Comments 611

Re: Poll: Do You Prefer Fire Emblem: Three Houses Or Engage?


I really disliked Engage from the moment it was leaked, and lament that this is what is considered “going back the series roots”.

I desperately want another Fire Emblem that captures the political maneuverings and grounded world building of the Telius games. Engage was incredibly cringey and didn’t make a grounded world at all, instead relying on nostalgia-baiting to carry the narrative appeal.

While 3 houses isn’t quite there, is it pretty close and so blows Engage out of the water.

Re: Toby Fox Shares New Development Update On Deltarune Chapter 4


I clearly don't understand game development in any significant way, but I would have thought releasing chapter 1 would have laid significant groundwork in terms of the global assets and engine, so continue to be quite surprised when each chapter is taking so long.

I am still waiting for the whole game before diving in to chapter 1 & 2 because I don't know if I can retain my memory and interest for years.

Re: Reminder: The 3DS Pokémon Bank & Transporter Services Are Still Online


Honestly it ticked me off the day they announced bank was online instead of a standalone app using my own 3DS's memory as I knew I couldn't rely on it. I knew the "link" between Gen 5 & 6 was temporary for the first time, as are all "links" between generations. Just release another Pokemon Box, it really doesn't take that much data to store, needing to host servers for this is such a waste.

Re: E3 Has Been Cancelled, Permanently


This stings quite a bit. I disagree with others who believe the Game Awards replaces it; there just isn't the same expectation of big reveals from every company. There isn't any other event that will replicate even half of what E3 brought, and most announcements will just be haphazardly spread throughout the year.

Re: Nintendo, Sony And Xbox Reportedly Skipping E3 2023


I’ve gotten the feeling that Nintendo has resented E3 making then put out a direct out of obligation since they have been taking the slightest excuse to not have a June direct. Part if me is a little frustrated by their resentment, because it can also feel little like resenting their own fan’s expectations.

Re: Feature: Fire Emblem Narratives, Ranked – Which Fire Emblem Has The Best Story?


No game or even other Fire Emblem has matched the large scale storytelling of the Tellius games for me.

The main reason: the map. Using the map to show where all the armies are, where conflicts are happening, where Ike is and where he is going. Not allowing you to just travel across the entire thing between chapters gave the story a grounded and serious feel.

I want remakes/rereleases of these so bad, they are so hard to find or play.

Re: Feature: 8 Unanswered Questions We Have About Pokémon Scarlet and Violet


I'm one of the scrooges who can't bring myself to play any more pokemon after Dexit; a huge part of the experience, the key part, is just gone for me.

I think it wouldn't be very hard to put in all the pokemon at this point. There is very few left they'd have to create after the DLC and BDSP, but what is more important for them is to never set any expectation of a complete pokedex ever again so this controvery doesn't start up fresh with Gen 10 on Switch 2. So they will hold back ready-made assets to preserve fan expectation of the new normal of about 400-500 pokemon per game.

Re: It's Summer Time In Harvestella As Square Enix Shares A Heap Of New Info


I'm mildly interested in this due to the potential of this Quitus/Season of death talk. I'll have to wait until the game is out for the details to know if it'll truly interest me, but a farming sim where preparation for some impending doom is the focus sounds much more interesting than perpetually expanding your farm for expansion's sake.

Re: Random: It's Been Four Years Since The Elder Scrolls VI Was Announced


Elder Scrolls 6 is just embarrassing. 7 years after Skyrim they announce nothing but a title (not even a subtitle!) and we're 4 years after that without ANY more info.

Blaming the wait on Starfield just makes me resent Starfield. I may even be interested in it, but telling fans waiting for 7 years this random new game gets priority doesn't make a good impression.

Re: Talking Point: Should We Still Be Pre-Ordering Games?


It seems rare for me to find pre-order bonuses these days, and that is pretty much the only reason to pre-order. Games generally don't sell out, and if they do never for long, and I am BAFFLED why pre-ordering digital games would have any benefit whatsoever.

Re: PUBG Owner Krafton To Acquire Subnautica Studio Unknown Worlds


@Munchlax With all the patches I'd say "rare crashes". Most crashes I got were when base-building, so I learned to be extra careful saving when doing that.

For me I feel it runs pretty well nearly all the time, to the point I'd definitely still encourage people to go ahead with the Switch version.

Re: Nintendo's Record On Conflict Minerals Is Praised, But With An Important Catch


I think "important catch" is ridiculous. Nintendo is taking the most efficient approach to avoid contributing to a horrible problem. Nintendo has no responsibility to improve this issue in other countries. Not sure how buying from others in the same country would help anyway; a lack of sale is a lack of a sale, whether they bought from the competitor down the street or from one across the world. The "ideal" approach would be for a country's own people and government to crack down on such activities.