The Bug-type Pokémon Wurmple in Pokémon GO is from the third generation of Pokémon and evolves into Silcoon or Cascoon, who in turn evolve into Beautifly or Dustox respectively.
Let's address the Phanpy in the room right away though: at present, there's no reliable method of securing a Silcoon or Cascoon evolution. It seems to be totally random, though certain players beg to differ.
In this guide, we'll round up the Wurmple evolution theories to give you a few methods you can try if you're really keen on getting a particular Wurmple evolution. Be warned though: there's little evidence or research out there to suggest that any of these theories work reliably.
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How to evolve Wurmple into Silcoon or Cascoon
The problem with Wurmple is that there doesn't appear to be a reliable method of forcing a particular evolution. Eevee can also evolve into a variety of different Pokémon, but you can choose your evolution by simply renaming your Eevee.
Luckily, it doesn't take long to evolve a Wurmple: it only costs 12 Wurmple Candy, which isn't much! So you can just try and catch a bunch of Wurmple and evolve them one by one. And there's a 50/50 chance of getting either Cascoon or Silcoon, so it hopefully won't take too long to get what you need.
Some have theorised that evolving Wurmple in the day will get you Cascoon, and evolving it at night will get your Silcoon. Others claim it depends on Wurmple's highest IV, though there has been no clear evidence that either work consistently so far. For now, just keep evolving Wurmple!
If a definitive answer is ever found, we'll update this guide. In the meantime, you'll have to just keep trying to get the Pokémon that you desire.
How did Wurmple evolve in Ruby and Sapphire?
Another problem is that Pokémon GO doesn't have a personality system, which was the defining factor in knowing what evolution you were going to get in Ruby and Sapphire.
There wasn't a way to change the evolution there either, to be clear. Your Wurmple would just evolve get a particular evolution based on its personality, but at least there was a reliable method of knowing exactly which evolution you'd get ahead of time before evolving your Wurmple.
So there's nothing I can do to get the Wurmple evolution I want?
Players the world over are still trying to figure out just what the heck is going on with Pokémon GO's iteration of Wurmple. Given the lack of evidence otherwise, we're inclined to believe that it's entirely up to chance which type you end up with.
This article is part of our Pokémon GO walkthrough and guide series. We have articles that take you through the basics, covering How To Catch Pokémon: Throwing Tips, Poké Balls, & Capture Rates, How To Redeem Pokémon GO Promo Codes, How To Check A Pokémon's IVs Using An IV Calculator, How Trading Works, How To Track Pokémon Using Maps And Trackers, What Star Pieces And Stardust Do And How To Get Them, How Player Vs. Player Trainer Battles Work, and How To Complete Field Research And Research Breakthroughs And All Rewards.
We cover regular weekly and monthly Pokémon GO events, such as Spotlight Hour Times And Bonus Hour Times, and Community Days. We also have charts, including a Type Chart With Effectiveness And Weakness For All Types, an Egg Chart Explaining 2km, 5km, 7km, & 10km Eggs, and a Buddy Chart Explaining How To Earn Candy.
Elsewhere we cover Friend Code And Sharing Them For Easy XP and Which Pokémon GO 'Auto Catch' Companion Device Is The Best, plus more advanced tactics and info such as All Fast Moves And Charge Moves, How To Get TMs, And How It All Works, Shiny Pokémon And How To Catch Them, Glacial Lures, Magnetic Lures, Mossy Lures in Pokémon GO (And Their Exclusive Evolutions), How To Get Lots Of Candy Fast, How Lucky Pokémon Work & How To Catch Them, How To Catch All 27 Regional Pokémon, the Best Attackers And Best Defenders, All Raid Bosses And Best Counters Listed By Tier, What EX Raids Are And How To Get EX Raid Passes, What A Super Incubators Does And How To Get One, and How Get Mega Energy.
Pocket Monster-wise, we have specific guides for How To Get Pangoro, Sylveon, Glaceon, Aromatisse, Slurpuff, Sirfetch’d, Galarian Cofagrigus And More, How To Get Sylveon, Leafeon, Glaceon, Umbreon, Espeon, Vaporeon, Jolteon And Flareon, How To Evolve Wurmple Into Silcoon Or Cascoon, How To Get Tyrogue, Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan And Hitmontop, How To Use The Weather To Get Each Castform Form, How To Catch And Evolve Into Galarian Slowbro, How To Catch Smeargle, How To Find And Evolve Burmy, How To Catch Spinda, Where To Find Unown, How To Catch Ditto, and The Rarest Pokémon Including Wild, Shiny, Mythical And Regional Catches.
We also cover timed research and special events, including Mew's 'A Mythical Discovery', Jirachi's 'A Thousand-Year Slumber', Celebi's 'A Ripple In Time', and Regigigas' 'A Colossal Discovery'. Other (past) event guides include Twitch Codes List - Pokémon World Championship 2022, How To Battle A Challenger (World Championships 2022), How To Battle Fashion Challengers, 'A Spooky Message' Spiritomb Quest, Kanto Event FAQ, and the Summer Tour 2018 Chicago GO Fest And Dortmund And Yokosuka Safari Zones.
