

In a perpetual state of wanting to

Comments 5,096

Re: Reaction: Nintendo Pins Hopes On Familiar Fun With Switch 2


I can sympathise with the 'stop-gap' temptation.

Hybrid was the obvious way to go after Wii U. But that's been done now. It's no good just throwing the word 'innovation' around and expecting some game-changing new tech each gen. Innovation tends to come after a certain amount of stagnation, it's the natural way of things. Switch 2 is the stagnation that was fairly inevitable.

I appreciate 'stop-gap' and 'stagnation' might have negative connotations for some, but I'm using them neutrally. I think Switch 2 will be great, regardless of stagnation.

Re: Poll: So, What Did You Think Of The Switch 2 Reveal?


I found it largely... superfluous. Can't particularly see the point in it. Nintendo had told us a successor was coming, and this trailer told us very little more. I gave it a 6/10.

Sure, it's called Switch 2 and is pretty much just a Switch, but with mouse controls added. That was it. I'm interested in seeing what anyone does with the mouse controls, though knowing Nintendo gimmicks, it likely won't get much actual implementation. But what what is there in the video to actually be interested or excited by?

Compared to the Switch reveal trailer, there's no comparison. This was just for product design enthusiasts. Where was the fun? The hype? This was so downplayed.

"Software sells hardware... so here's all the least interesting features of our new hardware. Kthnxbai!"

Re: Review: Donkey Kong Country Returns HD (Switch) - Aping A Retro Classic


@YoshiTails Nice one on the Curry's tip, and I wish you a speedy and comfortable recovery, and am glad this game will bring you something fun to distract yourself with.

From what I've seen of this game in the trailer though, I'm going to wait this one out until I can get it for £20, used or otherwise. Doesn't look they've done enough to upgrade this visually, so having already got both Wii and 3DS versions, I'm not in the mood for supporting full price for this.

Re: Video: Let's Celebrate 10 Lovely Years Of Alex YouTube Videos



Well done, Alex. Terrific milestone.

The swimming shorts video has always stuck with me. Had hoped it was the first in an ongoing series...

Though I gotta say, I haven't seen much of your output in recent years. Did the site at some point generally stop posting videos on the main page? Whenever that happened I dunno, but I've barely seen a NL video since, and it struck me as a strange content management choice. I still see a few, but nowhere near the amount I used to, and they tend to be Felix's, so I'd assumed you'd 'moved upstairs' or something. Let's have more videos posted as articles on the main page!

Re: Poll: Are There Any Good Lord Of The Rings Games On Nintendo Consoles?


LEGO LOTR Wii gets a very high score and a lotta love in my household. Sometimes you've just got to score a game by the value and enjoyment you get out of it, rather than being all snobby about various gameplay elements etc, and my kids played the pants off it, and I often joined in to help. The first time we made it up Orthanc was a major milestone in our family. And just having the 'Release the river!' track hidden in there justifies a 9/10.

Re: Feature: 8 Games That Defined The Switch Generation


@Anachronism Ah, so you mean Sky: Children of the Light? I tried that but found it a very stop-starty at the beginning and like I was just on a rail ride, so dropped it quickly. Nice to hear you enjoyed it though. Maybe I should revisit it.

Re: Feature: 8 Games That Defined The Switch Generation


I wouldn't put Hades or Pokémon ScVi on this list, because something needs to make way for Smash Bros Ultimate.


How long did we follow the drip of DLC? Felt like the end of an era when that came to an end. And it is the third highest selling game.

The other game I'd put in the final slot... might think this one over for a bit, but right now I'm thinking Mario Odyssey fits best - Cappy, Jump Up Superstar, and the jump-rope game, are pretty iconic. Or Ring Fit Adventure.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (11th January)


After years of ownership, but on the fence about breaking open the seal on the Collector's edition, I've bought a second copy of Sakuna: Of Rice And Ruin and am finally playing it.

It's been so long since it came out that I'd kinda forgotten anything about it, other than I knew i loved the concept (whatever it was) and the promotional artwork (of which I've acquired two t-shirts recently too).

Seems quite cutscene-heavy so far, which I wasn't expecting, but it's pretty entertaining stuff, what with Sakuna being an alch-y, and accompanied by better-than-anticipated voice work. Couple that with the platforming, that I'd forgotten completely was an aspect of the game, and it's turning out to be the unique experience I always hoped it would be.

Rice is power!

Also playing the obligatory Animal Crossing, and wondering if I might find time for some Splatfest. And Slipstream, which I bought cheap recently to see if I wanted to buy the LRG physical or not. It's not as good as the marketing wants me to think it would be. It's ok, but it doesn't deserve an inflated physical purchase in my book.

Re: Physical Game Sales Took A Nosedive In The UK Last Year


When I can import the same games, or games I want that aren't stocked locally, from Canada while paying less, I'm going to buy from UK sellers less.

I haven't stopped buying physical games, but I've started buying them from different countries more.

But these figures aren't a surprise. The trend has been obvious for years. It makes sense for publishers to do whatever they can to kill the culture of consumers owning their games, especially physically. And it'll happen in the UK earlier than in many places, because the UK market is smaller, and the UK population is particularly willing to bend over for short-term, mis-perceived, gain. Which is why a few of us have been going nuts for physical on Switch - making hay while the sun shines (just before it disappears below the horizon).

Re: Zelda: Breath Of The Wild Tops Rolling Stone's 50 Best Games Of All Time


I've read the full list now. I thought it was pretty decent overall and I don't recall seeing any that made me say 'Nah' (well, maybe Ms. Pac-Man. And Mario Kart 64 over 8D? Pah!).

It's not my Top 50, but it's got a good spread of the most significant franchises in modern gaming history. But yes, Ocarina of Time mustn't ever be omitted just because Breath of the Wild knocked it off its perch, and I'd to see Mario Galaxy in there too (despite the swimming controls). And I think I'd choose Goldeneye over Metal Gear Solid.

Re: Legend Of Heroes: Trails In The Sky Remake Lands On Switch Fall 2025


Do I make myself play the Steam version I paid for years ago so that I can finally get into the series that I own most of the games of but have never played?


Do I wait another year (or more) for the Switch release and pay another £40+ for the privilege?

I think we all know the answer. I'm off to pre-order...

Re: Your 'Nintendo Switch Year In Review 2024' Stats Are Available Now


Uh-oh. My annual 'I don't play even 10% of what I buy' self-reflection is upon me. I'll be in a dark room.

With my Switch!

88 games, but only 417 hours. I want and need to be at least doubling that. It has felt like a busy year, non-gaming-wise. I have also been on my Wii U and 3DS a bit too. Been playing Xenoblade Chronicles X recently, so my Switch hours for October and November are pretty paltry.

1. Animal Crossing (129 hrs)
2. Clannad (40 hrs)
3. (gulps) Fortnite (35 hrs)

For my favourite for 2024, it was a toss up, but I've gone with RiME. Didn't play it until this year, and after a suspect opening, I really grew to love it, so it stands out as a memory from this year. Haven't actually finished it yet, but that's just par for the course with me. I'll get to it, ok?

Thanks for 2024 y'all. Here's to a sweet, sweet 2025! Big love 💕😘

Re: Gorgeous Pixel Art Metroidvania 'Kraino ReBirth' Secures A Switch Release


Like the art; suspicious about the choppiness of the editing in that video - too much cutting away before enough time has passed to really judge what's going on, obviously done on purpose, so either they're teasing us because they want us to get a proper taste of its full majesty once we've bought it, or they're trying to cover deficiencies that exist because it's a kickstarter.