Chasing Aurora (Wii U eShop)

Developed by the talented team at Broken Rules, Chasing Aurora was also a launch title on the Wii U — if you're seeking some extra nostalgia. With a beautiful art-style, this game was all about the joys of flight from a side-on perspective, as you swoop and glide through a variety of stages and modes. The single player parts are enjoyable but limited, while it's arguably in multiplayer that this title truly shines.

Dr. Luigi (Wii U eShop)

Remember the Year of Luigi? Of course you do! Dr. Luigi isn't a classic by any means, being a Luigi re-skin of the Dr. Mario formula with some minor twists and tweaks to modes, but it's nevertheless a very competent and fun puzzle game.

And Luigi is the star; we can definitely get behind that. Sorry, Dr. Luigi.

Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Tipping Stars (Wii U eShop)

Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Tipping Stars took the Mario vs. DK IP back to its simple best, as you guide little toy Mario characters to safety. The puzzles are as enjoyable as you'd expect, and a major perk is that when you buy this version you get a 3DS copy (and vice-versa) free, so this is one you can add to both collections.

The major downside, though, is that the 'Workshop' level creation area was a fun feature where you could share your stages and try those created by others. This happened through Miiverse, though, so that feature is now dead.

Mini Mario & Friends: amiibo Challenge (Wii U eShop)

Here's a quirky entry for you, as it's free (on 3DS too) and is an amiibo-driven take on the Mario vs. Donkey Kong concept. Nintendo had an experimental phase of doing free games that required amiibo.

There are fun ideas here if you have a decent collection of figures, most notably those in the Super Mario series. You get some stages with non-Mario series figures, but when you scan the likes of Mario, Bowser, Yoshi, Luigi and company you get special themed stages that utilise each character's particular abilities.

A fun diversion (and free!) if you have some amiibo figures lying around.

Bike Rider UltraDX - WORLD TOUR (Wii U eShop)

A bit of a surprising inclusion perhaps, especially as our reviewer of this version wasn't particularly enamoured with it, but this writer always had a soft spot for the Bike Rider games. In the West there are also a couple of options on the 3DS, and this Wii U entry allows you to enjoy its brand of simple but endearing riding / platforming on the big screen, too.

Knytt Underground (Wii U eShop)

Another title from Nifflas (Affordable Space Adventures, which you should get ASAP — not sure if we've mentioned it?), and in this case you're navigating through hundreds of rooms in a mix of exploration, platforming and a little puzzle solving.

It's a delightfully arthouse and experimental game in its storytelling, in particular, factors that'll either attract your interest or turn you off. If you're in the former camp, we strongly recommend it.

Pushmo World (Wii U eShop)

And finally, of course we're including Mallo and co.! Pushmo World (or Pullblox World in Europe) is the Wii U entry in the quirky puzzle series from Nintendo's more experimental period on the eShop, which brought us a handful of very good 3DS games. This Wii U entry is excellent too, as it utilised the greater power of the system and its online connectivity to not only deliver more puzzles, but also the ability to create and share your own puzzles.

Even if the online sharing part has now bitten the dust, Pushmo World is still worth investigating while it's available.

Some corkers there, if we may say so ourselves, and a reminder that for those of us that did give the Wii U a chance it certainly delivered memorable games. [And yes, for about 30 minutes after publication we'd forgotten that DuckTales: Remastered was still available, and we had to add it]

Do you think we missed any Wii U eShop-only games that you think people should know about? By all means, let us know in the comments — we Wii U owners need to stick together!