Update [Mon 5th Jun, 12:30 BST]:
In response to Aspyr's cancellation of the planned DLC for Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II, one of the modders for the Restored Content DLC has claimed that Aspyr "did nothing wrong".
Posting on the game's subreddit page, user zbyl2 responded to a comment claiming that the DLC was canceled because of "the higher-ups not wanting to give credit to the modding team". Here's exactly what they had to say:
"I made the mod. The above is 100% false and I'm sad you got so many upvotes because that rumor is now going to spread. Aspyr was great to work with and they offered to credit the whole team long before I even asked about it."
In a separate post, zbyl2 stated:
"Aspyr did nothing wrong. Quote me on that. Shame it ended the way it did. I have nothing but good things to say about Aspyr and our cooperation over the past eight years."
The actual reasoning behind the cancelation is still unknown at this stage. Users who bought the game prior to the announcement can contact Aspry for a free 'complimentary code' of one of its other Star Wars titles on Switch.
Original Article [Sat 3rd Jun, 2023 3:00 BST]:
Remember the restored content DLC update planned for Star Wars Knight of the Old Republic II? Well, it's no longer coming.
In an update from the developer Aspyr on social media, the team has announced "The Sith Lords" DLC will "not be moving forward":
We'd like to thank the KOTOR community for their immense passion and support for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic series. That passion allowed us to bring this timeless series to the Nintendo Switch, and we are forever grateful.
Sadly, today we are announcing that the Restored Content DLC for the Nintendo Switch version of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords will not be moving forward for release.
We'd like to thank everyone for their continued support by providing a complimentary video game key to players that purchased Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords on Nintendo Switch before this announcement.
Here's the list of games on offer if you're eligible. To receive this key, you'll need to visit support.aspyr.com and submit a request with your Nintendo Switch proof of purchase attached.
- Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords on Steam
- Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic on Nintendo Switch
- Star Wars The Force Unleashed on Nintendo Switch
- Star Wars: Republic Commando on Nintendo Switch
- Star Wars Episode I Racer on Nintendo Switch
- Star Wars: Jedi Knight Jedi Academy on Nintendo Switch
- Star Wars: Jedi Knight II Jedi Outcast on Nintendo Switch
When this free post-launch content was originally announced, it was going to include new dialogue and interactions, a bonus mission starring HK-47, and a new revamped ending. You can find out more about what was planned in our previous story.
How do you feel about this DLC cancellation on Switch? Comment below.
Comments 85
So, is the DLC available for other versions of the game? Or has the DLC been canned for all platforms?
@Deltarogue Word has it that it was cancelled across all platforms.
@Deltarogue Steam Workshop has it.
@Daimando Well that kinda sucks
Are they going to tell us WHY?
@Jeyl Good to know my man, thanks for the heads up!
RiP KOTOR I guess.
@Deltarogue - So far only accessible one is PC mods. Steam WS among others.
And they still have not patched the dialog issue the last I checked on PC.
welp, I ain't getting this then.
So... if you already purchased all the other SW games, you're just screwed then?
Annnnd that is precisely why I didn't pick that up. It basically completes the game.
What in the actual heck is going on at Aspyr? Cancelling this alongside woes of the KOTOR remake isn’t a good look.
Welp, never buying anything from them again.
It's the guys that made such a crap job at KOTOR Remake that Sony shelved it. Now we will have to wait till 2026 from Embracer guys for it....
So they finally hired someone to do their communications. About time.
There's DLC for a port of a game? I thought this was a straight port of the Xbox version? You know a version that was suppose to be complete.
I hate it when they do this, I’m sure there are reasons but that just means that you get messed over buying it a switch. Anyone buying this game thinking they would get to play dlc? To bad, buy it on another device.
Really disappointing. It would have been a lot less disappointing if they didn't wait so long to cancel.
Good thing I didn't buy one of those games, the force unleashed. I love Sam Witwer almost as much as he hates Kenobi.
@Serpenterror It is a complete port; the DLC was meant to restore the content that was cut from all previous versions of the game due to time constraints.
@Zulzar It seems there were legal issues with LucasArts they were not able to resolve. It appears it was out of their control.
That being said, announcing it before they had they issues sorted out and using it promote the game was well within their control.
Noticed they removed the mention of the dlc a few weeks ago, was just hoping it was delayed.
One mission and a new ending? Not a big deal. I can just watch the ending on YouTube.
Ok I’ll stick with the mods I’ve been using for the last 10 years.
@Branovices my thoughts exactly.
@Chlocean the game was released unfinished. If this content was anything like the PC mods people have been using, it completes the game.
Splendid, I just bought both parts of Kotor on switch like last week...
Glad I've waited for the dlc before buying it.
I mean promising a bunch of stuff that doesn't happen and then just kind of plopping out an unsatisfying product DOES make it a pretty faithful port of KOTOR2.
From what I’ve read, it’s a legal issue. As it is a mod and not official content.
