Tomorrow is World Rock Paper Scissors Day — which also means that Splatoon 3's first-ever Splatfest begins! Thanks to the Splatfest World Premiere Demo, you can join in on the game's first Splatfest a few weeks before we officially get to paint the town blue, yellow, and red. But before you get started in this fierce competition, there's an important decision to make — which team are you picking?
Splatoon 3's Splatfests will consist of three teams this time — it's almost like it's a theme! The teams for this one are (appropriately, if you didn't already guess) Team Rock, Team Paper, and Team Scissors. And each member of Deep Cut are representing one of the three teams - Shiver for Rock, Frye for Paper, and Big Man for Scissors.
You can download the demo now and explore Splatsville as well as pick your team, but why not let us know too? Vote in our poll below and share your team in the comments.
Here are the event times for the Splatfest tomorrow, 27th August (thanks Perfectly Nintendo!):
- Europe
- August 27th (9am BST / 10am CEST to 9pm BST / 10pm CEST) - first half starts at 9am/10am, the second half starts at 3pm/4pm
- North America
- August 27th (9am PDT / 12pm EDT to 9pm PDT) August 28th (12am EDT) - first half starts at 9am/12pm, the second half starts at 3pm/6pm
- Japan
- August 28th (9am to 9pm JST) - first half starts at 9am, and the second half starts at 3pm
Further reading
Comments 78
I'm going Rock but only because blue is my favorite color and Shiver is kinda hot. The actual poll options themselves are incredibly boring, and I hope they come up with some better ones for the full game. Splatoon 2 had a lot of Splatfests I didn't participate in simply because the theme was uninteresting. Remember when the first Splatoon had a "SpongeBob vs Patrick" Splatfest? That was incredible.
@Not_Soos Yeah, I remember several of the Splatfests being extremely creative. I don't remember the Spongebob one but that is awesome! I remember the Smash one in particular. Hopefully, we get more crossover ideas.
Rock, because I don’t really care and Shiver is the best idol.
I don't understand why they made the hosts choose the teams that they did. Big Man is flat, so it would make more sense if he choose paper, Shiver kind of sounds like scissors, and Frye makes me want to call Chris Redfield, cos she has a massive boulder for a forehead!
as much as i love and appreciate big man i can't help but go for rock instead, it just seems right
ah so now they're three-way splatfests that's interesting
Dang imbed fail haha, rock for the win!
@StarPoint I don't think I remember the Smash one. What was it? I remember they did a Pokémon one that was like Red vs Blue, I think.
I’ve always been a paper guy. Paper beating rock by simply covering it has low-key Chad energy.
My team has the most votes! Thats awesome! That means we're gonna lose so hard in the 2nd half!!
Big Man Country here partner!
Big man is the correct answer
Team rock but definitely team Big Man.
@Not_Soos It was Villains vs. Heroes with Smash characters
Ended up going Scissors only because I was convinced by Big Man's argument in the game. But I probably gone with Rock otherwise.
I'm going scissors because it's a peace sign
Paper. I don't care which character chooses which (in this case Frye is team paper). I just like paper.
I on the team... "f*ck me cause I have to work ;("
I'm choosing the one the bloggers/twitter tried to make trans.
Just his time round I’ve got no interest in this release. I guess it’s just not evolved enough from splat or splat 2.
Team Paper, hands down! Paper is underestimated compared to rock and scissors, which I suspect most people lean toward when playing Rock Paper Scissors, and its apparent lack of popularity in this poll and in the demo’s hub just confirms it. I like paper in general, whether it’s copy, lined, old parchment, or decorative. I’m also a fan of Paper Mario, a game that is all about paper. Go Team Deep (Paper) Cut!
Probably paper. The other two will get all the casuals and inexperienced players. Paper will get the rebellious types who have learned the system of not picking the popular team.
@StarPoint Dang, that entire thing must've slipped past me somehow. That doesn't ring a bell at all. Unless Nintendo Life just didn't report on every Splatfest or something, I have no idea how I missed it.
Im just excited to STAY FRESH!!!! Been a long time since I was caught in the wave of Splatoon. Hopefully I can be INKredible once again.
Team Rock baby
Going with Scissors in our local one along with my friends but might sneak onto the EU one with a second profile before then and go with Paper if they're looking set to be the least popular.
@Not_Soos "Shiver is kinda hot"
Big Man is hotter
You joke with that subheading but mark my words: it's going to happen at some point.
As for my allegiances, I went with Team Scissors. Not necessarily because of Big Man (though he's still wonderful) since Shiver's actually my favourite out of the three, but rather since it's the one I always go for when playing RPS in real life so I kind of had to go for it in the end.
Also, I'm going to try and predict it right now: I would be shocked if we don't get a starter Pokemon Splatfest down the line. IT'S TOO PERFECT TO NOT DO IT.
