Nintendo has announced that GoldenEye 007 is finally coming back. During its September 2022 Nintendo Direct, the company confirmed that Rare's seminal N64 first-person shooter — which has never been officially released on any other console — is "coming soon".
The Direct announcement was light on specifics, with no release date given, but online play has been confirmed. The announcement came at the end of a segment detailing other N64 titles coming to the Nintendo Switch Online Expansion Pack, and the screenshot below shows an icon in the top left suggesting that this will form a part of that service — and the quickly released trailer following the announcement, above, confirms it.

And it's also coming to Game Pass and owners of Rare Replay, Xbox folks — although apparently without online play, which will remain exclusive to the Nintendo Switch Online version.

Rumours that the game was close to re-release have been doing the rounds for many months now. Achievements were seen on the Xbox website some time ago, with the game's return being one of the industry's worst-kept secrets for some time.
A GoldenEye 007 remaster was developed many years ago and leaked online but until now an official release was always hampered by rights issues, according to Xbox head Phil Spencer.
Excited to see James Bond finally return? Let us know below.
Further reading:
Comments 165
That's was really unexpected! And it is one of the bests Nintendo Direct announcements... That Nintendo Direct is quite boring and disappointing. Last Nintendo Direct Mini was better than this September Direct.
Edit: Wait... There was Pikmin 4 announcement... That's no longer so disappointing.
Also launching on XboxGamePass
@SwagaliciousJohnson Natively, yes? With the opportunity to buy and play it separately without Game Pass?
We’ve been expecting you Mr Bond
This game has not aged well. Still, good for people who want to relive their old school memories.
This was the one announcement I let out an audible gasp for. I wasn't expecting it to actually be true.
And just now a remaster was officially announced for XBox, so I'm probably going to play that more!
What surprise me the most is the Online Play. That is actually crazy they are bringing that back. Very excited to replay this.
I still wish NSO would let you do that.
I really hope so.
@Mgalens Sigh How sad that we now renting old videogames on Nintendo console, instead of buying and OWNING them...
“This game has not aged well”
No this game has never been matched. Still as fun as it was all those years ago. If your playing it on a n64 controller it’s aged fine. If your not you are doing life wrong anyway.
So excited for this plus Pokemon Stadium as well, the Online expansion has turned into a pretty great deal over time in my opinion.
Removed - unconstructive
Accidentally shoot Dr. Doak in the face.. on the go!
I'm just happy so people can stop speculating about it.
About time we got that Bond game, it's too bad it isn't a digital download. Would had been way more special if it's that.
Even though it didn't come out of nowhere, seeing that title screen and hearing that music just put a huge smile on my face.
Honestly tons of excitement for the Stadium games and Mario Party 1 and 3 as well as Pilot Wings along with GoldenEye. They all haven't been rereleased so it's great to see them here
Finally a reason to get the expanded Switch online. Not much in the direct for me, besides Fire Emblem, Pikmin and Zelda other than this nugget.
Why is it whenever there's an article about Goldeneye somone has to go on how badly it has aged? Gee, give it up.
I can finally play Goldeneye for the first time! N64 NSO is absolutely f****** incredible right now.
Well. I’ll be darned. I was wrong. Congratulations everyone.
(And no I’m not mad or disappointed I’m genuinely happy for everyone)
How Disappointing
And here I thought we'd be getting that remake...
Oh well, I have a Steam Deck so I'm going to do something that these companies really dislike and that's emulating games because they won't provide any better alternatives.
Enjoy your crappy port, suckers.
Everyone on their way to buy the expansion pass:
I hope they fix the framerate.
A good "HAHAHA" to all the nay sayers and those calling this absolute classic "terrible".
@Thwomp_Stomper For one game... smh.
I got Mario Party 3. That's all I wanted personally. Still, I'm very happy for everyone who wanted this, it was long overdue as well.
The ones who will:
Geez why not pokesta in 2022 and pokesta2 in 2023? Come on lol. Still pretty cool, surprised at no tooie and man I wish mischief makers had a chance!
Still not getting the stupid NSO sub. The online experience is still crap. Just put the game on the eShop and have done. I would buy it in a heart beat.
I'm ready to replay it. I wasn't huge on it back in the day, but I have more experience with FPS games now and understand the context more fully. Also, online play!
