Stop right there! We know what you're thinking. You're expecting a long list of games that we wish we had never played. The stinkers that took up 20 hours we'll never get back. Well, you're wrong!
We are not about to be a negative Nancy and dunk on some bad games just because we wish we could wipe them from our minds. This is about positively forgetting games.
What do we mean by that? Good question. Have you ever finished a game so beautiful, that you wish that you could recapture the experience of playing it for the first time? What about solving a puzzle so clever, you know that no future playthrough will be quite as magical? That is what we mean. The games that we wish we could forget so that we could play them all over again.
Of course, nothing is stopping us from replaying our favourites for the 200th time (and don't our backlogs know it), but we're after titles for which the first playthrough will never be matched because the sense of discovery is gone, or the shock is no longer a surprise. We already know too much.
So, join us as we cast a memory wipe spell, look into the Neutralyzer or have our temples pressed by a Time Lord. Let's remember the games we wish we could forget... but in a good way.
Jim Norman, Staff Writer
The correct answer is Outer Wilds. While I do wish that it played a little better on Switch, I know that no amount of replaying is ever going to capture the magic again now that I know how to [REDACTED] past the [REDACTED]. Oh, and where to go to find the [REDACTED]. And how to input the [REDACTED] into [REDACTED]. No number of performance issues would have been enough to make those discoveries anything less than amazing.
To be honest, I could say the same thing about Tunic. I can't imagine replaying that game now that I know about The Holy Cross or about that one thing in the manual. Wipe my mind and throw me back into that one any day (just don't make me fight the final boss again. Please).
Or, of course, I could go for Shaq-Fu: A Legend Reborn. Not to play it again, to be clear. I just want to forget that one...
Ollie Reynolds, Staff Writer
I've always asked myself whether I would want to play something like Resident Evil 4 again for the first time. As I'm sure many of you are aware, it's easily my favourite game of all time, but when I play it now, there's absolutely zero challenge involved. It's like I'm on auto-pilot for the entire campaign. I'd love to be able to play it again and not know what's coming behind each corner, but I think there's a genuine concern as to whether I'd even get on with the controls in 2024. I know many newcomers have bounced off RE4 in recent years, and I totally understand why. To be honest, maybe I'm better off just breezing through the whole thing.
One game I'd absolutely love to forget and experience with fresh eyes, however, is Inside. Holy moly, that game was an absolute marvel on the first playthrough. Everything was just so weird and disturbing, there's really nothing else quite like it. Dragging a live pig to use as a platform, avoiding the terrifying underwater Siren, and... well, I still won't go into what happens at the end. Needless to say, it's a game that never quite hits the same way after that first playthrough, and as thankful as I am to have experienced it, I'd like to forget just so I can discover it all over again.
Alana Hagues, Deputy Editor
I played Undertale back when it was first released on PC, so I was completely unaware of how things unfolded, or even what you needed to do to get every ending. I just knew you didn't have to fight everything. Oh, my goodness, what a ride. Terrifying, emotional, beautiful, and funny. I haven't dared to replay Undertale because I'm worried revisiting it will dull the emotional impact, but I would love to experience the Pacifist ending fresh all over again.
On a completely different level, Batman: Arkham Asylum. Specifically, the Scarecrow sections. The whole game has an eerie vibe to it, but nothing matches the scares of your first Scarecrow encounter. I freaked out during that cutscene with the body bag — ou know the one — and I still get nervous thinking about it now. if I had no idea it was coming again, I think I'd run out of the room. Man, what a fantastic game. I'd probably play it on something other than Switch, though...
Gavin Lane, Editor
Putting aside the temptation to wipe the Mega Drive's Terminator 2 (not the Menacer one) from my memory, there are a load of treasured favourites to which I'd love to return. My first time trotting through Grunty's Lair into the woodland area would be near the top of the list, but also would The Orange Box. Having not played Half-Life 2 until then, that package was an unrivalled series of jaw-dropping moments — boom, boom, boom, boom — that just kept coming. Portal and the Half-Life 2s (I barely touched TF2 - a telling sign of the Box's quality when a game like that is an also-ran) heralded an exciting new age in gaming for me, one where the possibility space was blown wide open. To experience that anew would be a treat.
Now, if time travel were included in this imagined memory-wipe scenario, I'd go back to experience an all-timer in its industry-shifting heyday. Arcade classics like Pong or Space Invaders that I missed, or early RPGs and text adventures — how incredible it would be to play those without contextual, historical caveats and, 'You have to remember that, at the time...'!
However, I suppose this question really calls for a game with a big twist to re-experience, in which case I'd have my mind blown once more by the KOTOR reveal (and play it on something more powerful than my iBook G4, which had serious problems rendering Dantooine with a playable frame rate). Thinking back, I can't believe that reveal was so effective; it seems inconceivable that I didn't see it coming, though perhaps the intervening decades of media consumption have warped my brain beyond repair. These days, it feels like the first guess I'd come up with, but back in the mid-2000s, my mind was less cynical. To innocence!
What do you make of our picks? Are there any other games that you'd love to forget? Fill out the following poll and then take a trip down memory lane (to the comments) and let us know.
