As a fantastic 2017 draws to a close it's that time once again - Game of the Year Awards. We're continuing with tradition in having both Staff and Community awards; the latter are entirely in your hands.
As in previous years you can vote through a series of polls. In each category we've created longlists; now, of course, we've had to pick those, so if any of your favoured games are missing from a category hit up the Contact Form and vote for your alternatives, we'll add those votes to the final results. It was a tough battle longlisting the Switch eShop list, for example, so we chose 50(!) that have the best site / user review scores.
Voting closes at 5pm UK / 6pm CET / noon Eastern / 9am Pacific on 20th December, so get your votes in before then. You have all of the same categories as the staff, and a few important details are below:
- For games that are eShop titles with limited retail releases we've made a judgement call on their categories, rather than have them appear twice.
- There are a small number of games out in one region but not globally, mainly with the 3DS. Their chances will naturally be affected, but that's a part of the region-locking legacy of the portable.
- We have excluded the Wii U this time, due to a very limited retail and eShop release slate.
- As before there are almost no Virtual Console games included, but in the limited 3DS eShop field we included a famous dual release. We also don't have any ACA titles, which may be controversial but we needed to make cuts to the Switch eShop list of 50 somewhere.
- You can vote for up to four games in the Switch retail poll, five in the Switch eShop list, but only two each in the 3DS retail and 3DS eShop votes due to their shorter length.
- For 'Overall Game of the Year' there'll be another vote. When the voting in these initial categories closes on 20th December, we'll take the top five from each and list them as a final top 20 (in no particular order) in a follow-up poll that same day. You will then have the chance to vote from that list right up to 24th December; each category will have a top three in the end, in addition to an Overall winner across both Switch and 3DS. Results will be announced during the Holidays.
Voting is now closed - thanks to everyone that took part!
Comments 152
Look at that list of Switch games and tell me it had a bad year. I couldn’t have asked for a better launch for a great system. Looking forward to what Nintendo has in store for 2018!
Zelda easily for me. Metroid would probably be my 3DS game of the year though.
I'm pretty sure Zelda will win game of the year here, but I'm really interested to see what the Switch download game of the year will be.
I think the last poll is listed twice, guys!
It was truly a great first year for the Switch. Can't wait to see what's coming in 2018 (please Smash).
There's a typo in the 3DS list, it had Dragon Quest VIII listed as Dragon Quest VII Journey of the Cursed King.
Also, BOTW and Xenoblade for Switch, and Fire Emblem Shadows of Valentia for 3DS are my choices.
Uh... I think there's a major issue here, why is 3DS retail listed twice and 3DS eshop not listed at all?
BoTW easily wins in my book. Odyssey was really good too. The best two Switch games so far.
Additional middle of the road, generically positive comment.
I think the title of one of the 3ds lists has a typo: should one of them say "eshop" instead of "retail"?
I loved Shadows of Valentia. That's my pick for 3DS.
Actually... maybe it's just a bug. I think I'm seeing the same list twice.
@HFish I recall reading an article stating that the Wii U had a stronger first year line-up than the Switch currently has.
Poor WiiU, it even gets excluded from N Life nominations.
1. Xenoblade 2
2. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
3. Splatoon 2
4. Super Mario Odyssey
Switch eShop:
1. Stardew Valley
2. Fast RMX
3. Blaster Master Zero
1. Metroid: Samus Returns
2. Pokemon Ultra Sun/Moon (Could be #1 but I feel like that'd be cheating since they're an upgrade of Sun/Moon.
Typo in the 3DS category. It's DQ8 not DQ7
I think Puyo Puyo, Mario Kart, Breath of the Wild and Odyssey are the Retail ones of the Year.
I voted for
Mario Odyssey
Breath of the Wild
Splatoon 2 definitely deserves to be in there but I went for Doom instead.
Eshop games my votes went to
Mantis Burn Racing
Rocket League
Sonic Mania
Stardew Valley could have been in there if I'd played it more. There are others that I haven't even got round to starting yet like Thimbleweed Park, Mummy Demastered, Ironcast and many others I've yet to buy such as Golf Story and Steamworld Dig 2.
Where are the 3DS eShop games? 3DS retail games appearing twice.
