DS News


  • News Spread the Handheld Joy With a "Discover DS" Party!

    Rope in nine mates and host a party with Nintendo!

    It may seem odd, but it's a fact of life that there are people out there with no clue of what a Nintendo DS is. Well, Nintendo has come up with a clever idea to tempt such people out from underneath their rocks, with their "Discover DS" parties. Yes, the Big N are offering party games and...

  • News Want More C.O.P.? Preorder at GameStop!

    US retailer offering bonus levels to new Recruits

    Ubisoft's forthcoming adventure C.O.P. The Recruit is already getting some people all hot under the collar - yes, it's an open world game on DS! - but some of you may need a little prod in the direction of which retailer to grab the game from. Well, here comes GameStop to save you the brain-ache with...

  • News Pink DS Lite Consoles Bite the Dust

    Yet another colour out of production in Great Britain

    The DS has been available in more colours than there are fish in the sea, but survival of the fittest dictates that some must be struck from the gene pool, so it's with regret we inform you that the pink DS Lite console will soon no longer be available within the UK. Okay, so it's probably not...

  • Interviews Tecmo/Red Entertainment - Nostalgia

    Tecmo and Red Entertainment talk about their upcoming DS RPG.

    With the rapidly-approaching October 27th release of Tecmo's Nostalgia title, we thought it might be time to get in touch with the game's developers for a little interview to find out more information about the game. We were fortunate enough to catch up with Keisuke Kikuchi of Tecmo, and...

  • News NVIDIA-Powered DS Successor Coming 2010?

    It now seems possible that Nintendo will announce the successor to the mighty DS some time next year according to insider info

    Graphic chip maker has apparently been awarded a contract to provide its mobile-centric system-on-a-chip, Tegra, to a new Nintendo DS, which will be announced in late 2010. Insiders tell IT news outlet BSN that a single chip...

  • Review Big Brain Academy (DS)

    A bit of a mental lightweight

    There's something intrinsically addictive about the whole genre of 'brain training' games. Implicitly we all want to better ourselves to a greater or lesser degree. By being told just how much a success or a failure we are at intelligence-related tests, there is definitely a major hook in this whole genre of games that...

  • Review MechAssault: Phantom War (DS)

    A stomping good game?

    MechWarrior. You’ve got to love it. The very concept of stomping around in your own personal giant robot, crushing things underfoot and blowing things up really is the sort of thing we gamers live for. Go on, admit it: every one of you has at some point had ‘the MechWarrior fantasy’. Up until 2002 however, the MechWarrior...

  • First Impressions Might and Magic: Clash of Heroes

    Might and magic and myths and... Meteos?!

    The DS has loads of good puzzle games - Picross, Tetris, Meteos - and some fantastic strategy titles too - Fire Emblem and Advance Wars chief among them. But it could certainly do with more great puzzle strategy games; titles that blend the addictive action of matching coloured objects with the cerebral...

  • News Nostalgia - World Wide Adventure Trailer

    See the various locations you'll be traveling to in the game.

    Ignition Entertainment has just released the brand new World Wide Adventure trailer for their upcoming Nintendo DS RPG Nostalgia. The trailer shows off the many locations you'll be visiting throughout your adventure, each of them featuring their own unique look and style. You can check...

  • First Impressions C.O.P. The Recruit

    Take the beat to the streets

    C.O.P. The Recruit was announced back at E3 in June, and quickly marked itself out as one to watch by promising an open world experience unlike anything on DS. Now we've had chance to grab a few minutes with the title, does it live up to the hype or is it lagging behind Chinatown Wars? The first thing you'll notice on...

  • News Nintendo vs R4: The Lawsuit and the Snitch

    A very un-Harry Potter like snitch website opens to combat R4 and their brethren

    A while ago Nintendo won a lawsuit against retailers that sold and distributed R4 and R4-like devices. In case you didn't know, these are essentially carts which allow consumers to pirate DS games. Since then, those retailers were sent notices updating them on the...

  • News Rare May Return to Nintendo Consoles

    Don't think you've seen the last of them...

    Rare used to be Nintendo's behemoth, their go-to guys when it came to crafting first-party masterpieces. They really made their name on the N64, but afterwards their relationship with the Big N got a little more complicated and they now reside under the Microsoft umbrella. However, last year they released...

  • News Mario and Link to Warm Your Winter

    Nintendo Europe announces their full Winter line-up, and there's some crackers in there

    Winter is the perfect time to bombard gamers with great titles - the freezing cold weather makes them even less likely to go outside, meaning they'll spend even more time gaming. Nintendo seems to agree, as they've just sent us a list of their complete Winter...


