Soapbox features enable our individual writers and contributors to voice their opinions on hot topics and random stuff they've been chewing over. Today, Scott saves Capcom a lot of money and bother with a crossover suggestion everyone can get behind...
Sure, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate may be the 'most ambitious crossover of all time', but as impressive as Smash is, that alone isn’t enough to cement Nintendo as the king of gaming crossovers.
That honour can only go to Capcom. Looking at Smash, you've got Mega Man, Ryu, and Ken’s playable appearance in Ultimate, not to mention Rathalos’ boss fight, spirits, assist trophies, and even a whole section of World Of Light dedicated to Street Fighter II. Capcom was extremely generous to Smash, which makes sense when you look at its history of crossover appearances, from RPGs like Project X Zone, cameos from Mario and Sonic in Monster Hunter 4 and Rise respectively, a litany of Fortnite skins, and even Ryu’s appearance in an officially licensed Family Guy flash game (yes, really.)
However, when the words 'crossover' and 'Capcom' are uttered together, no doubt your mind goes to the Capcom Vs. series of fighting games. While the excellent Marvel Vs. Capcom games have never graced Nintendo platforms, we were lucky enough to get arguably the best Capcom Vs. game — Capcom vs. SNK 2 EO — back on the Gamecube and the woefully underappreciated Tatsunoko vs. Capcom on the Wii. Capcom’s Vs. series remains one of the most iconic collections of fighting games, still played to this day in tournaments.

there's really only one company that Capcom needs to crossover with to make the perfect Vs. game: Capcom
With such a popular series being effectively dormant for the last five years (or ten if we only count 'popular' entries), the question on everyone's minds is: What’s next? With Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite’s quality issues allegedly being due to Disney's meddling, many are unsure if we will ever see the 'clash of the super heroes' ever again. And while SNK’s Yauyuki Oda has recently stated he would be interested in a new SNK Vs Capcom instalment, it’s hard to see that happening in the near future considering both are hard at work on new entries for Fatal Fury/Garou and Street Fighter, respectively. However, there's really only one company that Capcom needs to crossover with to make the perfect Vs. game, and that's Capcom.
When it comes to video game companies with iconic characters, Nintendo arguably holds the top spot; however, possibly the only firm that could hold its own in that IP fight is Capcom. I'm thinking of Mega Man, Devil May Cry’s Dante, Leon, Jill, and Chris from Resident Evil, Phoenix Wright, and every character from Street Fighter II, just to name a few. Capcom has created some of the greatest characters of all time over the last four decades, the sort of roster that seems ripe for a fighting game entry. While the likes of PlayStation and Nickelodeon have tried their hand with crossovers, few developers or publishers have the fighting game pedigree that Capcom has.
Now, those of you unfortunate enough to have played 2004’s Capcom Fighting Evolution may be thinking to yourself hey, that’s been done already, and it sucked, and you wouldn't be wrong. Where that game failed was in trying to collate six different fighting styles into a single coherent experience. Ideally, a potential 'Capcom Vs. Capcom' would carry on the legacy of Marvel or CvS’ styles by taking one of theirs.

So how would it work? While I personally long for the days of Capcom Vs. SNK’s 3v3 system consisting of straight one-on-one battles without assists — as opposed to the hyper Marvel style — there are arguments for both. Capcom characters in King of Fighters' 3v3 style hasn’t happened since Capcom Vs. SNK 2 back in 2001, while MVC fans have games like Dragon Ball FighterZ to satisfy their assist-filled, high-intensity 3v3 action needs. Plus, there’s always the fact that it’s incredibly easy for newcomers to become overwhelmed by the over-the-top combat of MVC.
That being said, it’s hard to imagine characters whose fighting styles are as wild as Devil May Cry’s Dante or a Monster Hunter fitting into a grounded fighter. While it may be an overwhelming series for many, it’s hard to think of any fighting game series more consistently fun to watch at tournaments like Evo than Marvel Vs Capcom. Its presence in the fighting game community has been sorely missed and a new release, not bound to any overbearing parent companies would be a sweet replacement.

Capcom Vs Capcom is a pretty silly name, I admit, but it does get the point across. The company could reuse the name of the cancelled Capcom Fighting All-Stars or — depending on the roster — Street Fighter Vs Capcom. With no external companies (and the IP politics they bring with them) to deal with, it would allow the inclusion of those Capcom reps who missed previous entries, to make a full lineup and not be limited to half a roster. Characters like Leon Kennedy, Nero, Proto Man who missed out to other reps from their series, or even more obscure characters like Asura or Gene from God Hand finally getting their chance in the sun.
