
Topic: Nintendo balancing the gender bias

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@Mickey, (I know you said your done in this thread, but I want to respond) it debatably wouldn't be Link anymore if they made him female, he's pretty faceless, but that part of him is one of the few things that define him. I don't think I would want him to be a redhead either, because being blond helps define him. Making Link a girl would probably be forced and politically correct for the sake of it. And as I said before, if they make it an option, they would sacrifice parts of the game to do so. It would be female for sake of female. Not a female as a female, and if we want to talk about trend setting. Is that a good examples. Is sacrificing creativity, quality, and a creator's desire for being politically correct a good example? No, it's not. You're also way over estimating what it would do. It would not revolutionize the game industry, to also act like female protagonist hasn't happened in the last 5 years, or ever really. And making a female for the sake of it runs a higher risk of inspiring more Dead or Alive type girls, when is a bad thing. You're pushing for quantity, not quality, which makes things worse, not better. And my options aren't dumb.

Edited on by Jaz007



I remember bringing up the idea of a female-incarnated Link and being shot down about it years ago. It's nice to see the same argument come up again, and interesting to see how the responses have mellowed somewhat. I've never seen the huge fuss about whether Link is male or female. His character is always so bland he could easily be completely gender-neutral, and it's not like he and Zelda ever wind up in any kind of torrid romance with one another — nothing beyond 'you must save the princess' and then eyes meeting shyly in a garden, anyway — so why is giving the player an option such a big deal? If it helps some of us to identify with the main character a little easier, who cares?

i gotta say, coming from Halo: Reach on this one, where the main character pretty much says and does the exact same stuff whether male or female and the only differences in gameplay are cosmetic... it was still quite nice to be able to choose my gender, to not have to be locked in a male form for the duration of my game, and to actually have the in-game grunts and groans sound like a female. yeah, i'm in front of the TV cursing a blue streak at having to drive a stupid Warthog around while an NPC sits back and doesn't bother gunning anything down, but it helps me to identify with the main character, helps me to believe that it's me who just sniped an Elite, it's me who just got gunned down by a freakin' Hunter i hadn't seen coming. Given that every Link is apparently a reincarnation of the same spirit, having each and every one of them be male seems shortsighted and boring. It would be more natural I think, since we're technically the 'spirit' guiding each and every Hero of Time to their ultimate victory (or defeat, if the 'timeline' is to be believed lol~), if we were given the option to choose the gender of our Links.

Edited on by theblackdragon

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I never saw anyone complain how Metroid or Tomb Raider can't have male protagonists so th oposite could also be true. >.>
I personally don't care if the game is good enough I'll play it even if the main character was a giant pink Tingle with boobs(ok maybe not so much, there are limits for everything)

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TechnoTaylor wrote:

theblackdragon wrote:

His character is always so bland he could easily be completely gender-neutral

There is no such thing as "gender neutral".

I know you're being obtuse for a reason, but what I'm trying to say is that Link's gender is completely unimportant as far as the story is concerned, so why would it matter so much if suddenly the Hero of Time was female for some people and male for others? Choice in this situation would help to include the female audience, fully insert them into the uber-bland player character Nintendo has historically been so keen to keep as plain as possible in order for the audience to identify with them. Why not take that extra step to insert us into his or her psyche even further? Especially given that 'Link' as we know him (or her, or it even) is a being incarnated whenever Hyrule is in dire need of saving. Most of the 'Links' we've ever played as have been different people, it's not like Snake or Master Chief or Mario or Sonic or any other major character who either never dies or hasn't died yet.

Edited on by theblackdragon

future of NL >:3
[16:43] James: I should learn these site rules more clearly
[16:44] LztheBlehBird: James doesn't know the rules? For shame!!!

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The thing is, there was a big increase in Skyward Sword Link being a male, how he was treated, him and Zelda, some it leaned on Link as a male, and some of it directly required him to be a male. I want to see more of that type of thing in Skyword Sword, mostly in the order of what requires Link to be a male. So he's not as bland and easily switchable as the series improves. And on the spirit thing, it's also debatable that's it's a male spirit, and therefore must be born as a male.

Edited on by Jaz007



And I'd rather Link stayed bland, allowing for user customization and choices and the fullest amount of self-insertion possible in terms of me being the Hero of Time. I think the series can be just as great and provide awesome storytelling without hinging on him being only male (or only female as the case may be).

future of NL >:3
[16:43] James: I should learn these site rules more clearly
[16:44] LztheBlehBird: James doesn't know the rules? For shame!!!

