
Topic: Anyone else hate April 1st on the internet?

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You would think I'd love any sort of prank or joke seeing how most of my posts include (admitidly bad) jokes, but I hate April Fools jokes on most websites. I don't mean small ones like the DS VC on the front page, but the ones that make it hard to find the information you're looking for. I can't remember which site it was but a few years ago in college we were supposed to go online and find info for a group project in history class, we were given 30 minutes and then had to be ready. It was April 1st and the only site that we could find that had the exact thing we needed kept giving us a new URL, sending us to different articles on the site. After about 20 minutes it finally gave us the message of something like "April Fools! Boy are you persistent!" If our professor hadn't been cool, we would've gotten an F for the assignment (thankfully my group was made up of his favorite students, you know the kind that could use his office as our own hangout and such). A joke like an obviously fake news story is fine, but some of these sites go a bit too far.

I am the one you despise. I am he who says what you really deep down know but are affraid to admit. I am the Anti-Fanboy, the crusader of truth in a world built on your lies.


Its all a bit of fun.


It's like, I just love a cowboy
You know
I'm just like, I just, I know, it's bad
But I'm just like
Can I just like, hang off the back of your horse
And can you go a little faster?!


Yay! Thank you Rowdy. I was starting to feel like a kill-joy in the BREAKING NEWS thread.

I think it sucks, and completely misses the point of April Fools.

Edited on by Machu



BREAKING NEWS: Nintendo decided to sell all of its franchises to Sony!!!

Current games: Everything on Switch

Switch Friend Code: SW-5075-7879-0008 | My Nintendo: LzWinky | Nintendo Network ID: LzWinky


It does not help when I hate nearly everything to begin with.



I doubt many people would understand its references, but Runescape have done a pretty funny April Fools day joke this year (at least I hope it is an April fools joke).

Whereby they state that a real-life theme park based around Runescape is to be opened.

Obviously, it relies on several in jokes and references to the game.

Edited on by edhe

My Backloggery.
Follow a cow?

Switch Friend Code: SW-6650-8335-1908 | 3DS Friend Code: 4682-8598-1260


Fully agreed with you, Rowdy. Especially as the vast majority of "pranksters" are not even half (or a third, or an eighth) as funny or clever as they seem to think they are.

The Shpydarloggery
She-Ra is awesome. If you believe otherwise, you are clearly wrong.
Urban Champion is GLORIOUS.

Switch Friend Code: SW-5973-1398-6394 | 3DS Friend Code: 2578-3211-9319 | My Nintendo: theShpydar | Nintendo Network ID: theShpydar


I love april 1st online. Don't know what you people are complaining about.

wii code: 2630-2655-0027-8482
onslaught friend code: 1977-7779-8949
bomberman blast: 1634 2282 0930


jbrodack wrote:

I love april 1st online. Don't know what you people are complaining about.

I also love April 1st online!


3DS Friend Code: 4511-0465-7453 | Nintendo Network ID: MrSRArter


Yeah I like April 1st too. Yeah there is some terrible ones but theres also some funny ones too,NL's was great today,I fell for it as I was bleary eyed when I read it.~wish it had been true though ~ ;-(. At least these days I usually catch on quick,when I was a kid I'd be fooled all day long,I remember beliving that Aliens had landed after seeing one prank news report,gotta say I was pretty gutted when I found out it wasn't true

What's this bit for again?


I hate April 1 st for a completely different reason; people use it as an excuse to be stupid. I remember in my middle school the kids planned to not pay attention to the math teacher for the whole class and act as if he wasn't there. I didn't go along with it because it was completely BS, but I had to sit through a painful 15-minute lecture afterwords that was about respect and (in short) not being a moron. People really need to get punched in the face for being so utterly stupid.

Thanks given to Xkhaoz for that one avatar.
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A (Former) Reviewer for Digitally
My Backloggery:


Cannot wait till today is over.

Playstation Network ID:Sean007s
Wii Friend Code:8597 6921 2179 2755. Add me please..
Currently playing:Uncharted 2,Soul Caliber 4,ModernWarfare2,Final Fantasy XIII.
Excited for: Fallout New Vegas,Gran Turismo 5,CoD:Black Ops.


Very much so. That DSi VC article was just plain cruel, and a number of other sites are being just plain obtrusive. April Fool's Day should die. Seriously.

My Backloggery Updated sporadically. Got my important online ID's on there, anyway. :P

Nintendo Network ID: Stuffgamer1


I have to say the NL DSi VC did get me for a moment but I did laugh afterwards. lol

There are some other forums I go to that have articles such as "Microsoft buys out Nintendo!!!!!OMFG"
Those type of articles are too obvious and stupid.
No humor at all and are too obvious.

April fools can die.

Omg my dog got ran over!!!
Derr april foools! D:

Playstation Network ID:Sean007s
Wii Friend Code:8597 6921 2179 2755. Add me please..
Currently playing:Uncharted 2,Soul Caliber 4,ModernWarfare2,Final Fantasy XIII.
Excited for: Fallout New Vegas,Gran Turismo 5,CoD:Black Ops.


Mickeymac wrote:


I thought you left?
Welcome back!

Playstation Network ID:Sean007s
Wii Friend Code:8597 6921 2179 2755. Add me please..
Currently playing:Uncharted 2,Soul Caliber 4,ModernWarfare2,Final Fantasy XIII.
Excited for: Fallout New Vegas,Gran Turismo 5,CoD:Black Ops.


I was about to crap my pants when I saw the "VC on DSi" thing then I almost crapped my pants again when I found out it was an April Fool's joke.


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