If you couldn’t tell, I love Capcom and its characters. For a publisher with such a storied history of crossover fighting game classics, it feels like a huge disservice to leave them dormant because outside forces don't want to play ball. If there was ever a company that could pull it off (outside the potent crossover of Nintendo with Masahiro Sakurai, obviously) I feel it would be the house of Mega Man.
Besides, it’s probably the only way we will ever see any God Hand representation ever again; that’s always a plus.
Comments 73
New ________ Vs. Capcom Series suggestions:
... Wun can only hope.
I want a marvel fighting collection with all the capcom marvel fighting games from the saturn and dreamcast.
Would love to see marvel vs capcom 5 done properly, infinite was really bad and I personally didn’t enjoy 3 or 3 ultimate.
Capcom vs Konami
Capcom vs Square
Capcom vs ArcSys
Capcom vs IntiCreates
Capcom vs Bamco
That’s my top five ideas. I’d hope Capcom would include more non-fighting game characters. I mean, honestly, I’d love it if we just got a straight up Megaman only fighting game with a bunch of robot masters duking it out against Megaman, Bass, Protoman, X, Zero, etc.
Regardless of who Capcom takes on next, I hope they include Chris Redfield and his Boulder-Punch!
Errr.... Why does it matter??
Capcom vs Shonen Jump.
Capcom vs Indies.
I’d be down if it was just an all-star Capcom fighter that didn’t skimp out on budget like MvC:I did. Just make the characters fun and expressive and I’ll be the first one in line.
Tatsunoko Vs Capcom was the best and most original of the Crossover vs games Capcom ever made. A new Capcom Vs SNK would be welcomed, but I'd prefer them to work with Tatsunoko again. But, let's be realistic, the ultimate crossover is Smash Bros Ultimate.
We are years overdue for a new SNK vs. Capcom.
Capcom vs Marvel? It's gone as far as it can go, other than adding more characters.
Capcom vs SNK? A crossover that was cut painfully short, and has so much more room to grow mechanically.
I just want Capcom to play friendly with the X-Men again. Now that the weird Fox vs Disney debacle is over and Marvel isn't actively trying to snuff out every mutant character, not unlike a Sentinel, I'd love to see a new X-Men vs Street Fighter game using some of the newer roster.
I have a few issues with the Krakoan Age, but I can't deny that it would be a good setting for this, or a Children of the Atom sequel.
Capcom vs Nintendo. It may never happen but it's a cool fever dream
@Anti-Matter None of the mature content is included in the game though. It’s not like Iron Man gets his Iron **** out.
I still wanna see Nintendo vs. Capcom
Nintendo vs. Capcom vs. Sega would be the best.
It is a good idea. Question though - I am sure that Capcom has full rights over the old Clover studios titles - Godhand, Viewtiful Joe and Okami - but would work out well with Platinum Games? Clover became platinum and as we all know they are very much a current force in gaming. Maybe they even have some remnant legal ties to the properties.
Either way, I agree Capcom's characters may be 2nd only to tendy and I'd live to see a frantic fighter with all of them.
I’ve been wanting this forever! I picture the character select screen being like the other VS games with the roster split into two parts, with one half being old arcade games (Street Fighter, Sonson, Ghosts and Goblins, etc.) whilst the other is their newer, 3D stuff (Resident Evil, DMC, Asura’s Wrath, etc.) I’d love to have a good Capcom VS Capcom so much!
I always thought Project X Zone was a very cool crossover series and if it would get a fighting game it would be huge, it's basically Sega vs Capcom vs Namco.
capcom vs capcom would be great
After seeing Marvel VS Capcom for so long, it’d be interesting to see how a DC VS Capcom game would be handled.
Itself sounds good to me
Marvel vs Capcom 2 was the peak of that crossover, after that, it wasn't the same. Capcom has so many characters from its games, that they can easily make a 3v3 fighting game with a big roster and still have DLC characters too keep adding for a while.
I’ll take any Capcom vs game,
At this point, the only thing we need is Smash Ultimate to be ported to the next Switch with locked 60fps, overhauled online infrastructure, and fleshed out, official in-game competitions like Pokemon's. Smash Ultimate really is the ultimate crossover fighter of all time, and will not be surpassed for at least a decade, perhaps even longer.
