We're really looking forward to getting our mitts on Resident Evil Revelations Collection when it lands on the Switch on 28th November. It's been public knowledge for some time that only the original Resident Evil Revelations will be on the Switch cart if you buy the physical boxed version, however. Those that pick it up will have to download the much bigger Resident Evil Revelations 2, which will eat up 26GB of your micro SD card.
So with this compromised boxed release of Resident Evil Revelations Collection, perhaps it is not surprising that Capcom Europe has decided to make this release an eShop exclusive in the region. We got a statement from Capcom Europe to clarify its position:
Capcom has to take various factors into account when deciding what format to deliver our titles to our fans. These can include but are not limited to overall production costs, manufacturing times, distribution, and first party regulations. In the case of Resident Evil Revelations, we've found that unfortunately it's not viable for Capcom Europe to create a physical version of the title on Nintendo Switch for our territories, however we will be making this available as a digital release.
Let us know what you think about all this with a comment below. If you live in Europe will you consider importing the US version of the game, or are you happy enough to download it?
Comments 79
Not a big deal. Just import the American or Japanese version if you really want it physically. That's what I'm doing (from Australia). What's much more annoying is only the first game being physical but it is what it is.
Looks like I'll be waiting for a sale if 2 is download only anyway.
Well, I'm digital only so it doesn't matter.
But I think Capcom Europe don't think this will sell well.
It´s also not getting a sale then.
Not that it would anyway considering Rev2 is download only too. Just optimise your games properly and fitting on one card isn´t an issue. Look at Mario....
Very disappointing... will need to import.
Business is business and it's all about making profits and not losses, but I think it's safe to say Capcom don't seem to be willing to pay out Nintendo's production costs for carts. Maybe this is the source of Capcom's lack of early support?
Oh, well, not buying it then.
Personally, I never intended to buy it physically. It just hope it's:
a) Good
b) Controllable without having to flap your arms around
We already knew this
I thought this was confirmed ages ago???
Regardless, doesn't bother me as I wanted 2 only, I have 1 on 3ds and Wii U. What does bother me is the price hike in the UK. $20 on US eshop but £20 on UK, when rev 1 is $20 and £16. For shame Capcom UK, learn maths.
Unknown indie games get on retail, quickly produced shovelware gets on retail, but the biggest and most succesful horror franchise does not get on retail.
I guess that means money saved for other games.
Wait doesn't the physical version come with both games (1 and 2)? That's why it's $40 and called Resident Evil Relations Collection.. Don't understand if it was just 1 why it would be double the price it is on eShop.
Welp, I was gonna get both on the cart, but if thats not available then I'll only be getting Revelation 1.
Well done Capcom, you lost yourself (half) a sale.
@BezBot 1 is on cart, 2 is provided as a download code. You get both games for that price, just only 1 is physical and you have to download 2
Ah well, I was on the fence about it admittedly, now I'll just save my cash for something else. Your loss, Capcom.
I'll be skipping the both of them. I didn't particularly enjoy the original and I got that for under a tenner on a Wii U sale. I thought it was alright in patches but overall it just gripping me like others in the series. The addition of gyro controls though is really tempting me to give it another go . I've never played the sequel either but the 40+gb they will take up is just too much for me.
I'd import it, but I don't like the idea of having to redeem Revelations 2 onto a different user account.
Might just skip it...
I think Europe will loose out on more physical titles in the future. And it's logical. We are simply not very interested in Nintendo products.
Switch is actually not selling very well in Europe, making poor numbers similar to X1. It's disappointing to see, but the Switch hype train hasn't really arrived to Europe yet.
My fellow Europeans are just brainwashed PlayStation morons. If a new fantastic Zelda and Mario game can't sell the Switch here, what can?!? Maybe a new exclusive Switch Pokemon game will help?!?
At least the Switch is still selling way better than the Wii U did
Then again, this stupid way of only releasing half of the content on the cart is ruining the physical release for me anyway. So no big loss here!
Wow. Just wow. I won't be buying either, not even at a discount. Revelations 2 would still cost me $25 in storage even if the game was given to me for "free". Screw you, Capcom. Their support for Switch just gets worse and worse by the day (and USF2 is an absolute joke). I doubt that I'll be buying any of their future titles at this rate if their current behaviour is any indication. No Disney, no Okami HD. What the hell are they doing in Capcom HQ? Surely a limited premium-priced run of both games on cartridge over the holiday season would make more sense than none at all.
Incidentally, the "collection" disappeared from Australian websites as well, so we won't be getting it either.
I was already considering importing the US version when it was available at a viable price for the single game on the cart. Although this is likely to drive sales of the US version via imports.
Probably will just wait till a sale a few years down the road and then pick up each digitally for like £5 or something.
Crapcom srikes again!
