

gamer girl before it was a thang

Comments 561

Re: Rumour: Supposed 'Switch 2' Design Photos And Specs Surface Online


@Kiivi I agree! Worked for the later ds models which saw improvements etc but little change in design.

If this is to be an upgraded Switch, it’s better to be thinking of it as such rather than a whole new era of console.

This isn’t a leap from n64 to GameCube, it is very much a major upgrade.

Re: Talking Point: Would You Buy A Digital-Only 'Switch 2'?


I’m still pretty old school, most of my games are on cart, and I will wait for a cart if there is a digi initial release.

It’s a no brainer for me, I feel I properly own the games, and when it comes to upgrade I can sell on hardware and software.

It’s an investment to own them in cart, it’s a gamble to be digi online.

Re: Feature: Our Predictions For The February 2022 Nintendo Direct


I’m excited to watch, not sure what I’m hoping for though!

Any Zelda news is good news, so I’ll take whatever they give me.

I feel the itch for a really good RPG. There’s a very large Skyrim and Witcher shaped hole in my life at the moment. Because of my job I’m pretty much exclusively playing games on switch alone, and I need me some rpg….