Bayonetta 3 Guides
Guide Bayonetta 3: Walkthrough, All Collectibles, Tips, And Tricks
A 100% completion guide to Bayonetta 3
Welcome to our Bayonetta 3 Full Walkthrough Guide hub! This Bayonetta 3 Walkthrough, which includes all collectibles, will guide you through the game, chapter by chapter, showing you the location of every hidden item. We awarded the game 10/10 in our Bayonetta 3 review, describing it as "a stunning return for...
Guide Bayonetta 3: Chapter 3 - A Sinking Feeling Walkthrough
Kaiju Konfrontation
Welcome to chapter 3 of our Bayonetta 3 walkthrough guide. Let's get straight into the action here and find every verse and collectible in this bombastic third level. Bayonetta 3: Chapter 3 - A Sinking Feeling Walkthrough - All Collectibles: Bewitchments Collect The Halos Hidden In The Giant Lantern- In the area where Verse...
Guide Bayonetta 3: Chapter 1 - Scrambling For Answers Walkthrough
Shibuya Scramble
We continue our Bayonetta 3 walkthrough guide with the first chapter proper. Get ready for lots of battles and a ton of collectibles! Bayonetta 3: Chapter 1: Scrambling For Answers Walkthrough - All Collectibles: Bewitchments Destroy 3 Obstacles While Sliding On Gomorrah - During the opening sequence of the Shibuya, Tokyo...
Guide Bayonetta 3: Chapter 4 - World's Apart Walkthrough
Great Walls of Fire
Welcome to chapter 4 of our Bayonetta 3 walkthrough guide. Let's waste no time in jumping right into the mix here as Bayo heads to China for a feast of fighting and a ton of collectible goodies. Bayonetta 3: Chapter 4 - World's Apart Walkthrough - All Collectibles: Bewitchments Enter the lotus field in Ginnungagap - During...
Guide Bayonetta 3: All Verse Locations
Every Verse in the game located
Guide Bayonetta 3: All Figure Box Locations
Every Figure Box in the game located
Guide Bayonetta 3: Chapter 6 - Off The Rails Walkthrough
Forever Blowing Bubbles
Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze Guides
Guide Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze Complete Walkthrough - All Puzzle Pieces And Kong Letters
Warm up
Puzzle pieces and KONG letters are the big collectibles in Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze, provided you're not a total masochist and feel the need to run time trials or aim for 200% completion via hard mode. We really can't help you with that. But we can help you collect all of the lovely puzzle pieces and KONG letters. While they're...
Guide Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze - Lost Mangroves Walkthrough
Rise from your Mangrove
Puzzle pieces and KONG letters are the big collectibles in Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze, provided you're not a total masochist and feel the need to run time trials or aim for 200% completion via hard mode. We really can't help you with that. But we can help you collect all of the lovely puzzle pieces and KONG...
Careful: this includes spoilers
Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze hasn't changed much in the transition between Wii U and Switch, so if you've already played that version you won't have a ton of questions. However, it's safe to say that the Switch has a much larger audience than the Wii U did, so a bunch of you will be coming into this excellent...
Guide Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze Boss Strategies - Tips And Tricks To Beat Every Boss
Like a boss
So you thought the bosses in Dark Souls were hard? Ha! That's adorable. You clearly haven't fought a Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze boss just yet. Okay, in all seriousness, the bosses in Tropical Freeze are pretty tough, and require the very best of your reflexes and memory to beat – much like in Dark Souls. Each boss does have...
Hollow Knight Guides
Guide Hollow Knight Walkthrough - 100% Completion
You can do it!
Getting 100% completion in Hollow Knight is a momentous achievement. This is a massive Dark Souls-like adventure with a ton of collectibles to find, bosses to beat, and abilities to unearth. It's also really, really hard in places. That difficulty stems from both the wide variety of bosses you have to conquer, and how well hidden...
Guide Hollow Knight Boss Locations & Moves List
Like a boss
What's a Dark Souls-like without some good old-fashioned Bosses? Well, Hollow Knight doesn't disappoint in that arena, with a massive variety of them to battle your way through. Much like its inspiration, these bosses are pretty difficult though, so be prepared to spend a good chunk of time learning their attack patterns, strengths, and...