Xbox gets a remake or a "recreation" (according to Rare's tweet) with 4K resolution and Switch gets just the N64 ROM or the new version as well? Still better than nothing but I was expecting it will be the same on both consoles. Is it or not?
Yeah, while digital isn't perfect it has shown that it can work well even on console as seen with what Xbox is doing regarding BC.
Its not even that I'm against the idea of the NSO retro service existing, just that I wish that like with the DLC you could buy the games separate (like Xbox's "buy and keep" option)
And this is coming from someone who isnt really interested in xbox games.
I'm definitely going to get and play this.....on xbox...
@Thwomp_Stomper You're loss, I have a better alternative
Can someone explain to me why people go so crazy for this game? I emu,aged it a while back and... found it to be pretty rough.
Complete garbage- Media outlets are reporting that switch is getting the remastered version but that doesn't seem to be a fact.
Thought for sure we was going to get GB games when Pokémon stadium was announced but never mind, happy with the N64 announcements.
Very Japanese Direct
This was exciting and then Rare announced the remaster version is coming to Xbox gamepass....
But online play is only possible with friends, right? This is kinda how they approached it with Mario Kart 64 or Star Fox 64 or whichever game. Online play is baked into NSO, so it's not like they did anything new with the game. And you can only play with your Switch friends. So it's a little bit misleading. Right? Or am I mistaken?
still going to pass- I can just play the old version on my n64- I'd more likely go out and buy a Xbox Series S now.
@Falling_Stream they have fixed everything. It won't be like on N64.
That is cute and all but
I'd wait for a better version that way I dont have to pay for it and only to realise that those escort missions suck to ***** and there are only like 4 missions that havent aged like milk.
@Stocksy i expect you to die mr bond-GoldFinger
@russell-marlow Dude, we get it, the fact that you can emulate GoldenEye on your Steam Deck makes you better than everyone here. Hell, I’ve got a Steam Deck and have done just that. And I still think you’re being obnoxious.
My guess is that Microsoft/Rare did the whole remaster and ported it to Switch.
Sony consoles will of course not getting this game as Sony were never involved with this.
I guess Windows version is included in Game Pass.
Next to the Zelda title, this was my favorite part!
Didnt give Bond time to whipp out his ppk... makes sence for a global family audience xD
Despite not mentioned here (tsk, tsk bad journalism), it's coming to Xbox as well.
Surely this is the remastered version that Xbox is getting and just played through the NSO app? Wasn’t the whole reason for Nintendo stopping this happening on Wii VC/Xbox 360 back in the day because they wanted the same treatment for both versions or nothing at all?
Doesn't look likely.
This was literally the only decent part of the Direct for me. None of the games I've been hoping for have been announced for anytime soon.
@Ventilator Do you have a source on that? This just looks like it might be a n64 emulation and not the remaster the xbox gets.
Can't even buy the digital, only rent through the service? Sigh
As I said years ago, Nintendo's publishing rights expired in 2017. Nintendo was responsible for the cancellation of the Xbox 360 remaster in 2007, according to recent comments made by the developers. After 2017, it was up to Danjaq, owner of the IP; MGM, owner of the film; and Microsoft, owner of the game, to re-release the game. It took a very long time but now the remaster, a "faithful recreation", is coming to Xbox. The N64 rom being added to Nintendo Switch Online shouldn't surprise anyone after Banjo-Kazooie.
If there was a game to put in effort to take OFF NSO, this would be that game.
They know they would get money out of this, why keep it original, add maps, characters, expansion passes.
Should've been Perfect Dark, or at least an update of the multiplayer based on Perfect Dark.
And yep, Perfect Dark is probably even less likely on a Nintendo console given the new game in development.
Finally get to play Pilotwings 64 again. Loved that game. Every other announcement is just a nice bonus 😁
@EVIL-C It’s a bit harsh to call it “bad journalism”. They’re a Nintendo website covering a game coming to a Nintendo service. It could be argued that mentioning the XBox remaster would just muddy the waters.
Fair play to Nintendo, Microsoft and studios etc sorting this all out. I bet it wasn’t easy but companies doing the right thing.
This game is a stone cold classic, even the barely mentioned single player is amazing!
Cannot wait to play this hopefully with proper camera controls, it made all the difference in Xbox version of Perfect Dark, which holds up as an amazing game because of that.
I'll never subscribe to the Expansion Pass; if I'm going to play this game on Switch it will have to be available for permanent purchase. Microsoft simultaneously announced this for GamePass; ditto. Whichever company will allow me to buy this game instead of locking it behind perpetually funneling money into some subscription to be able to access it will get my money. Otherwise, there are other options out there.
