Panic Button director of development and co-owner Adam Creighton has told Variety that the studio will be announcing another major port sometime next month.
Speaking at E3, Creighton once again discussed Panic Button's enviable experience with Nintendo's hardware - experience which has ensured it remains in high demand:
We’ve been working on the hardware for a long time, almost six years. That’s more than almost any third party.
With Bethesda, between Doom and Wolfenstein II, they’ve shown you can put these games that are triple A on the hardware.
Doom has been received very well. Zenimax is extremely happy with the external feedback.
What could this mystery title be? Fallout 4? Fallout 76? Or perhaps Panic Button is going to be working on Doom Eternal, which could be the first major AAA title it has handled which releases alongside the PS4 and Xbox One versions?
Stranger things have happened, but let us know your prediction with a comment.
[source variety.com]
Comments 120
Fallout. I’d put money of 3 or 4 before 76. Why would we get a free to play fallout if we not getting real deal at some point?
Well obviously its Tetris
This should soften the blow from the lack of announcements during E3. Enjoyed Doom on Switch and looking forward to seeing what else Panic Button are working on
Fallout : Battle Royale
I hope that it is Fallout 4. I know most people prefer 3 and New Vegas but I want Fallout 4 first because it is the more demanding and worst optimized on the other platforms.
If they manage to make it playable on the Switch this will send bigger and louder message to everyone that with competent DEVs everything is possible!
@Nunya TESO will never come the Switch.
It already struggles to run on XBOne and PS4.
Worst though is it's insane size at the moment. You would need a dedicated 128 GB sd card just for this game.
It's clocking at over 100GB currently on my Xbox One X with latest Summerset expansion.
@mgnoodle Pfft you think EA will release something on Switch? 🤣
Seriously though. Bethesda game makes sense. Fallout 76 is a definite no-no. Did Doom Eternal have platforms revealed?
Also maybe we should put more emphasis on their word "Port", likely a game already released. Leading to others speculation of Fallout 3 or more likely Fallout 4 as the engine already works on Switch.
Fallout 4.
But if that's too easy, I'll go with the upcoming Rage 2.
This is exciting news, though kinda wish it had been announced during E3 - ideally the Direct itself.
On what the game maybe, who's to say it's Bethesda related? Didn't Panic Button say a while ago that they have been getting porting projects from a number of publishers?
@FragRed I personally hope it isn't another Bethesda title. Bethesda need to learn to incorporate the Switch into their development plans, not continually outsource.
Plus Fallout is the only Bethesda IP that makes sense and I am pretty bored of that.
@XenoShaun Port doesn’t mean it’s already released, nor does it mean released after the other titles. I think them porting Doom Eternal and Wolfenstein Youngblood is likely. But perhaps this is something that’ll come out sooner.
Fallout 3, 4 or New Vegas. Guaranteed! Any of which, I’d be very happy to welcome to my third-party library on Switch.
Maybe I am being dense, but... he says that they have been working with the hardware for almost six years? That doesn't make sense?
@roboshort Just seems more likely to me as the term Port has been used as an industry buzz word for bringing something older over.
Would love to be wrong. However I would hope Doom and Youngblood are being dealt with by Bethesda themselves and not outsourced.
@Ooyah Perhaps they are including the Nvidia Shield? As it is technically the same (or similar enough) hardware.
@Ooyah What part of that are you struggling with?
I'd love this to be Fallout! I've only just completed every last quest in Skyrim and could do with another epic quest game.
There's nothing to say it will be another Bethesda title. As someone pointed out above, Panic Button have said recently they've had a lot of interest from various 3rd party's.
The game I'd most like to see is The Witcher 3.
Panic Button have been working with Switch hardware since before the Wii U even come out. That's mad!
Another selectively quoted and misleading NintendoLife article. The article actually states that, "He said the company is working on another major port expected to be announced next month." Expected. Not "will be". That's a huge difference.
life of black tiger
Sooooo... July Nintendo Direct confirmed? 😁
@SonOfVon Don't Sony have exclusive console rights to that?
I would love ESO.
By the way, I think gettin Doom Eternal along with the twins would be quite cool.
@XenoShaun I think so but let a man dream, will ya?
Personally, I'm not really all that interested in any of these ports going forward. 4K and HDR will be the defacto standard for these AAA games going forward and the Switch does not support that. 4K is .... well, it's not a gamechanger, but HDR? HDR is a total gamechanger. It's one of those purely "visual" features, that would make me choose one version over another any time. I really hope the Switch will see an upgraded version supporting HDR at some point (1080p is totally fine - just look at GoW for instance, it's really all about good HDR implementation now).
