DS News


  • News First Details of de Blob: The Underground Revealed

    Nintendo Power gets first look at sparkly sequel

    De Blob was pretty special: smart design, a great atmosphere and a huge amount of fun mark it out as one of the Wii's finest titles. When THQ announced it would be bringing the title back for a release in 2011 we all had a smile on our collective faces, and now the first small details have surfaced...

  • News Lufia Returns to DS with Curse of the Sinistrals

    Natsume bringing RPG over later this year

    It's been a long old time since we last played a translated Lufia game on a Nintendo platform: around seven years ago, in fact. Natsume's never been one to let a good IP lay dormant though, announcing it's going to bring the latest title, Lufia: Curse of the Sinistrals, to North America later this year. Not...

  • News Sonic Colours to Brighten Up DS and Wii

    New hog outing announced!

    We at Nintendo Life Towers had mixed feelings recently when Sega announced it was delaying the promising Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 for WiiWare as we were looking forward to getting stuck into the hog's latest. Still, always one to bounce back from his disappointments – let's face it, he's had enough practice –...

  • News Nintendo of Australia Sends DS to School But Don't Get Any Ideas

    "We're not Santa", they may have said

    Here's a heartwarming story for you: a young girl, frustrated at not being bought a DS console by her parents, wrote a letter to Nintendo as part of a school project, praising the company and explaining her situation. Signing off with a polite – if somewhat cheeky – request for a console, she was...

  • News Marth Returns as New Fire Emblem for DS Announced

    Looks like a remake of the third title

    Tactical battling on the go is a big win for us here at Nintendo Life Towers: many's the hour we've spent on Advance Wars and Fire Emblem, so the opportunity to get more of either is something we welcome with open arms. We already knew about a new Advance Wars, but today the Japanese Fire Emblem site has been...

  • Review Star Trek: Tactical Assault (DS)

    Tactics, but not as we know them

    Developer Quicksilver Software is no stranger to the Star Trek licence, having developed the well-regarded Starfleet Command for the PC, which is itself an attempt to deliver a computerised version of the venerable board game Star Fleet Battles. Tactical Assault is essentially a stab at a port of Starfleet Command to...

  • News Renegade Kid Excited by 3DS's Potential for Original Games

    Dementium developer thinks new machine could reignite third parties

    When it comes to creating superb DS-exclusive titles, nobody rivals Nintendo: we know this, you know this and developers certainly know this, resulting in a marked decrease in DS boxed releases as publishers look to distribute their funds elsewhere. Jools Watsham, founder of...

  • News Play the Spook in Capcom's Ghost Trick Phantom Detective

    Latest gameplay video shows a mother and daughter conversation interrupted by strangeness

    You may remember when Capcom announced that its DS-exclusive puzzle game; Ghost Trick Phantom Detective was in development, its description was attention-grabbing. Since then, game details have slowly been released and the screenshots have undoubtedly marked...

  • News What Does Suda51 Want to Make for the 3DS?

    New handheld giving the unconventional game designer plenty of ideas

    Goichi Suda, the crazy person responsible for killer7, No More Heroes and Flower, Sun and Rain, welcomes the unconventional with open arms. He's got some stuff brewing in the back of his mind for the Vitality Sensor, and now, with another mysterious and unconventional piece of...

  • News Hey Everyone, Get Your Dragon Quest IX On This July

    Nintendo announces release dates for Europe and North America

    Those waiting breathlessly for news of when Square Enix's upcoming DS epic Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies will be arriving on Western shores can stop turning blue now, as Nintendo has announced that the game will be hitting on July 11 in North America, exactly one year...

  • News Microsoft Manager Gives 3DS the Thumbs Up

    Takashi Sensui also reveals Microsoft's own preparations for the 3D realm

    It's always professional of rival companies to give credit where it's due, but it's even more respectable when it seems genuine. It seems that Nintendo's first steps into the 3D gaming world have garnered positive comments from a Microsoft big-cheese. Speaking to the Nikkei...

  • News Odenis Studio Shows Interest in Returning to Its Glory Days

    Hoping to turn those award nominations into wins

    There's something quite appealing about playing strategy games on a handheld. Maybe because they're on a portable format and resemble more of what a high-tech 'battle device' might feel like in the hands of a war general. Maybe it's something else. Either way, DS owners might want to ready themselves...

  • News Nintendo Trademarks 3DSWare, DSMovie and Other Intriguing Phrases

    But why, when the 3DS name isn't final?

