Nintendo Badge Arcade

Nintendo Badge Arcade was a quirky late addition to the 3DS eShop, capitalizing on the new possibilities of the update which added in themes. The idea of decking out one’s home screen with a series of decorative badges was a strange one, but it could become surprisingly gripping. Though it took a bit longer to arrive in the West, the free-to-play game has been receiving consistent updates for quite some time now, though perhaps that’s due to end soon.

A series of Pokémon badges have been added to the Japanese version of Nintendo Badge Arcade this past week, and they also came with an announcement that the final set would be added on 26th May. Seeing as how the versions of the game in other regions still have some catching up to do, there’s probably a decent amount of time left before this applies elsewhere, but it would seem that Nintendo is finally beginning the process of retiring the game.

What do you think? Do you still use Nintendo Badge Arcade often? Would you like something similar on Switch? Drop us a comment in the section below.