Comments 145
Most Ace Attorney games, Zelda: BOTW (so I could experience it fresh once again), and same as Jim — Tunic and Outer Wilds would be fantastic replays. I never even got to play Tunic properly the first time because I saw too much of it in development 😭
We could suggest retro games but we would judge them by modern standards. I’d love to re experience Final Fantasy VII again but it is objectively the worst PS1 FF title and dated compared to Xenoblade or FFXIV.
Therefore it must always be a more recent title that hasn’t aged. I’d probably pick Horizon Zero Dawn.
All Xenoblade games
I'm about to start DQ11 again and hoping I have left it long enough to not remember all of the story.
Mgs3 ... The story the betrayal and reveals... I felt that game for years to come... especially in an era where storytelling wasn't the forefront of most games at the level metal gear used to bring
Ace attorney (DL6 case)
Undertale pacifist (I literally cried at the end and went on a whole rant to my mother abt the lonely goat boi as she wondered where she went wrong with this child)
Castle Crashers (My first game ever, less abt the story more abt the memories I made with my dad and sister I got stuck as the green knight lol)
And Splatoon 2 Octo expansion (One of my favorite DLCs of all time and the game that rly got me into playing video games during Covid)
TOTK when you dive off the sky island for the first time. As soon as I dropped back down to Hyrule I was like oh man I want to take this slow and enjoy every moment.
The thing is, in order for this to work, time travel would be needed, for the associated context of the experience. For example... Super Mario 64. If I really was playing it for the first time now, it would be nowhere near as mind-blowing as it was back then, because of all the other 3D platformers that I have played since then. The excitement of experiencing it at that point in time cannot be recaptured, and that was a big part of the overall experience, I think. Also, I was young, and held more joy in my heart than I do now. I'm older and darker now. ☹️
Maybe this would work for something purely story related... so I might go for something like Killer7.
I was going to say Outer Wilds and Tunic, but they've been said enough so far so.
Mario Wonder.
Most of the levels were amazing, I didn't watch any trailer before release so it was an entire surprise. And the piranha plants singing is surely my fav thing so far.
I went into DDLC while knowing everything, so I wish I could forget everyhting abou it to play it for a first time for real
Pretty much every single Ace Attorney game for me (to the surprise of absolutely nobody XD) though if I had to pick a single game, it would one million percent be GHOST TRICK: PHANTOM DETECTIVE BABYYYYYYYYYYYY
I somehow managed to stay completely unspoiled in the 13 odd years between it's original release and modern remaster and I'm so glad I did because oh my GOD: I wish I could forget everything all over again. Such a perfectly conceived story with some of THE most masterful twists and turns I've ever seen and I would trade the universe just to experience it for the first time again 💖
(Words/letters limit, you know...)
There's a few for me.
Metal Gear Solid. The only game in the series I enjoyed. Loved every moment of it. I have tried to go back and play it again but I never been able to finish it again main cause I know what's going to happen.
Final Fantasy 6 (3) My favorite RPG of all time but I will admit it's a grind fest especially when you get all those Espers. I think when I was a kid, I was able to tolerate it because I wanted to see more of the story, but now everytime I get to that part I can't get through the grind and just stop playing it, mainly again cause I know what happens. I haven't tried replaying it on Pixal Remaster yet with the MP boost but that just might fix the problem for me.
World of Warcraft Yes I still play it to this day, but the first time playing it. I remember the feeling I got seeing the gates of Orgimmar for the fist time experiencing a Dungeon for the first time. WoW was my first open world game and the fact I can go anywhere just amazed me. Right now I am plying it with my son who's experiencing it for the first time, so seeing him experiencing it is really nice.
Probably one of the Fire Emblem games I like, I doubt there's ever gonna be a new one that's gonna evoke the same feelings those older ones did.
Sayonara Wild Hearts. Every time.
I want to experience those same chills from the first time I heard the reverb-laden rendition of Clair de Lune, and I want to experience the same rush of love to the head I received from the deeply emotional coda of "A Place I Don’t Know," all over again.
breath of the wild, and persona 5. Both are such beautiful and flooring gaming experiences
The first game that popped into my head was Ocarina of Time
Hmmm who played Lure of the Temptress? Possibly my first RPG adventure, would love a fresh revisit.
Fable 2 and 3 also fit this same nostalgic thread…
Now as far as Nintendo games, it has to be Ocarina of Time
I always found this question difficult for some reason.
A lot of games if I played them for the first time today I don't think would have impacted me as much either because they're dated or they hit me at the right time right place.
I'm going to going to go with Mass Effect, 2 to be precise. There's nothing as timeless as a good si-fi tale, Mordins tale will always fascinated me especially.
For me it'd be SOMA. Amazing horror story with many moving moments.
Wind Waker was such a joy to play through the very first time. I've tried revisiting it to capture that feeling again, but even WW:HD ended up feeling 'meh' after a few hours.
So that, the Xenoblade trilogy, and pretty much any of Suda51's games.
I wish I could temporarily forget all 3D games and go through the 2D to 3D transition again. Oh my, I doubt any leap forward in gaming will ever coming close to that sense of amazement for me.
Resident Evil 7 VR, but an hypothetic version (currently in development I hope) for PSVR2. Also Witcher 3 even if there is so much in this game I can't remember that much.
Breath of the Wild is probably the real answer, but I wanted to shoutout something different.
I voted for Super Mario Odyssey, but was torn with Super Metroid.