    One day it's possibly leaked testing hardware, the next it's a list of trademarks: the Internet Rumour Mill is operating at full steam ahead these days. According to a list discovered by forum members over at NeoGAF, Nintendo has registered trademarks including DSMovie, DSMagazine and DSCinema. The most...

  • News Scribblenauts Sequel is Officially Super

    First images of the duper sequel show further shenanigans

    So, 5TH Cell's fun but flawed DS game Scribblenauts is getting a sequel. Makes sense after selling 1.1 million copies across the globe. Slapping a "2" on the end of the name would be all well and good, but hardly the most creative way to show off how much improved the new game is...

  • Rumour Curious DS Motherboard May Reveal 3DS Widescreen

    Hold those horses, however

    Vague registrations for patents, trademarks and age ratings power the Internet Rumour Mill, particularly when there's a big announcement around the corner, and a recent filing over at the Federal Communications Commission may have the first photograph of a 3DS test kit. Why jump to the 3DS conclusion when the image title...

  • News See the New Pokemon Starters in Bright, Beautiful Motion

    Hamferno, Smugleaf and the other one in action

    We initially said the new starter Pokémon for the upcoming Black and White releases probably aren't the prettiest monsters we've ever seen, but in light of this first footage of them in battle we may have to chow down on our words. With fully animated monsters and new camera effects the battles are...

  • Podcast NLFM Episode 6: Epic

    Space, monsters and boss battles, oh my

    It's been a while, space cats, but NLFM is back with another mighty handsome selection of the finest chip and game music around. This time we're splitting chip tunes and swirling epics right down the middle, with equal parts fantastic on both sides. NLFM generally focuses on music from games playable on...

  • News Pokémon Black & White Set in Megalopolis Where Nature and Man Co-exist

    See the game's protagonists and where their adventure will take place

    A couple of days ago, we showed you a glimpse of the weird and wonderful creatures that gamers will encounter in Pokémon Black & White as images of the starting-three made their way to Coro Coro Magazine. The Pokémon Company has now updated the game's site with additional...

  • News Nintendo Swashes Even More Pirates' Buckles

    After giving them fair warning, too

    Nintendo filed a lawsuit on May 11th against the owner of Queens-based NXPGAME, the company behind a website that gave its customers access to illegally copied DS and DSi software. Not that the Big N didn't give them a chance - after repeated communications between their legal department and the defendant, the...

  • News Nintendo Ranked World's Most Bankable Game Studio

    Miyamoto rumoured to plan purchase of monocle, cane

    Up from last year's runner-up ranking on the Develop 100 list of the most successful game developers, Nintendo this year took the top spot while former titleholder Blizzard Entertainment plummeted to number 80. The current champ's most profitable release this past year was Wii Fit. Eating the big...

  • News Pokémon Black and White Starters are Disappointingly Ugly

    Faces only a trainer could love

    Want to see the Pokémon who'll be accompanying you on your next journey to become the world's greatest trainer? If the answer is "no", look away now. Revealed in Coro Coro Magazine, the three starters do not yet have Western names but are known to fit into the well-established fire, water and grass...

  • News Monster Tale Picked Up and Swung Around by Majesco

    Henry Hatsworth team's new game gets a publisher

    There aren't enough DS games with "monster" in the title, so when Project Monster was revealed our ears pricked up in anticipation of more news. Now it has arrived in the form of Monster Tale, a 2D platform adventure game from most of the team behind everyone's favourite bemonocled gentleman...

  • News Don't Get Too Attached to 3DS Name, says Iwata

    Real name still under wraps

    Even though the name seems to fit the upcoming console like a snug glove, apparently 3DS isn't the formal name for Nintendo's next handheld. No, it seems Iwata and company have an official title all lined-up, presumably waiting to unleash it at E3 in just over one month's time. As we can't think of anything that would...

  • News Capcom Will Give You 22 Games Before April

    16 for DS, 6 on Wii

    Capcom's had a pretty good start to this financial year, with Monster Hunter Tri for Wii and Super Street Fighter IV and Lost Planet 2 on the HD consoles. Hopefully you haven't had enough of the blue-and-yellow publisher yet, as they have a boatload of titles for you over the next year. Aiming to bring half a dozen Wii titles to...

  • News Software Pirates Beware: No 3DS Booty For You

    Security tougher than a chastity belt... maybe

    Nintendo takes a hard stance on piracy, using cartridge-based games for its systems way past their use-by-date. Whilst more difficult to produce illegal copies of their intellectual products, it also imposes a certain limit to how much data the console had access to. With the upcoming 3DS, Nintendo is...