I would have voted for nba playgrounds eshop but wasnt on the list
Bit of a bummer that since this list was made the day before Enter the Gungeon launches on Switch that the true winner for best eShop game cannot claim it's throne.
@ThomasBW84 Like was said above me, we have 2 3ds retail and I believe the second was suppose to be eshop.
Mostly wanted to come and cast a vote for XC2 because I think it's great so far. (Also voted Odyssey and Breath of the Wild because I've played those a ton, obviously both brilliant, and I voted Disgaea 5 on behalf of a good friend of mine who has been playing it.) For 3DS, I voted Ever Oasis and Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows Of Valentia — both games I absolutely loved this year and bought and played ASAP.
Fire Emblem Echoes on 3DS hands down.
On the Switch there's so much to choose!
@OorWullie Too bad Pinball FX3 didn't count because that would be up there for me.
@Aerona I will admit I loved Metroid maybe slightly more, but Shadows of Valentia is easily my favorite Fire Emblem 3DS game. Surprised me so much, voice acting was great, dungeon crawling was really fun, and was the first FE I beat on Hard/Classic.
If Nintendolife did list, "Which are the best Nintendo Wii U games of 2017? (Choose up to 4)"
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Cars 3: Driven to Win
Darksiders: Warmastered Edition
Just Dance 2018
0_o Choices.... choices.... [For those that misunderstand, that is the entire list of 2017 Wii U retail releases]
Out of the entire list of Wii U games released, Breath of the Wild and Shovel Knight: Spector of Torment probably would be the winners.
Mario Odyssey
Sonic Mania
In that order for me, Xenoblade will likely be up there but I'm only a few hours in so far
You know you’ve had a good year when you can’t narrow down the best games to only four choices.
I'm sorry, but why is Nintendo Life discriminating against retro eShop releases like the Neo Geo Arcade Archives series or Zerodiv's Psikyo classics?
According to Nintendo Life's own reviews, classics like Aero Fighters 2 and Blazing Star are superior to many of the "new" games on this list of eShop GOTY nominees.
What makes this even more unfair is that the distinction between "old" and "new" is not as clean as one may think - many of the nominated games here are straight last gen ports, while the not-nominated Gunbarich (8/10 from NL) has never been released on a home console before.
Oops I meant to vote for Thumper
Super Mario Odyssey for me, I loved that game. BotW just didn’t click with me like past Zelda games.
I know this might be a weird question but what‘s a 3DS?
Well I too am seeing two 3DS retail lists. I tried refreshing and now the second one won’t show up but I have no 3DS eShop option.
Switch retail: BotW, Skyrim, Disgaea 5, Xenoblade 2
Switch eShop: Stardew Valley, I Am Setsuna, Golf Story, RER2.
3DS retail: Fire Emblem Shadows of Valencia, Layton Mystery Journey.
...I suspect there should also be "3DS eShop" but we've got a duplicate poll instead.
Odyssey over BotW for me, any day.
@Spoony_Tech Definitely. Along with Rocket League it's going to be one of my most played games. That Adventure Land table is quality, was playing on it for ages earlier. My mate made a 24 hour tournament on his Xbox and by the end it had 52 entrants, 28 of them being Switch players. I just managed to beat his score before it ended. All these multiplayer additions adds so much to the game.
How come Mighty Gunvolt Burst wasn't available to vote in the Eshop category? That game has a legit shot at winning that category
Apologies for the screw up with the duplicated 3DS retail poll, now sorted
@Ainz That's clearly not true, but Wii U had a better first year than people remember. The problem is that most of it came at launch, leading not only to a long drought but to third parties selling almost no games, because the few people who did buy a Wii U early had so many options that none of them stood out. Wii U had many problems, but quality of games wasn't one of them.
Super Mario Odyssey and Puyo Puyo Tetris have been my main retail games that I play for Switch. I went with Mario Kark and Arms for the other 2 picks.
It was Zelda, Oddessey, Samus Returns, and Skyrim for my higest picks.
I know the bigger games will take the spotlight, but I like to appreciate the smaller games too like Master Blaster Zero and Puyo Puyo Tetris.
