Comments 350

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (September 3rd)


I'm at a lake and offline - but the weather is awful. I usually play games that dont require graffic fidelity on handheld mode. The retros are great for trips like this. I'm halfway through Breath of Fire so likely that. Picross 7 and maybe Three Houses to round it off. cheers all

Getting hyped for Splatoon next weekend.

Re: Soapbox: Forget Marvel, The Perfect Capcom Crossover Is Simpler Than You Think


It is a good idea. Question though - I am sure that Capcom has full rights over the old Clover studios titles - Godhand, Viewtiful Joe and Okami - but would work out well with Platinum Games? Clover became platinum and as we all know they are very much a current force in gaming. Maybe they even have some remnant legal ties to the properties.

Either way, I agree Capcom's characters may be 2nd only to tendy and I'd live to see a frantic fighter with all of them.

Re: Live A Live Switch Remake Sells 500k Units Worldwide


The idea that 500k is small something dumb put out by forum commenters that dont understand how money or math or business works.

60 * 500k = 30,000,000. A remake of an old game cost far less than 30M. Marketing, development etc couldnt have cost more than 10. So. Profit. Really great profit.

I get frustrated when I see dolts type put that 1M sales
is low because Mario Cart sells 30M.

Re: Feature: 12 Nintendo Games That Deserve An HD-2D Remake


Nah. That is what weak companies without fresh ideas do. The last thing on earth I'd want Nintendo to become is Square Enix. I find the company sad and a shell of its former glory. Mired in the past on the shoulders of creatives far greater than themselves. Sorry SE, facts is facts.

Re: Best Mario Kart Games Of All Time


Home Circuit embodies everything Nintendo to me. Innovation, creativity, weirdness. I'd rank it higher or remove it entirely because of what an oddball it is.

Re: Rumour: Amazon Is Reportedly Preparing To Buy Electronic Arts


@Ravenmaster it has been widely reported that EA has been searching for a deal since the Activision deal was announced. EA doesnt care about game development they care about share value. They have been stuck at 100-140 for some time.

As a shareholder (i'm not one) you'd want this deal.