Nintendo Company

Since Nintendo filed a lawsuit at the federal court in the US state of Arizona last month against the owner of two notorious ROM and emulator websites, a series of wider events have unfolded. The latest update on the original matter comes in the form of a new court filing earlier this week - revealing both parties are hoping to agree to a settlement as soon as possible, rather than lengthen court proceedings. 

According to Torrent Freak, the attorney representing the owner of the now-defunct ROM and emulator websites has requested to extend the standard response period to the initial complaint by an extra three weeks. Nintendo previously requested a number of documents as part of settlement negotiations, which the defence provided, and now more time is needed to agree upon terms. 

A longer case would be costly for the individual, while a shorter one would allow Nintendo to avoid what is being described as "theoretical negative precedents" being established by the court over a long-term period, which could essentially work against the company. As noted by Torrent Freak, the mere act of a filing a lawsuit has already had a serious impact - with various long-running ROM sites opting to voluntarily cease operation to avoid being dragged into a potential legal battle with Nintendo. 
