Each year, Atlus runs an online survey in Japan, and 2020 is no exception. The key difference with this year's survey is that it has one question that is focused strongly on the Switch – more specifically, which Atlus titles fans would like to see come to Nintendo's hybrid console.
The survey is obviously in Japanese, but Personal Central has kindly translated the bit we're interested in:
If previous Atlus games (games which can be played on other hardware, without adding additional elements) were ported to the Nintendo Switch, would you want to play them? Select all of the titles below that you would like to play on the Nintendo Switch.
Port of “Revelations: Persona”
Port of “Persona 2: Innocent Sin / Eternal Punishment”
Port of “Persona 3,” “Persona 3 FES,” and “Persona 3 Portable”
Port of “Persona 4” and “Persona 4 Golden”
Port of “Persona 5” and “Persona 5 Royal”
Port of “Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne”
Port of “Shin Megami Tensei IV”
Port of “Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse”
Port of “Digital Devil Saga: Avatar Tuner” series
Port of “Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers”
Port of “Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunoha” series
Port of “Etrian Odyssey” series
Port of “13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim”
Port of “Persona Q”
Port of “Catherine: Full Body”
Port of “Odin Sphere Leifthrasir”
Port of “Dragon’s Crown Pro"
While a survey of this kind naturally doesn't mean any of these titles are actually coming to Switch, it's interesting that Atlus is at least gauging interest in its games within the Switch fanbase.
Which game would you like to see out of those listed on Switch? Vote in the poll below and leave a comment if you're feeling especially generous.
[source gonintendo.com, via p-ch.jp]
Comments 149
They forgot to add Trauma Center to the poll this year. Again. I'm starting to think maybe they don't believe anyone actually wants it back.
Please please please Dragon's Crown Pro.
Only five choices? Get serious guys! I want them all!
Just do a Kickstarter for each. I've never played any of them.
I am sure the results will be obvious.
DS was when Atlus was at its strongest in my opinion. Shin Megami Tensei Strange Journey, the Devil Survivor games, Dark Spire and Etrian Odyssey on the big screen would make me so happy.
Oh whatever, just give us everything. Atlus barely ever does wrong.
Even though i own SMTIII on PS2. i would love a remastered/port of that game on Switch.
SMT IV would be cool too. although, i'm just excited to hear more about SMT V.
Uh, is this even a question? Persons 5 should've been announced for Switch while the Smash Bros. iron was hot. So yes, I say. Bring ALL the games to Switch.
That or give an update on SMT V.
Persona 5 is really the only one I would pick if they would do just one of the above. Syrian Odyssey would be cool but the mapping system would need to be different. Also, where on earth is Shin Megami Tensei 5?!?!??????
Catherine was probably my favourite game from that generation so I would adore a port of that.
I'm not a puzzle game fan, but that and Portal 2 were two of the best from that time.
I would like a Dragon's Crown please.
I don't trust Atlus, yes they make some great games but their poor management announcing games WAY too early with little to no communication to their audience on updates and western localisation for their games always being 6 to 9 months late I cant find a reason to believe anything they say
Atlus: “Which ports would you like?”
Me: “Yes.”
I wish Persona from Atlus and Danganronpa from Spike Chunsoft.
All plz and thanks!
All of the above, thank you very much. Plus Trauma Center, that series was great.
Always enjoyed Snowboard Kids on my n64 - would like an update of those.
Never did solve 2-2 of Kwirk on my trusty gameboy either.
@fR0z3nS0u1 Same here. Bring them all and take my money.
Trauma Center or bust.
Persona 1, 2 (both 2’s), 3, SMT 3, and a bunch of the spinoff titles (Digital Devil Saga!) on Switch would be amazing.
Persona please! 4 and/or 5 are great!
Finally getting an English version of Princess Crown would be nice.
And yes, I know that wasn't an option.
I don't know how they'd make it work well without the second screen, but I'd love an Etrian Odyssey game on the Switch if they can find a way.
If the Switch actually had all the features of previous systems, then of course I would want them all on Switch. But since all their DS games and 3DS games make such great use of these features, I imagine Switch versions would be inferior to the originals
Odin Sphere is one of the best games on the Vita/PS3 - bring it. BRING IT NOW.
Bring 'em all! The more, the merrier.
Do them all, the more the better, although if limited then I personally would want the Etrian Odyssey series ported on Switch.
