I seem to recall a separate Chao Garden thing available through linking a Gameboy Advance to a Gamecube....AND, if they ever went through with an Adventure 3, what a great marketing opportunity. Create a mobile app that's the equivalent of the old Chao Garden sections, expand on it, allow people to do what they will, and then make it possible to sync that data over to Sonic Adventure 3 - and vice versa. But, certain evolutions are either DLC in the app, or only possible as a part of Sonic Adventure 3.
I don't even play Sonic games anymore and I'd totally be interested in something like that. Imagine. Just drop $1 on Google play to purchase Chaos Tokens or something so you can recruit Shadow or some other character to help raise your chao and get them started on a karma path, and then you can take over working towards a Devil Chao or something like that. In fact...it's almost shocking Sega hasn't tried it already.
No lie, I spent the past week watching Punch Out footage on YouTube. (Particularly, Maximilian Dood's streams.) And I just kept thinking, what a great series. So much potential. Would have been great to see as a generational system seller. And it never made ANY sense that a new one wasn't made for Switch.
...Idk. I feel they could easily fix up any stereotyping issues, IF that's the primary reason new sequels haven't been made. Just refine the classic characters a tad while focusing on new ones. But what a shame if THAT is the reason Punch Out has been kept on the shelf.
Not a negative comment. I got into this when it was a new release. Thought it was interesting, but didn't stick with it.
What keeps people coming back? And compared to the early days...just how dense is it with content? Is it JUST about farming, or has it expanded to be multi-genre?
Don't get me wrong - I'm keeping the actual console as long as it functions. But it sure is great that the current library will be easily accessible on the new system.
I would really love it if the movie turns out to be based on the old Super Mario Adventures comic. That one feels like an ideal sequel that can easily build upon all that has already been established. I'd prefer if a Galaxy movie came much later.
I'll never forget being in high school and sneaking into the library so I could scope out the Dojo pages. I used to just obsess over the Sonic page - and I distinctly recall looking over Toon Link's page to see the Wind Waker stage. Man oh man...I sure miss those days.
Also interesting looking back considering how big Smash reveals eventually became.
Edit, duuude, I had no idea it was still online. I genuinely never bothered to look. But it's still right there, exactly as it was! So cool
I'm still just not feeling any excitement for 1. I had assumed that maybe the timeline wars would be revisited somehow. That NS has yet to FULLY scrap the previous timeline and all they accomplished with 10 and 11. That maybe old Takeda, Noob Saibot, and the bots had some involvement in this new timeline being attacked.
...and then they lost me entirely by turning Bi-han into Noob Saibot AGAIN. Who will be Scorpion when Kuia Liang inevitably becomes Sub Zero again? weak.
@NFrealinkling If you go on etsy and look up "Mario lego" you will see that a few decent third party options exist. There is one with a non-standard sculpted head that looks bad in the pictures, but is actually really good in person.
(in fact...the exact listing I'm looking at - Super Mario Lego Set - is much closer to what I had in mind for the set above.)
...but, my point is...quality minifigures are 100% possible if they just make them with non-standard sculpted heads.
As a lifelong Mega Man X fan, I would love to see them offer a definitive end to the plot. Just tie those threads and let it lie.
But, over time, I've come to hope for something a bit different. They already had so much work done for Mega Man Legends 3, and presumably a plot. My ultimate dream would be to see Capcom establish a new framework with a modern engine for faithful remakes of 1 and 2 - both to test the waters and to set the stage for the long-awaited development of 3. I just can't let go of Legends, and as much as I hate to say it, 1 and 2 really show their age. 1, 2, and 3 all made with modern sensibilities and the art style of the Legends series? I want nothing more than that.
I am so damn pleased by this news. I've always loved the art style from this game, and more fighting games on Switch is something I'll ALWAYS be up for.
The footage I saw of MVC 2 makes it seem like the FPS has tripled. I could be remembering things wrong, but I can't recall it being as fast as it seems. Not that I'm complaining - it looks crazy, and I think the hectic pace makes it feel even more exciting.
Also...SVC Chaos...yet ANOTHER solid fighting game to toss onto the console. Just superb
I feel like this one kind of got lost in the shuffle due to the direct being mostly solid. But I'm honestly quite pleased to see one more Mario Party title being released near the end. It's a great addition for what already exists.
I am a diehard Fallout fan, and if the games were on Switch, I'd be all over them. However, I'm also fine with only having them on my PC - mainly because I prefer having access to mods.
