Comments 125

Re: Sega Wants Simultaneous Video Game Releases Worldwide


@GrailUK That would be cool, although I would really like a new SMB game. I'm very familiar with SMB1&2 courses so I'd like to try my hand at new stages.

Also, I'm crossing my fingers for a level creator. SMB Switch with a level creator would be the best Sega game in existence. Even if the main game is naff, the community would make it the best.

Re: Panic Button Boss Says Another Major Switch Port Will Be Announced Next Month


Pretty sure it won't be 76, since it would have been mentioned during the reveal. Eternal is getting more details at Quakecon in August so I doubt it will be that (although that may be coming to Switch anyway).

My bet is for that rumoured Fallout 3 port or hopefully Fallout 4. I know Fallout 4 has a lot of detractors, but I'd rather see something at least relatively recent rather than porting games that are older than a lot of Switch players!

Re: Review: Worms W.M.D. (Switch eShop)


It´s the best Worms game since Armageddon IMO.

Not sure I agree with the issues about the control scheme. Mapping aiming to the same stick as movement makes sense, when the other stick controls camera. Also the game is designed for single joycon play with couch coop, so putting on the single stick would make switching to single joycon mode a bit easier.

Still, I agree with the overall sentiment. If you like Worms, you´ll love this. If you don´t, then it probably won´t win you over.

Re: Mario 64 Speedrunner Offers Cash Reward To Anyone Who Can Recreate Mysterious Glitch


The speedrun community does this quite often. The GoldenEye community have yearly bounties for certain levels or objectives, and if people can find a glitch or exploit for those things they can get a cash reward.

The big one is always one for control room to skip, or shorten, the protect section.

Anyway yeah, hopefully the big reward will encourage people to find out how to do it!

Re: Nintendo 64x64: Jet Force Gemini


Fantastic game. One of my favourite games of all time. People usually list controls and tribal collecting as faults, but the tribals aren't hard to collect - and the levels are fun - so I don't see the problem. Also, if you use the expert control style, you will find it much easier to get to grips with.

Re: Nintendo 64x64: Pokemon Snap


It would be nice if they did a new version, complete with medals for accomplishing certain things (making Pikachu surf, making a Gardevoir shake its hips, or whatever) and with a battle mode added. Would be great as an eshop release.

Re: Junichi Masuda Talks Pokémon Snap and Listening to Fans


@wayward I agree. It would be nice as a bonus mode for a new Stadium game.

The good thing is that they would have all the Pokemon models from the main game, so it would minimise the work needed.

Have the main Stadium mode, bonus minigames, and maybe a two-player Snap mode, where players compete for who can earn the most points. Maybe divide the levels into Morning / Afternoon / Night, and make them seasonal too (Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter). Having 12 different variations for each stage should allow them to include all the Pokemon.

Re: Nintendo 64x64: Conker's Bad Fur Day


@KeeperBvK I'm jealous of you. I wish I liked it that much.

When I replayed it about a month ago, I was expecting it to be as fun as when I was a child. I was quite disappointed that I found some elements really frustrating, especially as the problems I have don't apply to the Banjo games or DK. I still enjoyed my time with it (hence the 8, but I can't ignore the problems I had with it).

Re: Nintendo 64x64: Conker's Bad Fur Day


Well, I hate to be that guy, but this game doesn't deserve a 10. The gameplay has a degree of charm, with the characters and the movie references, but the gameplay is awful. Swimming and jumping never really seems particularly smooth, and a lot of the sections are either bland or broken.

The initial part of the game is great fun, as are the last couple of chapters are also really good, but it sags in the middle with some really annoying gameplay. The Rats Tower level is absolutely atrocious. There are exceptions (Lava Surfing!), but it is still mostly bad in the middle [gameplay wise].

Overall, an enjoyable experience, but playing this as an adult made me realise its flaws.

Re: Nintendo Download: 16th October (Europe)


Whilst I won't be buying anything this week, I would recommend Lone Survivor to people. I have it on Steam, and it's pretty neat.

Also, if you have the spare cash, Gravity Badgers is a nice fun distraction. Not a complex puzzle game, but you can't go wrong for the price.

Re: Nintendo 64x64: Perfect Dark


@Darknyht If you mean PD Zero, that game was awful. if you mean the XBLA rerelease, well.... that was ok. The controls let it down though (by being terrible).

I love the N64 perfect Dark so much. I like to speedrun the main game, and variations (enemy rockets!), so I have sunk in countless hours over the years. I love the game so much I have a Skedar tattooed on my leg