Ummm... We had been asking for Persona 5 for years now since the day Joker got into Smash Bros. Atlus. It's like we're asking and you kept asking us back. Just bring it already. It shouldn't be a question at this point. Heck bring it alongside 3 and 4 as well or just bring part 5 and released a collection of the first four. Also a remastered collection of the first six Shin Megami Tensei games (I, II, II if, III, IV, IV Apocalypse) would be nice too.
Atlus is owned by SEGA. No way should they be using Kickstarter.
5 choices wasnt enough. All Persona, SMT, and Etrian Odyssey for me
Where is the all of them option ?
Can't say I'm interested in any of those lol.
I have the 3DS Atlus games listed here but I've never played Persona so I'd of course want to see what the fuss is all about. I wouldn't say no to Catherine or any other Atlus game either.
I'd also like a new Trauma Center game or a port of Trauma Team since it never came to Europe. I've only played New Blood 2-3 years ago but I'm planning on buying the other games. They are really cheap but I just haven't gotten around to it. Other than Under the Knife which just arrived earlier this week. There's just one problem. My 3DS won't recognize the cartridge. I think I need to do some kind of operation to the cartridge first before I can enjoy doing operations in the game. This is the first time I've ever seen a faulty DS cartridge. Probably just needs some cleaning, I'll see what I can do to it this weekend.
Begging my boys at Atlus not to toy with my heart like this. You know what the people want
It would be easier to list what I WOULDN'T like on Switch - and like I said earlier, even the [almost] finished stuff like Persona Revelations and Etrian Odyssey 1 could become considered items.
NL polls, of course, won't have any of this "everything!" heresy, so I've limited the corteous votes to the stuff unavailable on portable consoles yet - Persona 5, Nocturne, Digital Devil Saga, Devil Summoner and Catherine (although the latter IS on Vita... just stuck in Japan).
Just port everything to the Switch already Atlus.
I recently grabbed Persona 4 golden for Vita, but if it came to switch I'd be more likely to play it there since i'd love to play it on my TV over portably. Also I'd consider double dipping on P5 Royal if it was on switch I have regular one on my PS4, but don't have the time for Royal at the moment, and still not sure if there is enough new stuff there to want to play through it.
@RushDawg no way they should... But having people put money where their mouth is speaks volumes
In addition to P5, have always wanted to try Odin's Sphere and Dragon's Crown. Bring it!
I'd take all of them, but I don't really 'need: Etrian Odyssey series 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim Persona Q Catherine: Full Body Odin Sphere Leifthrasir Dragon’s Crown Pro.
I think I would particularly like Digital Devil Saga. Always had a weak spot for those games and not having been released outside of the PS2 makes them prime candidates for a small revival. They are also excellent games with enough unique appeal to stand out in the SMT crowd, so to speak.
Poor Trauma Center. I wonder if Atlus is irked that it's more popular in the west than in Japan?
Dragon's Crown is one I've always wanted to play but a mixture of finding the time for it and it never being in stores when I've looked stopped me. From what I understand of the game it also just seems better suited to short bursts, so perfect for a handheld.
Persona I've never taken all that much interest in, but I remember looking for Persona 4 a while back given all the praise it got and it wasn't exactly accessible, basically being the end of my short lived interest. By the time I knew it was a thing the PS2 was a relic, mine of which no longer worked, the other version being released on the Vita, a console I'm not buying for the sake of one game that for all I knew could have gotten ported like many others.
A Switch version on that account would be perfect given it takes away some of the confusion of what I'm actually buying with the multiple versions and spinnoffs (as a newcomer, trying to find out which was the "actual" Persona 4 wasn't obvious) and makes it available on a modern platform that isn't doomed to failure like the Vita.
Not a fan of their games so no thanks
Persona 4 and 5 😁
Put everything on the Swiitch, everyone been requesting Persona 5 since Scramble was announced, so P5 should be first on the list.
Golden Sun port. Isn't that Atlus? I would replay that. I didn't play anything after the first one. I would probably play those too
I have not heard of a Pro version of Dragon's Crown but what a name for an update.
"What is your job?" "I am a Dragon's Crown professional!" Then again, there's probably a speedrunner somewhere who can actually say that.
I actually started P4G not long ago, and it's the first game I played in the Persona series. I just made it to Void Quest, to give veterans a sense of my progress. If this and other games come to modern consoles, I'll buy them up immediately, though most likely on PS4 with the Persona 5 games I own in my backlog that are glaring daggers at me from my shelf out of jealousy that I didn't start with them.
