
A brand new Kirby game has appeared out of nowhere on Nintendo Switch eShop! It's great to see the ravenous little guy back on Switch and we thought it was high time to test your knowledge of the pink puffball with one of our little quizzes while we're playing the game for review.

Kirby has appeared in over thirty games since beginning his illustrious career on Game Boy way back in 1992, and he's shown an aptitude for platforming, pinballing, and pummelling the heck out of video gaming's finest in the Super Smash Bros. series, too. But how well do you know this cute character and his games?

Let's find out with ten little questions...

How Well Do You Know Kirby?

The answer is Masahiro Sakurai.

Also the creator of Smash Bros., Masahiro Sakurai was just 19 when he created Kirby and directed Kirby’s Dream Land.