Steaming ahead

At this year's Eurogamer Expo we were lucky enough to get the opportunity to speak to Image & Form's Brjann Sigurgeirsson about the company's 3DS eShop title, SteamWorld Dig.

In the interview, Sigurgeirsson speaks about the development of the game and its lore, its critical reaction, the differences in developing and publishing on smartphones when compared to consoles like the 3DS and Wii U, and why the eShop environments are the right place for developers as opposed to the focus on mini-stores and monetisation — sometimes at the expense of gameplay — on iOS and Android. And yes, we talk about the importance of music to SteamWorld Dig.

Sigurgeirsson also clarifies the reasoning behind continuing the SteamWorld franchise on the 3DS, as we reported previously.

Check it out below and let us know what you think.