Removed - trolling/baiting; user is banned
I got excited to see 1080 and then they dropped this one. Now I will buy
I'm thankful for goldeneye.... but the rest of the games are kinda meh, and lacking variety.
@quinnyboy58 I’m all on the campaign mate. Superb campaign and the difficulty with different objectives. I’m surprised more games still don’t do this.
I’ll happily play this through on each difficultly in turn. Drag it out. Ha.
This game is still a thing of beauty.
@marktornits That honestly really sucks if so. Nintendo want to sell subscriptions to the expansion pass so there’s probably no chance they’ll allow a separate eShop version that includes any improvements either.
@john_lennon999 According to the official blog, the remastered version is coming to the Switch too... but it's confusing because they say updated 4k visuals, yet the Switch doesn't do 4k.... or will it!?
(From the official 007 blog)
>As first announced during the latest Nintendo Direct broadcast, a 4K resolution remaster of the Nintendo 64 classic is coming soon to the console’s Nintendo 64 – Nintendo Switch Online service. Microsoft also confirmed the news of GoldenEye 007’s port to the Xbox’s Game Pass today (September 13).
@Stocksy yes it’s amazing more games did not adopt to difficultly levels with different objectives, it was genius and made the single player so replayable. Beating the game on 007 is some achievement one I could only ever dream of!
Also, if you own Rare Replay digitally on Xbox, you’ll get Goldeneye free of charge! Thanks Rare/Microsoft! That’s practically unheard of these days to be so unnecessarily consumer friendly; I would have gladly paid for the download anyway!
@Thwomp_Stomper How do you upload a gif like that?
@Jprhino84 Nonsense. It is a fact, and should be reported as such. Especially since the crux of the original rumour mentioned it would come to both Switch and Xbox.
The NL article is a bit confusing but the official article/website confirms that the Xbox version is a remaster: "A 4K resolution remaster is on its way to Xbox’s Game Pass", while the Switch version is the N64 rom: "the Nintendo 64 classic is coming soon to the console’s Nintendo 64 – Nintendo Switch Online service."
I agree- I would love to have a physical edition on the switch and I think a lot of other people would too -
btw- I'm lucky enough to see NIN next week in Cleveland~
@jrt87 See my post right above yours.
@Banjo- So, it's not coming to other platforms like Playstation and PC anytime?
Well, thanks Phil Spencer, still trying to get us on the Game Pass that not everyone wants.
@russell-marlow Yes, the remaster is an Xbox/Game Pass exclusive because it's a Microsoft game, just like Nintendo games and Sony games aren't on Xbox... There are some Microsoft games on Nintendo and PS but, unfortunately, not the other way round: Minecraft, Ori, Banjo-Kazooie...
Also, the remaster will be free for those that have Rare Replay, which is very nice.
@Jprhino84 How am I being obnoxious when I'm saying that supporting these types of practices by companies is why we get the bare-minimum when we've could've gotten better.
It's when we don't object to these sorts of decisions by companies they will try to find a way to take more out of the consumer.
It's why I don't like Online Expansion. Because we don't get better quality games and keep them. We're only renting them for a set period of time.
If Cloud gaming takes off in the future, you bet your bottom dollar that we're not going to own anything anymore.
You type [img]copied gif[img]
Use slash before second img.
Just don’t overuse it like I do 😂
@quinnyboy58 I think I only did it with help of a mate back in the day. I’ll have no chance with my old man eyes. I’ll have fun doing the lower and giving up on 007 quickly. I’ll end up doing it over and over on agent again at my age. Acting like a boss. The first two were doable right? Then there were two super hard ones? Or one was editable?
FINALLY. One of the best games ever made makes it to the Switch. Hopefully, it'll release on November.
@russell-marlow Because you’re being needlessly antagonistic to others in the process of giving your opinion. I totally understand anyone not liking subscription services. But actively mocking and belittling others because they won’t spend their money how you want them to is obnoxious.
I think the higher difficulties were tricky, but I still did them as a kid with no FPS experience.
That said, I do remember this game being tailormade for the N64 controller. I'm skeptical how responsive I'll be with the Switch controller. It's fine for some N64 games — I 100% Wave Race last week, a game I had never played and now love — but for others, like F-Zero X, the Switch controller just doesn't quite cut it for high-level play.
