Comments 66

Re: Nintendo Sneakily Filed A New Controller Patent Last Year


If anyone remember the patents that everyone thought were images of the what the Switch would look like. (before it was named switch)

(A pill shaped portable, people even made a fake video of it)

Its pretty safe to say that the shape and design in these images have nothing to do with whatever final product this could potentially turn into.

As others have mentioned, the actual documents seem very focused on the battery compartment and battery swelling, so i am pretty sure that is where the actual interesting part is hidden. The rest is just fluff or context.

Re: Cult Classic Motorbike Sim 'Elasto Mania' Returns As A Remaster Next Week


You youngsters dismissing this duebto the visuals.

This is Indie before indie was a term, this indie when that meant a guy or a couple of dudes in their basement making games.

It was simple, fun, small (ie easy to copy onto a floppy and bring to a friend or run on the school computer lab)

There is lots of nostalgia here, but this is from a time where these graphics signaled indie game, not shovelware.

Re: Switch OLED Model Rates 2 Out Of 10 On Screen Durability Scratch Test


@Jawessome The new dock seems to have some rubber bumpers at the bottom and overall a smoother internal finish then the original dock, so it seems likely to be safer in this regard.

That being said i have two original docs and have not experienced any pinching or scratching from either. I think the issues that showed up early where either manufacturing errors or docks bent during transportation. (or something else)

Re: Dead Cells' Bestiary Update Is Now Live On Switch, Here Are The Full Patch Notes


@Dragonslacker1 I struggled a lot in the beginning, but now I have gotten the basic finish of the game several times.

As you play through the game and put cells into unlocks and upgrades different strategies unlock together with your skills improving. You eventually find combos that work with your playstyle and some times luck out on what items you find on your way through.

It's important to enjoy the experience as a potentially short run where you only get minor progress, but slowly get better. Exploring the game and finding different strategies and secrets with each run.

Working on unlocks that help you stay alive is great in the beginning, and also using the tactics items/traps and boosting their damage can work as a good approach as you are starting out.

I feel I'm only avarage at the game, but I still enjoy throwing in a few runs at it from time to time, because the combat and movement is so fun and flows so nice.

EDIT: Also to those who gave out in the early days, i think they have done a lot of tweaks to the difficulty curve since then, so its worth giving it another go, if you felt like the game suddenly spiked to much for you. (i know it did for me in the beginning, but i struggled through)

Re: Hands On: This $50 Handheld Plays Pretty Much Every Game From Your Misspent Youth


@technotreegrass In many cases the law requires you "protect your IP" to avoid loosing the rights to said IP. Companies (read lawyers at those companies) interpret this in different ways.

(And at some companies said lawyers seem to be really eager to push towards a very agressive stance (probably to show they are needed and to earn more money... ))

Re: Wireless NES Controllers Won't Work With Other Games On Nintendo Switch


I might consider them if the bluetooth drivers that lets you use the pro controller with your pc works on these.

But honestly I agree with others that have said: Buy the 8bitdo controllers. Cheaper, and works with a lot of devices, both wireless and over USB.

SNES controllers are great and pretty damn close to the original SNes controllers.

Re: Cosmic Star Heroine Dev Explains Its "Frustrating" Experience Working With Nintendo


@brimat Exactly. I've read a few variations of this developers complaints on various sites now. And the general consensus among the comments is that these guys did almost nothing with regards to marketing. Most comments were "never heard of the game"

The fact that they have a low number of reviews on metacritic backs this up. They did too little to engage with the community on their own, too little to make people discover their game.

Don't expect the storefront to do all your marketing for you, because hey! you are going to loose out to those people who actually do marketing in addition to being on the storefront.

Sounds to me like the devs need a proper publisher that actually understands marketing and competition.

Re: Review: Worms W.M.D. (Switch eShop)


Gotta say, the idea of pulling out my switch for a game of worms with my brother wherever we might be is really appealing.

As others have stated the tricky navigation of the worms has always been a part of the game. Its supposed to be a part of the risk/reward part of the game. Do you make a tricky long distance shot, or try to move closer with the risk of messing up?

Re: Weirdness: Now You Can Even Find More "Pokémon" In The Dictionary


Norwegian board of language had a statement about how Pokémon is supposed to be written in Norway. (Capitalized as it's a trademark, the é remains for the same reason... shocking development I know. )

It seems the amount of free advertisement this game can get has no limits, everyone wants to be in on the craze.

Meanwhile those of us whom have played Ingress for several years feel our turf is being invaded.

Don't get me wrong i thing the game is nifty, better then ingress in some respects, but sorely lacking in depth, especially when it comes to strategy and planning in the competition between the teams, compared to the other game. If you ever feel like you want a similar game but with more ways to compete for control with the other team and where the every POI in the game plays a role, give ingress a try.

Re: Video: The Ocarina of Time Unreal 4 Fan Project Goes to Gerudo Valley


The thing is; so far this guy is only using this to show of his skills in unreal engine, and has only released videos of projects he has done while learning the tool.