@McEhret1 That's Nintendo by way of Camelot.
@McEhret1 No, that is Camelot (formerly Sonic Planning, I think their name was. The team that develeoped the first few Shining Force games.)
Give us the Eternal Punishment PSP remake we never got!
@McEhret1 Golden Sun is own by Nintendo and made by Camelot. Though I do believe the GBA version of Shining Force was published by Atlus despite being a Sega IP and is another Camelot game.
Is this some kind of joke? Atlus cannot be that oblivious to the fans clamoring for Persona 5 to come to the Switch.
I like how the article notes it doesn't mean any of these games will actually come to the Switch. I agree they will not and have no idea what Atlus actually wants the data for.
I would LOVE some of the Etrian Odyssey games on the Switch. I've amassed 500+ hours in each title easily (EO4 and EO5 especially, 1k+ each).
Persona games are the most requested but I would love Catherine full body on Switch.
1. 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim
2. I'll write in Persona 6 please. So no need to do this again in the future 😉
Everything else I can play right now if I care to do so.
Persona Q and Persona Q2 remastered please, Atlus...
All of them. I want all of the games, Atlus.
I'd like to see SMT V already.
Yes. All of that
I don't need ports of the Etrian Odyssey games as I'm happy still playing them on 3DS, but I'm still anxious to find out about the future of that series. They teased a continuation after Nexus and whether it's on Switch or some other platform, I want it!
selects every title in poll
“Select up to 5 titles? Aw come on!”
Port everything.
Why is this even a question? The answer is yes.
And people still say Persona 5 can’t come to Switch lmfao
Wait a minute didnt they announce Shin megami V at the Switch reveal? Where is that game? I totally forgot till now.
My personal picks would go to the Etrian Odyssey series as well as Catherine: Full Body.
All the above. 😁
Mainline Persona shedding its PlayStation exclusivity is LONG overdue. Hopefully we see actual results from this.
I would Love to play Persona 5 and Catherine pm my switch
All of them, getting more games on the Switch is a good thing.
Where's the option for Devil Survivor? Those two games where really great and would fit the Switch like a glove.
As someone else has commented, I would also like to see a new Etrian Odyssey, but that series was such a great fit for the DS/3DS hardware, that it's hard to imagine how a single screen iteration would work.
@retro_player_22 ok.lol....i guess I don't care about any of these games then lol.
Little does anyone know that the Digital Devil Saga games are probably the best on that whole list. Someone please play those games. Just as good if not better than the best SMT and Persona games. And easily better than Persona 5
@Kochambra Yeah Devil Survivor definitely belongs on there. Overclocked is in my top 3 SMT/Persona games. I'd buy a switch release in a heartbeat
All the Personas please! Seriously, Id like all of them. But I'd adore P4G and P5R! I was seriously thinking of picking up a PS4 just for P5R!
I would mostly like the new SMT they said was coming to Switch aeons ago, but I will keep patiently waiting for that one. As ports I'd love their beat 'em up style games and a full remake of SMTIII would be fabulous because that game was so nearly brilliant but felt a little ahead of the tech at the time.
They did this survey last year too.
@Entrr_username and it still probably won't.
@McEhret1 You should cause unlike Golden Sun these are actually finish games.
Five answers isnt enough. I want them all. Devil Survivor series too.
Based on the question, Persona's 4, 5, Q, and Shin Megami Tensei games 3, 4 and Apocalypse, and Catherine, I would like to be ported. If they did full on remakes, then bring Persona's 1 and 2 as well.
I don't have time anyway. Even for golden sun lol....but I would buy that for it's nostalgia factor anyway. I thought nk I bought it on Wii u or something...maybe Wii eshop, but transfered onto my Wii u. I still have the Gameboy advance player and my GameCube too. Either way I would still just buy a new copy on switch,and then not play it lol
@AllieKitsune Amen to that! Got the PSP and Saturn versions. Is there a fan translation patch? I know it was spoken about years and years ago.
I keep hearing how awesome Etrian Odyssey is, so I voted for that.
As much as it bothers me that Trauma Center/Team isn't on the list, I'd rather they give us a new game than a port.
Not that either will ever happen.