I'm genuinely happy that this is coming to Switch NSO EP. I still love Goldeneye to this day, and yes, I have actually played it within the past year. Of course it has its bigger flaws showing nowadays, but it's just fun imo, especially if you embrace the jank.
Thanks, now back to my previous reply...
@Falling_Stream Perhaps Switch both versions?
Would be weird if Switch only got the dated N64 version.
Time will tell.
Guess I'm going to have to get one year of NSO Plus just so I can play Goldeneye. It's bittersweet... on the one hand I'm so excited to play it on Switch (esp. w/ online added!) but on the other hand I wish so badly it could be a standalone release as well. Heck, I'd pay $50 just to own it permanently, versus it being tied to a subscription.
I really hope this is a stand alone purchase, not simply added to the online subscription. I have access to plenty of N64 games (Pokemon Stadium 2 is interesting for my kids but I still have my old cart of the first game).
If it’s coming to XBox I might get it on ther though; with Rare Replay I already have Banjo Kazooie, Banjo Tooie and Perfect Dark sonic would make sense to have Goldeneye on their too.
Still, 16 year old me would have loved to have been able to play Goldeneye on the go…
@Thwomp_Stomper I'm not doing something right it seems...
@marktornits Ah man, lucky! Caught them on a few past tours and they were amazing but haven’t been able to this year, hopefully I’ll see them again next time. Have fun!
@Jprhino84 Well, you know the old saying:
"A fool and his money are soon parted."
And by the way, the only one who has an issue with me appears too be you. I'm not bragging about owning a Steam Deck, I just wish more people didn't support this.
They’ve pretty much completed the service with feasible games at this point. Other than Smash Bros, I can’t think of many more games the system needs. There’s a few more Rare platformers and some licensed games, but that’s about it.
@Thwomp_Stomper Do I have to copy the URL of the gif in question?
@Beaucine agree with all that. I have the n64 controller for switch but haven’t used it much as I only got it on the last batch. I struggled with wave race on joycons. I love that game. I need to see if I get some muscle memory from countless hours back in the day trying to beat my best time
Oh no. It's on NSO. What a disappointment. Watch, in a few years licenses will expire and it'll be stripped from the service.
@SwagaliciousJohnson without online multiplayer, so it sucks.
Oh, pack it in. Subscription services have negatives, obviously. And there are some people that are too gung-ho with wanting everything to be a subscription. But you’re being intentionally obtuse if you’re trying to insist that some people can’t be genuinely satisfied with a large “rented” library for a low price.
Not everyone can afford the space required for a large physical library. Not everyone can even afford the cost of a large digital library. Some people just want to spend a few of their currency to play a few games every now and again. They’re not angrily fighting for ‘ownership’ of everything and that’s fine. It doesn’t make them idiots.
Edit: I’m the only person who had a problem with you? My original response calling you obnoxious had 9 likes at last glance and may have climbed further since.
As much as I loved, loved Wave Race on NSO, I've seen some insane stuff online, especially tricks and what not, that I don't think I could possibly pull off with the Switch controller. That being said, I do feel the base game and campaigns are perfectly beatable with the Switch controller, which I don't think is the case with F-Zero X.
These higher profile N64 titles really demand physical compilations.
Plus, the classic Mario Party games and Pokémon Stadium are arguably a bigger deal in the fun stakes than Goldeneye (though this is huge in terms of licensing).
Goldeneye was a big deal for its time (particularly as the PS1 only afforded up to two player multiplayer by default), but it’s aged horribly. It would be such a wasted opportunity if local wireless and/or online multiplayer isn’t supported at the very least.
physical release pleeeeeeeeeeeease
I’m surprised that the online play is exclusive to the Switch version. Also a bit disappointed… was hoping for crossplay.
Can we get some of those N64 controllers back in stock before it releases too?!
I’m the opposite, finding Wave Race easier on Switch. I unlocked reverse mode for the first time ever. 😃
@russell-marlow some reason it takes away the slash. Just edit the slash back in the last img and you’re good to go
N64 controller, multiplayer and throwing knives.
What else there is to ask.
I'm glad that Rare, Nintendo, and Microsoft managed to sit down and talk this out. A game doesn't need to be held behind bars because of licensing and distribution rights. It just needs to be played, and that's what they have finally accomplished.