Guide Hollow Knight Notch Upgrades & Charms Locations
As you explore the dark and beautiful world of Hollow Knight, you'll no doubt come across a Charm or two. These are special items that provide various bonuses to our hollow hero. You'll need a free Notch to equip a Charm, and you start with three of them. As you play, you can unlock a total of eight more, allowing you to equip 11 Charms...
Guide Hollow Knight Abilities Locations
Hollow Knight draws a lot of inspiration from Metroidvanias, which traditionally drip-feed you new Abilities to help you better traverse the world and uncover secret areas in previously visited locations. This is no different, with seven unique Abilities you can unlock and use over the course of your adventure. In this guide, we're...
Guide Hollow Knight Spells Locations
You're a wizard, Hollow Knight
Pokémon Let's Go, Pikachu/Eevee! (Switch) Guides
Guide Pokémon Let's Go Pikachu Eevee: How To Check IVs And Catch Pokémon With Flawless IVs
Time to grind
If a huge part of the reason you nabbed a copy of Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee! is because you're a mega fan of Pokémon GO, you might feel a little lost as to how to check a Pokémon's IVs. This was infamously tricky in the mobile game too, as you had to use a third party IV tracker to get an accurate result...
Guide Pokémon Let's Go Pikachu Eevee: How To Unlock Mew
Clue: It involves spending money
One of the burning questions for many Pokémon fans picking up Pokémon: Let's Go! on Switch will be how they can acquire one of the franchise's most famous monsters in the game: the mysterious Mew. Nintendo has been quite sneaky with this, as it has essentially locked Mew behind a paywall - to get the monster, you...
Guide Pokémon Let's Go Pikachu Eevee: How To Get To The Power Plant And Capture Zapdos
Grab yourself a Legendary Pokémon!
If you played Pokémon Red, Blue or Yellow back in the day, you'll know all about the fabled Power Plant. Here, you could capture yourself a level 50 Zapdos, challenge the Elite Four and grab yourself a TM 25. That's some nice little treasures for a short, optional dungeon! The Power Plant makes a welcome return...
Guide Pokémon Let’s Go Candy - How To Use It To Get The Most Powerful Pokémon
You will learn to fear our level 5 Pidgey
Pokémon’s stat system has been the same since 2002, with monsters gaining EVs in combat which are then used to determine a power boost which scales based on the Pokémon’s level. With Pokémon Let’s Go, Pikachu & Let’s Go, Eevee having no 'wild' and randomised combat, the system has changed once...
Guide Pokémon Let's Go Pikachu Eevee: How To Catch Articuno
Including the Seafoam Islands block puzzle solution!
Guide Pokémon Let's Go Pikachu Eevee: How To Get Bulbasaur, Charmander And Squirtle The Easy Way
Three legends, three solutions
Metroid Prime 2 Guides
Guide Metroid Prime 2: Echoes Walkthrough, All Collectibles, Locations, Tips & Tricks
Prime universe
Welcome to our Metroid Prime 2: Echoes Full Walkthrough Guide hub! This Metroid Prime 2: Echoes Walkthrough will take you through the entire game from beginning to end, highlighting where to find all key items, including all Scan Entries
Guide Metroid Prime 2: Echoes: Torvus Bog
What are you doing in my swamp?!
Welcome back to our full walkthrough of Metroid Prime 2: Echoes. After retrieving the energy in the Agon Wastes, it’s time to head to the Torvus Bog and do the same for the swamp. Into the Torvus Bog: As you progress through the game, crossing between the Light and Dark Aether areas will become more common...
Guide Metroid Prime 2: Echoes: Sanctuary Fortress
Welcome back to our full walkthrough of Metroid Prime 2: Echoes. Previously we conquered the Torvus Bog and its facility within. I think we’ve had enough water-based areas for now, so let's head for the Sanctuary Fortress to secure the final piece of energy U-Mos needs to restore Aether to its former glory. Welcome to the...
Guide Metroid Prime 2: Echoes: Pirate Headquarters
You are a (space) pirate!
In the next stage of our full Metroid Prime 2: Echoes walkthrough we’ll be exploring the Pirate Headquarters. It's really a mining facility but we'll be calling it the Pirate Headquarters in our walkthrough. Be prepared to scan a lot of entries in this place, mainly the pirate logs. The Pirate Headquarters: Upon...