TBH, the only game like that for me would be TotK, but since I have only gotten to one temple so far... I don't want to forget it yet!
Many don't seem to realize that sometimes a game becomes extra special because of the circumstances that surround the times when we play it. I'll forever treasure the days when I played Banjo-Kazooie and Super Mario Galaxy for the first time and I wouldn't change it for anything.
@Jack_Goetz Good call on Wind Waker! Such a joy to explore and play.
For Switch? Hmm, fairly new to the system and the games I've played don't become worse from knowing them inside out. To the contrary. I woulda said Thousand Year Door but I -DID- forget everything until my recent replaythrough last March.
Overall? Morrowind. Knowing where everything is really sucks the exploration out of that game but then, that's what mods are for!
Every game I've ever played, even the really bad ones, all over again for the first time, please. An endless list of gaming moments from far too many years to be enjoyed one more time.
Less annoying and whimsical answer: Breath Of The Wild and Hollow Knight. I've played lots of brilliant metroidvanias and I love TOTK, but nothing has ever made me feel joy and wonder quite like those two games did.
13 Sentinels Aegis Rim. It was such a great experience uncovering the plot and how it all came together between 13 protagonists. It will never be the same playing it knowing what happens
Stardew Valley, so I could rediscover it again and again and again and again...
All Zelda games and Xenoblade 1 & 3. Mario Galaxy series.
That's a weird question for me to answer. On one hand, I'd put my favorite game of all time, Xenoblade Chronicles 2, but the circumstances of when I played that game also add to why it's my favorite. If I forgot and replayed it today, I don't think I could recapture that same magic. To a lesser degree, that goes for all the games that I enjoyed.
My second and probably more affirmative answer would be Zelda BOTW (shocking, I picked the top two votes in this poll). Mostly because of the boundless and endless discovery the game has, going into the game blind was one of the best experiences I ever had. I wish that could have been the case with TOTK, but re-using the map and the depths being a copy of the overworked (+ sky islands being a minuscule part of the game) just didn't replicate the same heightened feelings as exploring the unknown. However, that makes me just more excited for the next brand new Zelda project.
The Xenoblade games for me!
Splatoon 3, ik it’s a weird pick
@Axecon It would be interesting to experience Tears of the Kingdom without any knowledge or experience with Breath of the Wild. I am sure that has happened for some (and for some kids that were too young for BotW).
I love this topic! Without question, my choice would be the Binding of Isaac. I started with Rebirth on the Wii U and have logged close to two thousand hours over its expansions. I would love to start Repentance without any of the bias I had from Rebirth. At this point, I’m Isaac’ed out but would enjoy reliving what was the first in my burgeoning romance with rougelikes.
Subnautica is the objectively correct answer, as is botw.
Batman Arkham City, but the one on the Wii U. I originally played it on Xbox 360 and beat it multiple times and purchased it again after it was released on the Wii U as Batman Arkham City Armored Edition. This version is actually my favorite one! It has a lot of new features that made the game even more fun.
Arkham City the plot twist the combat the puzzles best Arkham game ever
@Solomon_Rambling how big is the game for you to have put in 2000 hours?! This is a genuine question. I've been played this game before and don't really know what it is however if it is that big I really want to look into it more! I love having allot of content in a game
I wish I could forget Xenoblade 1 so I could experience that game's amazing world, soundtrack, and story again for the first time. I wish I could forget Xenoblade 2 because even though I think it's a great game overall, I hate its story and character design, and that those elements have tainted every release since including the original's remaster.
Fallout 3. I spent so much time in the Capital Wasteland.
Breath of the Wild. I can’t wait for the next Zelda so I can hopefully get that feeling again, just looking out at that world and not having a clue what I was going to come across once I ventured out of the great plateau was magical.
I have tried other games like Skyrim and Witcher 3 since BotW to try and recapture that experience and barely got into them. That gritty fantasy art style doesn’t make me want to explore those worlds at all while Zelda’s colourful, stylised Hyrule just made me want to explore every corner of it. Unforgettable game but I often wish I could forget it so I could experience it for the first time again.
Oh Resident Evil 4 for sure, I would LOVE to experience that completely fresh! Absolutely incredible first time I played it back on the ‘cude. Even better again was the Wii Edition, but that first play through on GCN… mind blowing, for me.
Breath of the Wild 100%.
Tetris Effect.
Played for the first time on Switch, but I wish I did on a VR device.
Yeah, I would love to go back to 1997 and experience the N64 for the first time again. I remember wave race blew my mind it was so pretty. And goldeneye… I bought the N64 within a week of seeing that I was so impressed.
Super Probotector / Contra 4? On the SNES. I was just a kid but the motor bike fight scene going to jumping from missile to missile I remember just grinning like an idiot at the fun and insanity of the concept.
And like every Zelda game ever made, especially OoT
The Witness. Nothing else can compare to that feeling. If you know why, you know why.
Articles titled "Games you wish you could play for the first time again" has been done to death, so what's the solution?
Use slightly different words to cover the exact same topic.
You clever devil.
Going to say something completely left field with Chibi Robo park patrol. The most charming game I’ve ever come across.
Also would love to go in blind on OG Chibi Robo. Also Pokemon b/w2. I would use a completely different team. I’d also love to forget and replay r racer evolution (gc) and wreckfest.
Also, for obvious reasons, BOTW and TOTK.