I loved this back in the day. But I think folks are getting a bit carried away with nostalgia
@Banjo- nintendos rights to the game didnt expire in 2017? Its Nintendos game, they own it. Rare(microsoft) owns the source code. Hence both had to come to an agreement together along with the other 3rd party rights owners to secure the release. If Nintendo said no, then no release. If Microsoft said no, again no release.
Yes!! I did that a million times earning the invcibility cheat doing Facility 2:05 or whatever when I was 14 and I’m now 39 and still remember it!! Thanks for the laughs! 😊🎮🙌🏻
Even more exciting is this could pave the way for Perfect Dark. Online PD 2 player Counter Operative was one of my favourite multiplayer modes
While I’d love the remastered one on the switch, even if it’s just the n64 one I’m cool with it. Personally I’d love to see the whole rare replay collection on the switch since it had the remasters of the n64 games anyway. Throw goldeneye remastered in as well.
Perfect Dark is a much better game, especially with all the multiplayer customization options (would be awesome with the true online functionality they're bringing to 007), but Goldeneye is obviously more iconic. Hopefully more Rare games are still coming as well.
I'm also skeptical about going back to the outdated controls, this is why custom button re-mapping for titles is one of the many features that needs to be added to these NSO Apps.
... Wun can only hope.
@Cosmo_Joe No, that's wrong. The game belongs to Microsoft/Rare, the IP to Danjaq and the film rights to MGM. Nintendo only had the publishing rights of the game until 2017.
@Mauzuri hell yeah, they need to release sometime soon, and I'd sell my kidneys for the goemon games too.
Why Nintendo for once can't play nice with others and offer both N64 and HD remaster to both consoles (and a remake in the near future)
Are the controls updated?
No online on Xbox? This sounds like nintendo's doing. It's a shame because the xbox version looks like the superior version in every other aspect.
@BloodNinja It's just a rom in a emulator, don't expect much.
@fenlix Oh boy! Hhhaah
Meh. Would have preferred the Wii version rereleased. Don't care anymore about the N64 version.
@BloodNinja Only the Xbox remaster has updated controls and graphics.
@Banjo- Good to know, hope everyone's curbing their excitement, if any!
@wuntyme8 I wonder if that's why I'm not leaping for you the way so many are. Back in the N64 days, I loved Goldeneye but after Perfect Dark came out I didn't really look back. It had more going for it. Just a more refined experience, even without the license to make a Bond sequel.
And Perfect Dark has been on Xbox in all its glory with online multiplayer for ages now. Even before Rare Replay, they had put out the remaster on Xbox 360 like 12 years ago. Im good with that.
Bond. James Bond.
@PatrickMarioMan That's the one! Haha! xD Dang those were some good times. ^_^
I feel your sentiment and agree with you. Wish we were getting some sort of deluxe definitive version at least. One thing that would make this version really unique is if they included a bunch of the crazy mods, characters, updates & customization options from the community over time since then officially... but of course that'll almost never happen.
... Wun can only hope.
I was super wrong about this
I'll be honest, I've no interest in Goldeneye though. However, I know this is something people have wanted for a while now, so again I'm happy for them.
I don't have any real desire to play this. Maybe one time I'll invite the high school friends over (if they can find babysitters), get high, order a pizza and play the stack one last time.
@Ade117 it has aged like fine wine. If it's too difficult for you, you can always play Halo Infinite. That brand new game seems to have "aged well".
@dluxxx Compare Half-Life 1, which released a year later, to Goldeneye 007, and it is night and day. Goldeneye was important for its time, but it's nowhere near the timelessness of Half-Life or Halo.
Can’t wait, this is one of those games that is an absolute treasure and the gameplay holds up through the generations. We were ruthless on any noob joining our couch coop back in the day.
It's pretty puzzling & peculiar that they delayed Advance Wars due to the ongoing conflict, but promoted and are releasing Goldeneye which actually heavily features Russian soldiers & infantry. I'm not opposed to releasing either medium of entertainment, just find that to be curious reasoning.
Hopefully real-world events & states have no effect on a potential Battalion Wars 3 or new Nintendo published Army Men: Sarge's Heroes anytime soon either.. please.
... Wun can only hope.
So excited for this. Curious when soon is, would love for it to be released Friday so I can play it some this weekend.
LAME. Where’s my physical copy??? STUPID! (Not directed at anyone here of course)
@Ade117 maybe. But you can always have fun with multiplayer.