  • News Ubisoft: The DS Salad Days Are Over

    DS market is in decline, says publisher

    There was a time when the Nintendo DS was a pretty sure bet as far as sales were concerned but publisher Ubisoft has gone on the record stating that the DS market is shrinking. The company's UK boss Mark Slaughter had this to say about the sorry situation: Overall, for everybody there is a decline in the DS...

  • News Official: DSiWare Purchases Cannot Be Transferred to a New Console

    Nintendo of Australia reveal DSiWare policy

    A common question we get asked here at Nintendo Life (and especially since the new DSi colours were announced) reads something like this: "If someone were to buy a different coloured DSi, can DSiWare purchases be taken from the original DSi and transferred to the new one?" Well we did a bit of...

  • Review DJ Star (DS)

    Will DJ Star get your party started?

    Sold as a sort of DJ-ing equivalent to the Guitar Hero franchise, DJ Star offers up the Guitar Hero concept for the Ibiza generation. You won’t find any guitars here: your instrument of choice is instead a set of decks, and your mission is to fill the dance-floor with as many dancers as possible. Loading up DJ...

  • News Assassin's Creed II: Discovery To Make Use of DSi Camera

    Handheld spin-off also launching alongside home console editions

    It's just been confirmed that the DS version of Assassin's Creed II will make use of the DSi's camera to enable players to put their own faces on wanted posters within the game. Thankfully it hasn't been stated that the game is a DSi-only release, so owners of the DS and DS Lite should...

  • News Okamiden TGS Trailer Turns The Cute Factor Up to Eleven

    We love Chibiterasu!

    Okamiden - the sequel to the criminally under-appreciated Okami - is shaping up to be one of our most eagerly-awaiting DS titles. We don't know why, but there's something about playing as an adorable four-legged animal that appeals to our softer side. Just when you thought things couldn't get any cuter, Capcom has released an...

  • News Capcom Unveils Sengoku Basara Samurai Heroes and Ghost Trick

    New Wii and DS titles revealed at TGS 2009

    Capcom has already dropped the Frank-bomb on Tatsunoko vs. Capcom at this year's TGS but there's more fun to be had with two new announcements. First up is the next instalment in the massively popular (at least in Japan, anyway) of the Sengoku Basara series (which has previously been known as Devil Kings...

  • Review Scribblenauts (DS)

    Write your way to victory!

    You don’t have to solve - or even begin - the included challenges to fully appreciate what Scribblenauts is trying to do. Right after the opening credits slide show, you are greeted by Maxwell standing in a field with nothing to do but smile as he always does. So you give him something to do. Anything. Type...

  • News Here Are Those 3 New DSi Colours You Wanted

    Nintendo gives European gamers a splash of colour with new DSi models

    From October 23rd lucky European DSi fans will be able to get their grubby hands on not one but THREE new shades of their favourite console. Perfectly complimenting the current black and white editions, the new DSi colours are Metallic Blue, Light Blue and Red. What's more, the...

  • News PopCap Sets Sights On DSiWare, DS

    Bookworm and Bejeweled Twist to both get downloadable and retail entries

    Not too long ago PopCap Games, the folks behind smash hits Bejeweled, Peggle, and the recent Plants Vs. Zombies, announced their intentions on expanding their output to include Nintendo consoles. We weren't sure whether that meant retail games or downloadable ones, but as it...

  • Review Rayman DS (DS)

    Any port in a storm?

    For those of you who missed out on the PS1/N64 generation of the late 1990s, Rayman was actually quite a big deal. Viewed by many well recognized gaming institutions as one of the ‘Greatest games of all time’, Rayman 2: The Great Escape received many plaudits for its innovative level design and gameplay features. Though a...

  • Competition Meet the 'Real' Professor Layton

    Answer his riddles and you shall receive his gifts

    Ever wanted to meet a real-life Professor Layton and have a chat? Well, now you can — so long as you live in America that is. Nintendo are sending out the good old Professor (or at least someone dressed as him) to cities across the country and if you can discover where he is, you'll be asked to...

  • Interviews Spaceball Revolution - Virtual Toys

    The Director answers a few questions for us about the past, present and future of Virtual Toys.

    After reviewing their most recent game Spaceball Revolution, it seemed a good time to find out a little more about veteran developer Virtual Toys. Corporate Director Fabriciano Bayo was kind enough to answer a few questions for us and give us some...