  • News These Games Sold Over a Million Copies Last Year

    But which sold more, Mario or Nintendogs?

    Crunching numbers from financial reports isn't just for accountants and financial consultants: when a company like Nintendo releases its figures, even the humble gamer sits up to take notice. A list of the top-selling Nintendo games for the past financial year, then, is like sweet nectar to numeric nerds...

  • News 3DS Will Let You Play in 2D Too, If You Want

    Third dimension will be optional

    Worried the upcoming 3DS will ruin your eyesight or generally be a bit tiresome? Nintendo is way ahead of you, with President Satoru Iwata confirming the 3D mode won't be compulsory. He promised it will be easy to turn off the 3D function on the new machine, allowing people to play games, with or without 3D. Iwata...

  • News MySims Head Ever Skyward with SkyHeroes

    Copter no longer necessary

    Those MySims sure do get into some scrapes, and their latest adventure MySims SkyHeroes is set to debut on Wii and DS. According to Scott Evans, General Manager of the The Sims Studio: We are thrilled to have many firsts with MySims SkyHeroes, like introducing epic boss battles, cooperative gameplay missions and online...

  • News Nintendo's 2010 Release Schedule is Predictably Vague

    Zelda, Golden Sun for 2010, Famicom Wars DS 2 and Kirby there too

    Some of the recent doom and gloom surrounding Nintendo's recent and projected sales results may have put some fans in a melancholic state, but the company's upcoming release schedule should provide a welcome bit of optimism, though as always it's tempered with calls for caution. Big...

  • News Ivy the Kiwi Story - Chapter One

    It's story time!

    Xseed have just sent over some more information on their upcoming Ivy the Kiwi releases for Nintendo Wii and DS due to hit store shelves this summer. They've also sent the first part of their ongoing story for the games that will be released in parts between now and the official release date. You can check out Chapter One below and...

  • News E3 Promises Over 30 Nintendo Titles

    Surprises not included

    The run-up to E3 is almost as exciting as the event itself, with half the fun in predicting exactly what Nintendo will show. Not every company is as secretive however, as a recently published list reveals the show will play host to at least fifteen DS games and twenty titles for Wii. That may not seem like a huge amount, but...

  • News Buy Harvest Moon: Grand Bazaar, Take Home a Horse

    Enticing deal for all

    There's a couple of Harvest Moon fans on the Nintendo Life team in Europe, now staring enviously at their counterparts across the pond as the latest plush toy preorder giveaway has been revealed for the upcoming Harvest Moon: Grand Bazaar. If you preorder the title at GameStop you'll receive a lovely horse toy as a memento of...

  • News Nintendo DS Now Best-Selling Handheld

    Record-setting Game Boy drops to second place

    Nintendo recently released its current earnings report, and it's now safe to say that the Nintendo DS system has become the best-selling handheld video game system of all time. According to Nintendo, the DS line of systems sold approximately 27.11 million units worldwide this year, bringing the total...

  • News Nintendo Profits Fall for the First Time Since 2004

    Still made a few billion, though

    Associated Press recently reported the Big N's earnings for the fiscal year, which ended on March 31st. The company forecasts their first drop in profit in six years, at 230 billion yen (2.4 billion USD) profit, down from 279.1 billion yen (2.96 billion USD) profit in 2009. Analysts say that this is most likely due...

  • News Yuji Naka's Ivy the Kiwi? to XSEED Expectations

    The storybook-style aims to enchant Wii and DS gamers this Summer

    Following on the Japanese retail and download release a couple of weeks ago, the creators of Let's Tap and Let's Catch are about to bring their latest title to an American audience. Yuji Naka – one of the creators of Sonic the Hedgehog – has unveiled more on the rather

  • Nintendo Download 3rd May 2010 (North America)

    Zombies, funk, but sadly no funk zombies for WiiWare; and five more for DSiWare. Virtual Console, where art thou?

    WiiWare brings the funk and sees some long-awaited zombie killing action, and DSiWare has a bumper week with five titles full of crazy, balloons, mazes and other stuff we're not entirely sure of. Virtual Console fans can resume the...


  • News Blue Dragon: Awakened Shadow Poo Facts

    D3Publisher talks a little sh*t about their upcoming DS RPG.

    D3Publisher has just sent over the newest bit of news on their upcoming DS release Blue Dragon: Awakened Shadow. It seems they felt the need to set the record straight on the Poo Facts and they've put together a few of the more important ones below for your reading pleasure. Poo Facts:...