When I saw the title I didn't think it would be about bad games or good games you want to replay, I thought it was going to be about games that traumatized you. 😝
Another category are games which you played too much and just left a mark on your subconscious. I may have enjoyed playing an MMO for 10 years when I was young, but do I really need to still dream about how to upgrade my armor in that game?
For the poll in the intended way, I'm going to vote They Bleed Pixels. One of the most unexpected cute but disturbing plots I've ever seen, especially in a platformer; it would be fun to replay blind.
I have over a thousand hours on the Switch version of Isaac... I stopped playing soon after upgrading to Repentance... I just couldn't get on with it, and I wish that I could roll back the changes. I do often wonder how I would have got on with Repentance had I not played the previous versions.
The game that both made me fall in love with gaming while subsequently ruining my expectations for all future games is: The Elder Scrolls Oblivion.
The journey to get this game was tough and earned. I babysat my little brother and sister all through summer break and, in exchange, my parents bought me a Playstation 3 for my birthday, along with Oblivion as my first game for the system. This costed over $600 at the time, so it was a big deal in my life and I had never received such an expensive gift.
Prior to this, I spent weeks perusing gaming websites, scraping every detail I could about the game and what I could do. I never played Morrowind and could hardly believe a game like this even existed. I obsessed over screenshots and even planned for months on my character's name and class. I was literally counting down the days to my birthday. I figured all this research and hype would prepare me for what was to come, but nothing could prepare me for such unbridled freedom that is found in Oblivion.
It's difficult to say if I would want to experience this all over again, as my standards for gaming have become wayyyy too high after playing this game, and they've barely come down since then. I love Oblivion with all my heart, but part of me wishes I had lower standards so I could be more open to other games.
Ignorance truly is bliss.
Fair question! I really enjoy the gameplay loop because each run feels different based on which rooms, bosses, and items you encounter. The items are what makes the game exciting for me, and there are 717 items that interact and synergize in different ways. The Binding of Isaac also has a ton of unlockables (640 "secrets" are available in Repentance) and 34 characters, all of whom need to be played multiple times to unlock everything. Unlocking everything on a single files takes hundreds of hours, and those of us who are ridiculously into the game try to unlock everything on each of the game's three files.
The game has a massive amount of content, but if the gameplay doesn't interest you (or if you don't like roguelikes), there's not much motivation to get all the extra stuff. My playtime is also high because of all the content updates. I put a few hundred hours on Rebirth on the Wii U, several hundred hours on the expansion Afterbirth+ when it came to the Switch, and even more hundreds after Repentance came out on the Switch a few years back.
Hope that answers your question!
Super Metroid, Zelda A Link to the Past, Secret of Mana, there are so many games I'd like to forget...
Hands down Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective. This can apply to any version, but my first run was on DS. It's an excellent game best experienced blind.
My runner up would be the initial magic of when my first Zelda game, Twilight Princess, clicked for me.
I know exactly what you mean. When I was younger I realised I was able to re-read a book because enough time had passed that I had forgotten what happened. And the world was good. 😊
@Tyranexx I first played Ghost Trick from the iOS release several years ago and it was such a joy to experience the story.
With the Switch release this past year, while I did remember key details, I couldn’t remember some parts of the story so it was fun to partially reexperience the game again and rediscover some of the story.
Zelda A Link to the Past for classics and XCX for modern games. Both games just made me feel giddy when exploring the worlds and always stick in my head.
If I could choose a game to completely experience blind for the first time, I think it’d be Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War.
It’s still a Japan only game, but it is well known for it’s story and a major event is unfortunately well known/memed about that I was already aware of it before playing it for the first time.
There were several other parts that I wasn’t aware of though so it was nice to experience that for the first time at least.
The Half-Life and Portal games. Amazing. Although not for Skylanders. Huge part of my childhood.
Fire emblem. Any/all of them. I'd like to forget 6 monthly please, so I can replay them all twice a year.
@yokokazuo I've not actually played that one. I have the ability too, but I keep hearing remake rumours, so continue to hold on.
@betterthanvegas the first time you can fly in a skell and just have the whole world open up at once was amazing!
I still haven’t done a second playthrough, but maybe I’ll save that for a hopeful new re-release of it sometime.
Sorry, it's not a Nintendo game but THE LAST OF US gets my vote.
I never played part 2 but I really felt for those characters in part 1.
@lazyboyblue oh yeah, I’ve been hoping for a remake for so long!
I really hope that we can see one in the near future as it’d open it up the chance to play it for many more people and seeing a modern rendition of some scenes would be really cool too!
Can we submit multiple entries? I want to submit multiple entries.
In 3rd place is Uncharted 4. It was the first in the series I played and really opened my eyes as to what was possible with video games.
In 2nd place is Skylanders Spyro's Adventure. Hear me out. Placing a figure on the portal for the first time was something close to magic, one of those times you can pretend there is a link between the real world and the fictional one, that what you do here has impact somewhere else. Not the most popular choice or the first choice one would jump to, but there you go.
Number one is actually a system- The Nintendo 3DS and by exstention Super Mario 3D land. As a nut who was obsessed with everything regarding "THE FUTURE" back in the day, going through the 3DS setup back in the day and seeing that screen test thing was like pure magic. As someone who hadn't seen a 3D film yet, it was a kind of feeling I cannot put into words. You could also slide in The legend of Zelda Ocorina of time into this spot too, one of the only times I've played a game and it lived up to the hype.