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Link isn't really a character though. I thought Nintendo have said time and time again that apart from specific sequels, 'Link' is always a different person, chosen when the world needs a hero. So it would be a girl being chosen as a Link, rather than an established character that's been around for 25 years suddenly switching gender. I don't think, for example, they should be offering as a girl version of Mario or Kid Icarus. It's just they have a neat way to go about doing something like this because of how they've handled the series. I'm certainly not saying they have to do it to provide some sort of equality either, I just think it would be neat, and make the game a bit more unique.

I actually think the fuss over the Assassins Creed thing is silly. They have a character, and it's male. It would be really awesome if they made an AC game where the main character was female (I know there was the Vita game), but I don't think they need to give a choice.



I just prefer the idea of Zelda and Link having their roles reverse personally. And honestly if it works like most later Zeldas, Link would still get to do something anyway.

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kkslider5552000 wrote:

I just prefer the idea of Zelda and Link having their roles reverse personally. And honestly if it works like most later Zeldas, Link would still get to do something anyway.

this is also an awesome idea that I could totes get behind.

@TechnoTaylor: It's a new 'Link', though — i'm not talking about rewriting an existing Link to be female, I'm talking about going on with the series, it's a new Hero of Time and a new person named Link, it could easily be male or female depending on how you want to play it through — you make him male in your game, I'll make her female in mine. and heck, maybe the Hero of Time will someday have a brand new name of their own anyway to break up the 'Link' monotony, haha. Or maybe in a future game, 'Link' will turn out to be merely a ceremonial title bestowed unto one who proves themselves to be the Hero of Time, and they're not actually called that during their lifetime?
possibilities are coooooooool~

future of NL >:3
[16:43] James: I should learn these site rules more clearly
[16:44] LztheBlehBird: James doesn't know the rules? For shame!!!

3DS Friend Code: 3136-6802-7042 | Nintendo Network ID: gentlemen_cat | Twitter:


theblackdragon wrote:

kkslider5552000 wrote:

I just prefer the idea of Zelda and Link having their roles reverse personally. And honestly if it works like most later Zeldas, Link would still get to do something anyway.

this is also an awesome idea that I could totes get behind.

@TechnoTaylor: It's a new 'Link', though — i'm not talking about rewriting an existing Link to be female, I'm talking about going on with the series, it's a new Hero of Time and a new person named Link, it could easily be male or female depending on how you want to play it through — you make him male in your game, I'll make her female in mine. and heck, maybe the Hero of Time will someday have a brand new name of their own anyway to break up the 'Link' monotony, haha. Or maybe in a future game, 'Link' will turn out to be merely a ceremonial title bestowed unto one who proves themselves to be the Hero of Time, and they're not actually called that during their lifetime?
possibilities are coooooooool~

So do you hope you could make the protagonist male or female from the start? I personally would love that.

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Why I don't think this discussion matters.

You can have strong female characters without Link being female. You can have a better story by giving Link more character. To have a defined character Link needs a gender. And in that scene in particular the only thing that would make it more pro-feminist would be if Ghirahim knocked Link back and Impa handled the whole thing by herself. I wouldn't have a problem with a female Link, but you don't need a female Link. I would have a problem with a more bland Link.

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In regards to the gender bias, Nintendo isn't perfect but they're doing better than most. Patulena was given her own big E3 reveal, Splatoon's poster character is female, Hyrule warriors has a female dominated cast, Bayonetta, and gender options in X and Smash. They may not be flipping the industry on it's head but it is getting them noticed. I've seen a fair share of comments on Tumblr and Twitter praising the noticeable amount of female representation, someone wrote a good piece about it:

Also Ubisoft was asking for the internet to tear them a new one when they gave the most BS reason for not including a female character (or a character of any type) ever concocted.

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skywake wrote:

You can have strong female characters without Link being female. You can have a better story by giving Link more character. To have a defined character Link needs a gender.

And where does it say that that gender HAS to be male? Nintendo has said repeatedly that they want Link to be a character where we can see ourselves...that's currently easier for one half the population than the other.

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Jaz007 wrote:

@Mickey, (I know you said your done in this thread, but I want to respond) it debatably wouldn't be Link anymore if they made him female, he's pretty faceless, but that part of him is one of the few things that define him. I don't think I would want him to be a redhead either, because being blond helps define him. Making Link a girl would probably be forced and politically correct for the sake of it. And as I said before, if they make it an option, they would sacrifice parts of the game to do so. It would be female for sake of female. Not a female as a female, and if we want to talk about trend setting. Is that a good examples. Is sacrificing creativity, quality, and a creator's desire for being politically correct a good example? No, it's not. You're also way over estimating what it would do. It would not revolutionize the game industry, to also act like female protagonist hasn't happened in the last 5 years, or ever really. And making a female for the sake of it runs a higher risk of inspiring more Dead or Alive type girls, when is a bad thing. You're pushing for quantity, not quality, which makes things worse, not better. And my options aren't dumb.