  • News Final Fantasy V and VI Technical Problems Prevent DS Conversions

    Fantasy not quite final

    Those of you who have enjoyed Final Fantasy's previous reinventions on the DS may be dismayed to read a recent Twitter tweet from Square Enix producer Shinji Hashimoto regarding the (hopefully) upcoming remakes of the fifth and sixth outings: For FF5 and 6, there are technical issues as well, so at present these are also...

  • News Mega Man Zero Collection Announced for June Release

    Spend $30, get Zero (now with trailer!)

    We previously reported that this game was to be released in Japan, and Capcom just announced its Western debut on June 8th. You can preorder it now and pick it up for just $29.99. Mega Man Zero Collection encompasses all four releases in the Game Boy Advance series, originally introduced in 2002. Additional...

  • News Intellivision to Be Reborn on DS

    It's still alive!

    Earlier this year we quite favourably reviewed the GameCube release Intellivision Lives!, a collection of over sixty games from the presumed dead retro system. Among its catalogue were not only nostalgia-inducing favorites but demos and prototypes as well, including everything from Bomb Squad to Baseball and Thunder Castle to...

  • News The Sims 3 Coming to Wii, DS with Exclusive Features

    Annihilate your fake family from the comfort of your couch

    EA's massively popular life-management Sims franchise is no stranger to Nintendo platforms; the Wii and DS have already seen versions of The Sims 2: Castaways and Pets, not to mention multiple entries in the younger-skewing MySims series. This fall, EA will keep that relationship going by...

  • Review Mahjong Quest Expeditions (DS)

    A fresh update to an old-time classic

    Let's get something out of the way right now: Mahjong Quest Expeditions has nothing to do with the game of mahjong (a four-player game more akin to gin rummy or poker): it's a solitaire game which is played using the same tiles and there the similarities end. Nevertheless it can be a fun diversion and the fact...

  • News Launch Trailer Shows Blue Dragon Sequel's Return to RPG Roots

    Blue Dragon: Awakened Shadow hoping to fly off the shelves next month

    When Mistwalker brought the Blue Dragon franchise over to the DS, it took a bit of a departure from the traditional RPG mould that the Xbox 360 original was cast in. Instead, Blue Dragon Plus took on a real-time strategy format, which was a fundamental change to long-time fans but...

  • Review Kaiju Busters (DS)

    A monster disappointment

    Kaiju Busters (or "Monster Busters" as its effective English translation goes) is just one in a long line of monster-based video games that we don’t often get to see in the West. This handheld effort from Bandai Namco inevitably draws comparisons with Capcom’s massively popular Monster Hunter games, and in that...

  • News Ghost Trick to Haunt the West This Winter

    Capcom unveils a new Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come

    We previously reported in 2009 that this new game from the original director of the Ace Attorney franchise was in production and planned for a Japanese release. Even then, Capcom had translated the name into English, so it may not come as much of a surprise that the company recently confirmed its...

  • News BBC Study Suggests Brain Training Games are Ineffective

    Grey (doesn't) matter

    Have you been playing Brain Training (known as Brain Age in the U.S.) or its sequel on your way to work, feeling good about yourself as you utilise your DS for something useful? Have you outsmarted your friends recently and thought, "there's that grey matter at work!"? According to a study recently published by the...

  • News Okamiden is Set to be Released Into the Wild in 2011

    Capcom reveals game details and two trailers of the upcoming sequel to Okami

    It took a couple of years to materialise, but when Okami got ported over to the Wii, it was certainly a welcomed gesture from one of Nintendo's oldest collaborators. Now, Capcom is bringing a second cel-shaded adventure to Nintendo gamers but this time it's on the DS. With...

  • News Nintendo Leads U.S. Sales for March

    Mario leaps over the competition

    The independent NPD Group recently assessed March U.S. gaming sales, placing Nintendo systems and games at the top of the list. The DS/DSi and Wii took the top two spots in platform purchases, moving 700.8K and 557.5K units respectively, with Sony's PSP system selling a comparatively unsubstantial 119.9K units. The...

  • News First Pokémon Black and White Screens Captured

    They're actually in colour

    We know that new Pokémon games are coming, but do we know what they're going to look like? Actually, yes we do now, as Nintendo has revealed the first handful of screenshots of the upcoming critter-catching adventure. Most intriguing is the screenshot showing off the new 3D city, perhaps hinting that no longer will all...