Of course, like several others have pointed out, a lot of what effects us the first time often has to do with how we came into contact with it and what our circumstances were back then. Who knows if the 3DS screen test or Skylanders would effect me as much as they did back then if I played them for the first time. But then again, there's nothing like your first time, right?
Most recently I'd say Xenoblade Chronicles 3. I'm very much a lapsed JRPG player and I only bought this because I was bored one day and I loved Xenoblade 1 on Wii. Man this game nails the JRPG template. No action is wasted or meaningless it was all so moreish. I couldn't stop playing after a slow start. I could go on and on but I won't.
From my youth I'd have to say Links Awakening, Tony Hawks Pro Skater, Final Fantasy 7. Out of those 3 Final Fantasy 7 probably hasn't aged as well but it was the first game to have a more profound impact on me and expand my idea of what games could be. The soundtrack still lives in my head too.
I could probably list at least 20 but I'll finish with Breath of the Wild and Super Mario Galaxy. Breath of the wild is the best open world game ever made (with TOTK) and Mario galaxy is just pure joy. I really wish I had one of those M.I.B pens now!
Looking back on the beast that is the Binding of Isaac, I also wish the developers had worked toward a standalone sequel instead. I love many aspects of Repentance, but I have my fondest memories with Rebirth.
I went with Metroid Prime. But really, it would be erasing the GameCube version from my memory and replaying the Switch version for the first time. I played through it and loved it, but spent the whole time just checking what felt the same and what was different. I'd love to have been able to just play it as if it was my first time, it's just a fantastic game
I could list so many games for this, especially if it means experiencing it through the eyes of when I first played the game (i.e. pokemon red when I was 8).
Pikmin, Resident evil 4, metroid fusion, fallout new vegas, links Awakening, and BOTW
@LadyCharlie OMG I forgot to mention Sayonara! I love that game deeply. I play it every year at least twice
Xenoblade for me. Love the series has a ton of wow factor and fun storyline. Excellent ride
I can’t vote for just one…
1. Donkey Kong Country. I was just a one year old when the game launched so I couldn’t experience it until I got a little older, but I’ve loved it since I can remember. I’m sure it was astounding back then. In particular, hearing all of the music for the first time would’ve given me goosebumps. Aquatic Ambiance can still do that to me!
2. Splatoon- I remember feeling so pumped just playing the tutorial for the Global Testfire thanks to the music. The Jam version of Splattack perfectly captures the energy and character of this fresh squid game. Easily one of my favorite tutorials of all time, if not ever!
3. Super Mario Odyssey- It truly felt like a journey going around the Mario world the first time and getting into some truly wild scenarios by Super Mario’s standards. A certain epic, out-of-place boss near the end about made me fall off my seat!
I love whoever voted for the Hello Kitty game on 3DS
Mario's time machine changed my life 😭😭😭 I cry every time I hear the name and see the intro!!!
A difficult question. I went from recent games to the 8/16-bit era then back again. I voted Xenoblade Chronicles 3 for the story, the characters, cutscenes, the beautiful world and of course the gameplay.
Secret of Mana came to mind and Super Mario Bros. 3.
Final Fantasy X. It's one of my personal favorite games of all time that I've beaten multiple times on the PS2. If I could only just now experience it for the first time I can only imagine. The innovative and ingeniously fun CTB combat, the gut wrenchingly powerful story, and a gorgeous OST that is still my favorite to this day with so many pretty, somber songs or dorky ditties. Those graphics and cinematic scenes were ahead of their time. It was a game that was very innovative, that's for sure. Once my backlog gets cleaned a little more I plan to tackle the Switch version.
Resident Evil remake. I've played so many times the Spencer Mansion almost feels like it's my own home. It'd be fun to go back to a time when it was actually still scary, and I had no idea what was through the next door.
@yokokazua Even without flying the Skells just made exploring so much fun. Trying to figure out the right combination of maneuvers to get where you shouldn't be, just wonderful. My favorite thing still, was getting the disk launchers with extra mags and freezing my Wii U.
Super Mario Galaxy, Xenoblade Chronicles 3, and Breath of the Wild are probably the big three for me. Some older games were really affecting at the time, but I think they're sufficiently aged now that they wouldn't have the same first time impact now (FF7 comes to mind, especially).
NieR: Automata, too. Incredibly affecting game. And Virtue's Last Reward as well for its insane last few hours.
Easy! All Zelda games. Let me forget them right now and start all over. If only that was possible. Also the Bioshock games and Horizon Zero Dawn
I wish I could play Xenoblade Chronicles again for the first time. That ending sequence, when you see the location marker and it tells you where in space you are (no spoilers)...I lost my mind and had to put the controller down to stare at the screen for several seconds before continuing.
@Duncanballs DQ 11 is one of those magical games. It managed to break me free from gacha addiction completely and man, what a ride that game was. Made me remember why I like gaming so much to begin with. I couldn't get enough of the battles, story, characters, and that beautiful scenery.
