Watch Dogs 3

Ubisoft's Watch Dogs was one of the surprises of last year's E3 event, showcasing cutting-edge gameplay based around the control of information. The open world action title is based around hacking and surveillance, and features some amazing visuals — leading many to predict that it would be a next-gen title rather than a current-gen one.

However, Ubisoft confirmed after E3 that the game is in fact coming to the 360, PS3 and PC.

In a new twist, it looks as if the Wii U could be getting in on the action, too. Leaked promotional material uncovered by Kotaku states that the game is coming to "all home consoles" this Christmas, which is a pretty emphatic statement and must surely include Nintendo's new system. It could of course also mean that it's coming to the new PlayStation and Xbox systems, assuming either is actually going to be released in 2013.

We've approached Ubisoft for clarification and will report back when we hear something, but just imagine how Watch Dogs could be enriched by the GamePad's additional screen — it would surely be the perfect interface for a game based around hacking computer networks.

Do you think the game is likely to see the light of day on Wii U, or do you think Ubisoft is guilty of poor wording in its promotional material? Leave a comment to let us know, and also feast your eyes on this gameplay footage if you haven't seen it already.

[source, via]