  • News DSi Gets Price Drop in Australia

    Now cheaper than the XL

    If you recall a couple of weeks back, we shared the news that Australia will be getting the DSi XL at $299.95 at launch. As the regular DSi was the exact same price at the time of the announcement, it makes sense that Nintendo of Australia have just made the announcement that the original DSi will be getting a price drop of...

  • News Bowser's Inside Story Gets a DSi Bundle

    Pick up a white DSi and the game from April 25th

    You've hopefully already bought Mario and Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story, Nintendo's superb portable RPG, but if you were waiting until it was hard-bundled with a white DSi to take the plunge then do we have news for you. Starting on April 25th, gamers in North America will able to pick up a white DSi...

  • News Jam With the Band Calls Europe on Stage on 21st May

    "About time", say hecklers

    It's been a long old time since Daigasso! Band Brothers DX was launched in Japan, but Nintendo seems to be taking a "better late than never" approach by announcing a European release for May 21st 2010. With an extensive track listing including gamer favourites such as Chariots of Fire, Walking On Sunshine and...

  • News Black and White are the Next Gen of Pokemon Games

    Coming to Japan this fall

    Not-Japan may have just gotten their hands on the excellent remakes of Pokémon Gold and Silver, but that doesn't mean the Pokemans are taking a break. Far from it, in fact, as the names of the first 5th generation of games has been revealed: Black and White. It's certainly been a while since we've seen brand-new Pokémon...

  • News 50,000 Hearts and Souls Poured into Australian Homes

    A tremendous first week for the Pokemon franchise down under

    Live in Australia? Like Pokemon? Apparently you do, because the new series releases Heart Gold and Soul Silver, have already sold more than 50,000 copies. That makes up approximately 0.2% of the population, which as small as it sounds, is quite an achievement for only one week on sale...

  • News Nintendo UK Wheels Out Spring Wii, DS Line-Up

    Few surprises, but No More Heroes 2 coming sooner than expected

    In case you were wondering what would be hitting Wii and DS this spring in the UK, Nintendo's little ol' list right here will come in handy. The dates of big games like Super Mario Galaxy 2 and Monster Hunter 3 Tri were already confirmed, so there are few surprises for notable game...

  • Review Avalon Code (DS)

    Not a code breaker

    Role playing games are rapidly becoming a staple genre for the Nintendo DS, with more and more quality titles arriving on the handheld. With Final Fantasy games, Dragon Quest releases and even new titles in the form of Nostalgia and Sands of Destruction, there is a lot of competition among a crowded market so

  • News Manga to Release Professor Layton Film in the UK

    Perhaps the Professor can crack the code for a good game movie

    The only thing worse than a video game based on a movie is a movie based on a video game, right? Sure, some are so bad they're good, but in our opinion, there really hasn't been a true high-quality game-to-film adaptation to date. Perhaps, though, just perhaps, someone may have solved...

  • Review Infinite Space (DS)

    The DS boldly goes where no handheld has gone before

    Infinite Space begins with a familiar enough RPG scenario: youthful protagonist Yuri (are protagonists in JRPGs ever anything but youthful?), trapped on an oppressive planet and dreaming of life as a space traveller, is whisked from his tedious existence by Nia Lochlain, a kind of female Han Solo...

  • Podcast NLFM Episode 5: Dark Side of the Mario

    Shake your plumber bootie

    It's been a while, space cats, but NLFM is back with another mighty handsome selection of the finest chip and game music around. This time we're going to listen in on what makes Mario groove, go East/West (who knows?!) with the Kusagari and see just how epic one man can make the NES. NLFM generally focuses on music from...


  • News Nintendo's 3DS Announcement Wasn't Supposed to Happen Like That

    Analyst: early reveal was meant to prevent further leaks

    When a company announces new hardware, especially the successor to a massively popular one, it's usually done with much more pomp than what happened with Nintendo's recent 3DS announcement. The fanfare of the two-sentence press release was only slightly less than if Nintendo CEO Satoru Iwata...

  • News Suda51 Keen on Making Game With Nintendo

    Would be "very interested" if the opportunity arose

    When you think about it, Nintendo games are ****ing crazy insane. You've got foxes and amphibians piloting starships, pink shapeshifting blobs, and space bounty hunters more focused on eradicating entire species and blowing up planets than collecting bounties. Not to mention Italian plumbers from...

  • News April 15th - Australian DSi XL Retails for AU$299.95

    Aussies still not PALs with Nintendo on pricing

    The good news is that our friends down under don't have to wait too much longer for the DSi XL, however they're going to have to pay more than any other region. Currently you can pick-up a DSi XL in the US for $189.99 ( ~£125), in the UK for as low as £139.71 and Europeans for around €166 ( ~£149)...