@lazyboyblue Amen! Ngl, I've been saying repeatedly in posts lately that IMHO Engage has the best tactical combat/gameplay of the series and that Path of Radiance has the best story. I've been trying to persuade people to realize this series is so much more than just 3H, (good game btw) which gets continually praised for its story and characters. I feel PoR has better in both regards and does it without wasting my playtime with superfluous monastery downtime. Since I've been making these points I've been getting huge urges to dust off my old GameCube and play PoR again. I've only got a few big hitters left in my backlog, think I'll replay it again sometime this year. The whole series is so amazing though, so I can very obviously see your point lol.
Dark Souls. Playing it for the first time was the most memorable and exciting gaming experience of my life.
Chrono Trigger (SNES) just, ugh. That and Pokemon Red
Super Metroid, Undertale, Breath of the Wild and Pokémon Legends: Arceus. All four of those games were such refreshing experiences the first time through, and are of course still great subsequently, but I think those are the ones that replays will never quite capture the magic of again.
I agree with @Jiggies regarding the circumstances surrounding a game being such a key part of the experience, so I guess I'd pick something that maybe I didn't hate, but I didn't like as much as I should have, or didn't really get into due to release timing.
In that vein... that League of Legends RPG? Maybe 7th Dragon on 3DS?
@BodkinDQ Just enjoying someone singing the praises of Path of Radiance! I just replayed it like a year ago, and I've been eager to replay it again ever since...
Dark souls. If I never played that game, I would have prob 10000 hours back. Had to sell my ps3 to stop myself, end up buying a new one for ds2. Had to get ds3 on ps4. Played both those, a bunch of eldin ring, blood borne, but still keep coming back to ds1. With it on switch, it’s been a right of passage for my kids as they get older. 2of my 4 still play it and we just finished playthroughs over Xmas break.2 more kids who haven’t even played it yet. I couldnt care less about any sequels, ds1 is the best game ever.
Botw would prob be the next in this list, but no co op hurts…
I want to experience the opera scene in Final Fantasy VI for the first time again. That was such a surreal experience the first time I played through that game.
Ocarina of Time and Elden Ring would be my choices. Both those games were amazing the first time. Ocarina because I'd never seen anything like it at the time. Elden Ring because it was such an ordeal but also exhilarating to finally beat it. There's many other games I could pick but those two stand out the most.
(suggestions: a different name for this article and no language presumptive of thought in the article ("Stop right there! We know what you're thinking. You're expecting a long list of games that we wish we had never played. The stinkers that took up 20 hours we'll never get back. Well, you're wrong!"))
@RadioHedgeFund To each their own, but to say FFVII is objectively the worst one of the PS1 era is pretty spicy. The game is pretty important for its portrayal of the death of a loved one and the simulated grief the player goes through. The whole gaming world was in denial, searching for ways to bring Aerith back. It's an artistic achievement and one of the first examples of a game using what makes the medium unique (player agency) to deepen the impact of the narrative. There's a reason why people are still talking about FFVII today and not VIII and IX as much.
@Zaruboggan It's such a wonderful game isn't it? A lot of people need to play this masterpiece. Game itself is soooo much fun, but man, that story is something else! Was doing anti-racism messages before it was cool with Beorc and Laguz and just how in depth the story went, be it the easy to empathize with mercenary Ike and his squad or the camp conversations, which filled in plot holes and gave nice rewards. Bexp made the game approachable for everyone both casuals and hardcores alike, plus I liked fixed growths in subsequent playthroughs. Ike and Black Knight, what an awesome synergy for 2 rivals to have. Amazing game~
Definitely Nier: Automata. The final ending (Ending E) was such a jaw-dropping and beautiful conclusion to an awesome game, I was wiping tears from my eyes. It would be great if I could go through that whole emotional roller-coaster ride again without knowing anything about it in advance.
None. I treasure the memories and the ability to revisit them more than the thrill of first impression. And plenty of revisited works actually manage to maintain this thrill even years down the road, not to mention the potential bonus of revising them with the power of hindsight.
I have serious memory issues that have caused me a lot of problems in my life, but on the plus side I am able to re-play Super Mario Bros. 1 every single year as though I’ve never played it
The Wonderful 101
Super Mario Galaxy
I really wish that I could play Super Mario Bros. 3 for the first time again.
Mario 64 and Ocarina of Time. Experiencing 3D Mario and Zelda for the very first time remains the greatest experience in gaming. BotW is the only game that has come close to replicating that magic feeling of possibility. Games today suffer from our past experiences - we know the limitations, we understand the algorithms.
I'm still hopeful that we will get a similar experience in the future, perhaps once AI is better executed to create more powerful experiences, or indeed, with further developments in VR to create truly immersive experiences.
Earthbound & Mother 3. Also Eastward.
Mine would be Super Mario Odyssey. Seeing the carnival, t-rex, and the Metro Kingdom unspoiled is mindblowing, if my kids are anything to gauge that on. Doom 2016 runner up.
Also, I wish I liked the Galaxy games.
@yokokazuo True, that is a silver lining when going back to a game one hasn't played for awhile. I first played Ghost Trick in summer 2020, so I should probably wait longer. I'd like to eventually pick it up on Switch as well.
@Emacster yup. I have been, lol. Almost at 200 hours and definitely not finished.
@Solomon_Rambling it's one of those games that I should love, but it just feels bad to me.