Come to think of it, I have only bought 2 games from that 3DS retail list (Pokémon and Metroid). I thought there were way more. Maybe I've just been buying so many older 3DS titles. It's kind of sad to see 3DS fade away little by little in favor of Switch.
@JimmySpades Perhaps, though as a person that finds titles like the latest Zelda disappointing, as well as not having an interest in Mario Kart (having owned the Wii U one) and Splatoon 2, I personally don't see a major advantage in the system. It does have Mario though and an eventual Fire Emblem & Metroid title...
Switch retail: BotW gets the edge over Odyssey
Switch eShop: Golf Story.
3DS retail: Metroid was the only one I bought this year, so...
3DS eShop: Chicken Wiggle. All day, everyday.
Fantastic year overall. So many great games
I voted for BOTW of course, but had to give Arms a vote too. After a couple weeks I put it down but I picked it back up after downloading the two new characters & ability to get badges (helps accumulate $ faster). My nephews love this game and when we get together we always play it and have a blast. Not quite as good as Splatoon 2 but still a great Nintendo IP! Hope they come out with another great new IP in 2018.
@Darknyht Is that really the whole Wii U list for 2017, both retail and digital? Man, that's pretty messed up, I think PS3 and Xbox both had more than that and they're 4 years gone now.
We'll if that's the whole list - Zelda BotW it is. I bought it, I played it, I'm voting for it
My Switch vote goes to SMO, the only game I've finished on it. Not that Sonic Forces was going to get my vote anyway.
Big mistake, dragon Quest 8 was released this year, not 7. Can you please correct that, Nintendo Life?
Zelda BoTW
Mario & Rabbids
MK8 Deluxe
Splatoon 2
Axiom Verge
Golf Story
Blaster Master Zero (all that free DLC!!)
Death Squared
Rocket League
Mighty Gunvolt Burst and Azure Striker Gunvolt need to be on that list. Don't worry, you totally can order the Gunvolt collection thru a promoted Amazon "more awesome Switch games link", if that helps incentivize you, NL.
Tiny Barbarian DX was also a favorite game of mine this year, but I could see why it isn't on the list.
Zelda for sure - by a mile.
Zelda, Xenoblade2 and Kingdom Battle only Switch games that could hold up the dream of a Hybrid game for me this year. Other stuff just couldn't compete with the PS4/PC when I was at home.
Hopefully we see more like it in 2018.
Pretty cool how Switch and 3DS both had really good years. It was hard to choose just a few games.
Switch: 1.BOTW
2. SMO
4. Sploon2
2. Poke GS
3. Miitopia
4. Samus returns
@HFish - I am honestly expecting a drastic slow Down (as in not dead) of the releases in 2018. A game a month since launch is unprecedented for a new console and ANY company period.
Battle Chef Brigade is probably the best Switch eshop title alongside Golf Story. It's a shame because I don't think I heard any murmurs about it online. Truly great and one of a kind.
Wow... That was an extremely difficult retail list to choose from. Finally settled on Zelda, Odessey, Mario+Rabbids, and Xenoblade. This was a great year on Switch.
3ds was much easier however as Fire Emblem Echoes was the only game, retail or digital, this year. With the roaring success of switch and the very little announced for next year, 2018 is looking to be the end of 3ds. Either way, it's been a great nearly 7 years with the handheld and I'll be sad to see it go.
Also, quick PSA, play Graceful Explosion Machine. Just do it, it's great, and deserves more love.
I added Skyrim as 1 of my top 4 since Im one of the 5 people who hadn't played it...really enjoying it on the switch...even more than Zelda.
I wanted to vote for Has-Been Heroes but it was not included on the list?
I would have cast a vote for Riptide GP: Renegade if available. Then again, I probably would have voted for NBA Playgrounds, too, notwithstanding the drama and demise....
The results should be interesting!
Switch retail - 1. XC2 2. FEW 3. BOTW 4. SMO
(Yes, that is FEW over Zelda and Mario. You're not seeing things and it isn't a typo)
So fickle. Why is there no Wii U category?
@Chell And no Wii category either. That had games released on it. Or at least, a game. I think.