Something to do with crediting/owing the original creator for their mod, that Aspyr would have been selling.
Isn't the remake cancelled too? It's been ages since I've heard a damn thing about it. The kotor series just can't catch a break.
@PepperMintRex they were basically fired from remake development by Sony because “the remake was not cinematic enough” for Sonys taste.
Word has it everyone else involved was very happy with the state of the remake, but once they got fired, they likely stared struggling with money.
Would not be shocked if they shut down or are forced to do huge layoffs by the end of the year.
Only yesterday morning I was watching the trailer for the rerelease of this series and wondering idly if they ever actually got around to producing the DLC. What an absurd situation to have so many people working for so long just to give the damn game a reasonable ending. Almost makes me sympathise with Bioware's decision to just shut the door on Mass Effect 3 and move on. Almost.
I’ll never buy anything from Aspyr ever again.
@locky-mavo Why would they put it in a trailer if it wasn’t legally cleared.
To everyone not buying anything from them again - same
I'm sorry guys but I gave them my money already
My expectations towards developers publishers are lower and lower, but they still manage to disappoint me
@Zulzar The team is having huge issues. They are working on the KOTOR Remake which is allegedly an utter disaster and so deep in development hell that it will probably end up cancelled very soon, unless another studio is brought in to save it.
What is frustrating for me, is that I pre-ordered the game not realising that the restored content wasn't launching with the game. I guess it teaches me a lesson for not researching properly, but because it was part of the trailer and they were advertising it before the game even launched, I assumed it would actually be part of the game when it released.
When the game came out, I started playing and then I read the restored content was DLC that was coming out later. Then I read that you would need to start a new game to experience it, so I stopped playing. And I waited... And I waited... I haven't played it since, because I was waiting for this restored content DLC that they would never update us on. Now it has been cancelled and it has left such a bad taste in my mouth, that I don't know if I even want to play it. I wasted my money. And they can shove their free game code.
That's a shame but to be fair a free download of the force unleashed is gonna make me feel a lot better about that
That’s too bad, but that’s pretty cool of them to give buyers a free download choice of many games. Most other companies would say, ‘too bad..whatever, we got our sales, deal with it”.
Ugh, really disappointing... and to rub more salt in the wound, I'm still waiting for my physical copy from LRG to ship, even though it has been 'ready' for over a month now...
Well, darn. I'm glad I waited for word on the DLC before I bought it.
The real lesson should be to not pre order stuff that easily.
You gain nothing but take all the risk.
Never had a crash with kotor, disappointed dlc is cancelled but never had it with the original so not overly bothered, I only know the original ending and was OK with itjust a bit oh OK then, I'll happily take a free game instead and play throgh kotor 2 when my backlog allows
@Deltarogue The restored content patch is available on PC (where volunteer modders originally unlocked the unfinished dialogues and scenes, then did some work to make it more cohesive and accisible to players), and has been for a long while now. I believe I played it 10 years ago.
So glad I never bought this...
I was tempted, but decided to wait.
Now, I guess, I'll wait for the Fire Sale.
RIP Aspyr
Fun Point, I ordered the physical cart from Limited Run, which was supposed to have contained the DLC on the cart. It was then delayed for production by several months. The writing was on the wall when the package arrived last month. The instruction manual is nice tho!
What a bunch of clowns.
@Krysus LRG games are almost always delayed? But when you could pre-order the game from LRG it never said it would contain the DLC on the cartridge. If the description page doesn't mention the Restored Content DLC it is just wishful thinking.
@Yosti it did mention it originally. It was part of the hook. I haven't gone back to look at the current description. But still took 9 months to receive. No biggie in any case, just found the experience less than gratifying.
Aspyr dying? Good freaking riddance.
Offer Refunds to everyone.
Any free content promised pre launch should be considered part of the purchase. Cancelation is not acceptable.
What a mess. I don’t see Aspyr lasting very long if they can’t complete a dlc like this.
@Yosti The Limited Run KOTOR II product page originally prominently displayed the restored content as part of the package. This was true throughout the period when orders could be placed.
It wasn't until 2023, well after orders were placed, that the restored content section of the game's page was quietly removed. I don't blame LRG, this is clearly on Aspyr, but it was not avoidable for those who ordered the physical version.
Source: I bought the physical version from LRG and kept an eye on the page through the following months
No purchases for me either
Most unfortunate, this is.
Have you paid attention to Aspyr and their publisher? Clearly, they’ve been incredibly incompetent at their work lately.
Or do you honestly think this is a hardware issue, for a 2004 game?
For being an old game port, it's a shame it didn't release complete with the DLC from the start.
Hey Aspyr, you can shove your complimentary keys in that part of your body that kinda looks like Dagobah!
Does the free game apply for people who bought the physical version of KOTOR 2 from Limited Run? I hope so. I wouldn’t mind a free copy of Force Unleashed.
Ah yes, a cop out by a dev who can't program worth crap.