  • News Nostalgia "In the Skies" Trailer Released

    Check out the newest trailer of the game in action!

    The guys at Ignition Entertainment were kind enough to send over a brand new gameplay trailer for their upcoming DS RPG Nostalgia. In this trailer you can see how exploration is executed in the air, as well as some of the unique aerial battles the game makes use of. You can check out the brand new...

  • News The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks dated

    Just in time to fill your stocking!

    Pull out your Christmas wish-lists everybody! The latest game in the Legend of Zelda series has been dated by Nintendo of America through their holiday line-up announcement for a December 7 release. There's no word as of yet when it will be out in European/Australasian territories. Though we don’t know a lot...

  • News Canada Drops DSi Price

    Now $179 of your Canadian moneys

    Several retailers in Canada, including Toys R Us, are listing the Nintendo DSi at a lower price point. Originally $199 Canadian (equivalent to $183 US or €125), the new price is down to $179 Canadian (or $165 US and €113). By comparison, the DS Lite is $139 CAD. No word on whether this price drop will be rolled...

  • Review Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story (DS)

    Is the third time the charm for the Mario & Luigi series?

    After years of hearing Super Mario RPG fans clamor for a sequel, Nintendo put developer AlphaDream to work creating a new Mario-themed RPG for their Game Boy Advance system back in 2003. But instead of copying the same ideas used in the original Super Mario RPG, AlphaDream came up with the...

  • News Europe Getting Second Extreme Space Invasion

    Set to hit DS early next month.

    Those invaders, they never learn. First they tried to invade back in '78 and we fought 'em off. They took the fight to us, but then we whooped 'em back. Then they went all psychedelic on us and we still shot 'em in the face. Well, now they're gonna try some more of that whole trippy thing in Europe on October 2 on DS...

  • News Rooms: The Main Building Coming To Wii, DS

    Slide your way to freedom

    Wii and DS owners looking to get some puzzle-y chamber sliding action on are in for a treat, as Hudson has announced their new title Rooms: The Main Building is all up in that business. Players find themselves swept into a world of mystery that proves to be unwilling to just let you waltz right on home again; instead,...

  • Review Professor Layton and Pandora's Box (DS)

    Is Professor Layton's second adventure the worthy sequel fans are hoping for?

    After the success of the first Professor Layton release on the DS, it should come as no surprise that we'd get a sequel. The game's unique blend of mystery storytelling and brain-teasing puzzles somehow forms one of the most unique and engrossing gaming experiences...

  • News Two New Hudson Titles Coming Soon

    Hudson to release two new titles in September.

    Hudson is looking to continue their success on Nintendo consoles with the announcement of two new titles that will be available to consumers in September. Miami Crisis brings a unique action-adventure title to the DS system and My Zoo serves as the follow-up to Hudson's wildly popular My Aquarium title...

  • News Okamiden Footage Revealed

    Get a glimpse before the Tokyo Game Show!

    Footage of Okamiden - you know, the super-cute looking DS version of Okami we told you about last week - has surfaced on Capcom's Tokyo Game Show page. The trailer contains a little Japanese we haven't translated yet, but it also shows some gameplay footage, and it looks sweet! As you can see, the game is...

  • News TMNT To Spring An Arcade Attack On DS

    Heroes in a clamshell handheld device

    Touting "turtle power" and all that jazz, the horribly mutated teen ninjas will be hitting Nintendo's portable money maker in an all new adventure, courtesy of Ubisoft. Thanks, Ubisoft! Like the name implies, the DS title will be similar in gameplay to the Turtles arcade games, most recently seen in...

  • News Okami to Hit DS in 2010!

    Famitsu print the first screenshots

    Everybody loves a paintbrush-wielding white wolf game, but if there's on criticism we could level at the genre it's that there just aren't enough titles like the stellar Okami, released on Wii to great critical acclaim last year. Well, the genre is about to bulge again next year, with the announcement of Okamiden,...

  • News New DSi and Wii Remote Colors Announced

    Nintendo adds a bit of color to the holiday shopping season.

    For those gamers who've been wishing for new DSi colors to be released in North America, it looks like your wish is about to come true. Not only is Nintendo bringing out two brand new DSi system colors, but they're also bringing an all-new black Wii Remote and Nunchuk to go along with it...

