40. Sonic Origins (Switch eShop)

Sonic Origins is, on one hand, a near-definitive way to experience four stone-cold classics that represent some of the highest peaks of Sonic's career. On the other, most of these games are already readily available and there aren’t many new features or additions to justify buying them yet again. The cutscenes, museum elements, and missions are all very pleasant but they're also the minimum you would expect for a series this prestigious and popular, and the disappointing Plus DLC/Version adds in playable Amy and a dozen Game Gear titles.

For players ready to play these classics for the first time, Sonic Origins is the go-to way to experience Sonic’s 16-bit heyday. Die-hard 2D Sonic veterans may be less enamoured with the package and the small but noticeable differences between the Classic Modes presented here and the games in their true original configurations. Regardless, it's sure nice to have Sonic CD available in a convenient form on the most convenient of consoles. Not perfect, then, but great comfort-food gaming.

39. KLONOA Phantasy Reverie Series (Switch)

Klonoa Phantasy Reverie Series is the best way to play these two platforming classics and Namco has done a decent job of presenting these titles in the best possible light. With around 25 hours of dreamy, retro-styled platforming contained in this package, Klonoa veterans and younger platforming fans will find lots to love in the whimsical worlds and puzzle-platforming level design on offer here. Some performance issues aside, it’s tough not to fall in love with this duology. Catch it when you can.

38. MLB The Show 22 (Switch)

If Nintendo's console is your main or only platform and you're happy playing CPU and offline games, then the MLB The Show 22 isn't bad on Switch and holds things together just enough for gameplay to be enjoyable. It also serves as a solid 'on-the-go' version to accompany a more powerful home console version, perhaps on Game Pass. If you want to mainly play online in Diamond Dynasty, though? No, this isn't the way to go. MLB The Show 22 is admirably packed with content and features, but it's not entirely comfortably packed into the diminutive Switch. It lacks the fluidity and crispness found elsewhere, which is perhaps expected but doesn't change the fact. If you're happy with the compromises, though, then step up to the plate.

37. STAR WARS: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords (Switch eShop)

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II does a solid job of building on the foundation of its predecessor, capitalizing on engaging combat, player-driven storytelling, and deep character-building systems to make for a satisfying and very replayable RPG. The game is often content to simply repeat the ideas that made its predecessor successful without adding to them in any notable way, and the Switch port was buggy in its launch state. Disappointingly, the long-awaited Sith Lord Restored Content DLC was canned after being promised as a free post-launch update, too.

Still, despite its faults, KOTOR II remains one of the strongest video games ever to carry the name 'Star Wars'. We’d suggest you play the original game first and then move on to this one if you still want more.

36. Crisis Core -Final Fantasy VII- Reunion (Switch)

Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII Reunion is everything that we hoped this remake would be. It takes a great game once shackled to handheld-only hardware and brings it forth to a new generation with a fresh coat of paint. Though some may be put off by its mission-based gameplay structure or the sometimes ridiculous writing, its excellent combat, gorgeous presentation, and heartfelt narrative combine to make this one that no RPG fan will want to miss out on, especially those who were fans of Final Fantasy VII. Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII Reunion is a fantastic addition to the Switch’s ever-growing library of great RPGs, we’d advise you to give this one a go.

35. Radiant Silvergun (Switch eShop)

Radiant Silvergun remains, despite its uncompromising nature, deservedly celebrated. The game wears its hardcore credentials on its sleeve, and its depth in both technical and artistic terms is astonishing. As stimulating and rewarding as it is exhausting, it’s a labour that has transcended not only the genre but the medium to some degree. Regardless of its difficulty — and in that difficulty, its lack of immediate connection — those who learn to fell the game proper can say they truly lived Radiant Silvergun. That’s an experience worth fighting for.

34. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Anniversary Edition (Switch eShop)

If you're a fan of Skyrim, we reckon this is an upgrade (available as paid DLC if you already own the 'vanilla' version) that's worth grabbing. If you've never played the game before — and we 100% refuse to believe there's anyone who hasn't — this really is the best, most feature-rich, content-packed version of an RPG that, no matter how much we make fun of it, always completely sucks us right back into its world every single time we boot it up.

Now, when is the 'Anniversary of the Release of the Anniversary Edition' coming out?

33. Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope (Switch)

Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope’s battles suffer from an imbalance between the vast array of options available and the difficulty – a stark contrast to Kingdom Battle’s challenging, curated fights. This doesn't mean it isn't an enjoyable strategy game in its own right; the battles are less an evolution of what came before and more an impressive shift toward freedom and creativity that, unfortunately, can sometimes trivialise Cursa’s attempts to take over the galaxy. An extra couple of notches on the difficulty meter might have forced us to experiment and dig deeper to find winning strategies. However, Sparks of Hope shines in most aspects outside of these Darkmess bouts. Delightful little puzzles, quests, and memorable locales abound, which yet make this Rabbid-themed adventure a must-play for Mario and strategy game enthusiasts alike.

32. Dragon Quest Treasures (Switch)

If you go in expecting to sink 100 hours into Dragon Quest Treasures or think you’ll get the same kind of intricate plot that the series is known for, you’ll come away disappointed. However, if you are a younger gamer that is itching for a taste of what a JRPG is like, or you just want something laid back to tackle, there is a lot of fun to be had here. Everything you’d expect in a JRPG is in this game, just stripped back to the basics, all adorned with that timeless Dragon Quest charm.

31. Atelier Sophie 2: The Alchemist of the Mysterious Dream (Switch)

2022's Atelier Sophie 2 stands as a wonderful achievement; an entry that feels like the perfect fusion of the old and the new. Sophie’s adventure may not have much to offer up in the story department, but it more than makes up for this with its streamlined design, thrilling combat, expansive world, and addictive alchemy system — all stalwart pillars of the series. It's a winner for both longtime fans and newcomers, and one of the best Atelier releases yet.