When Nintendo revealed HD Rumble back in January and gave initial hands-on impressions of 1-2-Switch we marvelled at its fidelity; as an effect it's been used well in various ways, with highlights perhaps being racers like Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and FAST RMX. Of course, the subtle capabilities of the rumble can be utilised in various ways, with Shinobi Refle: Senran Kagura going an interesting route.
This download-only Senran Kagura 'dating sim' spin-off was revealed only in the Japanese version of an April Nintendo Direct, with the HD Rumble pitched as simulating various sensations by touching and bonding with the girl on screen. It makes absolutely no secret of the fact it's a mature game, with Marvelous using phrases like "chest-throbbing chronicle" in promotional material. The core gameplay is all about developing a relationship through various massages and 'reflexology'. Its Direct video effectively sums up the kind of experience it'll offer.

Well, it's launching this week in Japan, on 24th November - as the eShop is region free anyone will be able to access it, though the dialogue will go over the heads of those that can't speak Japanese.
It certainly shows cultural differences between territories - the Senran Kagura series as a whole has caused division in Europe and North America, while there's little fuss around its release in Japan, albeit with ratings doing their job. We doubt this will ever be localised, but Gal Gun 2 will be, as one example. It can also be argued that game ratings are in place to identify mature games, and on a broader note Nintendo is reportedly eager to see more mature games on Switch to expand the system's audience.
In any case, Shinobi Refle: Senran Kagura may get people talking once it arrives later this week.
[source gematsu.com]
Comments 81
No comment, which I guess is a comment?
Anyway, I'm really shocked this game is making it over. I wonder how it will do.
Been looking forward to this game since it was announced.
Meh - just a quick cash in. Hopefully the Switch will get real Senran games like the VITA.
I’m ready for the rumble!
@Agramonte I also hope Switch will get main SK games. Love all of them, except Estival. It were good but storywise awfull compared to the rest.
And this game might be a qick cash grab, but for a fan of Asuka its awsome x3
@Kalmaro It's not being released outside of Japan still. With that said, the article points out that the different eShops are region free, so anyone with access to the Japanese eShop can download the game.
People are getting ready to fondle some ninjas.
@Shiryu «A young girl’s strange, erotic journey from Milan to Minsk»?
If they localised it then I'd consider it, but without being able to understand what they're saying, it's a pass for me.
We all know that dialogues don't matter in these games.
I'm really curious how well the HD Rumble achieves it's goal. This may not be the most family friendly use of it, but imagine a game like Splatoon with water balloons. Or a juggling game with water ballons. 90% of HD Rumble's effect is probably based on what our eyes see, so whether the game is juggling hacky sacks, water balloon fights, or Senran Kagura I'm curious how well our minds can be decieved. Maybe that clay molding scene in Ghost could be recreated? Maybe something like media Molecules Dreams?
Wow, I almost talked myself into getting 1 2 Switch.
I'll assume it's too soon for any Al Franken and Roy Moore game simulator jokes?

@BenAV jep. This game is all about dialog.
@Elanczewski The 3DS games has decent stories.
Maybe I'll get that... For a friend of course... Yes... A friend 😐
@PurinPuff Oh right, I suppose they can't get numbers then on how it sells over here. I don't like the game but I am curious what the westerners think of it.
@okeribok Yeah, but this is a spin-off about doing things with girls or something like that.
The HD rumble jokes are just way too hard to resist.
About time the true GOTY arrived.
Hard pass. Let me know when we are back to beating up busty evil again.
+1, Never, but, never I understand why people tend to mention / classify that kind of games (shooters as COD, survival horror like Resident evil and this for example) with the word "Mature", if those games have nothing of "Mature" in first place.
Think the game would be interesting. Still never got the outrage some had about the fighting games in the series
This guy knows his audience.
Screw Asuka, where's that pinball game? >:c
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
are we going to have our first "I fell on my switch controller by mistake, that's why i'm in Accident and Emergency, REALLY!"
Division? What division? No division here..
With all the news in the US about people being groped, the news media would eat NOA alive right now if this was released.
Part of me would like would like to see how Reggie would spin this one.
@tobibra I played Burst and maybe the story was okay, but the presentation of it was just abismal, too many flat and empty text.
@Agramonte The 3DS you mean.
The Vita got the Senran Kagura spin offs. While the 3DS got the real ones with story & canon.
A woman boob squeezing game? Don't tell me Nintendo actually let this slide through.
@Sinton Best quote I've seen on this site. applause
Let me know if a sequel to the hack n' slash games arrive instead of this.
What exactly is "mature" about this?
@Drac_Mazoku Actually the main audience seems to be creepy married guys D:
@Bunkerneath Actually, I remember reading that already happened with 1-2-Switch... Although the guy didn't have to go to the hospital.
A man boob squeezing game would be ok? Sexist!
Can't wait to get my hands on it ! Get it? I'll see myself out...
In all honesty, though. Very excited about it haha
Thank goodness for DAT region free eshop!
Hopefully the one DAT is sorta Splatoon also revs on switch, as well as the remake of first game, would be swell.
I've had just about enough of the inane political correctness I can stand. The SK games have all been released with the exception of the mobile only new wave game. So small of a sudden a big shot running for a high political office was accused of misconduct you say?! You say it happened 30 years ago when he wasn't?! You say games are the cause of violence and debauchery?! Honestly it's all a load of crap!! Mass shootings recently and they didn't delay Doom! Most people were raised to know right from wrong, the difference in fiction and reality! The political climate isn't right my foot! If that were the case Mario Odyssey would have been delayed over the plumbers union renegotiating their contracts would make just as much sense. But then I forgot how some think if they don't approve of something then no one else should have it either!
