Tag: Nlfm
Podcast NLFM Episode 23: Revenge of the Halloween Hootenanny
Best served as cold as a corpse
Grab your bluntest instruments and aim for the head because NLFM has risen from its grave for the third annual Halloween Hootenanny! More spooky, more sinister and more deathly, this episode is best listened to in a dark castle dungeon while eating raw pumpkins. Failing that, anywhere else will do. 1. Masanao...
Podcast NLFM Episode 22: Mascots and Mixes
New digs for old friends
Our chip and game music podcast rears its lovely head this month with a collection of Nintendo mascot sounds new and old, from that new Kirby game to Sonic the Hedgehog and Super Metroid remixes. Jun Ishikawa, Hirokazu Ando — Cookie Country (Kirby’s Return to Dreamland)The Greatest Bits — Fear Factory (Donkey K
Podcast NLFM Episode 21: Curse of the Halloween Hootenanny
Fear the reaper!
Since it's not only the single best month of the year and because we had so much fun last time [citation needed], the NLFM Halloween Hootenanny has returned! More spooky, more sinister and more deathly, this episode is best listened to in a dark castle dungeon while eating raw pumpkins. Failing that, anywhere else will do. 1. Hip...
Podcast NLFM Episode 20: It's Alive!
Thanks for hanging on to those RSS feeds
Had you going there for a while, didn't we? Weekly. Ha! Sorry for the absence, fearless listeners, but Nintendo Life's chip and game music podcast NLFM is back on track after a too-long hiatus. And boy do we have some doozies for your ears! 1. Shiryu — The Goddamn Batman (Shiryu’s Arcade vol. 4)2. Yoko...
Podcast NLFM Episode 19: DS Swan Songs
Not with a whimper, but a bang!
So 3DS is out in places other than Japan now, hooray! But just because its successor is stealing the spotlight, that doesn't mean the DS is content with resting on its two-dimensional laurels. Why, it's not even April yet and it's already seen at least five fantastic games this year with some fantastic music to go...
Podcast NLFM Episode 18: Rageful Streets and Happy Dinosaurs
Missed weeks? What?
Remember when we said NLFM was going to be weekly? Well, we kind of fudged that for the past couple of weeks. Sorry! But we're back with a fiery fever in this episode, where gangsters are punched, pianos diddled and dinosaurs remembered. 1. MONSTER! MONSTER! — Penny Arcade2. Yuzo Koshiro — Go Straight (Streets of Rage 2,...
Podcast NLFM Episode 17: Love Fest 2011
Love is in the air for this Valentine's Day special
Ho ho ho! Happy Valentine's Day, citizens of Earth! Let Nintendo Life be your love muffin this year with a very special NLFM dedicated to all things lovey-dovey-goo-goo. If the music of this episode doesn't melt your ice-cold heart even a little then we'll only be hurt just a tad. 1. Shōgo Sakai...
Podcast NLFM Episode 16: Adventurous Adventures
Zelda, Dragon Quest, Terranigma and more
Didn’t we have some fun though? Remember when the podcast was sliding into the fire pit and I said "Goodbye" and you were like "NO WAY!" and then I was all "We pretended we were going to murder you"? That was great. 1. Sick YG — Ain't That Funny (MadWorld, Wii) 2. Miyoko Kobayashi and Masanori Hikichi...
Podcast NLFM Episode 15: They Might Be RPGs
FInal Fantasy makes its NLFM debut, along with a sweeping Bionic Commando remix
Gather round, children! Zip it, listen! NLFM is back and bringing the big guns, with a killer Bionic Commando remix, lurvely NES medley by way of PiCTOBiTS, and an almighty power with a huge sword chopping woodland critters. What more could you want? What more??? 1...
Podcast NLFM Episode 14: The Past and Future, Remixed
Check out some of our favourite remixes of classic franchises coming to 3DS
We're absolutely killing 2011 with our new weekly schedule, even if we're a little late in the day from time to time. As in every episode so far. This episode we're inspired by the 3DS line-up and looking towards both the future and past by checking out some excellent...
Podcast NLFM Episode 13: Yep, Still Weekly
Storms can't hold this podcast back
Your eyes doth not deceive you: NLFM is back with another episode a mere week after the last one. And man, did we almost not make it thanks to an impending snowstorm and travel arrangements. But lo and behold, here is a delicious ear scoop for you. We couldn't bail on our weekly promise one week after making it,...