He has not released any assets or working code.

If he suddenly announces that its a fan remake and makes moves to release any working code or gives indication that this is his intent, i think it will be shut down.

Until that happens, its closer to a art project or "fan-art" then anything else.

But as someone pointed out, lets comment on the video it self:

Very cool. I can see he is slowly improving on the movement of link in each of these and see some of his skills in lighting and modeling improving as well. I think he stated on his youtube channel that these video's are of projects he is doing to teach him self unreal engine, and he is definitely learning.

Re: Voice Actors Union Authorises Strike Action With Landslide 96.52 Percent Vote


@shaneoh This would probably have been a debate had it not been for the fact that there seems to be nobody making efforts in organizing the devs.

Devs should unionize as there are numerous examples of exploiting the workforce in this business, especially in the "crunch" right before deadlines, with people working extremely long hours without any extra pay.

In a lot of game media this strike seems to have the angle of "well payed actors want more" but for most of them it seems the working conditions are more important, and also, voice acting is miles away from screen time when it comes to salaries, so its unfair to compare the two.

Re: Tablets Stole The Wii U's Thunder, Laments Shigeru Miyamoto


I find it surprising that they never see the pattern of too few launch titles and problematic sales. Same happened to the 3ds.

They need to have at least one of their big hitters there on launch, and they need to have another one coming up within the first 6 months of launch.

"Here, have a simple mario game that is very similar to what we did last year" with the promise of mario kart or zelda in a year or two, ain't gonna sell consoles.

That being said, i bought my WiiU at launch and love it

Re: Star Fox Zero Doesn't Have Online Multiplayer, Yet


@MrRaven1972 the graphics need to be scaled down compared to i.e xenoblade, in order for it to be able to achieve 60fps on both TV and gamepad. Its rendering two viewports. So its 2x more power required right there. I'd take fluid 60fps, esp in a game like this over flashy visuals any day. But then again, I'm as old as Mario

Re: Review: Splatoon (Wii U)


A huge part in dropping online on the Wii was the closing of gamespy, that provided services to the online componen on the Wii. This is not an issue on the WiiU because all that stuff is handled inhouse by ninty for the U

Re: Code Name S.T.E.A.M. Fails to Chart in Week of Poor Sales in Japan


@IceClimbers Actually I know one of the Devs on Alien:Isolation, and although it has underperformed, its still selling about 100k copies each week, so it might be to early to write it off as a flop. He seems to be pretty happy with sales, at least.

I'm loving S.T.E.A.M and I'm hoping to get some quality time with it when im going traveling in about two weeks Unlike a lot of other comments here i like the art-style and the bonkers setting. And i find that stylized art looks way better on the 3ds than trying to go for a more realistic look, esp. considering its hardware limitations.

Re: Analyst Thinks Nintendo Is Already Winding Down Wii U Ahead Of Nintendo NX Launch


@Quorthon while you have some good points i think you misunderstand the term warchest here...

Warchest = money in the bank to spend in case of loss. Unlike a lot of other companies, a fair amount of the profit nintendo makes goes into building a cash reserve, not giving it out to the shareholders and CEO's

This means they can spend a lot of money on experiments and failed attempts without going under. Heck if all else fails they can go back to creating playing cards and toys. (aMiibos seem to sell fine )

What brought companies like Sega to their knees is that they spent a whole lot of cash to launch failed hardware, expecting to make it back, and buckled under a lack of money to finance any next project once that fell through. Call it over confidence or a gamble, it was a risk they took, and one that they could not afford failing.

And its not like Nintendo are hemorrhaging money. Its just that profits are lower then expected. They are not in the red numbers, just lower black numbers

Re: Analyst Thinks Nintendo Is Already Winding Down Wii U Ahead Of Nintendo NX Launch


@BaffleBlend I have a small hope that part of this unified platform effort made by Nintendo is that this is a thing of the past. (Though I'm not holding my breath)

They just made Wii Games run "emulated"(still launches wii mode so i suspec it still uses the fact that the U has the same architecture) on the wii U. Hopefully they will at some point make some sort of emulation framework that will be able to be moved over as the upgrade platforms.

I do fear that the temptation to keep asking us to pay for the same game on each hardware platform is to big though... and us fans.. we will do it too.

Re: Analyst Thinks Nintendo Is Already Winding Down Wii U Ahead Of Nintendo NX Launch


@Quorthon I agree, mostly. I think its too bad they where unable to do the same turnaround as they managed with the 3DS, and i think mainly they needed to have a much bigger push with their first party software much more early on.

What i fear for the NX now is that they do the same. Hurry to launch new hardware without any first party big hitters in the pipeline and watch the thing fall short of potential success.

As it stands now i feel the Wii U is not a complete failure, its just barely limping along instead of running. And i feel that nintendo don't think the machine is as much of an obscure failure as the 'Cube turned out to be, but its far from where they want the hardware to stand as far as sales go.