How can any self respecting guy buy this game? I'm serious. It's so damn cringy.
@LUIGITORNADO Because different people like different things, and just because you happen to find this game cringy does not everyone who disagree with you lacks selfrespect.
Sorry, no buy from me - i would have gladly taken a shot at the franchise if it would be a "real" game but not a weird spinoff
Wouldn't make a difference anyway, if you can't understand what's being displayed on screen. If that's the case for you, what's the point of even trying to buy this?
@SetupDisk Nah men don't have boobs and yes you are right I am one of those. My profile says it all.
*Waits patiently for localization...
I can´t say I´m happy with the direction the Shinobi series has taken. Revenge of Shinobi is one of my favourites, so it´s sad to see them mess up the IP.
If anyone is not interested in this game, just move along.
I don't care for Barbie games and wouldn't waste my time wondering "who will buy these games?".
The Senran Kagura games are not Segas Shinobi games, 2 different series!
HD rumble boobies?
@GameOtaku Yeah, I know.
@SyntheticPerson am I the only guy that gets this joke? Lol
That's exactly what I was thinking. The Switch may be region-free, but when comes to things like this, if one doesn't know how to read the Mystic Script then the whole point is moot. So yeah, localization or bust.
@tobibra @GC-161
It is normal and understandable that someone don't like (even, hate) any game (cartoon, movies, etc.), and of course, come to express their displeasure, when sometimes they put uncomfortable those who like that game.
But, say that players who buy and play that game don't have respect (or using an insult), really is a great lack of respect from the person who does not like/hate the game...
oh well, another normal day in the internet...
@BlueKnight07 It would be a non-issue for NOA if they are not publishing it. All Reggie needs to say is that it is a mature game and that it is up to their partners on what they want to publish and on what consoles and the ESRB to rate it accordingly.
However, I can see this hitting headlines either way.
Right now this game has the best purpose for HD Rumble
This or Super Mario Odyssey. Seems like a very tough choice...
I look forward to grabbing this game with both hands.
The truth is, no one outside of gaming really cares about this sort of thing, and even within gaming, I'd suggest those who actually want to buy it outnumber those who'd want to stop others having it. Too often, there has been censorship of things like bikinis because publishers are scared of a very small (but loud) collection of activists.
i would love to play a main senran kagura game but this will do for now.
Oh no Nintendo 😂😂😂. " Senran Kagura with Amiiboob support".*
@Drac_Mazoku Sadly you would be wrong.
@EverythingAmiibo -and you would again be wrong.
@rjejr I can't believe that's already a meme...
@MetalKingShield Except for places like Saudi Arabia, where they'll even ban Pokemon because they think it's "witchcraft/demonically influenced." Funny how they rarely ever (if ever) mention the actually demonic Shin Megami Tensei... But yeah, Senran Kagura would be restricted anywhere that people are so unbelievably, intensely socially conservative that they get freaked out if a woman drives a car or (GAAAAAAAAASP!!!) doesn't wear a head (or full body) covering in public. (I think our friend Anti-Matter over in Indonesia may know how that can go...)
@LUIGITORNADO Easy. They're not self-respecting.
A game where you just mess around with Asuka. I’ll pass if this gets released outside of Japan but I will take those PS4 games that’s been announced.
Cue the weebs...
@GC-161 normally I’d agree but there are those of us that play the mainline games that don’t appreciate getting a creepy spin off. And while barbie is silly and offensive for another reason there are no sexual and predatory undertones with the latest barbie game that are obvious is this type of game. It is ok to call out a creepy game for being creepy.
@Ryu_Niiyama But Senran Kagura has ALWAYS been creepy. Anyone who took a dive into this IP knows it.
Hell, one of the main characters is a groper.
Anywhoo, I've played the beat 'em-ups only because I adore the genre. I'm still not sold on this spin-off because I don't care for the whole "pet simulator" element.
But if I don't think it is worth my time, I'll just move on. If anyone else gets a kick out of it, wonderful. Let them enjoy it.
@GC-161 objectification, sexism and perversion towards women is a common aspect of human culture. So most women have a certain amount that we overlook otherwise we’d never leave our homes. However there are some forms of media that you hit that brick wall of revulsion and annoyance. A sim that focuses on touching young girls is one of them. I can roll my eyes at some of SK’s themes but a whole game devoted to it when there is a mainline series that I’d rather play? Yeah call me when the standard series is back.
I'm sorry, but I cringe hard at anyone who would buy games like this. Get out of the house and get a real girl.
Ratings exist. If it's not for you, don't get it. I can't believe in 2017 people still whine about this. If you consider it amoral, or immoral or whatever:
1. I don't care
2. You have no obligation to buy it
3. It is a game, and harmless
@Heavyarms55 Other people with differing opinions from your own exist as well. With this being a public forum, people will likely voice distain for things you like as another side to the conversation.
I can't believe in 2017 people still whine about this. If you consider it a problem or whatever:
1. I don't care
2. You have no obligation to respond or defend the game from negative opinions.
3. They are comments, and harmless.
@Ryu_Niiyama There is everything for everyone out there. And most of the stuff out there, you will not like or agree with. Such is life.
Now, the Senran Kagura IP is not the game series you'll want to play to see positive representation of women. No more than trying to find it in Hustler magazine.
You want to change that (or not). Great.
Me? I'll move on if this game isn't doing anything for me. Just like I do with any other game that I don't like.
@tobibra Anime girls are sweet.
Asuka looks very sweet/ adorable.
Yumi is now a DLC character!
How do you access the Japanese Eshop?
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