Would have been great to get the game on shelf in Europe if for no other reason than brand awareness. Good for non-Switch owners to see that Resident Evil is on the console.
This is good. There are way too many games this coming this year so I can now comfortably scratch Resident Evil off my to buy list.
@dres Dont know where in Europe you're looking but where I am (UK) I constantly have to fight for Switch stock in stores because they are always sold out of the latest games.
I only care about physical editions if the game isn't on the store (like Tales of the Abyss 3D, and I still feel epicly trolled by life over it), can't be conveniently put on the store (like Disney Infinity 3.0) or goes poof from the store (like Project X Zone). Ace Attorney has been strictly digital even in the US for a while now (feel free to correct me, though) and doesn't look any worse off.
Im out, capcom half a$$ing it again
The only one of the two I REALLY cared to get physically, the second one,is not getting a physical release ANYWHERE in the world anyway. I was going to get the first one digitally anyway for the slightly faster load times for speedrunning purposes. And since there is no option whatsoever, anywhere in the world for getting RER2 physically, well that's where I'll be getting then, short of any other options, but I'll have Capcom know, I'm not pleased one bit with them.
This is what region free is for people!
You cried and lamented region free for years, citing examples like this as a reason.
Use it! I imported One Piece from Europe, I Am Setsuna from Asia and MHXX from Japan.
Well there goes my order of that game, tbf i was on the ropes about only the first game on physical to start off with but BOOM! SCREW YOU CAPCOM!
For me to import from US costs around 35$ which is not acceptable for me.
On the other hand I hope people like it!
Maybe the stores don't order that many games home, because the install base of the Switch is so low i Europe an UK?
The UK is actually the area where the Switch have sold less than X1! In France and Germany Nintendo is more popular, and has sold a bit more. But still lower than expected.
No problem.
I was planning to pick a copy up in Japan at xmas anyway.
I’ve got my 128Gb micro SD card ready. Loved the first one on 3DS. Question, if I download this onto my SD card can I then take it out and play on another switch?
I fear the answer is no...
No you can't.
Only if you make the other Switch to your "Primary" Switch. You have one "Primary" Switch, where you account is bound to, and therefore also all your digital content.
Right now you can change your "Primary" Switch by calling Nintendo, but i guess they will also make this process possible online in the future, like the way Sony does?
You can also make a total "System transfer" if you have both Switch. This will also change the "Primary" Switch to the new one.
But about playing the game on another Switch from the card. You save files are stored on your Switch storage, and can only be transferred if you make a total "System transfer" to another Switch.
Shafted! Thanks crapcom! And where the hell is our monster hunter!
Customs fees? That's only above a certain dollar value isn't it?
I never understood why people won’t buy a game just because it’s digital only. I buy all my games physically but I’ll still buy a game if it isn’t physical.
Daft move from Capcom, more retail games is what the Switch needs.
@dres Its actually easier than that. You don't need to call nintendo, just login to the eshop on primary switch and choose deregister as active account. Login to eshop on the other switch with the same account and it should show as registered. 1 account on multiple switches is possible, just only one can be active at a time.
i love these games. will order US version
Are yes, Thanks. You only have to call Nintendo if your loose your current "Primary" Switch. Because there are no other way to deregister a active Switch online right now.
@Bread-Not-Toast It's not a daft move for CAPCOM
Y'see, they want the Switch to replace the 3DS as a source of profits. And profits only. That means that they'll cheap out as much as possible on the Switch to maximize profits. That means that they will skip physical releases when they think they can get away with it.
Why are they doing this? To fund the development of PS4, X1, PC games. Where games will be released mostly physically.
The 3DS made them millions thanks to the success of Monster Hunter on it. That money allowed them to:
1. Make AAA games for the HD twins
2. Afford to release the RETAIL versions of their games on the PS4 and X1
The problem with that strategy on the Switch, is that Capcom has failed to deliver an IP that will make them millions. As the MonHun main series immigrated to the PS4 & X1. So they'll have to make all their money on those consoles. And its been very hard. Just look at how SFV and RE7 have barely been able to break even there.
Anywhoo, the Switch is region free. If you want the retail version of Revelations Collection, just IMPORT.
Ugh. Was really looking forward to this game too... I don't like having to import my physical games.
Was going to get it again, but I'll stick with the 3DS version (still my favourite, but a physical collection with gyro aiming and HD visuals could have taken that place - played the sequel on PS Vita and it runs awful) until a huge sale or so. They're old games that are frequently on sale on other platforms anyways.
Darn it Capcom, I really wanted that physical version! Hopefully I can find an imported version somewhere...
Capcom is very much a publisher cutting corners for the next couple of years, so this isn't too surprising.