  • News First DSi-Only Retail Releases Hitting This Fall

    Will come in a new box too

    Back when the DSi was announced, Nintendo revealed that the new handheld would pack more horsepower under the hood than the DS and Lite. It certainly wasn't the first time the company had released an incremental upgrade to handheld hardware; apart from the obvious color screen, the Game Boy Color was essentially a slightly...

  • News Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box Launch Trailer

    Nintendo releases the official launch trailer for their brand new DS release.

    Well Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box has just recently hit store shelves in North America and to celebrate Nintendo has released a brand new Launch Trailer for you to check out. Puzzle master Professor Layton and his apprentice, Luke, have stumbled upon another...


  • News Shantae Sequel, For Serious This Time?

    WayForward Tweet refers to big announcement via Nintendo Power.

    GoNintendo is reporting that our genie-related prayers may be answered soon. The long-teased and seemingly forgotten sequel to 2002's Game Boy Color title Shantae might be closer than we think. It all began with the lastest issue of Nintendo Power, which promised the reveal of a DSiWare...

  • News New Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story Videos

    Check out two of the latest videos of the upcoming DS RPG in action!

    Nintendo was kind enough to send us over two brand new videos of their upcoming DS RPG Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story in action. You can check out the Bowser Gameplay and Belly Laughs videos below for a taste of what you can expect from the game when it hits store shelves...

  • Review Fossil Fighters (DS)

    Is Fossil Fighters a worthy new IP or really just a prehistoric Pokemon?

    Nintendo is constantly looking to expand their horizons when it comes to new IPs, and you'd have to think that was their intention when they brought Red Entertainment's newest title Fossil Fighters on board as a first-party release. The game takes fossil hunting and builds an...

  • News Nostalgia North American Release Date Announced

    Should be a Happy Halloween for DS RPG fans.

    Although the official web site still has a September release date listed for Ignition Entertainment's upcoming DS role-playing title Nostalgia, we noticed that several retailers had the game listed for an October release. We thought we'd do a little checking and were able to get in touch with Ignition...

  • News Mario, Luigi and Bowser Hit Europe in October

    Hear Bowser's Inside Story on October 9th!

    Some exciting news here: Nintendo has just confirmed that Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story will be in your hands on Friday, 9th of October. The third in the respected Mario and Luigi RPG series, Bowser's Inside Story revolves around a mysterious infection called "The Blorbs" taking over...

  • News Professor Layton Unravels Another Mystery

    Professor Layton is back and this time with 150 new puzzles to solve.

    Nintendo's Professor Layton & the Diabolical Box hits North American store shelves today and promises to be everything the original release was and more. You'll even be able to unlock hidden content in the original release by using this sequel. You can check out the official...

  • Review Yoshi's Island DS (DS)

    A decent game sullied mainly by its overshadowing predecessor

    Following a critically-acclaimed title like Yoshi's Island, the immediate question that most will ask after learning the existence of Yoshi's Island DS will be: is it better than the original? Actually, scratch that: anyone who has played through the sublime SNES platformer will know what...

  • News Assassin's Creed 2 Rated for DS

    ESRB let slip a sequel to Altair's Chronicles

    Although 2008's Assassin's Creed: Altair's Chronicles for DS may not have been one of the machine's most memorable titles, that hasn't deterred Ubisoft from putting together a sequel for the little handheld. The ESRB have just posted a rating for Assassin's Creed II: Discovery, and although the listing...

  • News Amazon Leaks Zelda: Spirit Tracks UK Release Date

    British gamers will be having a Zelda-themed Christmas, according to retailer

    Nintendo has yet to confirm the exact release window for its upcoming DS epic The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks but that hasn't stopped online retail giant Amazon from picking the date anyway. The important day for UK gamers is 4th December, with Amazon selling Link's...

  • News Flipnote Petition Says "We Want Smash Bros. DS!"

    And not much more, to be honest...

    By now we've seen some of the amazing animations talented folk can come up with when left with a copy of Flipnote Studio (and possibly some alcohol), but that's not to say that everyone with the application is so interested in becoming the next Hayao Miyazaki. Flipnote user "Jacob" has started a one-page...

  • News 5TH Cell To Shift Focus Away From DS

    Scribblenauts devs to move towards consoles.

    With their hotly awaited type-'em-up Scribblenauts less than a month away from a North American release, 5TH Cell look to have a big, turkey hat-shaped hit on their hands. In October, Drawn to Life will be getting a DS sequel too. But then what? Speaking to GameSpot, studio cofounder and creative director...

  • News Majesco's Working On Two New Tetris Games

    One for Wii, one for DS.

