of all time). The game is the textbook example of re-using assets but at the same time creating something completely new and fresh. The 3-day cycle was a revolutionary concept for its time (still is) and it's rarely seen in games to this day. Clock Town is still one of the most impressive settlement in a Nintendo game rich with so many secrets and culture. Each NPC has their own agenda & personalities and are so well-programmed. The dungeons are well-crafted, the lore is fun and dark, the atmosphere is so weird yet creative. And probably best of all, it came out only 2 years after Ocarina of Time. I think TOTK is great, don't get me wrong, but it makes me appreciate Majora's Mask so much more.

Re: Soapbox: The Next Pokémon Game Should Rework Old Critters, Not Just Add Dozens More


Gen 10 is going to be the start of a huge new chapter in Pokemon. It'll likely coincide with the 30th anniversary assuming it comes in 2026 which means a ~4 year development cycle (quite long for Pokemon's history). It'll also debut on the shiny new Nintendo console with much more processing and graphical power. Despite the buggy mess that was S/V, Pokemon has been more experimental as of late, especially with the Legends games. I don't think anything needs to change with the creatures, but the series itself could seriously use some modern touch-ups. Let's start with adding proper voice acting please!!!

Re: Final Fantasy XIV Online Director Reiterates Interest In A Nintendo Release


Kinda sad that Final Fantasy 15 proper didn't come to Switch 1. I feel that held back a lot of high-end Square Enix games on the system and is the reason we got the lazy cloud ports of Kingdom Hearts. I bet SE didn't even consider trying FF 14 after the failure of 15 for the Switch console, it's only really being considered for Switch 2.

Re: Zelda Timeline Featuring Breath Of The Wild And Tears Of The Kingdom Spotted


I've given up on accepting Nintendo's Zelda timeline for a multitude of reasons. I'd rather go back to the era of fan-made timelines, those are more fun and feel more accurate than what Nintendo has now concocted. For example, I'd put the Minish Cap Trilogy on its own separate timeline branch just because they are so thematically different than the other Zeldas. Likewise, AOC, BOTW, & TOTK exist in their own separate timeline branch (fork technically). I wouldn't be surprised if the next Zelda game also exists in its own unique break-off.