Jet Set Radio 100%. I never dug too deep into the game, but that could change if I had it on Switch.
It would be utterly baffling if they didn't tackle a Luigi's Mansion port at this point.
Now, New Super Mario Bros. Wii...I'm not exactly itching to get it. BUT, if it was available, I certainly wouldn't mind a Switch port. Although...some sort of collection would be preferable.
The lack of Punch Out on Switch makes zero sense considering it has motion controls and the joycons would be ideal for the game.
Super Mario Galaxy 2. WHYYYYY did they skip this. I hate having such a dense Mario collection on the Switch and knowing that the SMG 2 void will never be filled. What's the harm in adding it as All-Stars DLC?
Wind Waker HD / Twilight Princess HD, of course. But also...ports of Ocarina of Time 3D and Majora's Mask 3D. Same situation as the Mario games. I can think of nothing better than having all the main 3D Zelda titles in one place.
and...a few more (admittedly desperate) possible port ideas I didn't see... Secret of Mana HD Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Soul Calibur 2 HD
Maybe even Soulcalibur IV? Bully would be cool to see.
And I'd definitely be all over Star Fox Zero if they decided to revamp it.
I try to avoid being overly negative, but I just can't bring myself to care about MK 1. I had all the hype in the world for MK 11 and still feel it's the greatest MK game of all time. But MK 1 was too much of a departure for me.
Really wish Nintendo would establish some sort of deal with GSC to go all out with a Smash Bros line of figures. They could start small and focus on JUST the roster from the 64 version. And rather than sticking to any particular art style, they could just make modern versions of the characters and have them grouped into the Smash Bros series. I can picture a Figma Captain Falcon so clearly.
This is significant on multiple levels. The addition of MVC to a Nintendo console. ALL the sprite-based MVC games in one place. The proper return of MVC 2! (I'm seriously going to own MVC 2 for the first time in my life.) And, an absolutely top-notch fighting game option for the Switch - which has been sorely lacking when it comes to fighting games. They dropped a bomb with this one.
@-wc- I do too, and I can't imagine it's too late to make them happen. One is a port, SC II HD already exists, and...not sure about Virtua Fighter to be honest, I don't keep up with that series. But all would be great additions.
1, this looks absolutely stunning, and I will definitely make a point to check it out.
and 2, this is yet another example that flat-out 3D remakes are the way to go with classic RPGs. I don't hate the 2DHD style - quite the contrary. But when a game has so much to offer in terms of a unique experience - like Chrono Trigger - I just strongly prefer to see every ounce of the potential it has realized in 3D.
I've complained a few times about the paltry fighting game offerings on the Switch...so to be greeted by THIS near the end of Switch support...I mean, it's crazy on multiple levels. The grouping of these specific games is already crazy. But to FINALLY have easy access to MVC 2, and to also have it as a Switch option...it's beyond belief. Just crazy beyond words.
I already see my Switch as a valuable console that's worth keeping for many years. The addition of MVC 2 only strengthens that.
I hate that I'm so late to comment on this. I feel strongly about this topic.
I 10,000% don't want an HD2D version of Chrono Trigger. I've wanted to see a full 3D remake since the days of the Chrono Resurrection project. And later on, the Trials of Mana remake defied my expectations and gave me a taste of what an old school JRPG could actually look like when properly remade (which is to say, incredible). HD2D would be a massive disappointment compared to what can be done with a 3D remake.
As it stands, I still feel the world of Chrono Trigger is fascinating, but I've already experienced it in the flat 2D plane. Getting a chance to experience all the game has to offer in full 3D would be such an exciting experience.
oh, I am so damn stoked. I remember seeing this sort of game suggested in another article on here and I thought MMPR would be a great IP to utilize for a beat-em-up game. And there's definitely a part of me that's still interested in having a PR game where all five rangers can be used at once. Most importantly...my nephew loves TMNT - Shredder's Revenge and PR Battle for the Grid. He's going to lose it when he sees this.
I don't collect Legos. The second I saw this...instantly wanted it. Wanted it even more when I saw it was possible to make two sets from it. But the price...can't ignore that. MIGHT consider tracking it down in the future though.
Love the Corpse Party series and I think the overall story is very engrossing. But it's so difficult to speak about it with others since it's such a timesink that very few are willing/able to commit to.
So much easier said than done, and I doubt they'd do it even if they could, but I would really love to see a successor based on the 2003 series. And if not that, alternate characters based on the 2003 turtles would be a great option.