    Because there's never enough Tetris to go around, Majesco and Tetris Online, Inc. today announced two new falling block puzzlers, one for Wii and one for DS. The involvement of Tetris Online seems to indicate that the titles will be downloadable, considering the company is behind WiiWare's Tetris Party and XBLA's Tetris...

  • News Harmonix Reveals LEGO Rock Band DS Info

    Leave your peripherals at the door.

    Harmonix and Telltale Games have unearthed details about their upcoming DS version of LEGO Rock Band, and it looks like it's familiar territory for music game fans. Developed by Backbone Entertainment, the DS version will play closer to Harmonix's recent PSP Rock Band, which was heavily influenced by their earlier...

  • News DS Look-a-like Disappears From iTunes App Store

    Gone the way of the Duck Hunt clone

    In a move that is bound to surprise nobody, a search from CNET revealed that the DS App - which had a 3D model of a DS, with full functionality (minus games) of a DS - has disappeared from the iTunes App store. At the time of writing, there's no word if app developer ZM2 Dev even knows of its removal as their...

  • News Pokemon HeartGold/SoulSilver Get Western Release Window

    Catch 'em again next Spring.

    Cyndaquil, Totodile, or Chikorita? Nintendo announced this weekend that the DS remakes of the beloved second generation of Pokemon titles, HeartGold and SoulSilver, will be hitting Europe and North America sometime in the Spring 2010 range. The massively popular games, originally Game Boy Color releases, introduced 100...

  • News Cyber-Squatter Uses PSPgo's Web Domain to Pimp DSi

    Valuable domain name is nabbed from under Sony's nose

    The practice of 'cyber-squatting' - which basically means buying a domain name in the hope that it will one day become valuable - has been commonplace for a while now, but this is one of the more amusing episodes we've witnessed. An industrious Chinese person has registered the domain name...

  • News DS Emulator For iPhone Hits The App Store


    They say imitation is the best form of flattery, but somehow Nintendo probably won't see it that way. App developer ZM2 Dev is behind the DoubleSys, an iPhone and iPod Touch app that emulates a Nintendo DS. Not in the sense of emulating games, but the handheld itself. You can rotate the system in a 3D space, open and close the device,...

  • News Mini Ninjas Prepare A World-Wide Strike

    Release dates, new trailer unveiled

    Eidos and IO Interactive's Wii and DS game Mini Ninjas, a cartoony take on the tiniest of warriors, has a few very important dates. Release dates, that is! (Cue rimshot) North Americans, you get your tiny turn on September 8. PALs, you're up on Sept 11. Unless you're in Germany or France, then you have to wait...

  • News Fossil Fighters Comes to DS

    Can you dig it?

    Nintendo will launch their newest DS title today in North American with the release of Fossil Fighters. Not only do you get to search for and dig up tons of fossils, but you also get to clean them and revive them for use in battle. Your vivosaur's strength depends on how well you clean the fossil, not to mention how many of the...

  • News Deca Sports Coming To DS

    Ten new minigames set for Spring 2010.

    Wii gamers are at least passingly familiar with Hudson Soft's Deca Sports compilation; it's shipped two million copies worldwide already, which ain't too shabby for a third-party title on Nintendo's console. Now DS gamers too will get a crack at the action, as Hudson has announced a portable iteration of its...

  • News Harvest Moon: Frantic Farming Coming to DS in August

    The new Harvest Moon puzzler hits the DS this month!

    After a string of Harvest Moon titles for various consoles over the years, Natsume is now taking a turn at creating a puzzle title built around the Harvest Moon theme with their upcoming DS release Harvest Moon: Frantic Farming. While we're not sure how the game will go over with long-time fans of...

  • News DSi Firmware 1.4 Defeated Already?

    It looks like hackers have already bested the new DSi update

    DSi Firmware 1.4 was released a week ago with the intention of stopping pirates from running questionable programs on the machine. However, it already looks as if someone has got the R4i running on a DSi system with the new firmware. The video below seems to show it all running perfectly:...

  • News Dragon Quest IX: 3.5 Million Served

    RPG is selling like hot cakes in Japan

    Saying that Dragon Quest is popular in Japan is like saying that Americans are rather partial to hamburgers or that Brits like to indulge in a hot cup of tea every now and then. Since going on sale July 14th, Dragon Quest IX - the latest entry in the long-running franchise - has shifted an incredible 3.39...