Podcast NLFM Episode 12: Ch-ch-changes
New year, new podcast
Changes are a-brewin' with NLFM this year as the show enters its second season. First of all, we're shrinking and growing at the same time. Is your mind blown yet? Tell the rest of the goo in your skull to stay calm, as what this means is that while the average episode will shrink in length, we're ditching the whole monthly...
Podcast NLFM Episode 11: A Holiday Season in FLUX
We look to the future here at Nintendo Life
Take a sneak peek at the final BIT.TRIP, sigh at simians, sneak along with a secret agent and get into the spirit of the season Why, take this episode of NLFM, the little ol' chip and game music podcast we've got going: it's got an exclusive first listen of the soundtrack to Gaijin Games' upcoming...
Podcast NLFM Episode 10: Fear Your Tears
From Kirby to 80's synthpop chip covers, this month's episode is all encompassing
Variety is the spice of life, and thanks to the insane variety of this 10th episode of our chip and game music podcast NLFM you'll be feeling that spice for hours after consumption. It's so spicy that we think we've got flavor for every mood, whether you're in the...
Podcast NLFM Episode 9: Halloween Hootenanny
You don't need to be the master of unlocking to access these horror treasures
Boo! It's a regular fright fest in this episode of NLFM as we queue up some of our favorite horror game tracks. BEHOLD! the wonders of mad science gone wrong! GASP! at the children of the night! WONDER! how Chuck D. Head doesn't need more painkillers! RUN! from the...
Podcast NLFM Episode 8: Have You Heard Captain Falcon's Theme Song?
If you haven't then you're in for a real treat
Some video game themes are so iconic that it's impossible to not recognize where they're from, even if you haven't touched the game in years. Tetris. Super Mario Bros. Captain Falcon? While we're not saying his theme song is up there in the annals of game music legend, after this episode of NLFM,...
Podcast NLFM Episode 7: User-Generated Content
Listener contributions, confusing homophones and Team Fortress 2 secrets revealed!
Oh hi, didn't see you come in there. Stay a while, and listen! Turns out we've got some fine musicians in the audience as we take a look to some listener-created tunes. We've also got a few select choices from The Megas, The World Ends With You, and the song that...
Space, monsters and boss battles, oh my
It's been a while, space cats, but NLFM is back with another mighty handsome selection of the finest chip and game music around. This time we're splitting chip tunes and swirling epics right down the middle, with equal parts fantastic on both sides. NLFM generally focuses on music from games playable on...
Podcast NLFM Episode 5: Dark Side of the Mario
Shake your plumber bootie
It's been a while, space cats, but NLFM is back with another mighty handsome selection of the finest chip and game music around. This time we're going to listen in on what makes Mario groove, go East/West (who knows?!) with the Kusagari and see just how epic one man can make the NES. NLFM generally focuses on music from...
Podcast NLFM Episode 4: The One With Datarock
Robot rock
There's a Norwegian, Dark Void Zero, de Blob, Mega rap and the aural debut of Sega's 16-bit beast — what more could you possibly want? Welcome to another jolly good episode of NLFM, the chip and game music podcast from Nintendo Life. We're joined in this bumper-length episode by special guest Fredrik Saroena, one half of the...
News Gaijin Games Reveals First BIT.TRIP RUNNER Details
Dozens of stages, new characters and a special musical guest
Gaijin Games is anything but lazy. Their acclaimed BIT.TRIP series is nary a year old with three entries under its WiiWare-shaped belt. Not ones to rest on their laurels, the Santa Cruz developers are hard at work on the next entry in their retro metaphysical saga: RUNNER. On the latest...
Podcast NLFM Episode 3: BIT.TRIP Down Memory Lane
Alex Neuse of Gaijin Games talks influences, music game design and the future of Commander Video
Welcome to another jolly good episode of NLFM, the chip and game music podcast from Nintendo Life. We're joined in this double-length episode by special guest Alex Neuse of Gaijin Games, who has schlepped along a crate of his favorite chip/game music...
Podcast NLFM Episode 2 - Holiday Spectacular Spectacular
Cheer or bust!
Welcome to another handsome episode of NLFM, the chip and game music podcast from Nintendo Life. This month we succumb to the holiday spirit and explore the seasonal chip music landscape in this holiday spectacular spectacular! NLFM will generally focus on music from games playable on Nintendo consoles and handhelds, which, thanks to...
Podcast NLFM Episode 1 - Open For Business!
We kick off our first game/chip music podcast with YMCK, Anamanaguchi, Metroid Metal and more!
Welcome to the first episode of NLFM, the new monthly Nintendo Life podcast focused on music from and inspired by video games! We feel game and chip music doesn't get the credit it deserves a lot of the time, so we decided to kickstart our own show...