@Chell @Maxz Not to mention the Nvidia shield. I think one of those Wii games is supposed to be out before years end. I would have liked to vote for it. 👅
SUPER TOUGH choices.
@Fededx I noticed that too. And DQ8 would have gotten my vote.
Can we please stop calling the 3DS's region lock a legacy? Cause it's more of a curse that Nintendo's too lazy/ignorant to undo then anything else. And the fact that Iwata defended it when he was still alive was absolutely disgusting. To this day I still can't believe that the man who helped Nintendo become what it is today ever defended such appalling things like that.
Voted for Zelda, Mario, Splatoon, Ace Attorney, Pokemon, Metroid, and Fire Emblem. So many great games this year!
Finances were tight this year, so I only had the chance to play a small number of the games released. I think Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows Valentia comes out on top for me, only slightly beating out Mario Odyssey. Breath of the Wild was good but not great and Splatoon 2 was a poorly thought out purchase. That game did not resonate with me at all.
Only 2 3DS games? Shorter length? The 2017 library is just as good as Switch list, there are more than 4 possible nominees for either digital or retail 3DS titles. That makes no sense.
Where’s Mighty Gunvolt Burst? I wanted to vote for it.
For Switch, Odyssey, Zelda, Splatoon 2, and Arms. Would have said Kart but Arms needs the love.
Breath of the Wild
Metroid: Samus Returns
Kid Tripp
I can't get vote on the 3ds section because i haven't actually touched mine since march.
It was so hard to narrow the list. So many excellent games. Poor PS4 gathered dust until last month!
@Aerona Same Celica
My favorite retail was Breath of the Wild. I also voted Splatoon 2, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, and Skyrim
For eShop I'd say Wulverblade. Rocket league is a close second, I also voted for Sonic mania, Shovel Knight treasure trove, and Resident Evil Revelations(which could be my favorite by the time I finish it.) Though wasn't that for sale at retail?
No Has-Been Heroes on the Switch eShop poll?
I voted for ARMS, Odyssey, Breath of the Wild and Mario kart 8 Deluxe for Switch.
Metroid and Ever Oasis for 3DS.
The lack of Neon Chrome in the Switch eShop category is depressing-- that's one of my top 5 most played games on my system (out of more than 25)
It'sa good moment for me to say that Zelda Breath of the Wild was the best game of a decade to me, however my favourite game of 2017 has been Stella Glow.
I really felt in love with that game.
It'd be hard to see any other games as Best Retail on Switch in 2017 besides The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild, Mario Kart 8D, Mario Odyssey, and Xenoblade Chronicles 2 take it. Four amazing games. If only Sonic Mania had had a physical release, I'd have surely voted for it too.
Hey NL, Mighty Gunvolt Burst was missing from the Switch eShop list
My Game of the Year for any system is Super Mario Odyssey, so that was an easy choice. After that I selected The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe for the Switch retail games.
Switch E-Shop
1. Rocket League
2. Sonic Mania
3. Resident Evil Revelations 2
4. Resident Evil Revelations 1
5. Shantae Half-Genie Hero
3DS retail:
1. Metroid Samus Returns
2. Dragon Quest VII (not my kind of game but I respect well-made products and DQ VII is an all-time great)
3DS E-Shop:
1. 80s Overdrive (an awesome blast from the past and a very pleasant surprise)
2. Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney
Bought 10 games at retail for Switch this year. I can't remember the last time I bought that many games for a system in its first full calendar year, let alone 9 months. Also a bunch of E-Shop games. I'm more of a PlayStation gamer and have been very critical of Nintendo since 2011 when some ridiculous mistakes started being made, but you have to give credit where it's due... Anybody who says the Switch had a bad year is insane.
Wouldn't Snipperclips and Minecraft for the 3DS count as a retail games? Anyway the game that deserves game of the year is BOTW, but my personal game of the year is ARMS. That game is seriously fun.
What a fantastic year it's been for Nintendo. 3DS and Switch both had such strong releases. Metroid, Fire Emblem, Zelda... good gravy I have enjoyed gaming this year.
If you just vote for exclusive title then it’s easy to choose. Stardew Valley, Axiom Verge, Overcooked, and Shovel Knight all overshadow the other Switch eShop games but I own none of them on the Switch...