  • Review WarioWare: D.I.Y. (DS)

    A real do-it-yourself project!

    Back in 2003, the developers at Nintendo introduced a game that was basically nothing more than a huge collection of minigames that lasted only seconds, but were tossed at the player in rapid succession. While the idea initially seemed a bit ridiculous, it turned out to be one of the most addictive game releases and...

  • News Wii & DS Become Guardians Of The Great Ga'Hoole Tree

    Fantasy book series gets video game treatment to coincide with film release

    With several anticipated Summer blockbuster films ahead of us, we can expect to see video game spin-offs to start appearing our consoles and handhelds if they haven't already. Krome Studios and Tantalus Media, two companies that have given us video game adaptations of Star...

  • Review Pokémon HeartGold & SoulSilver (DS)

    Nintendo used "Spare Time Eater"!

    (Pokémon history lesson appeared!) A few years after the huge success of Red and Blue, along came Silver and Gold, offering a brand new region and dozens more freaky monsters to catch. Predictably the games were just as successful and even now are fondly remembered by many Pokémon fans – this one included – as...

  • Review Puzzle Bobble Galaxy (DS)

    A worthy entry in the classic puzzle series

    Known by the less-than-cool moniker of "Bust-a-Move" in North America, Puzzle Bobble has been a fixture of the puzzle genre for over a decade, appearing on every console and handheld since the NEO GEO and Gameboy Colour. Puzzle Bobble Galaxy isn't the first Puzzle Bobble game on the DS, but it is...

  • News DS Successor To Offer 3D Gaming

    No specs required

    Our own Sean Aaron has already demonstrated 3D gaming without the need for goofy glasses in the DSiWare title Rittai Kakushie Attakoreda, but now Nintendo is apparently ready to take it a step further with the revelation the next DS, currently titled 3DS, may offer full 3D effects with no accessories required. Coming out of a PDF...

  • Review Sonic Classic Collection (DS)

    Hog roast

    In a perfect world, there’s surely only one score we could give the first fully portable collection of the hedgehog’s finest outings: a well-deserved 10/10. SEGA’s handheld equivalent of Super Mario All-Stars, Sonic Classic Collection features the first four Sonic titles along with Knuckles’s appearance in Sonic 2 and Sonic 3,...

  • News Famous Developers to Create WarioWare D.I.Y. Microgames

    Even more microgames to download!

    It seems fans will not be the only ones to get in on creating their own micrograms using Nintendo's upcoming WarioWare D.I.Y. release on Nintendo DS. Nintendo has just announced that some big name video game developers are getting involved and creating some brand new microgames that fans with a wireless broadband...

  • Review FLIPS Percy Jackson (DS)

    Harry who?

    Rick Riordan’s tales of teenaged demi-god Percy Jackson’s adventures are a big hit in America. Following the success of 20th Century Fox’s adaptation of Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief to the big screen, it somehow seems fitting that the Percy Jackson series makes a break for the UK market too by becoming one of the latest...

  • Review Picross 3D (DS)

    Box clever

    Longstanding nonogram puzzle fans will know that Picross games have been a part of Nintendo gaming for the best part of fifteen years. The excellent Mario's Picross appeared for the Game Boy way back in 1995, but this quintessentially Japanese pastime – where a matrix of squares is carefully shaded in to reveal simple, blocky pictures...

  • Review Safecracker (DS)

    A winning combination?

    God bless the common burglar. Without his sticky-fingered ways, the humble safe may never have been invented to keep important things in and unimportant people out. Sadly it also gave rise to Safecracker, a crime against gaming that has stolen something more important than jewels or money: our time and attention. The story...

  • Interviews Steve Lycett - Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing

    Sumo Digital's executive producer talks karts and characters

    Since the release of OutRun 2 back in 2004, Sumo Digital has gone on to become somewhat of a bedfellow with SEGA, having produced several games based on key IP. Following on from the release on Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing, we caught up with Steve Lycett, Sumo Digital's executive...

  • News WarioWare D.I.Y. Tutorial Videos 1 & 2

    Learn how to create your own micro games!

    The folks at Nintendo were kind enough to send over two brand new WarioWare D.I.Y. Tutorial Videos to help you gain a better understanding of how to create your own micro games using the game's intuitive interface. This title is really shaping up to be a great addition to the series and with the ability to...