IV and Apocalypse should be a shoe-in for a remastered pack of the two games together on Switch. I have all those old SMT games already but most of them are stuck on my ps3 so I'd likely buy them again if they brought them over.
Where's the Rockin Kats option?
I voted for all the Persona games available.
I'll take literally all of them, thanks.
No love for the Devil Summoner Raidou series? Fail, dudes.
Short answer...yes
More people need to play Devil Summoner 2.
"Atlus Wants To Know If You'd Like Persona, Etrian Odyssey And Other Past Games On Your Switch"
Persona 5 is an obvious choice, but I'd love to see Odin's Sphere and Dragon's Crown on the Switch. Do they hold any other Vanillaware rights? Muramasa on the Wii was beautiful. The upgraded version on the Switch would be amazing!
P3/4/5, and Odinsphere/Dragon's Crown.
Even though I have P5 and the two Vanillaware games on my PS4 already.
And P4 Golden/P3P, the two Vanillaware games (along with Muramasa Rebirth), on my Vita.
And P3 FES on my PS3.
But... Give me a proper remake of P3, with the aesthetic quality of P5, and a little more dungeon variety in Tartarus, and I'd happily forego the rest of the games on this list.
Persona, yes!!! A good idea could be bring first 3 personas as they appeared on PSP, in one cartridge.Then the complete 4 and 5 versions.
And Dragon's Crown! Def a game that deserves more love.
Why even having Persona 5 on the list...? Nobody wants that on Switch!
Where are the Devil SURVIVOR games that were on DS and ported to 3ds?
I'd buy a combo version that included games 1 & 2 in a heartbeat, the first one is still one of the best games I have ever played.
@retro_player_22 True, asking for Persona 5 on Switch at this point sounds like a joke when we have been begging for it for months. Instabuy!
If I could only have one port on this list, it would be Nocturne. Watched my brother play this on playstation and I never got around to it. Very long game.
I'd probably pick up every single one of them if I'm being honest. I'm least interested in the Persona games, since I'm not much of a fan of those and vastly prefer the classic SMT series, but I'd even pick those up as I might enjoy them a little more in portable format.
Also, I still don't think an Etrian Odyssey game would work on the Switch, or on any other platform tbh.
Easier for me to say what I dont care for:
Port of “Etrian Odyssey” series
Port of “13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim”
Port of “Persona Q”
Everything else: GIVE ME!!!!
5 options wasn't enough lol.
I'd definitely double dip on Dragon's Crown and wouldn't mind having Odin Sphere too...I played it briefly for Vita but not long enough.
I went to their poll and answered every question. I really hope they consider the possibility to port Persona 5 on Switch.
I would scream if Devil Summoner or Soul Hackers got announced for Switch and PC
Same with Nocturne, Strange Journey or any Persona game
All of the above. Also I noticed Persona Q2 isn't on the list. Could there already be plans to port that one?
I'm leaning towards Dragon Crown Pro. Didn't pay it that much attention at the time it was originally released, but now that I've just finished playing D&D: Chronicles of Mystara and enjoyed it a lot, I'm beggining to reconsider that decision, since this Dragon Crown game seems in every way like a spiritual sucessor to those D&D Capcom games.
Persona 5 here we go!
Atlus needs to just announce something. They are sending mixed signals.
I'd really like to try out the Persona games, but it's sad to see how little demand there is for the mainline SMT titles.
Devil Summoner and IV Apocalypse were great, but IV still remains one of my favorite games of all time.
I'd really like to play other games with that kind of setting and tone.
Too bad we can't select all of them! Etrian Odyssey might be my favorite of that series, but having all of those already, I'd rather see the Vanillaware games, Soul Hackers, Catherine, SMT IV series, and at least the last three Persona games.
No SMT: Strange Journey? One of the most intriguing ones, imo.
I wouldn't mind getting all the SMT games, including the Persona and Devil Summoner ones on Switch. Especially both Persona 2 games, maybe also translate Eternal Punishment so that we can play it in english...
Knights in the Nightmare would be great on Switch! What an underrated little gem KitN is with unforgettable art design and moody noir atmosphere.
anything is welcomed
just port something dammit
I’d buy basically any game they released for the Switch in the Persona franchise or made by Vanillaware, although I hope they all come to the Switch at some point.
They should've added the Arena and the Dancing games as well. I mean you could use the Joycons to act the movements.
And like they’ve always done, year after year, SEGA/Atlus will continue to ignore the results of their survey like they never even put it out.
