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We had to wait nearly six months, but we finally had another Nintendo Direct to sink our teeth into. This time around the focus was primarily on the 3DS, with a couple of relatively minor Wii U details sneaking in. There were most certainly some surprises, and Nintendo of America maintained its recent record of wackiness in its presentation.

Coming in at a little over 30 minutes in Europe and North America, there was quite a lot to digest. Most notable, perhaps, was a willingness to reveal some titles for 2017, and the reveal of a couple of Wii U games getting ported over to the 3DS. We don't know, of course, whether Nintendo plans to show a little love to Wii U in the near future, but it must be said that considering some of the reveals today and broader circumstances, the home console is being mostly put out to pasture. Today reinforced that impression, in any case, and it's a topic we'll write about a little in the coming days.

Overall this writer thought it was a strong show, though these Directs are on a hiding to nothing in terms of trying to impress everyone. Aside from a few segments reiterating old news, the broadcasts did have some nice surprises that weren't all easy to predict. It ended with a particularly exciting reveal for Pikmin on 3DS too, though it's a new approach for the series that may prove divisive.

We'll have polls and editorials to come over the next few days, but as so much of the news has already dropped off the front page we thought the traditional 'big summary' would be a good start. We didn't report specifically on repeated news (such as previously announced release dates) but tried to cover all of the key details from the European and North American broadcasts. Below you'll find links to our articles, the full Direct videos, official trailers and some summaries from our own YouTube channel.



Wii U

Wii U & 3DS


The Presentations

Nintendo of America

Nintendo of Europe

Nintendo Japan


Hyrule Warriors Legends DLC Pack 3

Mario Party: Star Rush

'Have Fun With Animal Crossing amiibo'

Picross 3D: Round 2 Launch Trailer

StreetPass Mii Plaza New Games Trailer

Nintendo Classic Mini Trailer (Europe)

Nintendo Life Videos

Super Mario Maker for 3DS Confirmed

Legend of Zelda amiibo, Hyrule Warriors DLC and Skyward Sword

Yoshi's Woolly World Coming to Wii U, with Extra Poochy

New Pikmin Game for 3DS

New Pokémon Revealed for Pokémon Sun and Moon