Guide Metroid Prime 2: Echoes: Dark Temple Key Locations
They never just leave the door open do they?
Guide Metroid Prime 2: Echoes: Agon Wastes
I hate sand 2 Echoes
Guide Metroid Prime 2: Echoes: How To Defeat Boost Guardian
Don't jump in this muddy puddle
Guide Metroid Prime 2: Echoes: Sky Temple
Finish the fight, but first go on a treasure hunt
Guide Metroid Prime 2: Echoes: Energy Tank Locations
Better than changing batteries every few lightyears
Guide Metroid Prime 2: Echoes: How To Defeat Emperor Ing
Shoot it until it dies
Guide Metroid Prime 2: Echoes: Temple Grounds
The adventure begins!
Famicom Detective Club Guides
Guide Famicom Detective Club Guide - Walkthrough, Tips And Hints
I solve crimes with a little help from my friends
After many years as Japan-only adventure games that released for the Famicom Disk System, Famicom Detective Club: The Missing Heir and Famicom Detective Club: The Girl Who Stands Behind have been remade and brought to the West for the first time with a new localisation. Want to know which one to play...
Famicom Detective Club tips and tricks
Yuri's childhood friend is here in Famicom Detective Club: The Missing Heir, but now what? As part of our Famicom Detective Club guide, we're here to help you figure out how to progress. Ask Katsuko everything: She'll tell you about a postcard — but she doesn't have it now. Ask her about Yuri again:...
Famicom Detective Club tips and tricks
This gosh darn clifftop! It's not the first time you've come here in Famicom Detective Club: The Missing Heir, but just like every time before, there's nothing to see, right? As part of our Famicom Detective Club guide, we're here to help you figure out how to progress. Examine your surroundings at the...
Guide Famicom Detective Club: The Missing Heir Chapter Eleven - How Do I Solve The Puzzle?
Famicom Detective Club tips and tricks
Good job, detective! You've made it to a new area in Famicom Detective Club: The Missing Heir. But the puzzle is a little hard to decipher, eh? As part of our Famicom Detective Club guide, we're here to help you figure out how to progress. "Take" the lock to unlock the door, then open it: Just in case you...
Bayonetta 2 Guides
Guide Bayonetta 2 Secret Accessories, Weapons, Characters, And Costumes - How To Unlock Them All
Keep no secrets
Bayonetta 2 sure does like its secrets. There are an absolute ton of different items to unlock in the hack and slasher, which either make life easier or much prettier for you. We also want to make life easier for you, so that's why we've rounded up all of the secret accessories, weapons, characters, and costumes in Bayonetta 2 to...
Guide Bayonetta 2 Angelic Hymns Locations - How To Find Them All And Unlock The Hidden Weapons
Heaven's wrath
There are a bunch of collectibles to track down in Bayonetta 2. You've got Angelic Hymns, Hidden Verses, Journal Echoes, Umbran Crows, Broken Moon Pearls, Broken Witch Hearts, Accessories, Weapons, and Costumes. It's pretty insane. We want to make it easier for you to unlock all of these things, so we're running a guide series on how...
Guide Bayonetta 2 Hidden Verses - How To Find Them In Every Single Chapter
Also known as Muspelheim
In your single-minded determination to burn through all Bayonetta 2 has to offer, you might completely miss a bunch of Hidden Verses. These provide even more battles in each chapter that let you duff up even more enemies, and beef up your score at the end. So they're well worth hunting down, basically. Or, you could save...
Guide Bayonetta 2 Broken Witch Heart Locations - How To Find All 40 Of Them
Mend a broken heart
Bayonetta 2 is not an easy game. Each hit you take brings you closer to death, so you'll probably want to give yourself a boost in HP. The way to do that is to collect Broken Witch Hearts. There are 40 of these in total, and much like in The Legend of Zelda, collecting four of these creates a Witch Heart that boosts your health...
