
Find two Broken Moon Pearls in Bayonetta 2 and you'll get an extra orb on your magic gauge. So if you like using attacks that require magic, you're going to want to hunt these down.

To make that easier for you, we've listed all of their locations below by chapter.

Chapter One

Broken Moon Pearl Location
One At the large staircase, head to the upper level and you'll find a Broken Moon Pearl at the Umbran Resting Place.
Two Complete Verse Three to get a Broken Moon Pearl.
Three At the end of Verse Eight, head past the Hidden Verse and open a chest on a thin ledge. This includes a Broken Moon Pearl.

Chapter Two

Broken Moon Pearl Location
Four Complete Verse One to get a Broken Moon Pearl.

Chapter Four

Broken Moon Pearl Location
Five At the beginning of Verse Five, you'll find a Broken Moon Pearl at an Umbran Resting Place.

Chapter Five

Broken Moon Pearl Location
Six Complete Verse Three to get a Broken Moon Pearl.
Seven Complete Verse Five to get a Broken Moon Pearl.

Chapter Eight

Broken Moon Pearl Location
Eight Complete Verse Five and head through the large doors. Here you'll find a Broken Moon Pearl.
Nine After you've repaired the Witch Walk Portal, break the violet object while flying to get a Broken Moon Pearl.
Ten Complete Verse 10 to get a Broken Moon Pearl.

Chapter Nine

Broken Moon Pearl Location
Eleven At the end of Verse Two, break the Umbran Resting Place near the staircase. This contains a Broken Moon Pearl.

Chapter Ten

Broken Moon Pearl Location
Twelve At the end of Verse Eight, backtrack to the exit of this area and head right. You'll find a chest containing a Broken Moon Peal.

Chapter Thirteen

Broken Moon Pearl Location
Thirteen At the end of Verse Seven, open a chest in a room full of loot to get a Broken Moon Pearl.

Chapter Fourteen

Broken Moon Pearl Location
Fourteen Complete Verse Two, then climb the stairs behind you to find a chest containing a Broken Moon Pearl.
Fifteen Complete Verse Three to get a Broken Moon Pearl.

Chapter Sixteen

Broken Moon Pearl Location
Sixteen Complete Verse Three to get a Broken Moon Pearl.