Finally, there's our WIP Pokémon GO Pokédex, which currently goes up to 400 Pokémon: #1-50 | #51-100 | #101-150 | #151-200 | #201-250 | #251-300 | #301-350 | #351-400.
Comments 52
Quite a misleading title and a time-wasting article.
Title: How to do thing.
Content: Dunno lol
What is up with these Pokémon Go articles recently? They don't seem to be fully answering questions properly, it's slightly strange.
Is this a joke article?
What a click-bait...
I guess someone is trying to justify their job by posting crap articles with no content. Good grief!
@GloverMist Maybe it's just some PR content from The Pokémon Company... but useless and disappointing.
This "info" is already avail. elsewhere and if the answer is "it's entirely up to chance", then you might want to lump it in with an article covering ALL special evolutions in GO incl. the ones that require walking with a buddy. Everyone who wanted to find out has already done so by googling it. I understand NL have to cover Ninty's mobile offerings but please let's be reasonable about real estate here. You might want to make the next guide on which 'mons will be receiving new evolutions in 4th gen which is so close so users can save certain mons b/c they might have discarded them thinking they were weak. Not every GO player knows all about each generation's offerings.
Basically it's like this:
In Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald it's a dice roll that happens when catching Wurmple.
In Pokémon GO it's a dice roll that happens when evolving Wurmple.
Did Nintendo Life just wake up to the fact that Pokémon Go is still very popular?
@Baker1000 Today is Pokemon Day. I guess they are scraping the bottom of the barrel for content for that fact.
LOL, Nintendolife you are drunk. This site's delivery of news and information has really become laughably useless. Glad I rarely check the front page anymore. It's unfortunate, used to be so good too.
It’s based on time of day - evolve in the daytime for Cascoon and nighttime for Silcoon.
NintendoLife, stop issuing these Pokémon GO Guide articles. They're always wrong, or like this one, a complete click-bait/useless article. It's clear Glen Fox knows nothing about Pokémon GO and really doesn't care to. This Guide is so completely useless.
There's some html code in the last paragraph
Front page headline: How To Evolve Wurmple Into Silcoon Or Cascoon
Article: You can't.
Why publish this article?
And why is the article dated June 11? I know I'm in a different time zone here in The States, but I didn't know you guys are a full 5 days ahead of us!
@SuperC142 plus if you look at the comments, they date as far back as Feb 27. So the date has been changed.
Well the day/night cycle theory is definitely incorrect as I evolved my wurmple into silcoon during the daytime. I don't really care how it works though so whatever, lol
@ShadJV oh wow its an article from the future with comments from the past being posted on the today!
Yea, I already knew this one was a bogus conclusion. News announcements for Pokemon Go are fine, but this just makes me frustrated. Seriously, even posting news articles on when EX pass rotations go live is more informative...and a new wave went live yesterday as a matter of fact.
@ShadJV I thought maybe it was referring to June of last year, but that seemed too early. I checked and, sure enough, the first Gen 3 weren't released until October 20, 2017. So, as you correctly pointed out, they had to have changed the date and, for some reason, they set it to a date in the future. Wacky.
@SuperC142 I feel like they tried to dupe us but I honestly don’t understand why. Like what’s the goal of changing the date? O.o
Pretty sure its totally random, same mechanic as with Eevee evolutions in Go. There was no way to affect which evolution you'd get in Ruby/Sapphire either. And neither Beautifly nor Dustox is viable to use in Go anyway.. XD
Delete this article. Please.
Of all the Pokemon Go content... This is not something anyone really needs help with. Wurmple isn't that rare. Just evolved a couple until you get a Cascoon and a Silcon and then evolved those. GG.
Now, if you have some secret about how I can find a Porygon, then we will talk!
@LexKitteh except the Eeveelutions aren’t totally random in Go (at least the first time). There’s a method with nicknames that gets you the evolutions if you haven’t logged it in your Pokédex yet.
I haven’t touched the game since before the gen 3 update so I don’t have much knowledge of how Wurmple works in this but I agree this article seemed unnecessary if it just ends up saying, “Idk.”
Cut Glen some slack, guys. At least now we know that there isn't really an influencing factor. That's something, right?
I mean, he did set out to inform us, and he informed us. Albeit in a clickbait-y way. But he did!
(There's a bright side here somewhere I swear)
@MH4 Thanks! I appreciate the understanding. We regularly check top Google searches for Pokémon GO, and one of the highest is how to evolve Wurmple. The proof is in the pudding that this is now one of our highest trafficking Pokémon GO guides, and it continues to do well.
We don't just hammer out guides at random. We take a data-driven approach and answer questions already being asked.