Still, this does not impact anyone and so all further ports are welcome, but for me ... no HDR, no way.
Eff me sideways and call me Charlie !! My money’s on FO4
@SonOfVon Gotta keep the hype in check.
@XenoShaun Why do you not want them to be outsourced? They have experience porting those series to the Switch and have done a good job. The Switch architecture is quite different so it would take id software a while to learn how to use it effectively. I think it makes sense to keep using Panic Button.
@Ralek85 Bit curious but couldn't the Switch be firmware'd to include HDR support? I believe thats what Sony did for base PS4.
And can't echo that enough. HDR is unquestionably so much better. And I hate that a lot of new games still don't support it on the base PS4.
I'm gonna guess at Fallout 4, makes sense after they released Shelter, but would love for Doom Eternal to be confirmed to be coming to Switch, and then that it is coming out the same time as the other versions too.
@FragRed two days ago
@roboshort Mainly because Panic Button can't port every single game to the Switch. With them stating how much work they are getting thrown their way they can only handle so much. If Bethesda hasn't started to learn themselves by now I can see most of their games skipping the Switch alltogether.
Not a dig at them using Panic Button or Panic Button's efforts. I've thoroughly enjoyed their Doom port.
Think the next wolfenstein or maybe something from square enix. Still hope foolishly it a port from an square enix game
Pretty sure it won't be 76, since it would have been mentioned during the reveal. Eternal is getting more details at Quakecon in August so I doubt it will be that (although that may be coming to Switch anyway).
My bet is for that rumoured Fallout 3 port or hopefully Fallout 4. I know Fallout 4 has a lot of detractors, but I'd rather see something at least relatively recent rather than porting games that are older than a lot of Switch players!
@XenoShaun Yeah. You’re right. They Definitely can’t rely on Panic Button for all their titles, but I think it makes sense for the Doom and Wolfenstein franchises
Well, they can't have been working with the Switch hardware for six years! But, as @xenoshaun points out, maybe he meant the Nvidia Shield itself.
Mostly if it comes from Bethesda, probably will be a must buy
Kingdom Hearts 3 or I don't care
DOOM Eternal would be awesome I absolutely love DOOM on Switch.
Anything would be welcome. And please fill that black fall hole with a single player game!
See, E3 isn't the be all and end all. We get announcements all year round lol. Stock market is silly.
I'm guessing it's Diablo 3.
Youngblood was already leaked, but I'm hoping its Fallout 3 or 4. Doom Eternal would be sweet too, but I'm expecting that to happen.
@OorWullie The Witcher 3 on the go!!!! That would rock!!!
Dark Souls 3! 😍
Where are the leaks to what it is? Where are the idiot leakers when you need them... Get them to crawl out of the sewer they live in and let’s shed some light on this one.
@XenoShaun Doom Eternal didn't announce any platforms, but they aren't likely to announce anything before Quakecon in August.
Hope this game will be worth it but I still want to see Castlevania on the switch.
Does that actually mean some sweet July Direct for us?
True! I still think Nintendo should be called out for not announcing it, though.
One of the areas of concern for Switch is third party, so if they have a major third party game coming, why on earth not mention it at what is still the focus event for the industry?
Oh, Nintendo! Marching to the beat of your own drum is fine until you end up shunned in the corner for making a discordant racket.
Well, whatever, I suppose, shrug! Switch has plenty of games coming and they probably thought Fortnite would be enough.
Wolfenstein Old Blood and New Order!
@mgnoodle Yeah, that game is so resource hungry with all those blocks.
"almost six years" They were working on Switch even before Wii U's launch???
I'm not sure why most people are assuming it'll be a Bethesda title but that doesn't mean I hope it isn't. If it's a Fallout or Elder Scrolls game I'd be super hyped for that. I'm still upset fallout 76 isn't coming to the switch but I expected it. Maybe a little further down the road it'll be ported? 😆 I can dream.
Can't wait, keep those folks busy!
This won't be Doom Eternal because more information on that's being announced in August, not next month. If it is a Bethesda game i'm hoping for Wolfenstein Youngblood although as others have pointed out it could well be another studio. If it is i'm hoping it's the Resi 2 remake.