The only kind of game that can match Smash Ultimate is a live-service behemoth like Fortnite that can eventually add a little crossover here and a little crossover there.
Plus, Fortnite gets away with it because the crossovers have very small shelf lives, and disappear after only a couple weeks, which is a very different context to a game like Smash Ultimate who offers all those characters permanently.
@somnambulance Capcom vs. Arc System Works... Hm... Capcom's (fighting) games mostly don't use anime-esque characters' designs, so... Guilty Gear is the only one and perfect candidate from ArcSys' IPs. Capcom vs. Guilty Gear. Sounds interesting.
@Ulysses Well... SSB is platform fighter party games series... We need traditional fighting game. Like The King of Fighters.
@Vyacheslav333 People like to dismiss the Smash franchise as a party game, but it still sits within the fighter genre.
In fact, the "traditional" fighting game, a flat 2D side scrolling fighter, has lost mainstream appeal over the years. The largest eSports genres are not 2D side scrolling fighters, but rather genres like shooters, mobas, RTS, etc.
I find it ironic that the franchise belittled as a party game is the fighter game that nabs the largest IP crossovers in the entire industry.
.. Or all the requisite parties should play nice and give us:
Marvel vs. Capcom vs. NetherRealm vs. DC
.. made by Capcom of course not NetherRealm.
... Wun can only hope.
@Sonos Joe and Amaterasu were in MVC3 and Infinite, both of which were post Platinum (Plus Okamiden too!) So I cant imagine there would be an issue with Gene.
.. OR OR I'd like to see
Capcom start making more 3D Arena Fighters like PowerStone again.
Maybe a _______ vs. Capcom with or instead of those characters could be a good way to revitalize the genre.
... Wun can only hope.
@wuntyme8 that would take an executive that could move heaven and earth. It would probably be the most anticipated fighter of all time - outside of street fighter 3.
I think the next main fighting game or spin-off should be Capcom X Street Fighter with half the cast being from Street Fighter and the other half being from a variety of different Capcom games.
Or Capcom Fighting Evolution/Jam 2 which would be much better game than the original but would only have a maximum of four representatives from each franchise. Street Fighter as a whole would be represented by only four characters.
Yea, but money talks and stranger things have happened!
... Then again in today's fighting game scene, the subsequent amount of microtransactions for every thing people actually want in the game in the first place- drawn out over the course of the following decade post-release, but never ever bundled into one complete reasonably priced package no matter how long after initial release- would probably obliterate the known universe as we know it. Sad truths.
... Wun can only hope.
@Anti-Matter This isn't Mortal Kombat, so I don't see why it would matter if there are characters from M rated series.
@KoopaTheGamer simply because of the fact it will encourage the younger players to pick up or check out said rated M game.
This article present a fun idea. If SNK has done it with their King of Fighters series, why can’t Capcom? I think it would work because let’s see how SFVI performs, to check out Capcom’s latest fighting development abilities. I agree with @CharlieGirl that the SNK crossover update is a more important release right now though.
They should maybe try their hand at a crossover with Tekken again. It was certainly one of the aspects that made Kazuya's entry into Smash all the more monumental, given the failure that we don't want to mention
@Magrane That shouldn't be a problem if the parents care about what kind of movies/games their kids consume.
@Sonos To be fair, Dante, Viewtiful Joe and Amaterasu have appeared in VS games before so I would think that Capcom have pretty much own the rights.
Anyway, if there was a Capcom Vs Capcom game, I think there would be some IP that would need some cooperation with rights holders. I think Strider is partly owned by the mangaka or something. I'm sur there's some other IP issues that would need sorting out if needs be. Besides, IIRC the Monster Hunter was added to MvCi was down to Capcom higher-ups telling them to despite the MH team not being keen on having a generic character/avatar representing the series in crossovers (which would explain why a Monster Hunter was unlikely to be in Smash and why Rathalos was chosen as an Assist Trophy to represent MH)
Anyway, I'd ideally like to see a Nintendo vs Capcom game solely because the VS series tends to opt for more niche characters as well as more well known names. If I had to choose fighters for it, my first suggestions would be Zack & Wiki or Tingle as the token comic relief character.
That said, I wish Project X Zone 3 existed
@KoopaTheGamer but when they don’t, it is. And that’s why there is a general protective stance opinion about it. I’m not a parent, but I see the viewpoint.
just bring back sonson and im happy
@wuntyme8 wun can indeed. I'd go nuts for it for sure.