@Reprise The remake was pulled from Aspyr a long time ago.
Allegedly, the issue is that they made it an RPG similar to the original and Sony wanted it to be a cinematic action game so they pulled it and sent it to Saber Interactive.
I expected this when it was announced it'd be released later. Too bad for those who bought it.
@Jeyl is that playable on the deck so you know?
This company is handling this property so poorly, between this nonsense and the PS5 remake disappearing into the ether. Everyone who bought this should be offered a refund
No purchase here, i was considering it but overall im glad i decided i'd go with my better judgement. I was hoping the dlc might just be delayed for a period of time, certainly didn't expect it would be cancelled.
Awesome. Lmao. I own every port but KOTORII as I’m a huge SW fan and have been waiting for this content update to buy. Done with Aspyr that’s for sure.
Not gonna effect weather or not I play/enjoy the games. Yes it sucks we aren’t getting the dlc, but they were great games to being with so it’s whatever.
That said, I bought these when they released on the eshop, and can’t find anywhere to grab my proof of purchase. Would love to get a free copy of Jedi Knight. I checked my email, and I guess I didn’t save it like I usually do, and I checked my purchase history on Nintendo.com, however that only shows up to 2020 (and I’ve bought a TON of games since then, so I dunno what’s up…)
Edit - finally got a transaction receipt from my Nintendo.com account. Their transaction and purchase histories seem to be separate. I followed a link from my saved emails that lead me to the right spot, not the “My Nintendo” spot….
Let’s hope Aspyr accepts it. I’ll update when I know.
@Stocksy It is listed as playable on the deck. However, I can tell you that the PC version of the game has no native controller support. It is meant to be played with a keyboard and mouse so I am not sure how the experience would be.
Lol, I finally bought it a week or two ago when the eShop had the Star Wars bundle sale. It was included in the bundle.
I wonder if that counts for the free game key?
I'm still just waiting for I & II to get a retail physical release. Guess the dlc letdown is a... letdown, but I'd just be happy with a standard release of the original versions.
@evan23 KOTOR 2 has native controller support, KOTOR 1 does not. No experience with the Steam Deck. But played the Steam version of KOTOR 2 on my Macbook with an Xbox controller.
@Askalt Nows a good time to play them. Let your anger feed the dark side.
From the rumors I've heard, this happened due to some dispute between Disney and Aspyr, with the former not being happy about the latter supposedly labeling user created mods as official Star Wars content.
Well it's not like the second game was a bastion of good writing anyway. The structure of events was so disjointed and felt very rushed. Ultimately a bittersweet experience. The first game is superior despite some of its more basic features. In fact, I would call it a masterpiece of sorts.
Not surprising. With the near 7 month radio silence.
Having said that, I’ll take the free game and call it a day.
I actually don’t have any of the other titles on the Switch and I was planning to get them anyway.
@Paraka there's also a version for IOS and Android
@Pikachupwnage I completely agree. I wouldn't have touched this with a bargepole if they hadn't mentioned the DLC. They really should be offering refunds.
Wow my comment is removed for begging? You guys serious? Many bad, troll comments are not deleted from many news. But when I ask something politely, is this begging and deleted? What a joke.
Yes, I have heard that the issue is Disney, because they don't like how the TSLRCM changes canon. The funny thing is that the KOTOR titles, excluding the MMO, were never officially canon on the same level of the films.
George Lucas originally had a perspective of canon as 3-tiers, with his films, and anything else he gave his blessing to, as official canon (1st tier). For example, the cgi cartoon, The Clone Wars, retconning the earlier micro series Clone Wars. The Force Unleashed was also originally given George's green light as official canon. Licensed novelizations of the films were also considered canon. Any of Lucasfilm writers' work was 2nd tier canon. Licensed video games, novels, and everything else (3rd tier canon) were not considered official canon, and only considered acceptable, as in aligning with the canon, if it didn't contradict George's (1st tier) canon. Anyway, Disney has already contradicted their own Star Wars canon, so it's a bit ridiculous.
Does anyone know how to contact Aspyr about the free code? There is no mention of it on their website and to email support you have to sign in to an account.
Did you ever figure this out? I opened an account and raised a ticket on Aspyr's website and it has gone ignored. What a terrible company.
@GADG3Tx87 No, I didn’t. I sent an email through their Feedback portal and I have been ignored too.
Maybe the NL author of the article can shed light on this? Paging @Liam_Doolan
I have to say, my impression of Aspyr is not very good right now. I can’t help but think that the free code was just a PR stunt to mitigate negativity and that they have no intention of fulfilling that promise.
Hey. Thought I'd let you know I literally just received an automated email from Aspyr saying they're receiving a high volume of emails and will address the ticket at some point. It specifically acknowledged the KotOR DLC and the complimentary game.
I left the ticket a week ago now via their support website which I had to create an account. But atleast I've finally heard something.
@GADG3Tx87 Thank you for letting me know. Maybe I’ll have to create an account then.
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