But they’ll still wonder why their console performance continues to worsen.
Mischief makers... thats all i need. But it didnt even make your list
Trauma Center where art thou?
@BenAV Have the map fill itself in, but enable BOTW style markers to identify points of interest. That's my best guess anyway.
But seriously, we all freaked out when they bought the domain Persona5s.com and now they're asking if we want the game?
Like Atlus, are you f*ck1ng stupid or what? Just port them all and you'll print money, stop wasting time with surveys
@NotoriousWhiz For me the map drawing is the most important part of Etrian Odyssey so if they remove it then I no longer want it.
I'm not sure how they can make the drawing not cumbersome on the Switch. With a controller, the controls would be clunky. In handheld mode, you don't really have the screen space to support always showing the map. So you'd have to go in and out of the menu to do any drawing.
Etrian Odyssey :’) such an amazing series.
Atlus: "Hey guys, which of our games do you want to see get ported to platforms like Switch and PC?"
All of us: "Yes"
I thought they already had announced a switch etrian to be made
I love ya, Atlus, and I REALLY want P5 on switch... but just stop! Stop it with these surveys! I made an account just to say that this seemed vaguely familiar to me so I checked and remembered that they posted a very similar survey back in 2017 and again in February 2019 (perhaps even 2018 for all I know!) and now they're asking again?! What is going on? What is not being communicated to them?!
Altus are why I still play my 3DS. Probably more than my Switch in the last year.
It's been a frustratingly very slow start on Switch, but once they have the engine up & running for a few games, they usually start reusing it for future entries. So I'll probably be playing a library of Atlus games on Switch when the successor comes out.
When SMTV finally comes, I hope they use the engine for a Nocturne remaster.
Damn, I wish I could select all of them. Did the japanese survey though, hoping for the best!
Dear Atlus, of course we want your catalogue of great games on our beloved Nintendo Switch! If you were to release my personal favourite Atlus games on Switch, I’d buy them in a heartbeat. They are:
I already own Dragon’s Crown, Odin Sphere and Persona 4 Golden on Vita, plus Odin Sphere (again) and Persona 5 on PS4, but I’d pay hand over fist to have them all on Switch, too!
I would buy Persona 5 on Switch. And wait for SMT V. If I like these two, I'd buy more.
@KnightsTemplar Mischief Makers was made by Treasure and Enix, not Atlus.
@KBuckley27 I'm curious as to why you consider Atlus' localisations poor. Their English scripts have been some of my favorites for RPGs throughout the 3DS' lifespan.
@Octorok385 releasing games to the West 6 months or more after Japan get those games is piss poor in 2020 its not the 1990s anymore do you honestly want to wait 6 or more moths to get the new game from Atlus after Japan gets it? I doubt it
"Which Atlus games would you like to see come to Switch?"
SMT V, of course! And port of Raidou Kuzunoha series is also good idea, but I want it on other platforms more, then on Switch, because, I want play in best version.
I'd like to try an Etrian Odyssey, preferably a new one made for the Switch with its features in mind.
@KBuckley27 If these were triple A releases, I'd agree. Atlus has been localizing extremely niche JRPGs. It makes sense that they would be selective about what and when they put resources toward localizing, especially considering the size of their teams outside of Japan.
The Switch has become my go to JRPGish game console so I'll take it all.
Just ReMaster all of them for Switch with Amiibo functions.
Yep totally agree. Results not accurate cause you can only vote for 5. How can you even say Etrian Odyssey or a Persona game ? or Shin Megami? Why not both or all? Start with the best selling if you want and let their profits fund the next titles. Win - win.
Dragon’s Crown and Odin Sphere are both worth buying again. Yes, yes, YES! And Persona 5 of course.
Give us everything (and Snowboard Kids 1 & 2 as well)!
i would kill for P3 & 5R on switch
@TheOpponent they also forgot snowboard kids but I’m fairly certain after their failed reboot attempt that game is dead as dirt
Am I the only guy who wants an actual Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem? Feudal demon warfare with dark and gruesome world building, multiple endings branching to at least the chaos, order and neutral maybe more. Recruiting demons/angels and everything in between. Mercy if they keep the TMS#FE Combat system that game would be pure greatness.
Any Persona and Catherine would be excellent, as well as Nocturne. Anything else would be absolute gravy on top.
What game is the sexy witch from?
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