To be honest, I purposely didn't vote for BOTW, Odyssey, XC2, or any other of the big name games. Don't get me wrong, they're still really good, but other great games that flew under the radar should still be mentioned, like Pokken Tournament DX & Puyo Puyo Tetris.
Also I'm surprised that the ACA Neo Geo games weren't listed as possible eShop contenders, I mean yeah there's a lot of them to list, but NL could've made the feature a singular entity to vote for.
What an amazing launch year! Probably my favourite year of gaming ever!! Also I hope you kids voted Golf Story in the eshop category!
For the Switch I voted Odyssey, XC2, Mario & Rabbids, and Pokken Tournament DX since they are the only games we have so far. Odyssey is my favourite though. I wish I could have picked more for the 3DS. My votes were Ever Oasis and DQ8. For eShop games it was Kirby & Pokémon Gold/Silver
Thumper better at least win SOMETHING here. lol
Would have voted for xenoblade, but i'm getting that from some guy, called father christmas lol. Just kidding i'm a grown man but i am getting it for xmas.
WWE 2K, NBA 2k, RIME, WWE 2K and for me RIME.
To be honest I'm not even looking forward to next years games purely because I'll still be trying to complete the games from this year
Only limiting the polls to two 3DS retail votes is almost criminal....
Where are the Jackbox Party Pack Games??? I want to vote for Jackbox Party Pack
@HFish Samsuns or whateve their name is on here would disagree but I strongly agree, first years are usually boring for any consoles and this was far from boring
You may have excluded the Wii U but I haven't. Best game clearly goes to LoZ Breath of the Wild. As for the rest, happy voting everyone- I haven't bought a new 3DS game in over a year and don't own a Switch.
Too bad I can't vote for Sonic Mania and ARMS more than once. They were easily my top 2 this year. And yes, I'm aware of the magnificence of Mario Odyssey and BotW. But ARMS is fresh and has kept me entertained over a longer period than the big 2, and Sonic Mania did the same along with also being incredibly hype-inducing. It also has to do with replayability; Mario and Zelda may have been perfection while they lasted, but they're limited by the fact that once you fully explore the world, it's pretty much over. Sonic and ARMS are more arcade-type experiences that you can replay endlessly as different characters or in different ways.
But don't get me wrong--I love all these games, and I'm beyond happy the Switch is doing so well. Here's to an awesome 2018!!
This has been such a great year for video games!!! Not only did Nintendo have a FANTASTIC year, there were also great PC and PS4 games as well. Gotta say, the past 5 years have brought some amazing games.
My top games this year:
Fire Emblem Echoes and Heroes
Sonic Mania
A Hat in Time
Nier: Automata
Splatoon 2
Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2
It's hard to believe how amazing the Switch lineup would be in just the first 9 months. When we were watching the Switch launch trailer in early 2017, I was really worried about the launch games. However, it's clear Nintendo had a plan!
My favourite Switch games are BOTW, Splatoon2, Mario/Rabbids, Odyssey and FE Warriors.
I fully understand why Reggie is still pushing the 3ds. I know the hardware is old but look at that lineup of games. I would never have guessed I would have bought 10 3ds games in 2017.
Had to go with:
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Super Mario Odyssey
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Golf Story
Rocket League
Stardew Valley
SteamWorld Dig 2
This is missing the Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth+
Sad to see the Wii U unceremoniously dropped; but my votes for Mario Kart and Pokken DX are keeping it alive in spirit
"Dragon Quest VII" should be labeled "Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed Kind."
Where's Mighty Gunvolt Burst for the Switch eShop. Had to exclude that as I couldn't find a listing for it.
So many great choices! Man, what a terrific year for Switch and 3DS owners.
Breath of the Wild is my Switch GotY and my 3DS GotY is Fire Emblem.
Think I'm gonna be in a very small minority who didn't vote for Odyssey. Good game but I've enjoyed a few others a bit more this year. Great year for gaming.
I was another one. I liked it and had some great moments, but not one of my top games.
@MyNameIsRandy yep that's how I felt too. Really enjoyed it but after completing the story in 10 hours or so I've no major desire to go back to it.