  • News Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days Euro Release Date Announced

    It's coming on the 9th October

    British fans of Japanese RPGs that feature Disney characters rejoice - Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days will be released for DS in Europe on 9 October, Square Enix has just announced. In this game you control Roxas from Kingdom Hearts 2 as he tries to discover more about his days as a member of Organization XIII. Clearly...

  • News Man Sentenced Over Pirated DS Games

    30 months prison and a whopping big fine

    Captain Jack Sparrow's popularity proves that everybody loves a good pirate, but not when they're stealing money from hard working developers and gaming companies. A 38 year old man was found guilty of breaking Copyright Law by the Kyoto District Court on Monday for using the internet to distribute pirated...

  • News Modern Warfare sequel heading for DS

    Modern Warfare: Mobilised coming 10th November.

    Activision announced Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: Mobilised, (yeah quite a mouthful) which is set for a November 10th release date. Developer n-Space will be producing the game, which if you didn't know made Call of Duty: World at War and Star Wars: The Force Unleashed for the humble DS. Mobilised...

  • News NA DSi Owners to Get Facebook Functionality Tonight

    Keep yourself connected

    Nintendo of America has announced that North American DSi owners will be able to upload photos to their Facebook accounts when the new system update goes live around 5PM pacific time. Lucky Americans will be able to tap a Facebook icon whilst perusing their photos and instantly send them to their Facebook profile, as if by...

  • News Brand New Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story Gameplay Videos

    Check out the latest videos of the game in action!

    Nintendo were kind enough to send us over two brand new gameplay videos of their upcoming DS release Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story in action. As you can see in the videos below, the game looks absolutely amazing. The first video is Mario & Luigi Gameplay and shows off the two Mario...


  • News Miles Edgeworth EU Release Date Announced

    You'll be able to play it February 19th

    Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth will be released in Europe on 19th February, Capcom announced. Miles Edgeworth is the next game in the Ace Attorney series, which won't be focusing on Phoenix Wright, the main protagonist of the whole series. The story goes that Miles, upon witnessing his father's...

  • News Upload Your DSi Photos Directly to Facebook

    New feature on European/Australian and Japanese DSi systems.

    If you've got a European, Australian or Japanese DSi, you can now go to the settings menu or the DSi Shop to be presented with a system update - Once you've done this, the photo album will get a new feature. After taking a picture, there will be a new button when looking at it in your...

  • News Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers Of Sky Gets Ready To Launch

    Hitting North America on October 12.

    Straight from the horse's mouth (with the horse named Nintendo), the newest DS entry in the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon spinoff series, Explorers of Sky, has landed itself a North American release date. For those unfamiliar with the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon series, you play as the Pokémon and catch people with...

  • News Nintendo DSi Hits 100,000 Units in Australia

    The Nintendo train just keeps on rollin'!

    In only the 14 weeks the DSi has been available in Australia, the total amount sold has already hit 100,000. Now for a population of 21 million, that's already 1 in every 210 people (which for a country like ours is a pretty high impact rate in such a short time!). Here's more from Nintendo of Australia...

  • News Scribblenauts GameStop Preorder Bonus For The Birds

    Hint: It's a rooster hat.

    If you planned on picking up 5TH Cell's type-em-up DS game Scribblenauts, you might want to consider putting in your preorder now at GameStop. If you want a rooster hat, that is. Between this and the Mario hat available to Platinum-level Club Nintendo members, Nintendo gamers may have the next two Halloweens in the bag. So...

  • Review Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (DS)

    More hogwash than Hogwarts

    Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince is, as I’m sure most of you are aware, the latest entry in the massively popular series concerning the teenage wizard Mr. Potter. For those muggles out there unfamiliar with the plot “The Half Blood Prince” is where the epic tale of good versus evil really heats up; the...

  • News Prepare to open Pandora's Box in September

    Professor Layton and Pandora's Box dated for Europe.

    We’ve just got word from Nintendo Europe that their DS puzzle fest Professor Layton and Pandora's Box will launch on 25th September in Europe. Predictably our friends in North America will get the game slightly earlier on the 24th August where it will be known as Professor Layton and the...

  • News Fossil Fighters DS Trailer

    Revive the vivosaurs and battle it out on DS!

    Many of you have already seen this E3 trailer for Fossil Fighters, but we thought we'd go ahead and put it up for those who might have missed it. There's also a little bit of information taken from the official press release below to give you a better idea of what you can expect from this unique DS...

  • News Nintendo Still Dominating NPD Charts

    MotionPlus off to a good start.

