It has been over 20 years since F-Zero GX launched on the GameCube, and while the chances of a series reboot currently feel like they are waiting in the pit lane, title producer Toshihiro Nagoshi has recently shed some light on what it was like to work on the project, and his hopes for a future return.
Speaking to VGC, the former SEGA producer (now of his own Nagoshi Studio) was asked about his affection for the GameCube's futuristic racing title. In response, Nagoshi confessed that the experience taught him how to make "a high-quality game to satisfy a fanbase" and reaffirmed that, given the opportunity, he might just be down for working on the title again in the future:
July marked the 20th anniversary of F-Zero GX, a title you’ve said you’ve had a lot of affection for.
This is a very nostalgic game title for me, and that was when I learned how to create a high quality game to satisfy a fanbase. I learned a lot, and if there was a chance, I wouldn’t mind working on it again.You’ve said that previously, but when you said it, you were at Sega. Does your new position at Nagoshi Studio theoretically make that more or less likely should that opportunity arise?
[laughs] This is more of a question for Nintendo!
It was back in 2021 that Nagoshi last expressed an interest in working on F-Zero GX again one day, though it seems that this hope is still yet to move off the starting line two years on.
Of course, GX did satisfy the fanbase on release with its continued gameplay from X and the additional story mode, and we still consider it to be one of the best entries in the F-Zero series to date. Today, it seems that the best way to satisfy this fanbase once again would be to finally release another game — could Nagoshi really do it twice in a row? Come on, Nintendo, you know you want to...
Be sure to head over to VGC to check out the interview with Toshihiro Nagoshi in full.
Where does F-Zero GX sit in your ranking of the series? Would you like to see it come back? Let us know in the comments.
[source videogameschronicle.com]
Comments 42
Honestly, first and foremost I hope that Nintendo will rerelease GX as a port/remaster/remake as there are many, me included, who missed it back in the day, not to mention that it's certainly the safest way to gauge the interest people could have in a new F-Zero game just like they did with Pikmin for example!
Brilliant series it's about time it was resurrected. Along with Starfox.
Satisfy us again please 😃
More GameCube re-releases/remasters on Switch, please. And start with this one.
Would still love a Yakuza/F-Zero crossover, though it would never happen. I would settle for a new F-Zero or even a remaster of GX. Pity Nintendo will never give it the time of day.
God what I would give for this series to be revived.
The potential it has for online multiplayer, heck, even the story mode which in itself is enough to set it apart from Mario Kart (if that's what Nintendo's worried about??)
Hopefully there will be interest for it in the future, but by the sounds of this, we're not going to be seeing a remaster any time soon.
Yeah, there's about F... Zero chance of that happening.
Toshihiro Nagoshi: I would love to work on F-Zero again
Fixed that one for you.
There has to be new F Zero for new Super Switch. Mario Kart has yet to unveil last dlc and new MK is out of picture for next gen Nintendo system and they need a new fast trendy cool looking racer to demonstrate the system’s power.
It’s very easy for me to say Fzero GX is the greatest thing sega has ever had their brand attached to.
It maddens me that Nintendo still won't revive F-Zero after all these years. As others have said the least they could do would be a remaster of GX with online multiplayer.
It's the foremost of several franchises that have been criminally neglected since the Gamecube:
Wave Race
Time to bring them all back now.
@Edd-O well, at least we did get Pilotwings for the 3DS, two Excitebike games on the Wii, and two Starfox games on WiiU and 3DS … But I get what you mean. Those IPs are the neglected treasures in Nintendo’s vault.
You can add to your list:
-Punch Out,
-Wario Land,
-Kid Icarus
-Rhythm Heaven (a bit)
-Advance Wars (remake doesn’t count as a revival until we get a new game)
Also, F-Zero GX is one of the greatest racers of all time, period.
Nintendo, bring it back now!
We need a new one, not more remasters of old games that no one played.
@Edd-O Yes all of those please, make it so!
I won´t pay $60 for Mario Bros Wonder.
I´ll pay $60 for a new F-zero (new, not port / remake)
if port / remake I´ll pay $29 MAX
Just shadowdrop a remaster of it at the next Direct + add online play. Profit!
Would love to see a dedicated studio to start making new Nintendo Sports games the likes of Wave Race, 1080 Snowboarding, Excite-bike and Pilot Wings.
As for F-Zero, make a new or GX remake/remaster, add Samus as a playable racer.
"We need a new one, not more remasters of old games that no one played."
if no one played it, thats a super good reason to remaster it.
in this case, i played it and loved it, and thats good enough reason for a remaster for me! 👍
Personally, I'll take both! ✌️
You're hired. 🤝
I was completely floored by F-Zero GX back in 2003. Here we are two decades later and I feel like it's even more impressive now that we've had hundreds of racers try to evolve the genre and none has surpassed GX.