I'm not sure I like the sound of 3 team Turf Wars but maybe it works. Guess I'll find out tomorrow. I'm choosing Rock.
team non-binary
it was a tough choice between scissors and rock... but I chose rock... what can I say, she's cute
Paper because it will be the least popular by a landslide and so the matchmaking won’t be messed up. Guaranteed to play a different team. Also the least popular team wins tends to be a thing. See if that continues with triple teams in splat 3
I would've chosen rock because it technically can't be defeated like with scissors cutting paper and rock breaking scissors. Covering a rock with paper does just that: cover it up, not destroy it.
...But I choose scissors because they look cool, haha.
Where's the "I'm a SPLATator" option?
The results are EXACTLY what I was expecting (Big Man dominates while Frye cries in unpopularity) xD
As for me, I'm on Team Rock because I have this funny, little quirk that whenever I play rock, paper, scissors with someone, for the first couple of turns I ALWAYS choose rock to see if it the fools the other person out (it actually works more than you would realistically expect) so I thought it was only right to pick it!
I am an underdog, in life and in game. So.. paper.
Picking Team Scissors, but don't really care. New Splatoon to play tomorrow!
@Not_Soos I love a honest guy! Nice to see you and me! Aren’t so different.
Team scissors! And not just because of big man.
i don´t care ...it´s only colors...nothing more.
Team Big Man for LIIIIIFE!
@KayFiOS the only parallel I can think of here is that the names of the teams 'beat' their representatives: scizzors beat Big Man (i.e. paper), rock beats Shiver (i.e. scizzors) and paper beats Frye (i.e. rock).
I'm on team camping in the middle of Wales, without electricity....
Team Paper, our hobo gremlin needs more love.
I just like the look of shooting yellow ink.🤣😁
@Not_Soos Oh Yeah! Those Splatfests with collaborations were fun! I also remember that we had a Transformers Splatfest (Autobots x Decepticons), Pokemon (Blue x Red). In Splatoon 2 we had a series of three Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Splatfests
Rock obviously, it always wins
Idk I haven't decided yet if I want this game or not. I suppose if I have to pick I'll go with Scissors and it's a 3 way Splatfest this time rather than one team against another which has my attention.
Me and (most) of my friends chose paper cause I made the joke"we stack nothing but paper" lol.
But I was going to choose it regardless; its my most chosen move out of the three and my personal favorite aesthetic and practicality wise.
Unlike most people just voting cause they like the character instead of the subject like simps, proving they learned nothing from Splatoon 2.
I also suspect most of the good players will be playing on team paper almost every time last game the less popular topic won.
And out of my friend group all the best players there chose paper too so it seems to check out.
I've never liked any of the idols, ever. I'd have gone for big man if I didn't actually have a bias for rock in rock paper scissors, no matter how weird that feels to say out loud, haha. I feel like these often are more 'battle of the idols' than anything else, but with how little I feel for these cardboard cutouts I often just actually go with the theme.
I choose paper only to find out hardly anyone else did
what is wrong with those crack addict characters?
Going with rock, I have always found minerals interesting.
I go scissors and not just becuase big man but he’s a big plus
Paper. Gotta stick with my squiddies
I support Team Scissors but I am Team Rock just so I can play with my friends.
Gonna try out this series this weekend. Glad we got somewhat of a demo, wish it wasn't time-limited though.
... Wun can only hope.
Oh yea, and Team
if i had NSO. I'd pick Team Rock
@Tarolusa I do the same 😂 rock wins so many times the first go because people want to open their hand on shoot. That being said I’m team rock (and possibly anything shiver picks 😎)
Team Scissors is gonna win this first splat fest of Splatoon 3, Let’s go team scissors, we’re gonna slice through the competition and leave them in the dust and throw them in the trash, team scissors rule !!!!
I chose Team Rock.
I chose paper. Paper and Frye are very underrated.
Good old rock, nothing beats that!
I'm on team Big Man- I mean scissors. Definitely joining it because of scissors. Not because it has the best idol.
My allegiance is to Team Scissors, to Big Man!
@Not_Soos I would've gone rock because I like blue better than red or yellow and I agree about Shiver, but my group is going paper as we decided via rng.
We'll be streaming our participation in the Splatfest too!
@Aozz101x I got a free week trial NSO code when I downloaded the demo, give that a try if you're interested.
To quote The Simpsons, "Good ol' rock. Nothing beats that!"
Why is big man scissors when he looks like paper?!
Choosing blue just bcause Shiver looks like a hot emo girl
Paper. I hated the idols at first, but Frye has really grown on me. The others are great too though.
I joined Scissors because GF did and I am a balancing act because I'm terrible at this game. Where's my mouse?!
Undeniably scissors
tEaM rOcK aLl dA wAY
Choosing Scissors for Big Man, but oof, they all have ugly designs, IMO. It seems they were going for extremely exaggerated looks this time around, and it really doesn’t work for me. Big Man is the least offensive of them, and he still looks like King Boo from Super Mario Sunshine. They just don’t make ‘em like Pearl and Marina anymore…
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