I really do like the idea of a Capcom Vs Capcom but I want to see Capcom Vs SNK 3 more. 2 is the beat fighter for me, so much so that I have it on PS2, PS3, Gamecube, Xbox and Dreamcast.
Shonen Jump vs. Capcom would be cool
@Ulysses I've called SSB as "Platform Fighter Party Games series", not just "Party Games series".
Capcom vs Taito, for Ryu vs Bub, and Blanka vs Tiki.
I miss playing Tatsunoko vs Capcom
Had a lot of fun with it!!!!!
Nintendo Vs Capcom!
@Anti-Matter So you're saying you would pass on the greatest game ever made just because Kratos made a cameo?
And that's why I banned Smash Bros games too for the same issue.
@Anti-Matter What do you mean banned
Capcom would only have benefits, from attending this longtime message from the fans!
Maybe a petition of sorts, similar to this one, could actually be a interesting way to kick things off...
That means I will never allow and want to play the banned games.
@Anti-Matter Your loss, really.
Capcom Vs. Nintendo
@Smashmatt202 That is what I want. If they can keep a nice sprite look to it then even better.
Vs. Dragonball
Capcom vs The World
Shonen Jump vs. Capcom. Right now Fortnite is the closest thing there is to such a crossover, but the real proper deal would be amazing.
I still can’t believe in Tekken Tag Tournament on the WiiU, they gave Nina Zelda’s dress instead of the Zero Suit, and Anna the Zero Suit instead of Daisy’s dress. With their similarities it made all the sense in the world to do them the other way around.
And Dead or Alive on 3DS missed the opportunity to actually add Samus into the game as a fighter, rather they only had Other M’s Ridley boss room as a stage.
But Samus, Captain Falcon and Little Mac are easy picks for Nintendo reps in an arcade fighter.
Dune vs. Capcom
Justice League vs. Capcom (DC needs some good publicity considering how much of a mess the movies have been)
Sega vs. Capcom (this sounds the most promising to me)
Konami vs. Capcom
Fire Emblem vs. Capcom (this could be a potential gold mine if they played their cards right)
Ghibli vs. Capcom (Enh? Enh?) 🤷♂️
Final Fantasy vs. Capcom
No crazy crossovers....
Capcom vs Snk still make sense....
But the SNK game that match with Street Fighter is Garou....
A Garou versus Street Fighter would be amazing.
@Anti-Matter Yeah well good luck with that because resident evil is one of there most famous franchises. Just don’t play there characters or the stages.
Dude at this point I will take marvel vs capcom or the ultimate capcom fighting game. Please! Wile I have never played re, I need to play Hunk in a fighting game!
Capcom vs. Sega would be great, just so we could have Dante vs. Knuckles.
And with Capcom's love for ridiculously long titles, it would just be a while before we get Hyper Super Ultra Capcom vs. Sega Turbo HD Arcade Remix Deluxe Edition EX Plus Alpha & Knuckles featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry Series
Anyone mention Bandai Namco vs Capcom?
Serious, capcom has so many amazing characters.
Add an amazing crossover storymode and your settled.
I just want Tekken X Street Fighter to actually happen.
Capcom Vs Wu Tang Clan
At this rate, Capcom crossing over with any other group is already a plus if it's on Switch. As long as the entire roster would be available with the base game and not through paid DLC, that would be great.
Tekken x Street Fighter waiting list if it even is happening anymore oof.
I still ocasionally bust out the Dreamcast popping in MvC2. Honestly MvC3 wasn't my thing with the whole cast, music, and graphic style feeling more Marvel than Capcom imo. I'm also straight up tired of anything Marvel related these past few years so SNK ftw.
Capcom vs Skullgirls. Easy.
We've seen Capcom cross over with western super heroes through MARVEL. So why not cross over with Japan's super heroes? Should be easy since Capcom is japanese.
Capcom VS. Tokusatsu
Imagine heroes like Godzilla,UltraMan,Kamen Rider,Super Sentai, B-Fighters,Jan Person, RyuKendo,and many more, all clashing with Capcom characters. Would be a dream come true for Toku(short for Tokusatsu) fans!
There's so much cool IPs and characters in Capcom itself so having a gigantic Capcom vs game would be great.
A strictly internal Capcom vs Capcom fighting game would be fun, and as mentioned the legions of characters it could utilize would be great. Personally I would love to see Agrippa from the criminally underrated Shadow of Rome make an appearance as it would be another nod to some of the countless classics they've made over the years.
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