  • Review Deca Sports DS (DS)

    Jack of all trades, master of none

    Having met considerable success on Wii with their sports game compilation series Deca Sports, Hudson has seen fit to bring their hit to the small screens with all new games and even more players. Living up to its name, the game sports ten games of varying quality: golf, ping pong, rugby, sepak takraw (sort of like...

  • News Top DS Toilet Timewasters

    Short spurt gaming at its best

    Portable gaming and toilets go hand-in-washed-hand: there’s no better time to get some uninterrupted gaming going than when sat atop the porcelain throne. With the DS turning five years old in Europe today, we're celebrating some of the machine's golden titles: those games that make us wish there was a way to charge...

  • Review Super Mario 64 DS (DS)

    A modern masterpiece, marred

    When the GameBoy Advance launched back in 2002, it landed with a port of Super Mario Bros. 2, not exactly the most fondly-remembered of plumber outings but one that still hit the mark by fitting the platform to a tee. Come 2005, Nintendo hit on the idea of launching the DS with a revamped Super Mario 64, showing off all...

  • Review Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing (DS)

    Pocket rocket

    Just like the Wii version, Sonic and Sega All-Stars Racing on DS is up against some stiff competition, but as with its bigger brother manages to carve out a fine racing line for itself. One remarkable aspect of the DS version is how faithful it is to the home console version. All the characters, cups and unlockables are present,...

  • Review Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth (DS)


    Although four installments long already, the Ace Attorney series has never really changed much in terms of gameplay. Every previous game consisted merely of showing the right evidence to the right people, or at the right time, with only very minor additions or alterations between each title, like the Psycho Locks in the second and third...

  • News Netflix Survey Suggests DS Video Streaming

    DSi XL to replace drive-in movies

    Wii owners will soon be able to stream video to their machine via Netflix, but what if you want to watch a video in a room that’s not the living room? Well, a new Netflix survey hints at the possibility of the DS being turned into a portable video device in future. Although at the moment the survey is only...

  • Review Resident Evil: Deadly Silence (DS)

    A good adaptation with obsolete game design

    It's tough to judge the classics, especially one like the original Resident Evil. Ground-breaking when it first hit the PlayStation in 1996, many of the game's mechanics are downright antiquated by now and can be off-putting to gamers who missed out on the series until Leon Kennedy shot up half the...

  • Review Bleach: The 3rd Phantom (DS)

    The first tactical RPG for the modern manga classic leaves some to be desired

    The 3rd Phantom is the latest Bleach game on the DS and also the first to depart from the fighting game genre. Instead, Sega have produced a tactical RPG resembling Nintendo's Fire Emblem or Sega's own Shining Force games, with players moving characters like pieces on a...

  • News Scribblenauts 2 Springs to Life

    New adjectives system keeps things grammatical

    This morning we received confirmation that developers 5th Cell are indeed working on a follow up to last year's successful Scribblenauts, a veritable dictionary of a game that allowed you to conjure just about any object you could imagine out of the ether. The aim was to use these objects to solve...

  • News Contra 4 Soundtrack Gets Metal Megamixed

    Rocked 'n' reloaded

    Since nothing is more metal than some shirtless machismo dudes shooting aliens and robots in the face with big guns, it's with much delight but little surprise to see the Contra 4 soundtrack get the metal total conversion it deserves. The remix album is directed by Andreas "SnappleMan" Kotsamanidis with Tony...

  • Review Wario: Master of Disguise (DS)

    Not even a master could disguise this mess

    Wario games have always stood out as being excellent venues for experimental game design. He challenged death in games by going immortal for a spell, helped Nintendo test the waters with motion control across multiple games and platforms and for the most part boldly goes where Mario dares not. He's seen a...

  • News Taz's Appetite Expands Onto The DS

    Developed by WayForward Technologies, take control of The Tasmanian Devil in dual modes of play.

    Looney Tunes is one of those franchises where the roster of characters is so large and diverse, there's one for everyone. Whether you share personality traits, or you just like the way they walk and talk, you just can't help but associate yourself with...

  • Review Might and Magic: Clash of Heroes (DS)

    A classic DS mash-up is born

    Mixing the heavy plot and masses of dialogue from an RPG with the instant gratification of a puzzle game might seem an odd choice, but Might and Magic: Clash of Heroes pulls it off with aplomb. Reminiscent of classic DS puzzler Meteos, Clash of Heroes offers a stylus-sliding take on the match-three genre. Each puzzle is...