Come to think of it, the sequel should be some sort of multiverse project. That would be crazy to see - a new game like SR with multiple teams of turtles to choose from.
(would also love a multiplayer "fighting game" mode where you can train or fight against player characters)
Hard to choose between 3 and Galaxy, but I think I've got to go with Galaxy. I went in expecting to not care about it and was at a point in life where I felt I was done with games entirely. And then Galaxy wound up being the most memorable Mario game I've ever gone through.
Idk...still holding out hope that the hypothetical Smash Ultimate DX for Switch 2 turn out to be true. I still remember a time when certain Smash poll characters just couldn't added to Smash Wii U/3DS...because, as it it turns out, they were being held back for Smash Ultimate.
Stellar. STELLAR. Just incredible! Both of them. And the fact that they actually went through with a Ganondorf...I honestly can't believe it.
I will always remain a tad disappointed that they never made a Twilight Princess Ganondorf, but honestly, if this winds up being the only Ganondorf in my collection, I can live with that. Can't wait to see it painted.
and...final comment...I don't see it happening. but I'd love to see some Ocarina of Time figures in the future.
I still dislike how the Sheikah shrines just disappeared. It felt so jarring to have such a major part of this version of Hyrule just disappear.
I can't recall his name, but there is a YouTuber who suggested that shrines were targeted directly by Ganondorf during the time in which Link was unconscious so that he would have no methods of regaining his strength, and that makes a ton of sense to me. I've got my own theory that weapons in the game aren't decayed because they happened to come into contact with gloom, but that Ganondorf deliberately targeted them for two purposes - leaving Hyrule defenseless, and acquiring raw materials through alchemy for the sake of improving his monsters. This also explains why monsters suddenly gained WEAPONS as body parts. but yeah. Two simple ideas that would explain much.
...anyway...as for the Zonai shrines...history was technically altered in the BOTW timeline. Maybe sky islands and Zonai shrines were securely placed in an alternate dimension in the years following Rauru's death. I can imagine Mineru recognizing the need for secondary measures, and maybe she knew the Zonai shrines would make it possible for Link to gain the strength he needs to face Ganondorf (unknowingly providing an alternative to Sheikah shrines). Maybe it can be said that the sky islands and the Zonai shrines were placed in temporal bubbles that would be unlocked as a reaction to Ganondorf's return.
I just love the idea of a convention/gathering to showcase and celebrate games. And the game awards will never hold a candle to E3.
Never got to attend an event but always wanted to. Kind of surprised to see so many people speaking about it in such a dismissive manner. Really bummed to see it's ending.
BOTW/TOTK have ideal arrangements where there are "chunks" of plot that can be dealt with. Where you can get wrapped up in particular segments of the story until they've been completed. My only problem with this is that it doesn't feel like there is enough to sink into. (which I realize, others may firmly disagree with)
If you separate the "chunks" and view "dungeons"/segments as chapters...Ocarina of Time practically has 12 chapters, with a few "side chapters" (mini-dungeons) thrown in at random intervals. BOTW only has around 5 chapters (EDIT, 6, FORGOT ABOUT DLC) - and TOTK sits at roughly 6 or so - with a few more side-quests/chapters.
Not saying all of this to prop up a complaint. Simply saying...I hope future open-world games happen to have more "chapters", and definitely more dungeons - regardless of whether or not they are attached to any plot.
I'm 100% in favor of them creating yet another "sequel" that utilizes the same characters and the same visuals/gameplay mechanics. But it is absolutely essential for the next game to be set in an entirely different locale.
I've always wanted to see a new game set in the Majora's Mask timeline where Link becomes a knight in his adulthood, serving as some sort of emissary and getting involved in a conflict in a far-off land. They could easily accomplish something similar with a sequel in the BOTW/TOTK timeline - expanding upon the efforts to rebuild Hyrule by establishing connections with other regions.
Already a bit late to make a comment...but I must say this.
I LOVE the open-world accessibility and feeling of freedom that BOTW & TOTK provide. But I will never be able to shake the feeling that something is lacking. And that something boils down to 3 major components. A dense population, settlements, and dungeons. I recognize there is a reason why so few people exist in BOTW and TOTK, so I give it a pass. But...for a future game, people all over the map in various towns would be more than enough to offer ample immersion.