The main difference from other game hardware manufacturers, a lot doomsayers seem to forget about Nintendo is that they A) have a large warchest, and B) Sell their hardware with much less loss (in fact the 3ds and wiiU where the first to be sold at a loss on launch) then other players in the market. This alone makes these "failures" (I prefer lack of success) much less of an issue in the long run.

Nintendo is not going anywhere, and they are not going the way of Sega any time soon (Becoming a pure software dev). That's the two points i find important, Among all the doomsday predictions that gets thrown around.

That being said, i agree with you that the NX needs to step it up. And i think rushing it out is the worst possible idea right now, and i hope that for once big N understand that.

Re: Analyst Thinks Nintendo Is Already Winding Down Wii U Ahead Of Nintendo NX Launch



Yes that is a good point, and as a fan of both this system, and quite francly all previous systems i find it sad that this console has fallen so flat sales wise.

I think that fires up a lot of people that love the console too, they feel (and probably incorrectly so) that a lot of people making comments havent given the wii U a proper chance and are just joining in on the "wii u sucks" circle jerk instead of any real comments on what they specifically don't like about it.

Re: Analyst Thinks Nintendo Is Already Winding Down Wii U Ahead Of Nintendo NX Launch


@Quorthon Really... you and I must frequent different parts of the Internet. I don't find the Wii U to be a massive embarassment at all, and most players i talk with love both the machine and its games.

Note the guys i talk about are broad gamers, and not xbox or playstaion purists, that only care about the next COD. I think you have to have a broad and playfull mindset to enjoy the different flavour of the nintendo brand

Re: Analyst Thinks Nintendo Is Already Winding Down Wii U Ahead Of Nintendo NX Launch


@Quorthon I think he means that its your subjective interpretation of that data.

Whenever you extrapolate, be it from facts or not you are bringing your own frame of reference into the extrapolation, in fact that is how extrapolation is possible for the human mind.

And Subjective does not simply mean "emotion based, non fact based." it means in lack of a better phrasing "colored by your subjective (personal) frame of reference"

Re: Analyst Thinks Nintendo Is Already Winding Down Wii U Ahead Of Nintendo NX Launch


@Quorthon I mostly agree with you. And i think a 2016 release is feasible, but my gut feeling says it might take a bit longer this time.

Also with regards to your time line. You have a timeline between reveal and release, but how is the timeline before first mention or first rumors and reveal/release.The fact that the mention of this new "dedicated game platform" comes this much out of the blue, leads me to believe it might take a bit longer this time (But i think we will see it before 2017, but not not much, i think possibly holidays 2016) - Of course unlike a lot of these analysts i will state that this is just wild guessing on my part

I think its the wording of the articles and some times the analysts statements them selves that tick people off. Because its allways "X is doomed!" "X is heading down the drain!"

Oh, and I'm not but-hurt My behind is doing just fine now that i got that ointment.

Re: Analyst Thinks Nintendo Is Already Winding Down Wii U Ahead Of Nintendo NX Launch


@Quorthon Yes, i agree. But people keep repeating this stuff like its gospel. And quite often they are way off. And Patcher (the top one in the list i posted) is renown in the industry for being accurate, most analysts are far worse off.

I think also I'm being biased because i pay the most attention to the Nintendo side of the industry, and if there is any company that Analysts have been way of with, its Nintendo. (The 3ds would fail, the company would fold within a year etc etc... just completely ignorant claims.)

Re: Analyst Thinks Nintendo Is Already Winding Down Wii U Ahead Of Nintendo NX Launch


Can people stop repeating the drivel these so called analysts cough up?

I wish i was payed for making up opinions from the top of my head. (Or as with a lot of these guys, pulling them out of my ass...)


I mean look at this:

Even the top analyst is just barely correct 60% of the time, most of them are far lower.

Re: Mario Kart 8 DLC Coming In November, Features Zelda, F-Zero And Animal Crossing



You make some valid points, but consider that Nintendo has a history of releasing a lot of their downloadable content on disk too (Like the luigi U game), so you might be able to either get a "DLC Disc" or a "Gold edition" of MK that contains all of these add-ons in the case of the system "going retro" as it where.

Also games releasing with additional content for payment, is nothing new. We had expantion packs as far back as doom and quake. DLC is in its propper form (Not the on disc bullpoopoodoodoocacapoopledoople) is just the modern take on this, and makes a lot more sense now seeing as making additional content to a modern game takes a lot more money and hours of work to do.

I'm fine with the DLC model, if it means i can get more content for my games and enjoy them longer.

Would your position be the same if it where free? - i would imagine so with your whole "the game is not complete" rationale?

I would be standing with my pitchfork out, yelling "burn the witches", if i felt the original game was somehow lacking and you needed the DLC to get a propper game, but as it stands, this is simply not the case.

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