And no, there doesn't seem to be a way to force an evolution with Wurmple, but as MH4 says, I believe there is value in at least letting people know that there ISN'T an influencing factor, so you can put your mind at ease. I certainly don't see the harm in it – we're not tricking people, just answering the question they want answered.
We completely understand that there are a percentage of you that don't want these articles in the feed, and are working on putting them in their own section. But at the same time, no one's forcing you to read them. There's plenty more content on the site to keep you busy, so perhaps read that instead?
@3star False, it’s 1:47pm and I got a Silcoon
It seems to be related to the weather conditons at the time of evolution. My partner and I experimented. Those we evolved when weather was clear wound up being Silcoon, and those evolved while it was raining turned into Cascoon. Hope this helps!
I was trying to get a Cascoon for so long time, but after about 15 times, I always got Silcoon... reading this, I realized that I had always evolved Wrumple during the day, so I tried to evolve it by night... and just a few minutes ago, at 22:05, my Wrumple evolved in a CASCOON! Don't know if it's just luck or something else... but for me it worked! (I don't know if it's related, but the weather here is good, not rainy or cloudy... and in my previous tries, wrumples evolved into Silcoon with both sun and rain...) Thank you, hope it helps
@3star actually it’s not it’s dependent on if it’s male or female as it is in the original ruby and Saphire games
I think it depends on weather conditions. When I got my three Silcoons it was rainy, today is pretty sunny outside and I got Cascoon for the first time. Try it and tell me if it worked like that for you too.
It looks like when your avatar is female you get a silcoon and when you have a male avatar you get a cascoon.
I found out when my girlfriend was going to evolve a wurmple, she always got silcoon and I always cascoon.
So i decided to changed my avatar to female, restarted the game and immediately got a silcoon. I forgot to film it but next time I will and put it online.
This article was almost useless! But it did get me thinking about the differences for a male and female. I evolved three wurples in a row 2 males and they evolved to cascoons and the female evolved in to a silcoon... could be chance could be something to look into.
@Yosheel where?
I guess if you aren’t a disgruntled gamer the article is fine. It touched upon all of the ideas while admitting no consistency has been found for said therories.
I got a Cascoon (male) on a sunny morning and Silcoon (female) at night (I dont remember the weather conditions, but maybe it was clowdy).
So, night/day, gender and the right weather in my case, I am not sure what what did the trick.
I evolved Wurple during the day and got Cascoon! Dont know if that Day/Night theory is right but it is a 50/50 chance! Haha
Also my cascoon was male.....and it's a cold gloomy November 30th day. No sun.
I got silcoon from male wurmple and cascoon from female wurmple. I evolved both of them at night.
I had a wurmple at 236 cp and it evoled to a silcoon. Then I tried with a wurmple at 224 cp and the same thing. When I evolved a wurmple at 94 cp it turned into a cascoon. Same when I tried at 106 cp so it seems that if the wurmple is up to a certain cp, it will evolve into a cascoon and higher than that a silcoon. I don't have anymore wurmples to try it on, but out of 4, those are my results
I used it by male and female and it worked
I have tried several times during the day getting the same one every time a cascoon, then I read this article and it was night so tried it and it worked for me, I have finally a silcoon, 7 times during day I get a cascoon and then one time I do it at night I get a silcoon, I think there might be a way, but then again it could have been random luck
I know how to evolve wurmple into each one it depends on the gender if it is male or female I have just confirmed it one my pokemon go if prove is needed I will post pics
Why does this show it was updated Saturday... and yet still has absolutely nothing of substance?
I mean, even by NL "Guide" standards (Lookin' at you Hyrule Warriors Heart Piece guide) this is a whole lotta nothing. Though a screenshot of this page will probably be added to the next edition of Webster's dictionary under the word "clickbait."
Evolved Wurmple at night and got a Silcoon.
I only got 2 wurmple left a while ago, one with plain background and one with a bluish one. I first evolved wurmple with plain background and it evolved to silcoon. And viola! The one with blue background turned Cascoon...
Sample picture [no wurmple left that's why I am using torchic and totodile] :
Torchic = with blue background
Totodile = plain background
Please visit link to see images: https://www.facebook.com/607915596050991/posts/1551102601732281/
I was able to get them both by evolving one as a male and the pother as a female, don't know if I just got lucky or that's how you do it but I hope it helps you all out
I just evolved Wurmple in the broad daylight and got a silcoon. For the third time. I am trying to get a gold Hoenn medal, and this is annoying me. Every time I evolve, it's a Silcoon.
For me, the tip worked: when I did the first time, I did not read anything because I did not have any of them. It was night time and it evolved to Silcoon. When I have enough to evolve other one, I saw this article I decided to try. And I'm so happy that worked. I did now during the day and it is a sunny day and it evolved to Cascoon. Add me as friend for we exchange gifts: 3809 3473 0413
So I changed the fast attack on my wurmple to bug bite and it came out as silcoon and when I left my wurmple as normal it came out as cascoon. Has this worked for anyone else or just me?
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