Compare that to Splatoon 2 which I find myself constantly going back to. Such fun to play.
Zelda easily game of the Year for me.
No Portal Knights on the lists? I would have voted for it.
I went with the usual suspects, alongside some great indies like Stardew Valley and Golf Story.
I voted. Breath of the Wild, Splatoon 2 Xenoblade 2 and (probably the only vote it'll get) NBA 2K18 in that order. BOTW is the most fun I've ever had with a Zelda game, Splatoon 2 is so much better than the original, I'm still too early in Xenoblade to compare it to the original (but the original is my personal game of all time) and NBA 2K18 My Career is just so enthralling.
@OorWullie, I also voted for that same four. I wish they had more choices because I had a few more.
No sign of Enter the Gungeon or Stern Pinball Arcade? :-/
@rjejr Everything else was eShop, so yep that was the entire 2017 release schedule according to wikipedia. The list of good eShop game releases probably is about the same.
Shantae: Half-Genie Hero and Minecraft: The Complete Story released in Dec. 2016 so they just missed the mark.
I personally had more fun playing SMO, but BOTW deserves GOTY hands down. However Xenoblade 2 has stolen my heart. I don't care if it's not the best in handheld mode, or if it has some weird glitches and sometimes inconsistent graphics. It's been a long time since I've dived into a long JRPG. Super glad I got my hands on a nice special edition. Mario and Zelda are for sure more polished and I will admit technically better games, but my hearts favourite is Xenoblade 2.
Ok - so no Picross S??? It’s a Nintendo game right?
I chose Ever Oasis and Metroid: Samus Returns for the 3DS! Absolutely loved both games so much! I can't recommend Ever Oasis enough, please give it a try. The gameplay loop is so addictive, the graphics are very pretty and the story is just lovely.
Didn't see any VOEZ... I'd make that my GOTY if I could...
Well that's a really easy choice, BotW of course.
Only Splatoon2 would come close for me, but that's only a personal preference.
BotW is a much bigger game with a wider appeal and also with a lasting impact on the gaming scene as a whole. So really, I don't see how any other game should even be up for discussion.
In comparison, any other game released in this year feels irrelevant.
This has been quite an expensive year for me, yet so many great titles, and I'm not just talking about Super Mario Odyssey or BOTW, mind you.
Also, where's Brave Dungeon + Dark Witch's Story Combat (Switch) and Brave Dungeon (3DS)?
Monster Hunter Stories deserves way more love, I'm having more fun with it than with any Pokemon game I played. Not only that, they give constant new dlc, and I'm not talking about just costumes or irrelevant stuff, I'm talking about new tournaments, equipment and monsters and if we are lucky, we'll get the major updates that added new villains to face and the Kushala Daora and other epic monster to have. The game is more lively and fun than any other pokemon.like game out there, including Pokemon, so I can't recommend it enough.
The other one is Samus Returns, of course.
"Which are the best Nintendo Switch eShop games of 2017"
Here's a write-in vote for Mighty Gunvolt Burst
@Aerona lol with that profile pic I would never have guessed.
What about Tiger Tiger?
@Heavyarms55 It's a secret to everybody.
Best and only Wii U game: Zelda: Fresh Breath
Zelda BotW
Splatoon 2
Mario Kart 8 DX
Mario Odyssey
FE Echoes
Pokemon USUM
Switch retail is pretty easy for me:
Thankfully I can vote for all of those 3.
I guess Fire Emblem Warriors on the New 3DS doesn't count?
Where's Ittle Dew 2?
This was difficult for me to vote in, simply because I haven't played any switch eshop games yet and I have been catching up on older 3ds games. On switch it is mainly Zelda BoTW.
Wow, 3DS eShop basically got no love this year - I didn't even realise!
No Ittle Dew 2, but then you have poopie poo like 1-2 Switch and Monopoly? What the hell have you guys been smoking? That should have been in the list for sure.
Never been this easy.