Link had pink hair in Link to The Past and guess what... no one cared, and no one cares to this day. The idea that Link has to be blonde or male is trivial. Link is the original "nobody" of gaming. He was a very early embodiment of "Role Playing", aka he simply is the player. Even his name is optional. Sure, over time his character has been a bit more constructed, but seriously for the most part he has basically been a blank slate. Making Link a female would open up the game to a much more interesting relationship dynamics. Would we still be saving Zelda? What would our relationship, as a woman, even be to Zelda? Maybe we are Zelda? But as Mickey said, the bigger deal here is the point it would send to the gaming community: WOMEN MATTER. This is already happening in Japan, but here in the states we're still obsessed with white buff guys saving the day over and over. Nintendo, of all the major players, is the one company that I imagine could change this with a level of sincerity and authenticity that would be refreshing and important. Maybe one day!

Edited on by bubble_bear



Guys, what about a transexual Link.

I know, best idea ever.


It's like, I just love a cowboy
You know
I'm just like, I just, I know, it's bad
But I'm just like
Can I just like, hang off the back of your horse
And can you go a little faster?!


I agree.
It's funny, though. Link becoming female is viewed as perfectly fine, but if Samus was to become male, it would cause an uproar. To me both instances are the same, though. They are both established characters and it doesn't matter how much personality they have or whatnot. They are who they are and they are so for a reason.



Rin-go wrote:

I agree.
It's funny, though. Link becoming female is viewed as perfectly fine, but if Samus was to become male, it would cause an uproar. To me both instances are the same, though. They are both established characters and it doesn't matter how much personality they have or whatnot. They are who they are and they are so for a reason.

Except that that's not the same situation at all. Samus is a single, continuous character. Link is a different character for just about every Zelda game.

To put it in perspective, changing Samus would be retconning the entire Metroid series. Changing Link just means the spirit of the hero was just awoken in someone who didn't happen to be male this time around.

Edited on by Dreamz

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While I don't have anything against having either a female Link or a choice*, I disagree that Link needs to be female to be progressive. In fact, I think it would be going against gender equality to force it. The industry as a whole just needs to start (and in some cases, continue) writing strong female characters. That would be progressive.

I feel as a whole though, Zelda games have had good writing for female characters. Zelda gets kidnapped half the time, but she still has a role to play in each game. And the female supporting cast is usually well-realized too. Who would argue that Impa, Nabooru, Medli, or Midna are sexist characters?

*Offering a choice of gender also means having a story that either changes slightly depending on that choice or having a story in which the protagonist's gender is irrelevant. You can't just change genders all willy-nilly. There are important story considerations. On that note, I consider Samus's character progressive because she is a female protagonist in a game in which her gender is irrelevant (barring Other M).

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Dreamz wrote:

Rin-go wrote:

I agree.
It's funny, though. Link becoming female is viewed as perfectly fine, but if Samus was to become male, it would cause an uproar. To me both instances are the same, though. They are both established characters and it doesn't matter how much personality they have or whatnot. They are who they are and they are so for a reason.

Except that that's not the same situation at all. Samus is a single, continuous character. Link is a different character for just about every Zelda game.

To put it in perspective, changing Samus would be retconning the entire Metroid series. Changing Link just means the spirit of the hero was just awoken in someone who didn't happen to be male this time around.

I'm not sure the fact that it is technically a different Link in each game makes any difference.Personally I would be disappointed if Nintendo decided to make Link a woman, I wouldn't however be averse to having another character alongside Link for the player to choose to play as.

Edited on by Usagi-san

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CaviarMeths wrote:

*Offering a choice of gender also means having a story that either changes slightly depending on that choice or having a story in which the protagonist's gender is irrelevant. You can't just change genders all willy-nilly. There are important story considerations. On that note, I consider Samus's character progressive because she is a female protagonist in a game in which her gender is irrelevant (barring Other M).

What would have to be changed?


It's like, I just love a cowboy
You know
I'm just like, I just, I know, it's bad
But I'm just like
Can I just like, hang off the back of your horse
And can you go a little faster?!

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