As for temples...I truly despise the way certain people speak about going back to dungeons as if it would be a major regression. Quite frankly, dungeons have always been a major part of what makes the worlds in Zelda games fascinating. Try to imagine how immersive Twilight Princess would be WITHOUT any dungeons. All this being said, it's not like the BOTW/TOTK Hyrule is BAD without a ton of dungeons. I just think it would be BETTER with them.
Has anyone seen the various mods that show older dungeons imported into BOTW? It just looks so incredible to me. The gameplay of BOTW with the traditional dungeon crawling. I particularly like the addition of the Sandship from Skyward Sword. Imagine randomly finding something like that in the Gerudo Desert, and it turns out to be a full dungeon. How fascinating would that be? And realistically, it probably takes up less than 0.1% of the total map. AN ENTIRE FLESHED OUT DUNGEON, and it's such a tiny part of the map. Imagine a version of Hyrule with over 20 full dungeons spread out in various areas throughout the map. I realize that's an unrealistic and tall order...but, it would go a long way towards offering a map that feels full and alive. Random caves with random loot and enemies do nothing for me. But random caves that lead to dungeons? That's something I'd love to see.
(Ancient Cistern would be a decent example of this. That felt so much more like a proper dungeon than the actual Water Temple ever will.)
it is not impossible for me to enjoy the NES version. I just strongly prefer the SNES version. It was the first I played, and to this day I have more appreciation for the clearer picture of the world that the enhanced color palette provides.
not saying this just because I've seen people praising it. Since the first real trailer, there was something about this that gave me Mario World/Yoshi's Story vibes in the sense that a lot of thought seems to have gone into this one. So I honestly want to check it out.
Comments 142
Re: Nintendo Switch 2 Reveal Trailer Gives First Official Look At The New Console
Welp...looks pretty good...I suppose...
not much to be said, really. About the only thing I'm really concerned about is how Switch 1 games might benefit from being on the system.
Re: Sonic Fans, Don't Get Your Hopes Up For A Standalone Chao Garden Game
I seem to recall a separate Chao Garden thing available through linking a Gameboy Advance to a Gamecube....AND, if they ever went through with an Adventure 3, what a great marketing opportunity. Create a mobile app that's the equivalent of the old Chao Garden sections, expand on it, allow people to do what they will, and then make it possible to sync that data over to Sonic Adventure 3 - and vice versa. But, certain evolutions are either DLC in the app, or only possible as a part of Sonic Adventure 3.
I don't even play Sonic games anymore and I'd totally be interested in something like that. Imagine. Just drop $1 on Google play to purchase Chaos Tokens or something so you can recruit Shadow or some other character to help raise your chao and get them started on a karma path, and then you can take over working towards a Devil Chao or something like that. In fact...it's almost shocking Sega hasn't tried it already.
Re: Nintendo's Punch-Out!! Series May Be Dead And Buried For Good
No lie, I spent the past week watching Punch Out footage on YouTube. (Particularly, Maximilian Dood's streams.) And I just kept thinking, what a great series. So much potential. Would have been great to see as a generational system seller. And it never made ANY sense that a new one wasn't made for Switch.
...Idk. I feel they could easily fix up any stereotyping issues, IF that's the primary reason new sequels haven't been made. Just refine the classic characters a tad while focusing on new ones. But what a shame if THAT is the reason Punch Out has been kept on the shelf.
Re: Random: Mario Galaxy Returns Next Year In "The Biggest Super Mario Odyssey Mod Yet"
This only cements my belief that Super Mario 64 should have been "remade" and released as DLC for Odyssey.
Re: Stardew Valley Has Now Sold More Copies Than Mario Kart Wii
Not a negative comment. I got into this when it was a new release. Thought it was interesting, but didn't stick with it.
What keeps people coming back? And compared to the early days...just how dense is it with content? Is it JUST about farming, or has it expanded to be multi-genre?
Re: It's Official, 'Switch 2' Will Be Backwards Compatible
Switch lives on for another decade
Don't get me wrong - I'm keeping the actual console as long as it functions. But it sure is great that the current library will be easily accessible on the new system.
Re: Reaction: With Xenoblade Chronicles X On Switch, The Wii U's Demise Is Complete
Good lord...so now, the Switch can also be a Xenoblade machine...such awesome news.
Re: Mario Movie Actor Says Second Film Is "Very Exciting So Far"
I would really love it if the movie turns out to be based on the old Super Mario Adventures comic. That one feels like an ideal sequel that can easily build upon all that has already been established. I'd prefer if a Galaxy movie came much later.