GTA V please
If its a Bethesda game (and there's no guarantee it is) Fallout 3 would be great. NOT Fallout 4, which struggles to run well even on XB1X.
Possibilities due to being on Unreal Engine 4-Darksiders 3, Spyro Collection, Soul Calibur VI (unlikely because of Dragonball)
Borderlands or Red Dead Redemption please and thank you.
@Dang69 "Expected. Not 'will be.' That's a huge difference."
This. NL jumping the gun a bit.
@Reignmaker Things like this are what lead to upset fans, because they forget where the "promise" came from.
Don’t expect anything major if it wasn’t announced at E3.
@NintendoFan4Lyf Yes, it is. I can only speak about my limited experiences with LG OLED (C6 and C8) compared to my trusty Panasonic VT30, but it's not a matter of there being a difference of sorts. It's kinda hard to describe really, but playing a game like God of War or Horizon Zero Dawn, the image is almost three-dimensional. The black levels are inky and endlessly deep, the colors (depending on the scene) virtually pop off the screen and the brightness makes lightining effects - like rays of sun light through dust - almost life-like while spots where the sun hides behind a cloud for instance are almost blinding.
I was sceptical at first myself, but with a good current gen TV (you don't get this kind of HDR with $500 devices, even if they can technical accept a HDR signal) it is NIGHT AND DAY quite literally. There is a scene somewhat early on in GoW where you follow a witch home and you wonder through a field of blooming colors and sun and particle effects everywhere. I'm not lying when I say that my jaw has never hit the floor this hard. It was really impressed (visually) by some comparable scenes of Avatar back in the day, rendered beautifully in 3D, but this tops my amazement then by miles.
If I hadn't been this stunned, I might have actually cried with joy. It's a gamechanger - that is just a fact and not hyberpole. Having said all that, it is also true, that we are all going to get used to it eventually, and the wonder will wear off, but right now, just looking at these games (both I mentioned are excellent on many levels beyond visuals btw), just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
It's not just about 2^10 wide color gamut, but the combination of that with perfect black and significant peak brightness. None of those work to the same effect individually. For instance you can find plenty of (Q)LEDs that easily top any OLED purely in terms of peak brightness - also to impressive effect no less - but to me, the visual impact is severly damped by the not-quite blackness of black. That is not to say, that I did not find HDR impressive from the very limited content I saw e.g. on last-gen Samsungs, but it's still one step below what an OLED can do for gaming.
It's not just gaming though. I just today took a peak at The Invincibles and what can I say. I was always annoyed that the movie was never released in 3D (I'm a huge fan of animated movies in 3D - with The Beauty and the Beast rewored for 3D having some of the most sumptous scenes I ever witnessed), but as I was looking at the almost-3D-esque image, it kinda damned on me why LG (the only provider of OLED panels) has decided to drop 3D support after the 6-series. HDR creates such a sense of depth, that it's almost pointless to have 3D.
The 4K image is also sharper and offers bolder colors, plus you don't have to deal with wearing glasses ... I still wish 3D was available as an option (for non-4K-HDR movies like Beauty and the Beast, which again, looks stunning in 3D, even though it's 2D-animated), but I finally "get it" - I get why we don't really need it anymore.
That said, alot depends not just on the display but also - obviously - on the source material. Not all HDR movies are made equal and not all games either. Those that feature a top of line implementation though ... it's a whole new world.
I short, to me, it's the biggest leap in gaming visuals since 3D rendering became a thing. No other change in the way games present visuals had a similar impact on me like HDR.
All of that is my impression though, so take it with the obvious grain of salt!
I'd guess the Wolfenstein game announced at Bethesda's conference with it being announced next month for Switch so this month's Wolfenstein game still has its initial launch window sales.
NieR Automata pls thanks
@XenoShaun I'm not expert, but afaik there is not reason why it should not be able to output an HDR image - at least at 1080p60.
Honestly though, assuming Nintendo would patch their games like BotW (omg, just try to imagine the glory of that - no really do, because I cannot begin to fathom what that would look like) and decide to offer a Switch+2Premiumwhatever featuring a OLED screen and HDR support, I would drop everything and run out and preorder one - even if the only game confirmed where BotW, a game I already played plenty of.
That's how good HDR is in my view (if done right and with the right equipment) and how much I wanted it for all the amazing games Nintendo creates.
Also, darn but just think about Metroid Prime? All those particle effects we are no doubt going to see .... that would be AMAZING!
