
Topic: Goldeneye or Perfect Dark?

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Perfect Dark is still my favorite first person shooter!

Easily my favorite N64 game. I loved Zelda too, but it doesn't have the re-play value like PD.

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Goldeneye all day long.

And a bit of the next day.



I'd say Perfect Dark.
It was so amazing and the multiplayer mode is better without a doubt.
I love killing the bots and teaming up with them!

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Perfect dark

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I played Goldeneye to death, & was really looking forward to Perfect Dark & bought it day 1. However I quickly grew bored of PD, & found myself going back to Goldeneye.

Flandre Scarlet, she's cute, she's colorful, she can blow up entire cities, she's also a vampire. Start running sparklepants.


I'm surprised how many people say Goldeneye. Well, I guess I'm not surprised, but I'm just confused as to why, other than Nostalgia. Perfect Dark basically took Goldeneye, and gave it a humongous dose of steroids.

PSN ID: grenworthshero
Steam: grenworthshero
WiiU: grenworthshero

Nintendo Network ID: grenworthshero


For me perfect dark. I only played multiplayer and loved every minute of it. Ate up hours and hours of my time. That said, my favourite levels were the old Goldeneye ones... just gotta love how intense complex became in PD multiplayer... - Find us on facebook too!


Both are great for playing with friends. My friends and I played Perfect Dark to death but we always had more fun playing Goldeneye even though the multiplayer in Perfect Dark was more advanced.

PSN ID: PhantomSauce
3DS Friend Code: 2105-8814-0225


It's not a totally fair comparison. Goldeneye for me hands down and here's why.

a) The realistic setting. I'm not a huge fan of sci-fi fps games so when comparing these two I go with the realism and I'm sure there are others who prefer Goldeneye for this reason alone. I love guns that shoot bullets.
b) The framerate. Perfect Dark is SLOW, very slow. I played it again just the other day and was surprised. It's not just slow with a lot of action it's constantly running at a poor framerate.
c) The simplicity. Goldeneye is a simpler game with more manageable levels. This isn't to say Perfect Dark has bad ones it's just I liked how Goldeneye didn't do too much.

Now I never got into Perfect Dark multiplayer so I can't really comment on it. I know friends that played it religiously for years and said it was the best thing ever. I'm sure it improves upon Goldeneye's which was a lot of fun but had a few drawbacks. I don't think Perfect Dark is a bad game it does have better graphics, cooler gadgets and more features I just prefer Goldeneye.



I kinda prefer Golden eye, but both have very fond memories attached. I played multiplayer on both, and goldeneye was more simplistic in level design, which is fine. Simple is good. Anyone new to the game would be confused by either games maps, but Goldeneye is easier to remember. BOTH suffered from repeating textures on the walls, making it hard to know where you were

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JebbyDeringer wrote:

It's not a totally fair comparison. Goldeneye for me hands down and here's why.

a) The realistic setting. I'm not a huge fan of sci-fi fps games so when comparing these two I go with the realism and I'm sure there are others who prefeGolden eyeye for this reason alone. I love guns that shoot bullets.

Well thats just a strange personal preference

b) The framerate. Perfect Dark is SLOW, very slow. I played it again just the other day and was surprised. It's not just slow with a lot of action it's constantly running at a poor framerate.

Um I allways find Perfect Dark's framerate to be better .
I admit they both have framerate issues but perfert dark have better framerate & thats even with high resilution mode turned on which Goldeneye lacks (due to lack of exspansion pak support)
In both games i played them in the same cinamatic widescreen letterbox mode so no difference there .

c) The simplicity. Goldeneye is a simpler game with more manageable levels. This isn't to say Perfect Dark has bad ones it's just I liked how Goldeneye didn't do too much.

Perfect Dark has improvedments to make things easier liek how it toggles wepons .
Goldeneye had it there where you toggle between weapons by pressing the B button one at a time which is a time consuming process .
I even died because of these but Perfect Dark you hold the B button a Weapons menu appers where you aim the analog stick at the dericton of the weapon you want & in a fraction of a second you got the weapo you want not 10-15 seconds .

Plus mine throwing .
Goldenseyes mine aiming is like you trying to throw a Bar of gold meaning the aim os way off .
I even strugled thru a level because of the stupid aiming .
Perfect Dark has it where it lands at the excact point of the aim so no more throwing golden mines .

Edited on by Kawaiipikachu



I dislike comparing the two. Perfect Dark is teh spiritual Successor to Golden Eye. I enjoyed the additions made to Perfect Dark in multiplayer, Golden Eye had better music, The Golden Eye secret levels were amazing, Perfect Dark weapons were perfected from Golden Eye (I'm sorry, throwing knives and arrows getting stuck in bodies was awesome), Golden Eye Library and Archives made multiplayer 30 times better, Golden Eye had the Streets of Saint Petersburg, and better customization for Perfect Dark characters in multiplayer. They both have their strong suits. If you had to pin me down and say which one you'd have to buy, I'd begrudgingly have to go with Perfect Dark, but then murder myself for having to choose. It's just too hard a choice to make. Goldeneye's multiplayer and single player are still the perfection of any First Person Shooter. Perfect Dark added to it.



while I can grasp the rest of your post, I'm going to have to very strongly disagree that Goldeneye's music is better than Perfect Dark. Goldeneye has some memorable tunes, but Perfect Dark blows them out of the water, even if it's not as "nostalgic"

PSN ID: grenworthshero
Steam: grenworthshero
WiiU: grenworthshero

Nintendo Network ID: grenworthshero


@grenworthshero I agree, but there is something seemingly satisfying about turning the volume to max as the bond theme plays while shooting people. I remember liking it so much I was going "BA da da DUMM Da duh duh.." etc. a the top of my lungs. Ok, so it was 10 years ago and I was 9 years old, but it is still a good memory.

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3DS: 2664-2106-1671
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Perfect Dark is just incredible. After playing it, Goldeneye deathmatches seem to miss so much. I love the PD bots, and the ability to customize your avatar ( mine is a replica of a AMIGA Hired Guns character^^), the posibility to include exactly the weapons you like on the stages. The different gamemodes like king of the hill and hacker central are also great for multiplayer sessions. And two player co-op! As for music, I think the Perfect Dark songs are very good and energetic.

I haven´t played either of the games much in singleplayer, so it´s possible that Goldeneye has an overall better story and leveldesign, what do I know. But for me, multiplayer is what makes these games so good, and Perfect Dark is simply more of everything.



Well, since I never played Perfect Dark, I'm going to have to go with Goldeneye...

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