Iwata ND

After a wait of over two and a half months, Nintendo finally gave us a fresh Nintendo Direct in which to indulge ourselves. It was interesting for a variety of reasons, not least the fact that its focus in large segments - particularly the opening and finale - was on DLC for existing blockbusters. There were some new games, however, along with enticing reveals that added a little extra to key upcoming titles.

Beyond the retail scene, Nintendo also gave fans some Virtual Console news they'd been clamouring for, with N64 and DS games coming to the Wii U in full force - nothing exciting for the 3DS Virtual Console, unfortunately. There was more free-to-play Pokemon to chew over, while there was all sorts of amiibo news - more Smash Bros. waves, Splatoon figures, and simply gorgeous Yoshi's Woolly World knitted toys. A Wii U project that we thought was potentially dead also made a surprise appearance.

We'll be digging into all of this in an editorial later today, but until then we thought we'd provide the usual summary article that brings all of our news posts into one place. With some of the big news now off the front page, this is your handy one-stop shop to catch up on our coverage during and after the broadcasts.

Wii U

Nintendo 3DS

Wii U & 3DS


Nintendo Direct Broadcasts

North America:



There you have it - what did you think of these Nintendo Direct broadcasts?