Re: Video: Sakurai Looks Back On The Super Smash Bros. 'Dojo' Marketing Campaigns
I'll never forget being in high school and sneaking into the library so I could scope out the Dojo pages. I used to just obsess over the Sonic page - and I distinctly recall looking over Toon Link's page to see the Wind Waker stage. Man oh man...I sure miss those days.
Also interesting looking back considering how big Smash reveals eventually became.
Edit, duuude, I had no idea it was still online. I genuinely never bothered to look. But it's still right there, exactly as it was! So cool
Re: Mortal Kombat 1: Khaos Reigns Announced - Story Expansion, New Fighters And "Big Surprises"
I'm still just not feeling any excitement for 1. I had assumed that maybe the timeline wars would be revisited somehow. That NS has yet to FULLY scrap the previous timeline and all they accomplished with 10 and 11. That maybe old Takeda, Noob Saibot, and the bots had some involvement in this new timeline being attacked.
...and then they lost me entirely by turning Bi-han into Noob Saibot AGAIN. Who will be Scorpion when Kuia Liang inevitably becomes Sub Zero again? weak.
Re: Super Mario World Lego Set Revealed, Here's A First Look
@NFrealinkling If you go on etsy and look up "Mario lego" you will see that a few decent third party options exist. There is one with a non-standard sculpted head that looks bad in the pictures, but is actually really good in person.
(in fact...the exact listing I'm looking at - Super Mario Lego Set - is much closer to what I had in mind for the set above.)
...but, my point is...quality minifigures are 100% possible if they just make them with non-standard sculpted heads.
Re: Super Mario World Lego Set Revealed, Here's A First Look
not for me. I came in expecting to see the first Mario minifigure and a small level display based on SMW - which I would have been ALL over.
I will say, it does look kind of cool though.
Re: Capcom Says It's Always Considering What's Next For Mega Man
As a lifelong Mega Man X fan, I would love to see them offer a definitive end to the plot. Just tie those threads and let it lie.
But, over time, I've come to hope for something a bit different. They already had so much work done for Mega Man Legends 3, and presumably a plot. My ultimate dream would be to see Capcom establish a new framework with a modern engine for faithful remakes of 1 and 2 - both to test the waters and to set the stage for the long-awaited development of 3. I just can't let go of Legends, and as much as I hate to say it, 1 and 2 really show their age. 1, 2, and 3 all made with modern sensibilities and the art style of the Legends series? I want nothing more than that.
Re: Video: Here's Marvel vs. Capcom Fighting Collection At EVO 2024
@27celsius Ah, ok. I wasn't aware if MVC 2 had turbo or not.
Re: SNK vs. Capcom: SVC Chaos Announced For Nintendo Switch
I am so damn pleased by this news. I've always loved the art style from this game, and more fighting games on Switch is something I'll ALWAYS be up for.
Re: The Marvel vs. Capcom Fighting Collection Will Be At EVO 2024
The footage I saw of MVC 2 makes it seem like the FPS has tripled. I could be remembering things wrong, but I can't recall it being as fast as it seems. Not that I'm complaining - it looks crazy, and I think the hectic pace makes it feel even more exciting.
Also...SVC Chaos...yet ANOTHER solid fighting game to toss onto the console. Just superb
Re: Super Mario Party Jamboree Has Been Rated For Nintendo Switch
I feel like this one kind of got lost in the shuffle due to the direct being mostly solid. But I'm honestly quite pleased to see one more Mario Party title being released near the end. It's a great addition for what already exists.
Re: Feature: 54 Switch Ports We'd Love To See Before The Generation's Out
I am a diehard Fallout fan, and if the games were on Switch, I'd be all over them. However, I'm also fine with only having them on my PC - mainly because I prefer having access to mods.
Jet Set Radio 100%. I never dug too deep into the game, but that could change if I had it on Switch.
It would be utterly baffling if they didn't tackle a Luigi's Mansion port at this point.
Now, New Super Mario Bros. Wii...I'm not exactly itching to get it. BUT, if it was available, I certainly wouldn't mind a Switch port. Although...some sort of collection would be preferable.
The lack of Punch Out on Switch makes zero sense considering it has motion controls and the joycons would be ideal for the game.
Super Mario Galaxy 2. WHYYYYY did they skip this. I hate having such a dense Mario collection on the Switch and knowing that the SMG 2 void will never be filled. What's the harm in adding it as All-Stars DLC?
