Comments 225

Re: Don't Expect Any More Miniature Consoles From Sega


For the same reasons Nintendo will never release an N64 mini, because they found a way to monetize those old games under a subscription model. Now Sega wants to do the same, he even expressed his interest in taking the Netflix route recently. I am not criticizing that choice, which I find completely legit. I am just pointing out the real meaning behind this man's words about embracing modern gamers

Re: Nintendo Direct Showcase Confirmed For Tomorrow


I hope it's not only an F-zero GX remaster. I wish they add some awesome new HD graphics to it but at the same time I need new content because I have been playing that game since it came out non stop. I need new tracks, vehicles, lots of vehicle parts, online, new story mode and a track editor. But first of all I need it to happen because it's only a rumour, so we will see... Also Zeldas and Metroids are always welcome to my games library

Re: Game Journalist Doubles Down On Zelda News At Upcoming Nintendo Direct


My prediction is that we will get a "Gamecube classics" series, like we had the "NES classics" series on the GBA back in the day. This will come with new joycons with better sticks (no drift hopefully) and analog shoulder buttons to accommodate those games. Or maybe they just add Gamecube to the online subscription service...

Re: Talking Point: How Were You Introduced To Metroid?


I always ignored Metroid until one day that I decided to play Super Metroid on my 3DS Virtual Console to see why everyone loves this series so much. I felt in love and I couldn't stop playing until I finished it. Then I decided to try Metroid Other M and Prime Trilogy, but even they are good, they were not my thing. Then I got Zero Mission and Fusion for my GBA on eBay and loved them a lot. I also got the Super Metroid SNES cart. I finally had the pleasure to play Samus Returns and Dread and I love them both as much as all the other 2D Metroid games.

Re: Hideki Kamiya: Nintendo Hasn't Ever Asked Platinum To Cover Up Bayonetta


@steventonysmith the kids were playing around home, coming in and out of my room. It was my first Bayonetta game so I didn't know about those inappropriate scenes yet. But I understand and agree with your point, if it's already rated M why adding this mode? The scenes will be awkward anyway. But some would rather like to have Bayonetta keep her clothes on. It's a matter of taste I guess, and completely optional, so I don't bother much about it.