    Another month, another Nintendo sales win for the U.S. Despite declining overall hardware sales by 38 percent year-over-year, Nintendo still managed to carve out over half of console and portable sales for the month of June, with Wii moving around 374,000 units and the DS family raking in a bazonga 766,500 handhelds...

  • News Nostalgia Airship Trailer Released

    Ignition Entertainment shows off the game's airship battles.

    Ignition Entertainment has just sent us the official Airship Trailer for their upcoming air-based RPG Nostalgia coming to Nintendo DS this fall. The trailer shows how you can customize your airship to suit your needs, as well as some of the game's trademark airship battles in action. Below...

  • Review Dementium: The Ward (DS)

    A healthy, suspense-ridden shooter, or just another flatliner?

    Due to the limitations of the platform, first-person-shooters are not a common sight on DS. Indie developer Renegade Kid is one of the few out there to fully take advantage of the lack of competitors, but is Dementium good enough on its own merit? Dementium begins with a commonly...

  • Review Moon (DS)

    A science fiction FPS on DS? Lunacy!

    The DS’s heritage for first-person shooters has been a little – wait for it! – hit and miss over the years, with Metroid Prime: Hunters singlehandedly flying the flag as titles such as GoldenEye: Rogue Agent drag the poor machine’s name through the dirt. One developer determined to craft the handheld’s...

  • News New Scribblenauts Screenshots

    Check out brand new screens of the game in action!

    Scribblenauts gives the player unprecedented control of how the game unfolds and promises to be one of the most unique DS titles of 2009. We just got our hands on a host of new screenshots of the game in action for you to check out. You can also check out the press release snippet below for a bit...

  • News Rygar and Moon Slip Quietly Onto Euro Shelves

    Rising Star Games release Nintendo duo in The Old World

    Rising Star have been working wonders lately, releasing some real gems of gaming goodness in Europe. Two more titles were launched over the weekend in the shape of Renegade Kid's DS FPS Moon and Tecmo's Rygar: The Battle of Argus. We covered Rygar a while back and were a little disappointed...

  • News Brand New Infinite Space Trailer

    Storyline details galore revealed in this newest trailer.

    We just got in a brand new official trailer from Sega for their upcoming DS RPG space simulation Infinite Space. The video is mostly just cutscene footage taken from the game, but it gives a good amount of actual storyline from the localized version of the game. Below is a snippet from the...

  • News Western Release Date For Infinite Space Confirmed

    Platinum Games-produced space RPG hitting the NA and Europe Spring 2010

    Sega has confirmed that it will be releasing Platinum Games' DS-based sci-fi RPG title Infinite Space in North America and Europe in Spring 2010. The game is currently available only in Japan, where it topped the charts on this release. It features lavish anime cut scenes, a...

  • News Roogoo Twisted Towers and Roogoo Attack Released

    Two new Roogoo titles are in stores now.

    Southpeak Games has recently announced that their two new Roogoo titles are now in stores. Roogoo Twisted Towers is now available for the Nintendo Wii console and Roogoo Attack is available for the Nintendo DS. Both games continue the addictive puzzle gameplay of the original Xbox Live Arcade release and both...

  • News Professor Layton And The "Grand Smash Tournament"?

    Twitter shenanigans drop sequel hints and rumors

    Let's slap a big ol' "Rumor" disclaimer on this one before we go any further, shall we? Just like the rest of the world, Professor Layton has gone and gotten himself an official Twitter account, where probably some intern over at Nintendo posts riddles and other assorted intellectual...

  • News Puzzle Bobble Galaxy Gets August Date For Europe

    Receiving transmission from Bub and Bob's nipple antennae!

    Europe, circle August 28 on your calendar if you're a fan of dinosaurs in space shooting bubbles at other bubbles on your DS, because publisher Square Enix has announced that Taito's Puzzle Bobble Galaxy will be hitting that day. Space? Why are bubbly dinosaurs in space, you say? Well, allow...

  • News Renegade Kid's Moon Finally Getting UK Release

    First person blaster hitting Europe this month

    Renegade Kid may be working on new projects but the developer's highly rated DS FPS Moon is only now getting a European release, thanks to publisher Rising Star Games. American DS owners had the chance to enjoy this technically-advanced game back in January. Shamefully we've yet to review the game here...

  • Review Mario Kart DS (DS)


    The Mario Kart series started on the SNES, and it has since become one of Nintendo's best multiplayer options, right alongside the likes of Smash Bros and Mario's many sports outings. With that in mind, Nintendo coded up another Kart game for their highly successful DS system. They could have easily coughed up a Mario Kart that...