Wind Waker HD / Twilight Princess HD, of course. But also...ports of Ocarina of Time 3D and Majora's Mask 3D. Same situation as the Mario games. I can think of nothing better than having all the main 3D Zelda titles in one place.
and...a few more (admittedly desperate) possible port ideas I didn't see...
Secret of Mana HD
Tekken Tag Tournament 2
Soul Calibur 2 HD
Maybe even Soulcalibur IV?
Bully would be cool to see.
And I'd definitely be all over Star Fox Zero if they decided to revamp it.
Re: Mortal Kombat 1's Next DLC Fighters Possibly Revealed In New Datamine
@Serpenterror most likely Bi-Han from the old timeline.
Re: Mortal Kombat 1's Next DLC Fighters Possibly Revealed In New Datamine
I try to avoid being overly negative, but I just can't bring myself to care about MK 1. I had all the hype in the world for MK 11 and still feel it's the greatest MK game of all time. But MK 1 was too much of a departure for me.
Re: New Nintendo Nendoroids Revealed At Smile Fest 2024
Really wish Nintendo would establish some sort of deal with GSC to go all out with a Smash Bros line of figures. They could start small and focus on JUST the roster from the 64 version. And rather than sticking to any particular art style, they could just make modern versions of the characters and have them grouped into the Smash Bros series. I can picture a Figma Captain Falcon so clearly.
Re: Soapbox: Marvel Vs. Capcom Was The Unsung Hero Of The June Nintendo Direct
This is significant on multiple levels. The addition of MVC to a Nintendo console. ALL the sprite-based MVC games in one place. The proper return of MVC 2! (I'm seriously going to own MVC 2 for the first time in my life.) And, an absolutely top-notch fighting game option for the Switch - which has been sorely lacking when it comes to fighting games. They dropped a bomb with this one.
Re: Reaction: A Direct That Delivered, And Shows That Switch Still Has Plenty Of Pep
9 out 10 for me. My second favorite Direct (June 2019 edition is my top favorite).
Re: Marvel vs. Capcom Fighting Collection: Arcade Classics Will Get Super On Switch This Year
@-wc- I do too, and I can't imagine it's too late to make them happen. One is a port, SC II HD already exists, and...not sure about Virtua Fighter to be honest, I don't keep up with that series. But all would be great additions.
Re: Romancing SaGa 2 Is Getting A Full-Blown 3D Remake, And It Looks Gorgeous
two comments to make here...
1, this looks absolutely stunning, and I will definitely make a point to check it out.
and 2, this is yet another example that flat-out 3D remakes are the way to go with classic RPGs. I don't hate the 2DHD style - quite the contrary. But when a game has so much to offer in terms of a unique experience - like Chrono Trigger - I just strongly prefer to see every ounce of the potential it has realized in 3D.
Re: Marvel vs. Capcom Fighting Collection: Arcade Classics Will Get Super On Switch This Year
I've complained a few times about the paltry fighting game offerings on the Switch...so to be greeted by THIS near the end of Switch support...I mean, it's crazy on multiple levels. The grouping of these specific games is already crazy. But to FINALLY have easy access to MVC 2, and to also have it as a Switch option...it's beyond belief. Just crazy beyond words.
I already see my Switch as a valuable console that's worth keeping for many years. The addition of MVC 2 only strengthens that.
Re: We're Getting A Brand New 'Mario & Luigi' RPG This November
Stole the show
Re: Talking Point: HD-2D Or 3D - How Should Square Enix Remake Chrono Trigger?
I hate that I'm so late to comment on this. I feel strongly about this topic.
I 10,000% don't want an HD2D version of Chrono Trigger. I've wanted to see a full 3D remake since the days of the Chrono Resurrection project. And later on, the Trials of Mana remake defied my expectations and gave me a taste of what an old school JRPG could actually look like when properly remade (which is to say, incredible). HD2D would be a massive disappointment compared to what can be done with a 3D remake.
As it stands, I still feel the world of Chrono Trigger is fascinating, but I've already experienced it in the flat 2D plane. Getting a chance to experience all the game has to offer in full 3D would be such an exciting experience.
Re: Sonic X Shadow Generations Speeds Onto Switch This October
I wonder why they didn't introduce classic Shadow. Surely the entire fanbase would love to see it.