Sometimes I really wish Nintendo would put just a tad more emphasis on this stuff =(
The downside of HDR is, that I find it incredibly hard to going back to even something like Nier Automata, an amazing game running in 4K, but lacking HDR. it's just so dull all of the sudden. Like someone sucked the life out of the what I am seeing. It's kinda depressing really =)
Doom or Wolfenstein. Either one of the new games.
@NintendoFan4Lyf Even with the increased brightness, for maximun effect a darkened room is much preferable, plus show-room settings most of the time s***, not to mention - like I said - alot depends on the source material. I watched an episode of Dynasty with Dolby Vision on Netflix and it looked better, but not mindblowing.
If that is what you are seeing under suboptimal conditions, you will not be blown away. Put on Pacific Rim, or Invicinibles or GoW or HoZD or anything like it under the right conditions, and I give you my honest word - assuming you are not dead cyncial and joyless as a person, and you care at least a tiny bit about visuals - you will be orgasmic
Definitely go OLED. I had a Plasma for the last 7 years or so, so I am no stranger to the risk of burn-in and image retention. Image rentention my Panasonc was worse, but never enough to really bother me (low input lag, response time and deep blacks mattered a helluva lot more) and burn-in ... quite frankly, only time will tell, but from what I can tell sofar, you'd have to be an excessive and careless user, like playing the same game with the same HUD for dozens of hours over days and days.
OLED is the way to go for now, at least until stuff like micro-leds or so become ready for prime time. Just my two cents, best money I ever spend on a TV or any piece of hardware related to gaming or movies. Hands down and then some!
Star Citizen?
I have never played a Fallout game. If they put Fallout 4 on the Switch I'd probably break down and give it a go. I do have a very nice gaming PC, but the Fallout games just never appealed to me. However, if I can play it during my lunch break at work then I'll give it a shot. Either way I'm excited to see what they're working on next.
Diablo is my dreams. Hell Torchlight 2 but I think world Peace is a good one. We definitely need some world peace.
I hope they can port Google Chrome to Switch.
I will take a few guesses what it could be... Dishonored 2, Wolf Youngbloods, Evil Within 2, Fallout 3/New Vegas, Diablo 3, or Rage 2. Lots of 2's there; hopefully that's the lucky #. I'm tempted to say Silent Hill 2 remaster, but I don't wanna push it. If it's none of those, then I'm a horrible guesser 😃
Give me GTA V, Witcher 3 or one of the fallouts and I will be pleased
What if..... what if it’s The Witcher 3....?
Hey, Panic Button puts in the freaking work. I'll buy any thing they want to port just to thank them for doing it right.
My dream is New Vegas on F4 engine.
Obduction, Talos Principle, or The Witness would be great.
The smaller studios making these don't seem to have the raw tech muscle to make their beautiful games happen on Switch.
I know these might not be what people expect from Panic Button now, but a man can dream.
My money is on God of War 😂😂😂😂😂😂
@OorWullie don't play with my heart!
Also, how awesome was that Cyberpunk 2077 trailer!!!
@NintendoFan4Lyf In that usage scenario I cannot image you will have any issue whatsoever. Just make sure to have the screen shifter activated (should be default) and on occasion or after heavy use run pixel refresher.
I use mine as a PC monitor as well, so I make sure to have changing backgrounds, the taskbar set to auto-hide and if I use say Chrome for longer periods I have it set to fullscreen (to hide the tab bar). Again though, I'm used to this, because I've used a plasma for years, which are also susceptible to retention and burn-in. I never suffered burn-in and the image retention to me was 99% a non-issue there, and it's even less noticeable now.
I have used rtings as a baseline for my settings, yes, but honestly, for now, I just do some basic calibration myself and as far as color accuracy goes, I have what looks good and natural to me. I have a C8 now, which is capable of 3D LUT autocalibration, so longterm I will probably look into hiring a calibrator or see if I can get my hands on pattern generator and camera - maybe.
The new Technicolor Expert preset on the 8-series is imho pretty decent and compares alrigh to the THX preset on my old VT30, which - out side of Gamemode - I used most of the time for general viewing. Some tweaking here and there depending on viewing conditions and personal preference ... again, not that hung up on perfect color accuracy.
With the Xbox One X, I'd also definitely recommend FH3 and the upcoming FH4 probably as well. Plenty of gorgeous visuals, sumptous color and amazing HDR to see there as well.
You are definitely in for a treat my friend!