  • Podcast Episode 13 - Happy 5th Birthday, DS

    Get out the party hats and streamers

    In the beginning, there was no DS. Now we've had our little chum for half a decade, as the DS hits its fifth birthday in Europe on March 11th. With that in mind, this is a DS special, looking at some of the memories that make this machine so special to gamers everywhere. Jon Wahlgren tells us about his path to...

  • Review Phantasy Star Ø (DS)

    The DS' first retro sci-fi MMO

    Phantasy Star Online for Dreamcast was a genuine revolution: the first-ever online RPG for consoles, it boasted an advanced translation system, free online play and stacks of action. The GameCube saw Phantasy Star Online: Episodes I & II that expanded the original game with all-new areas, weapons, monsters and...


  • Review Pipe Mania (DS)

    The 8-bit classic returns

    If you were gaming on home computers in the 8-bit era then it's very likely you came across a game called Pipe Dream. Originally published on the Commodore Amiga as Pipe Mania, it's a puzzle game in which the goal is to link together pipe sections on a grid to complete a route for a green (or blue) liquid called...

  • News DSi XL Release Dates Announced

    No time like the present

    Confirmation of the release dates for the upcoming DSi XL for Europe, North America and Australia, have come out of Nintendo’s back pocket and into our hands. Europeans will be first to the party when the handheld hits the streets on March 5. Nintendo will then set sail across the pond for a North American entrance March...

  • News Nintendo European Media Summit 2010 Round-up

    All the big news from the big day

    Earlier today, two of Nintendo Life's UK editorial team attended Nintendo's European Media Summit in London's swanky O2 Arena, which was filled with transparent plastic chairs and surrounded with projection screens showing upcoming titles. Although many of the major announcements were made at the US summit...

  • News WarioWare: Do It Yourself - April 30th

    The latest game coming in the WarioWare series on Nintendo DS, WarioWare: Do It Yourself, launches on April 30th

    Ever wanted to be a game designer? To see your friends and family playing games that you created? Well, now’s your chance! WarioWare: Do It Yourself, featuring over 90 fantastic microgames to play and, best of all, the ability to create...

  • News Nintendo to Publish Dragon Quest IX in North America

    Set to hit stores this summer!

    Nintendo and Square-Enix have just announced that Nintendo will be publishing the much-anticipated Dragon Quest IX in North America. The game is set for a summer 2010 release and is looking to be one of the biggest DS releases of the year, especially for eager RPG fans who've been waiting to get their hands on the...

  • News Warner Bros. Interactive Announces New Batman Game for Wii and DS

    Animated show tie-in to coming this fall

    Wii owners may have missed out on Arkham Asylum, but they're getting an exclusive release in the form of a game based upon the Batman: The Brave and the Bold animated series, in which the Dark Knight teams up with other DC heroes to combat villainy. Wayforward are the developers behind this licensed tie-in,...

  • News Nintendo Patents Touch Screen Rumble Feature

    No news of a new Star Fox to go with it

    Nintendo have recently filed a patent for touch screen rumble feedback. The patent reveals a tactile feature, wherein rumble feedback is applied through the touch screen consequent to the user’s interaction. The patent confirms that the hardware to which the technology relates to consists of two screens,...

  • News The Nintendo DS in Breakfast Form

    Now five years old, the DS is looking a bit crusty

    In the world of cuisine, the first bite is supposedly via the presentation. Following that rule of thumb, the creator of this "DS toast" has obviously gone for a flavour that Nintendo fans will enjoy. Presumably created by a fan rather than a famous chef, the crunchy console takes its form...

  • News ONM Cross-Examines Capcom on Ace Attorney

    Gamers get their questions answered

    Coinciding with Friday's European launch of the fifth game in the series, a recent ONM Asks session saw Shu Takumi (Creative Director of the Ace Attorney series) and Motohide Eshiro (Producer of Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth) answering some questions on the popular quirky courtroom puzzle games...

  • News Mario & Sonic's Winter Olympics Outing Shifts 6M

    Quite possibly more profitable than the actual Olympics

    The real Winter Olympics in Vancouver may be watched and beloved the world over, but you know what else is beloved all across the globe? Video games, and especially ones starring Mario and Sonic. Combine that with the Olympics and hoo-boy is there money to be made. Sega and Nintendo would like...

  • News Tetris Party Deluxe Dropping Into Wii and DS

    New modes, Wii Speak support and more blocks than the entire 8-bit era

    You may have thought Tetris Party on WiiWare had exhausted all variants on the classic puzzler, but you'd be wrong. Very wrong. Hudson Soft, Tetris Online and Majesco have announced today that they've found even more kitchen sinks to throw into the mix for the retail release that...