  • News Renegade Kid Developing 3-D Platformer for Nintendo DS

    The Nintendo DS FPS specialists take on the platforming genre.

    Renegade Kid, developers of two of the Nintendo DS system's finest FPS titles in Dementium: The Ward and Moon, are currently hard at work on yet another DS release titled Maximillian and the Rise of the Mutant Mudds. Unlike Renegade Kid's previous DS offerings, this time around the...


  • News Dragon Quest IX Local Multiplayer In Action

    Slay those monsters with the help of your closest pals

    Japan is getting ready to be gripped by Dragon Quest fever with the upcoming launch of the latest instalment in the best-selling series, and as a result we're getting to see more and more of the game in action. One of the most exciting aspects of the RPG title is the multiplayer mode. While it's...

  • News Mega Man Star Force 3 - Boss Trailer

    Check out Capcom's upcoming DS title in action!

    Mega Man Star Force 3 will be released on the DS in two different variations: Red Joker and Black Ace. Each version of the game will have its own distinct cover art and character transformations. Capcom has just recently released the official Boss Trailer showing one of the game's many boss fights in...

  • News Retro Game Challenge Needs to Sell 100,000 Copies to Justify Localizing Sequel

    The guys at XSEED set the record straight regarding Retro Game Challenge 2.

    To say that the original Retro Game Challenge has a loyal following might be the understatement of the year, but unfortunately that following isn't quite large enough to justify XSEED localizing its sequel Retro Game Challenge 2. Of course this hasn't stopped the flood of...

  • News Tingle Gets a New DS Adventure, and a Surprise DSiWare Game

    The Zelda series's unsung hero gets not one, but two new games!

    The last two editions of weekly Japanese magazine Famitsu had mysterious teasers hinting at a sequel to 2006/2007's Freshly-Picked Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland for the DS. This week's edition has finally spilled the beans! Today just so happens to be the day of Japan's weekly Wii and DSi...

  • News Official Nostalgia Website Launches

    The official site for Nostalgia is now online.

    The official Nostalgia website has now gone live and has some great information about the game, not to mention some great music from the game's official soundtrack. You can also follow Nostalgia on Twitter or check out the Nostalgia Facebook page if you'd like to get a bit more involved in the...

  • News Tomodachi Collection Has a Strong First Day

    Releases shows Japanese keen to buy friends

    It may have taken awhile to be released, but Nintendo's highly-anticipated Tomodachi Collection had a great first day opening in Japan. Out of the 76,000 units that were shipped, 38,000 were sold on the game's first day on the market, which equates to a 50% sell-through rate. That's pretty impressive...

  • News Dragon Quest IX Hits Japan in July

    RPG fans prepare for upcoming Dragon Quest IX release.

    When word came out that Square-Enix was about to make a major announcement regarding their next release in the Dragon Quest series of RPGs, most people assumed the game would be coming to one of the home game consoles. Speculation began as to which console would be the lucky recipient of the...

  • News Drawn to Life Brushes Onto Wii

    Can we expect a Wii Palette accessory?

    The original Drawn to Life games were developed by DS mainstays 5th Cell, and although they're currently busy devouring the whole world's written texts, that doesn't mean the series is going to be erased. Publishers THQ have recently unveiled a sequel, handled by Planet Moon, is heading to the Wii and DS before...

  • News Official Nostalgia Trailer Released

    Ignition Entertainment shows off their epic air-based RPG for Nintendo DS.

    Ignition Entertainment has just sent us the first official gameplay trailer for their upcoming air-based RPG Nostalgia coming to Nintendo DS this fall. The trailer shows the game and its main characters in action and shows off some of the game's amazing air-to-air battles...

  • News Scribblenauts Required Dedicated "Reading Team"

    Five guys spent six months doing nothing but reading.

    Those vaunted 10,000 conjurable in-game items in Scribblenauts had to come from somewhere, but we had always assumed they came from the fevered minds of the development team, bouncing ideas off each other and being all "creative". As it turns out, the truth is far less interesting...

  • News Aliens: Colonial Marines For DS: Not 'Game Over' After All

    Work is continuing, according to Gearbox's Randy Pitchford

    A short while ago, we reported that a trailer for what appeared to be an DS-based Aliens game had been leaked onto the net, and that developer WayForward was involved. The video was posted on YouTube with text suggesting that the game itself had been canned due to financial difficulties. The...