Considering how awesome The Witcher 3 was, Cyberpunk might be the most excited I have ever been for a video game
Fallout 4 or New Vegas would be amazing, with all the dlc included of course.
Just picture a Fallout Collection with Fallout 1, 2, 3, NV and 4
@NintendoFan4Lyf One more thing I just remembered, if you end up with an LG OLED and you want to play Switch games and miss some kind of HDR oompphhh try and check out the "HDR Effect" mode. From what I can tell it strongly saturates the image and tries to locally boost brightness to give the image a kind of HDR sheen.
It's miles off from the real thing and looks horrendous on any normal material, as the colors and contrast are all over the friggin place, but I actually just tried it with the Octopath demo - and if you are not about accuarcy and watching 'as the director intended' it actually does not look all that bad. I haven't tinkered with the settings and such, but it seems to be an okay fit for the visual style of a game like Ocotpath and maybe other stylized Switch games like BotW as well.
Writing here about how amazing HDR for the Switch would be made me remember that I actually never tried that mode so far
Wait... Does this point to the possibility of another Nintendo Direct soon?
@ballistic90 You've just had E3 man!
I hope that it’s Doom Eternal. Hoping that Switch gets it day of release with the other consoles. I’m definitely getting it, and if it’s not out on Switch the same day, I’m going with PS4.
I could see just about any of Bethesda’s properties getting on Switch (Wolfenstein, Doom, Evil Within, Prey, etc)
If I had to make a wild guess— let’s go Diablo 3
Yep i said it. Retro pacman for switch!
Just kidding, im kinda curious.
@GrailUK I was about to triumphantly point to last year's Nintendo Direct that announced Doom and Wolfenstein as proof, then i realized that was in September.
@ballistic90 hehe
@NintendoFan4Lyf @Ralek85
I can underline those subjective information with some hard facts if you want.
Usual 8bit color depth means every of the 3 rgb main colors has 256 different levels (8Bit = 256) so the total amount of different diverse colors possible is 256 x 256 x 256 = 16,777,216 Colors
As the digital world works every additional bit means double the possibility per main color.
HDR has 10Bit therefore 1024 levels. Total amount of possible colors therefore: 1024 x 1024 x 1024 = 1,073,741,824 Colors
Usually a tv has about 100 - 400 nits maximum brightness.
HDR supports up to 4000 nits (though, usually it is only remastered to 1000 nits). Anyway, the image can be really bright!
HDR ideally means, that every pixels brightness is independent from the others. So one point of the picture can be very very bright while everything around it can be perfectly black. Think of a night sky with bright stars really popping out of the very dark background.
There is a big BUT: Just because a tv is hdr compatible doesn't mean it can actually do all of that (it doesn't). These are just the maximum of what hdr could do, while the tv is the limiter. And 'hdr' in itself is not really a standard, so a tv manufacturer could write 'hdr' on the specs sheet while not even partly supporting anything of the above...
Side note: this is just general hdr. There are different hdr standards which are partly better than that. Doby Vision has 12Bit color for example (though, to my knowledge there is no tv yet that supports this).
But keep in mind that the video/game would need to support that Dolby Vision and not just the tv.
So yeah, hdr can be quite a game changer, strongly depending on the tv though.
If it is Bethesda, i really want Prey.
But i think they would go with their more popular franchise Fallout.
Fallout 3, 4 or New Vegas.
@Ooyah They said Nintendo hardware didnt they? So wouldnt that be any kind of hardware like Wii U or Switch or whatever else?
I'm guessing Nier.
@NintendoFan4Lyf You're welcome. And - final remark - if you really already are on XBX and PS4P a HDR TV should be an absolute no-brainer!
I remember a buddy of mine got the PS3 at launch and for a while he was running it on an oldschool CRT ... I feel running either the XBX or PS4P on a non-HDR-TV is actually way worse! ^^
It's either Nier Automata, Fallout 4 or DOOM Eternal
@Kirgo @NintendoFan4Lyf Yup, thanks for the info. I was aware of most of that, but I thought it more useful to just try and voice my actual experience. Dolby Vision btw not only goes up to 12 bits but also 10.000 nits - which obviously we are worlds away from reaching
Also, I'm not sure, but I dimmly remember reading that AC Origins might have actually been mastered a 4000 nits.