1. BotW
2. Odyssey
3. XC2
4. Splatoon 2
I wanted to give a vote to Ultra Street fighter 2 because I really love it and I'd suggest it to everybody but it is too much a lazy port, so in the first poll I voted Skyrim, Odyssey, Mario Kart 8 and Rayman Legends. If USF2 was a less lazy port and more valorised maybe I would have voted it instead of Rayman
Piece of advice for all Switch owners: play everything you can now because in 2018 Nintendo will attack even harder
Where are the two best Switch eShop games, Piczle Lines DX and Party Golf?
Not that this is about the WiiU but in support of your statement here are my choices for the WiiU's 1st year (in order)
Zombi U
Pikmin 3
Darksiders 2
Nintendo Land
Assassins Creed 3
Black ops 2
Need for speed most wanted
Oops was that more than four
Wish there was a worst category like games you should never pick up on the switch cause
WWE2K18 is by far the worst
Mario Odyssey is by far the best game they put out this year and in many years. In my eyes, Zelda shouldn't be anywhere near the likes of it (or the other non-nintendo nominees elsewhere)
Not having a Wii u category is a huuugggeee facepalm, especially since a lot of people opted for the Wii u version of Zelda. Now I had to vote for the Switch version of Zelda, though I have the Wii u version myself! Lame!!
Anyway, bought a lot of games this year. But I haven't played that much minus Zelda, Shadows of Valentia and Mario Odyssey. My favorite is Zelda (though you could say Odyssey is equally good). And my surprise-hit is Shadows of Valentia! Layton's mystery journey so far is a letdown, and the new Metroid hasn't really clicked on me so far either.
@Darknyht Well I actually finally got around to using Google myself and I guess I misunderstood your original post that it was only disc games, I thought that was digital as well, b/c there were about 100 eShop games on Wii U this year, so it wasn't compeltley abandoned. Well at least not by RCMADIX who had about 20 of those, which still leaves 80. So, they could have had a Wii U eShop category. My vote would have gone to Earthlock, though I haven't played it yet it's on my list.
But Wii U did get GOTY Zelda, no Sony or MS console can say that.
Edit - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Wii_U_software
1. Xenoblade Chronicles 2
2. Zelda BOTW
3. Skyrim
4. Disgaea 5 Complete
@rjejr I looked, but outside about 4 or 5 the rest looked like the cruft that constantly was popping up on the eshop. Overall it was a pretty sad year for Wii U. All there is next year is the final expansion for Shovel Knight (if they bother to put it on there) and possibly some more TG-16 games.
@Darknyht "All there is next year"
I guess the real question is, which system, Wii or Wii U, continues to get Just Dance games longer?
Poor Wii U owners. I'm sick of saying poor Wii U, some of us paid $350 for a system that got abandoned after only 4 years.
For me Culdcept Revolt is easily my 3ds game of the year. Such a fantastic game that I didn't expect to hook me as much as it did.
@rjejr Yeah, about all we can claim is that it officially was supported longer than the Dreamcast. I've pretty much decided that due to lack of time that I am probably skipping this generation for now outside of the SNES Classic I lucked into (Gamestop was just putting them on the shelf as I walked in).
Other than that I have been digging more into homebrew stuff and the giant backlog I have on Steam now that I have a system capable of playing some of it again.
e-shop for me was snipper clips and death squared. It was great to have some casual cooperative games from the family. The only time we ever dock any of our switchs is to play these two.
@Darknyht My poor Dreamcast. Only 2 years but so many good, and interesting, games.
2018 may be our year of the backlog. But getting a PS4 3 years after launch means I have a lot to get to on that. And after watching so many NEW games go so cheap in November for sales, I may never buy a game any other month ever again.
You're missing Fire Emblem Warriors on the 3DS. It's such a fantastic game on either console!
You know it's been a pretty good year when Graceful Explosion Machine is your most regrettable purchase.
So many great games in all lists. ARMS certainly got a vote from me and so did the awesome Chicken Wiggle, love that game.
I'm actually a very hard to please consumer. Get me in a shop and have an attendant try to guess what I like, they'd always fail. In their eyes, I wouldn't be interested in anything. But on Switch, there have been quite a few! Normally, I'd get 3-5 games on a console in an entire year! But so far on Switch, I've actually gone and bought 16 games. In the first year? That sort of thing has never happened before. So I have to say well done Nintendo! And I'm not even finished yet - my wishlist still has some choice items on it.
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