It's remarkable that Nintendo has revived Famicom Detective Club, Baten Kaitos, and Super Mario RPG before they revived F-ZERO...
F-Zero for Switch 2 would be great.
@YoshiFR2 I don't think you can count ExciteTRUCK and ExciteBOTS as Excitebike games. We did get a new one on WiiWare that I forgot about though (Excitebike: World Rally, based on the NES original).
F-Zero GX2 would really be something.
NSO seem to be the way that Nintendo makes their older racing franchises available. ExciteBike being the most recent example.
Hopefully the Switch successor will bring NSO to the Gamecube era, so games like F-Zero GX and Wave Race Blue Storm become available again on a modern system. I'm playing the latter right now (on an old GameCube) and there's still no game that generates the same rush, even at 25 fps PAL.
At the same time, I can understand why reviving these franchises does not make financial sense. Hardcore arcade racers, of which F-Zero GX is an extreme example, are a niche genre that does not have mainstream appeal. Even back in the day, I could not get many friends to play them (splitscreen), because these type of games require too much practice before you get competent enough.
@Axelay71 will this hypotetical new Star For on Switch, be a Star Fox 64 stylized game or a new concept? i leaning more toward a Star Fox 64 stylized game
@Giancarlothomaz definitely old school, love the Snes & N64 versions. WII U version was good let down by the controls.
@Nintoz Probably not. MK is selling like crazy, it was #3 in the charts to this day. In their mind, they probably think. "why we need an F-Zero when we already have racing game that's making us money?"
Make it happen Nintendo!
@Edd-O why not? They both were excellent games in the EXCITE franchise
Would love a new F-Zero game but not gonna happen, same with Custom Robo
Just release F-Zero GX remaster (Metroid Prime-like), Nintendo! You'll see we are eager to get some F-Zero goodness!
Its been so long since the last F-Zero that I don't even want a new one now. I'd be happy with a compilation, all original except GX being graphically remastered into HD.
This game is one of my favorite games of all time and I still can't believe they're not doing anything with this franchise anymore side from the bread and butter NSO ports and the occasions cameo here and there. Really hoping this franchise will make a grand return one day, hopefully without any gimmicks because GX was already pretty much perfect and more of that would be amazing.
I hope so or something like it. Many good futuristic racers right now.
Also Cruis'n Blast came out, so come on Nintendo it gets a pass (even if a good thing/good game) we need more than Mario Kart.
There is a reason there is appealing to a fanbase and why casuals are the ones that sometimes ruin the potential we have for gaming and gaming being stagnant (some thing deserve to be stagnant but some standards are so boring I can't help but want to see experimentation),
(or the fanbase gets bigger the more it's talked about/more time has passed and a percentage of us go and play it as the voices were heard/whatever copies we find or 'emu' if people do that too).
Futurstic racers are back like 3D platformers are, arcade racers are..... in a state of ok to not great and sim racers.... yeah I'm pickyo n racing genre for a reason these days and gone backwards for arcade/sims these days then only appreciating very very few games in the genre these days and WipEout Rush is...... a management game on mobile. A crowded genre (and among other idle games) I assume. What a waste.
If it was on consoles and a good mix of things (Gran Turismo B spec or others 'as an option for events or campaign' style) for WipEout then fine but instead no and in a sea of management games or idle games on mobile no not impressed with use of the IP at it's lowest.
Better than Forza Customs/Street rebranding on existing mobile games that's just disgusting. Hope WipEout Rush isn't a reskin of something.
There is a reason I picked up Wave Race N64 on Wii U and Blue Storm physical (literally the only GameCube game I own with a scratch Double Dash so far XD) when I could.
@-wc- If no one played, it is because there is little interest.
Otherwise, games like Bayonetta, Tokyo Mirage Sessions and Tropical Freeze would have great sales on Switch.
Heck, even Chrono Trigger remaster did not explode in sales on the DS.
"If no one played, it is because there is little interest."
are you new? because that's so not true its not even funny. ✌️
WTF Nintendo! he is even publicly asking for it several times!!!!! It's unbelievable how Nintendo has been ignoring F-zero fans for ages
I cited 4 games proving my point.
Your point consists of 0 examples.
i dont owe you an education on this, but you should know that listing 4 games with no supporting data or context proves nothing.
furthermore, I'm curious as to how offering a list of games would prove my point that im personally interested in games like chrono trigger or fzero gx being re released in modern consoles, regardless of sales or "interest" or lack thereof.
your point seems to be that if a game wasnt a top seller in its day, then it should stay in obscurity and never have another chance, and anyone that happens to be interested in that kind of game or that game in particular can take a hike because it doesnt sufficiently benefit your... (checks notes) ...rather, someone else's bottom line. 🤔
and, ill take it as read that in your opinion, games that "lack interest" in their own time (chrono trigger and beyonetta are examples youve given of this, right?) have zero chance of ever transcending that level of "interest," now or in the future.
am i getting this correctly?
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