RE7 hit sales targets about 7 months late, so far under their projected 10million that it's already getting a re-release in December to try and catch up before the fiscal year. Except by then, the used copies of the original game will get heavily discounted during the holidays, and folks would sooner get that while waiting for DLC sales (which will likely happen in December too).
Still better than us. Here everything pays custom fees. Your aunts would be the best choice.
I agree that it's a shame they're not releasing it physically, but why are people deciding not to buy it at all just because of this? Is it just because of the storage space it will take up?
This is a extremely stupid move by Capcom.
Resident Evil is a household name, people see it on store shelves and pick it up spontaneusly. Capcom will miss out on A LOT of sales because of this.
It's like they don't want to earn money.
They could write Resident Evil on an empty Switch game box, charge 60$ and it would still sell more then the waste of time and ressources that is the X1 version of Monster Hunter World.
Any idea if the physical Jap version has English language options? It seems to be far cheaper.
I don't get all the fuss over whether this is digital or not, the second one started out as a digital title only in the first place and is cheaper than its PS4 counterpart, not to mention the fact that the second one has to be downloaded anyway.
As for the games, the first one is pretty good especially on board the ship when it feels like an old school Resident Evil. I never put much time into the second one though so I may pick that up whilst we wait for the main series entries to appear, here's hoping for number VII
That sucks. Sorry guys.
The digital Wii U and 3DS versions often get discounted to around £6 anyway. I'll probably wait for that to happen on Switch.
Enjoyed the first one and wanted to pkay second but unwilling to use up so much of my scarce space.
Doesn't sound like a Collection to me.
Sounds like a one-game remake with a bonus download for another.
Wasn't this already announced. I pre-ordered the US version well over a month a go because there was no EU physical. Did I miss a meeting? Lol.
It's not like it really got a physical release in the USA anyway, since RE2 was a download. What a BS scam. I don't even want to give Capcom my money at this point.
IMO publishers should release the complete game(s) on cart (updates and optional multiplayer are okayish) or go digital only.
i will be careful to steer clear of half-baked solutions like the RE physical release…
Well, guess whos not getting a purchase then ?
Its "not viable" for me to waste further space on my SD card for a game i actually own on other systems as well.
A physical bundle would have been great, this is not. So yeah, another brilliant decision by Capcom.
Meh another lost sale
Each game is only £20 though? That seems good value (even though I paid £30-odd for Resi on the 3DS and sold it for £4 to CEX when the Switch Version was announced).
I can understand people being upset at having to buy an (or many) expensive memory cards - but really, this is the way gaming is going, it's a fight that's lost.
I kinda like firing up my system and deciding what I fancy playing, rather than swapping carts.
@dystome I second, third and fourth your B statement. The fact that there are motion only moves in Odyssey baffles me.
No thx, already played them, no need to double dip. You want a game with guns buy DOOM, a masterpiece of f#+k you attitude on hard difficulty. Quake reeboot next
Breaking news = I'm off to E-Bay to import an American copy.
@Mii_duck The main point in buying a physical copy is that it's a tangible item that you can resell. Also, when the server isn't available anymore, you can still play the game.
Will give it a miss, as downloaded games dont have trade in values and once played only take up costly card space.
@NinNin - I understand what you're saying about resale - but I still have a collection of dusty PS1 games.
Actually, I have a box full of ZX Spectrum games! I find it hard to let go...
Once Resi is downloaded do you need a server to play the main campaign? I appreciate it's relevant for Rocket League etc etc but for Resi?
profits trump maths always have
maybe internet is more expensive in the uk lmao
@Zool - I still have a boxed Zool for the Amiga! I tried it a few months ago, which was interesting. Still fun though.
You could always delete a finished game from your card? Yes, selling it on is nice, but for me when I consider a game I think of enjoyment and potential hours played vs price.
If the equation ads up I buy it, no thought of resale.
I'm not loaded, so currently in a dither over LA Noire, Skyrim, Resi and... well, loads.
@dres Do you mean the UK or ALL of Europe? The Switch is keeping pace with the Wii in France....
Congrats Capcom. You just lost yourselves a sale.
@Mii_duck "Once Resi is downloaded do you need a server to play the main campaign? I appreciate it's relevant for Rocket League etc etc but for Resi?"
No, but in the future when the server is gone, you won't be able to re-download it if you delete it. If you buy a physical copy, you don't need to worry about that.
I'll save my money
Ooooh! So that's the reason i couldn't pre order it on Amazon, not commercially viable..
in a split second i thought it was lame but to be honest, i already have this game on 3ds and still busy finishing the game, and the second one is digitally in the first place so its actually okay. I want the new RE to be physical though.
Currently on sale for the Black Friday weekend https://www.play-asia.com/resident-evil-revelations-collection/13/70bepn?tagid=1415491
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