Finally, as I think it's worth noting, besides Dolby Vision we have HDR10 as a kind of standard format, esp. for video games. The big difference here is not just supported color depth and brightness, but - from what I understand - the dynamic metadata providing information about the brightness for each scene. Apparently, HDR10 - which is a non-licensed standard - will be upgraded to HDR10+, which in turn will also support dynamic metadata. Right now there is virtually no content for it though, with Amazon among others having signed on to support it.
LG since 2017 offers a software feature that basically does what HDR10+ is supposed to do, looking at each scene and analyzing the picture dynamically (it's called Active HDR in the 7-series and Dynamic Tone Mapping in the 8-series). Afaik that's why they feel no need to implement and support HDR10+ as a standard right now.
It's worth noting that this is only available in Gamemode (low input lag mode) on the 8-series.
Just some additional tidbits of info, I came accross while checking which set to pick.
I would love to get the witcher 3 for the switch and I wouldn't even wait for a price drop or a sale, as long as they include all the dlc of course, I'm not a complete fool
The hell with Fallout 4. Fallout 3 or New Vegas remaster.
Can I have Fallout 3 with all DLC? Thx
@electrolite77 Agree with you there, FO4 does not run that well on xbox1, i was not impressed and i didnt think the game itself was all that great. FO3 or New Vegas more viable and maybe they can improve on them from the last gen. GTA5 ? Yeah great for anyone who has never played it but I'm getting fed up with years old ports I played a long time ago. Becoming a retro shovelware mobile port machine. Not what I expected when I bought it.
GTA 5 with online, Fallout 3, or Spyro. If Fortnite doesn’t convince Activision to release CaoD or EA to release BF, nothing will.
Dishonored (any of em really) please.
Why not during E3?
Whatever it is, I hope it's actually a day 1 port. No more of these year old titles.
Kingdom Hearts III.
HAHAHA! (I can dream.)
No wait. Diablo 3. Then Overwatch.
Oblivion <3
It was never going to get the same support as the other systems given the differed in power, form factor and storage medium. If anyone buys a Switch expecting that they've been missold it. Look on third-party support as a bonus.
If it is a Bethesda game I doubt it will be the new DOOM or Wolfenstein. As others have said, these will probably be coming anyway, but their release is most likely still a way off and will probably be announced by Bethesda at Quakecon.
I know most people are clamouring for Fallout, but I'd love to see a collection of The Evil Within games. I think they could run pretty well, as the first game was released on PS3 initially, and they would be a great fit for the Switch as horror games are doing quite well on it.
Please be any of the reboot Tomb Raider Games!!
@NintendoFan4Lyf No, at least it doesn't for me. I have the PS4 hooked up directly to the TV (have not yet upgraded to a 4K/DV) receiver and all it does is display the no signal message, that bounces around the screen and some gallery image in the background. I'm not even sure it 'should' do that and I don't think it can be setup this way. I might be wrong though ^^
Other than that, HDMI-CEC works fine between the LG and PS4 - meaning you can turn it on and you can control the menu with the remote (really just useful for turning it off and like watching a movie - though the PS4P does not support UHD, so it's a bit of moot point).
@NintendoFan4Lyf That sounds - if I may say so - quite frankly insane. But I do know that people have their idiosyncrasies though ... I wasn't even aware, that this kind of back-swichting was a thing. Does it always go back to TV, or just most recent input used before the signal once the current input goes out?
Personally, I really rarely watch TV, so normally it goes between PC-Streaming-Console back and forth and it would be super annoying if the TV were to switch back to TV whenever I turn anything connected via HDMI off.
For the LG, if you press the Homebutton, it shows t he most recent other aspect you used - be it a HDMI input, TV, the internal player, an app like Netflix, or what ever really - and you can switch back at the press of a button or by 'clicking on it' (I dunno, but the LG for me works best mostly by using the pointer controls).
Takes literally a second or two
@NintendoFan4Lyf I see, I have no idea if modern day Samsungs still do that.
Yeah, I agree, I never really understood what the deal with Xbox and HDMI-CEC was either. They put so much effort into that box and in large part they were successful doing so, yet some basic stuff is just consistently missing like CEC.
Fun fact, I'm using a Yamaha rx-v571 ARC is working fine btw with C8, though you are limited to DD5.1 as the receivers don't support neither eARC (obviously) nor DD+, which would e.g. allow Dolby Atmos bitstreaming from Netflix.
@NintendoFan4Lyf Dolby Atmos yes, Dolby Vision though ... afaik not so much =(
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