@BodkinDQ Agreed on all accounts! Not to mention it (and FERD, by extension) featured arguably the best war story of the series, with real stakes for every battle. Each map perfectly married plot and gameplay-- thanks in no small part to Soren's tactical genius!
And the music! Against the Black Knight's frightful march to Power-Hungry Fool's condescending strings made facing the series' best antagonists unforgettable.
BotW, Celeste and Metroid Prime for sure.
When you reach the top of the mountain on Celeste, and the soundtrack that builds up to the moment is just magic.
Hope to get some of that when I replay Metroid Prime on Switch since it's been so many years, didn't get a chance to do that yet
@Zaruboggan Oh man, Soren is an absolute favorite of mine, perhaps my favorite Tellius character. A lot of fun to use in battle and great character. I forgot about that OST! Glad you mentioned it, it's so good!
@LikelySatan @Croctopus Super Mario Odyssey got my vote! Finding Donkey Kong in New Donk City was another magical moment. 😊
I would love to re-experience pikmin 4 again! Especially seeing how gorgeous the game looked in the trailers
Shin Megami Tensei IV. Wanted to play an Atlus RPG but didn't have a PlayStation at the time, downloaded this on my 3DS and was so hyped.
When the first big "revelation" in the story happened I thought it was the coolest thing ever. No internet, no trailers, no info.
Just staying up too late on a school night and genuinely experiencing something great. Wish I could have those times again.
the first time i played link to the past, i went step by step by the players guide. so of course I got the satisfaction of beating the game, but I was too young and immature to appreciate the value of beating the game by learning and discovering everything myself instead of going by the guide, which to this day colors my overall view of the game, so yes, I wish I could forget everything, and play it again for the first time, and experiencing everything fresh and learn by trial and error and discovery
Super Mario Odyssey definitely, I’ve actually avoided looking at any gameplay of it for the past 3 years or so just so I can re-experience it as freshly as possible (though, there’s only so much I can forget about such a memorable game).
I would prefer this with some parts of my life but none of my gaming experiences. Can’t go back in time (except in games )
Metroid would be high up. It was amazing exploring that underworld in the 1980s!
Also I'd love to forget BOTW and TOTK, then play TOTK first, then remember both so I could compare the 2 games!
Chrono Trigger
Steins; Gate
Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate
Nier: Automata
FF14: ShadowBringers(specifically the post patch content)
There’s also some multiplayer games I’d love to relive the times I played through them with buddies. For Honor, DragonBall FighterZ, Smash 4 and Ultimate, Battlefield 4.
Super Mario 64. But you need to bring me back to 1996 because context was everything for that game. It was mind-blowing back then just coming off the SNES.
@Solomon_Rambling wow!!! That's awesome and yes you absolutely did! I'm going to try this game! Thank you for all the info!!
Oh now, this is a fun article. Be that as the rules are, I still have a ton of games I wish I could forget, but I'll try to keep it brief to some of the more notable ones in my life (no particular order):
1. Chrono Trigger — This was my 1st JRPG, and what a helluva first it was. JRPGs generally repulsed me up until 1995, but this changed everything. The graphics, music, characters, story, and gameplay... I wish I could forget it all. Lightning in a bottle.
2. Illusion of Gaia — Enix, thanks to Quintet, dropped this emotionally charged, world focused, hauntingly beautiful, philosophical, tragic, melancholy, bittersweet, fun to play game. This is one of the first games that really opened my mind to a larger video game narrative and it resonated with my life at age 15. Wish I could experience that emotion all over again.
3. Super Mario Bros. — First NES game I ever played. The minute that controller was in my hand, it immediately felt natural. The fact I was breaking bricks, growing big, punching question mark boxes, kicking turtle shells over enemies, and hurling fiery offense made no sense, but felt so right. And every time I died that feeling of "just one more" was exhilarating. This officially birthed my love for console gaming and more specifically Nintendo.
4. The Legend of Zelda — this was the fourth NES game I ever played, and played nothing like it beforehand. This world just begged for me to go on an adventure, pushing rocks, burning bushes, exploring caves, figuring out puzzles, and getting absolutely stuck in the game. I literally had to do research in real life with friends, magazines, and my general intuition, along with my brother and his insight. This was truly the first time I played a game where I only go as far as my, wait for it, wisdom and courage could take me. I've loved Zelda ever since, but nothing was ever like that feeling of playing the original Legend of Zelda for the very first time.
Definitely The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess on the Wii for me. I'll never forget the shock I felt when I learned that Ganondorf was the one pulling Zant's strings. I want to experience that again.
So many, first two xenoblade games, hollow knight, undertale, a hat in time, sekiro, and there will and are so many more, I really do wish I could forget these games, to experience I would kill to experience those games for the first time again, especially xenoblade 1 and 2, and I’m sure I will feel that way about 3 soon enough.
@BodkinDQ Another PoR fan!! By far the best imo, story in particular. I keep meaning to try the wii sequel, but I heard its poor in comparison.
@yokokazuo I think it happens this year. Fingers crossed.
@timp29 Contra 4 is a DS game my man.
Probably F.E.A.R. and or Half Life series.
Definitely SUBNAUTICA. Would love to play this game as a first time experience. The Number of times I didn`t dare nearing some of the first creatures, in fear of being killed - wauv.
Metroid Prime Remastered. It was my first time playing Metroid Prime and it was amazing. Playing MP2 and MP3 for the first time was great, but it didn’t have the same impact. Also, Ace Attorney.