Re: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Return In All-New Retro-Style Action Game This Year
oh, I am so damn stoked. I remember seeing this sort of game suggested in another article on here and I thought MMPR would be a great IP to utilize for a beat-em-up game. And there's definitely a part of me that's still interested in having a PR game where all five rangers can be used at once. Most importantly...my nephew loves TMNT - Shredder's Revenge and PR Battle for the Grid. He's going to lose it when he sees this.
Legitimately excited for this one
Re: LEGO Unveils 'Great Deku Tree 2-In-1' Zelda Set, Pre-Orders Now Available
I don't collect Legos. The second I saw this...instantly wanted it. Wanted it even more when I saw it was possible to make two sets from it. But the price...can't ignore that. MIGHT consider tracking it down in the future though.
Re: A New Corpse Party Game Is Creeping Onto Switch This Autumn
Love the Corpse Party series and I think the overall story is very engrossing. But it's so difficult to speak about it with others since it's such a timesink that very few are willing/able to commit to.
Re: TMNT: Shredder's Revenge Dev Would "Love" To Work On A Sequel
So much easier said than done, and I doubt they'd do it even if they could, but I would really love to see a successor based on the 2003 series. And if not that, alternate characters based on the 2003 turtles would be a great option.
Come to think of it, the sequel should be some sort of multiverse project. That would be crazy to see - a new game like SR with multiple teams of turtles to choose from.
(would also love a multiplayer "fighting game" mode where you can train or fight against player characters)
Re: Talking Point: What's Your Personal Favourite Super Mario Game?
Hard to choose between 3 and Galaxy, but I think I've got to go with Galaxy. I went in expecting to not care about it and was at a point in life where I felt I was done with games entirely. And then Galaxy wound up being the most memorable Mario game I've ever gone through.
Re: Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Community Pays Tribute To Akira Toriyama
Unironically awesome to see.
Re: The Original Star Wars: Battlefront Games Are Coming To Switch
I can get into this. I remember loving both titles.
Re: Sakurai Acknowledges End Of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Development
Idk...still holding out hope that the hypothetical Smash Ultimate DX for Switch 2 turn out to be true. I still remember a time when certain Smash poll characters just couldn't added to Smash Wii U/3DS...because, as it it turns out, they were being held back for Smash Ultimate.
Re: Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom Link Figma Final Design Unveiled
Stellar. STELLAR. Just incredible! Both of them. And the fact that they actually went through with a Ganondorf...I honestly can't believe it.
I will always remain a tad disappointed that they never made a Twilight Princess Ganondorf, but honestly, if this winds up being the only Ganondorf in my collection, I can live with that. Can't wait to see it painted.
and...final comment...I don't see it happening. but I'd love to see some Ocarina of Time figures in the future.
Re: Best Nintendo Switch Fighting Games
desperately wish they would have released ports of Soulcalibur II HD and Tekken Tag Tournament 2.
Re: Talking Point: Which Feature From Each Smash Bros. Game Should Make A Return?
Ultimate would be superb with an Adventure and Event mode. Also trophies. Still can't fathom why trophies were removed.
Re: Random: Hyrule's Shrines Serve A Secret Peace-Keeping Purpose, Says TOTK Director
I still dislike how the Sheikah shrines just disappeared. It felt so jarring to have such a major part of this version of Hyrule just disappear.
I can't recall his name, but there is a YouTuber who suggested that shrines were targeted directly by Ganondorf during the time in which Link was unconscious so that he would have no methods of regaining his strength, and that makes a ton of sense to me. I've got my own theory that weapons in the game aren't decayed because they happened to come into contact with gloom, but that Ganondorf deliberately targeted them for two purposes - leaving Hyrule defenseless, and acquiring raw materials through alchemy for the sake of improving his monsters. This also explains why monsters suddenly gained WEAPONS as body parts. but yeah. Two simple ideas that would explain much.
...anyway...as for the Zonai shrines...history was technically altered in the BOTW timeline. Maybe sky islands and Zonai shrines were securely placed in an alternate dimension in the years following Rauru's death. I can imagine Mineru recognizing the need for secondary measures, and maybe she knew the Zonai shrines would make it possible for Link to gain the strength he needs to face Ganondorf (unknowingly providing an alternative to Sheikah shrines). Maybe it can be said that the sky islands and the Zonai shrines were placed in temporal bubbles that would be unlocked as a reaction to Ganondorf's return.
Re: E3 Has Been Cancelled, Permanently
I just love the idea of a convention/gathering to showcase and celebrate games. And the game awards will never hold a candle to E3.
Never got to attend an event but always wanted to. Kind of surprised to see so many people speaking about it in such a dismissive manner. Really bummed to see it's ending.