Guide How To Find Every Umbran Crow In Bayonetta 2
Catch 'em all to unlock stamps for Miiverse
Pokémon Sword & Shield Evolution Guides
Guide Pokémon Sword And Shield's Snom: How To Find And Evolve Into Frosmoth
Come get Snom
Pokémon have always had various ways of evolving into new beasties, and Pokémon Sword and Shield are no different. One of these curious contenders is the unassuming Snom, which can be found primarily on the northern half of Route 8 - known as Steamdrift Way. Just keep an eye out for one wandering around in the grassy patches, and...
Guide Pokémon Sword And Shield's Applin: How To Find And Evolve Into Flapple And Appletun
When it comes to this evolution, you can't russet
Pokémon have always had various ways of evolving into new beasties, and the ones featured in Pokémon Sword and Shield is no different. One of these curious contenders is the unassuming Applin, which can be found primarily on Route 5, just east of Turffield. You won't see any wandering around,...
KISS that Linoone goodbye
Pokémon have always had various ways of evolving into new beasties, and Pokémon Sword and Shield are no different. One of these curious contenders is the monochromatic Galarian Zigzagoon, which can be found all over the Wild Area, but you're better off looking on Routes 2 and 3. They're not hard to find, and in the Wild...
Guide Pokémon Sword And Shield's Toxel: How To Find And Evolve Into Toxtricity, Amped And Low Key
Nature, nature; high voltage
Pokémon have always had various ways of evolving into new beasties, and Pokémon Sword and Shield are no different. One of these curious contenders is the tiny and undeniably baby-like Toxel, who can be found most easily by speaking to the Breeder found inside the Pokémon Nursery on Route 5, as shown in the image...
Super Mario Maker 2 Guides
Guide Super Mario Maker 2 - All Mii Outfit Unlocks List
The full updated list of all achievements to unlock across all modes
Update #3: Added the Super Worlds Mii Outfits from Version 3.0.0. Update #2: Added the Ninji Speedrun Mii Outfits from Version 2.0. Update #1: Added tables and new discoveries. After taking a backseat following the Wii and Wii U eras, Miis are back in
Guide Super Mario Maker 2 Story Mode - How To Unlock Items, Characters, Mii Outfits And More
How to unlock Mii costumes, find characters and collect coin
In addition to the suite of tools and elements contained in the level editor, Super Mario Maker 2 also features a substantial Story Mode in its own right. For those who don't have the creative urge, Story Mode features over 100 levels crafted to showcase the possibilities of the toolbox; a...
Guide How To Use All Power-Ups In Super Mario Maker 2
All the power-ups, what they do and where to find them
Now updated with the Master Sword, the Super Mario Bros. 2 Mushroom and much more from the final v. 3.0 update! The sheer number of possibilities and combinations available to creators in Super Mario Maker 2 is a little mind-boggling. The deluge of options including terrain, items, enemies and...
Guide How To Play Online Multiplayer (Or Local) In Super Mario Maker 2
Finally play online with friends!
An update for Super Mario Maker 2 means that you can now play online with friends - we're here to show you how to get it set up as painlessly as possible. There have also been tweaks to streamline how local multiplayer is accessed, and you'll find all the details below. Super Mario Maker 2 is a wonderful and...
Guide How To Change From Day To Night In Super Mario Maker 2
Plus how nighttime affects your courses
The Witcher 3 (Switch) Guides
Guide Should I Simulate Witcher 2 Save In Witcher 3 For Nintendo Switch?
What does 'simulate a Witcher 2 save' mean?
What does 'simulate a Witcher 2 save' mean in The Witcher 3? With The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Complete Edition arriving on Switch, no doubt many new players will be wondering what this small detail at the start of the game means. In this guide, we'll break the whole thing down, and hopefully help you decide...
Guide The Witcher 3 On Nintendo Switch - 10 Gameplay Settings To Check Out Before Starting
Advice on options in The Witcher 3
The Witcher 3 on Nintendo Switch comes with a lot of options that you can tweak — and many of them can have a significant effect on your gameplay experience. In this guide, we're going to run through what we think are the settings that you should at least consider checking out before you start a new game. The...
Guide Best Character Builds For Geralt In The Witcher 3 On Nintendo Switch
Melee, spell-casting or somewhere in-between?
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Complete Edition is available on Switch, and if you're coming to the world of the Continent with fresh eyes, it can all be a bit overwhelming. That's why we're here to help. Character progression in The Witcher 3 is very complex, and one of the first 'pressure points' you'll...