I like thinking of the waiting room in Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind. There'd be all these gamers with their cartridges and consoles in boxes, waiting solemnly to have their mind cleared for another first time with their favorites. But they'd have to have someone convince them to try the games, otherwise they'd just forget and never play them again!
@lazyboyblue I'm just another voice on the Internet, but I loved FERD as much if not more than FEPoR! It does lack traditional support conversations, which was disappointing at launch for sure, but it's otherwise a must-play for fans of the first game.
@Thaliard I say VII is the worst but it’s still one of the greatest games of all time; I just don’t think it’s as good as VIII or IX. The latter two games do a much better job of fleshing out their worlds with nations, politics, war and history. X-XVI have also done this really well.
I was gripped by VII at the time just like everybody else. But when you stop and think about anything other than the game quest it kind of falls apart. I’m not trying to insult the game or put it down: it’s still one of the best JRPGs ever made and the defining title of its generation! But VIII has one of the best game worlds ever put into an RPG (and a better soundtrack) and IX was ironically the last ‘fantasy’ game in the series.
I think it suffered because of its 16bit origins. The SNES titles kind of all have the same problem really, especially compared to Secret of Mana
@BodkinDQ Some find the score in DQ11 repetitive but I find comforting familiarity when some of those jingles play out. I remember a fair bit of the story but looking forward to discovering those little nuggets again.
I'm turn based at heart so looking forward to those 1000+ battles again
It's not on a Nintendo system, but I wish I could forget everything about REZ and then play it on my fancy modern TV with a fancy surround sound system.
I am currently playing the Mario RPG Remake and it actually feels like I am playing it for the first time.
Okay, I already know who will be my teammates, but other than that, I practically remember nothing of it, and it feels absolutely fresh, while at the same time hugely nostalgic, but in all the right ways.
It's actually way better than I expected. It really feels both old and new at the same time.
I guess I can consider myself lucky, I have already replayed the whole AA series twice as I completely forgot them for the first time, and now thinking about it, I could probably go for a 3rd, completely blind playthrough as I forgot them again.
My choice would definitely be 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim. Its story compares to nothing I have ever played before and the plot twists are on a whole other level.
Personally, I treasure the memories of playing the games I enjoyed so much that I don't ever want to forget them even if it meant getting to experience them again for the first time and not only because of the context in which I've played them the first time as others mentioned, but also considering them on their own... not to mention that each time you replay and/or talk about them you might learn something new which makes you appreciate them even more!
I would go with Bouken Jidai Katsugeki Goemon on PS2. I was a big Goemon fan as a kid (and still am), and I was so excited for Bouken Jidai, but it never was released here. It took me 15 years to finally play it, after I learned enough japanese and imported a japanese PS2. It was a very special experience, to finally play an old game that I was so excited about as a kid.
The game is good, but it was made better by that context. If I could forget this game, I could relive that feeling.
Shadow of the Colossus would top my list, for sure. I've beaten it dozens of times, but that first playthrough can't be replicated.
Majora's Mask would also be right at the top, although at least in that case, repeat playthroughs are still magical just in a slightly different way.
It tickles me when people say Breath of the Wild. That game is so massive that there is little I remember. I've played it 3 times, and each time has felt like the first. Maybe my memory is just terrible 😬
@lazyboyblue I've played and beat all the NA released FE games (most of them numerous times) and I can say Radiant Dawn is fairly comparable.
The only things holding it back from being as great is story wise, there are blood pacts, which for spoiler reasons I can't discuss, but it certainly holds some characters back. Gameplay wise, it feels like you don't get as attached to units leveling up, cos ultimately you're going to be using premade broken units like Tibarn or Haar. The ones you get to level up the most, the Dawn Brigade, are weak and the majority are completely outclassed by other units you get later...
...otherwise the story is definitely the ending that Tellius deserved. It really built further upon the war based on racism and quite nicely tied together loose ends from PoR. Combat wise, man I wish FE had kept the uphill battle terrain for better positioning and tactics. That was something that was a lot of fun and I hope gets adopted in FE entries somewhere down the line again. Not to mention, even on "Normal" (translation issue) mode the game was a challenge. It's definitely one of the more unforgiving FE games released in NA and I personally like the challenge. The cutscenes still hold up as pretty and well done to this day. Great game overall, but for my 2 bob is still prefer PoR.
Easy, Outer Wilds.
That was the best gaming experience I’ve had in a looong time!
@BodkinDQ Thank yo for that. I shall be giving it a go.
The Stanley Parable.
I watched too many let's plays on YouTube, before finally playing it myself.
Any Kingdom Hearts game, Tekken 2, 3, Tag & 5 Project Zero 1,2,4 & 5, FF X & VII, the God Of Wars, Ghost Of Tsushima, I could go on really I'd love to experience them for the first time again ^__^
I’ve felt this way about Pokemon before. Nothing was quite like experiencing Red/Blue for the first time. Black/White with their all new Pokédex was the only thing that even slightly compared.
That being said, if I could erase all Pokemon knowledge from my mind, I’m not sure which Pokemon game I would want to then play first. Would I play Red/Blue? Fire Red/Leaf Green? Something else solid with a bit fuller of a Pokédex like Heart Gold/Soul Silver?
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