Re: Zelda Producer Responds To Fans Who Want A More "Traditional Linear" Adventure
BOTW/TOTK have ideal arrangements where there are "chunks" of plot that can be dealt with. Where you can get wrapped up in particular segments of the story until they've been completed. My only problem with this is that it doesn't feel like there is enough to sink into. (which I realize, others may firmly disagree with)
If you separate the "chunks" and view "dungeons"/segments as chapters...Ocarina of Time practically has 12 chapters, with a few "side chapters" (mini-dungeons) thrown in at random intervals. BOTW only has around 5 chapters (EDIT, 6, FORGOT ABOUT DLC) - and TOTK sits at roughly 6 or so - with a few more side-quests/chapters.
Not saying all of this to prop up a complaint. Simply saying...I hope future open-world games happen to have more "chapters", and definitely more dungeons - regardless of whether or not they are attached to any plot.
Re: Visions Of Mana Announced By Square Enix, But Not For Switch
It honestly looks amazing - and knowing how Mana games usually turn out, I would imagine this one will provide an amazing experience.
Re: Zelda Boss Says A "Direct Sequel" To Tears Of The Kingdom Is Unlikely
repost of an old comment, but it fits here...
I'm 100% in favor of them creating yet another "sequel" that utilizes the same characters and the same visuals/gameplay mechanics. But it is absolutely essential for the next game to be set in an entirely different locale.
I've always wanted to see a new game set in the Majora's Mask timeline where Link becomes a knight in his adulthood, serving as some sort of emissary and getting involved in a conflict in a far-off land. They could easily accomplish something similar with a sequel in the BOTW/TOTK timeline - expanding upon the efforts to rebuild Hyrule by establishing connections with other regions.
Re: Tears Of The Kingdom Continues To Prove That 'Open World Zelda' Is A Best-Selling Formula
Already a bit late to make a comment...but I must say this.
I LOVE the open-world accessibility and feeling of freedom that BOTW & TOTK provide. But I will never be able to shake the feeling that something is lacking. And that something boils down to 3 major components. A dense population, settlements, and dungeons. I recognize there is a reason why so few people exist in BOTW and TOTK, so I give it a pass. But...for a future game, people all over the map in various towns would be more than enough to offer ample immersion.
As for temples...I truly despise the way certain people speak about going back to dungeons as if it would be a major regression. Quite frankly, dungeons have always been a major part of what makes the worlds in Zelda games fascinating. Try to imagine how immersive Twilight Princess would be WITHOUT any dungeons. All this being said, it's not like the BOTW/TOTK Hyrule is BAD without a ton of dungeons. I just think it would be BETTER with them.
Has anyone seen the various mods that show older dungeons imported into BOTW? It just looks so incredible to me. The gameplay of BOTW with the traditional dungeon crawling. I particularly like the addition of the Sandship from Skyward Sword. Imagine randomly finding something like that in the Gerudo Desert, and it turns out to be a full dungeon. How fascinating would that be? And realistically, it probably takes up less than 0.1% of the total map. AN ENTIRE FLESHED OUT DUNGEON, and it's such a tiny part of the map. Imagine a version of Hyrule with over 20 full dungeons spread out in various areas throughout the map. I realize that's an unrealistic and tall order...but, it would go a long way towards offering a map that feels full and alive. Random caves with random loot and enemies do nothing for me. But random caves that lead to dungeons? That's something I'd love to see.
(Ancient Cistern would be a decent example of this. That felt so much more like a proper dungeon than the actual Water Temple ever will.)
Re: SanDisk Launches Mighty 1.5TB Micro SD Card Compatible With Nintendo Switch
the price just kills me...but...idk...a fuller library is quite tempting...
Re: Talking Point: Which Version Of Super Mario Bros. 3 Do You Prefer?
it is not impossible for me to enjoy the NES version. I just strongly prefer the SNES version. It was the first I played, and to this day I have more appreciation for the clearer picture of the world that the enhanced color palette provides.
Re: Poll: So, Will You Be Getting Super Mario Bros. Wonder?
not saying this just because I've seen people praising it. Since the first real trailer, there was something about this that gave me Mario World/Yoshi's Story vibes in the sense that a lot of thought seems to have gone into this one. So I honestly want to check it out.
Re: Random: Bowser Tries To Woo Elephant Peach In Super Mario Bros. Wonder Ad
I always knew Bowser was down with the thiccness