I’ve never played it, but I’ll give it a shot despite hearing about it’s age.
@DropDash i wonder if this eventually leads to Rare Replay being released on the Switch so that we can own this game along with other Rare classics. Until that day I will be happy to be able to play this through NSO.
It will be fun try without the very dated N64-controls. I played the original a month ago for the first time in like 15 years. It was REALLY hard and hard to control.
But I’m looking forward to trying this both off- and online.
Can't wait for the tons of posts of people realizing it aged like rancid beaver milk. I doubt most people will put more than 30 minutes into it.
Was fun...25 years ago or whatever, not so much now, it's just bad in every which way but nostalgia can blind folks with its rose tinted glasses.
What is this 'it hasn't aged well' comment, I mean did it get worse than it did when it first came out. In my opinion I feel that nearly all of the FPS since it have only a small amount better than it and really are only copies with better hardware bringing pretty much nothing new to the table.
Only been waiting since Wii Virtual console, and now it isn't available to buy, but tied to a subscription service. Typical.
They'd need more acclaim games and some of the Wrestling ones on the expansion Pak before I'd even consider subbing.
But really really glad a new generation can try Goldeneye, an probably say it's rubbish.
@SteamEngenius I still chuckle at shooting people in the foot and they hop around like a real person. Modern Games barely attempt it, which also makes me chuckle.
@Edu23XWiiU I find it hard to believe Microsoft would remake/remaster this game without online multiplayer.
@Bucky Absolutely, it’s really crazy that it’s finally getting released, all things considered. I was just being an old crab because I wish every game had an awesome physical collectors edition instead of a digital service commitment lol.
Knowing Nintendo, this version of GoldenEye will be a cheapo attempt, with minimal effor on their part.
What they should do is:
Would also be nice if they touched up the graphics a bit somehow, but that is not essential.
@spacely_sprockets We already know what it is. It’s the rom in an emulator wrapper with a bit of a resolution bump. Just like every other N64 game added to the service. It seems silly to suddenly hold GoldenEye to a different standard like it’s a massive standalone release.
Edit: Also, it’ll include 4-player offline multiplayer because the original game does. You’d just need 4 controllers.
Call me stupid, but why does everyone go nuts over Goldeneye 007 aside from nostalgia? 🤔🫤
@Banjo- 🤦♂️seriously are you that dense? Why do you think the xbox version has no online mode..... oh its because NINTENDO dictated it as part of the deal to allow it on Microsofts consoles. If nintendo had no rights to the game it wouldnt even be on a nintendo console. And it would have had a full perfect dark HD style remake on xbox with full online and everything. Use your brain.
This is cool, but Nintendo is ridiculous for not updating certain games. Banjo Kazooie & Goldeneye both have amazing remakes for Xbox. They think nostalgia beats better gameplay? Smh
"If your playing it on a n64 controller it’s aged fine. If your not you are doing life wrong anyway."
I may have to indulge in a couple of these for my kids to experience the TRIDENT.
@Ade117 I don’t get how you can say it hasn’t aged well when people obviously love it almost 30yrs later. It isn’t simple nostalgia. The gameplay is exciting, the missions are challenging, and most importantly it’s FUN. We all know Goldeneye revolutionized 1st person shooters. Subsequent games improved on that model. Would you say that the original Super Mario Bros. didn’t age well?
@Cosmo_Joe You clearly don't have a clue what you're talking about LOL. Get out of your bubble and don't be so childish and rude.
· Rare owns the game. Microsoft owns Rare.
· Nintendo had the publishing rights of that game for 20 years (1997-2017), as has been reported.
· Nintendo stopped the Xbox 360 remaster in 2007, according to Rare staff.
· MGM and Danjaq/EON co-own the James Bond rights and that affects the Goldeneye film and video game.
@SwagaliciousJohnson and it is like that! Only the Switch version will have the online play, since both versions will be actually the original game. It seems they struck a deal only to release the original, not the leaked remaster. Probably, the fact that it was leaked played a role on it not being released officially.
Yeah I would be excited if we could buy the game. NSO is a terrible way to preserve games. Hope they will bring an option to either subscribe but also buy individual games so everyone is happy.
You clearly know you're wrong hence you replied to me and then blocked me so I couldnt see your reply 😂.
I dont understand why you think nintendo doesnt own a game that they made????
As I said before if nintendo has absolutely zero claim to goldeneye then why is it coming to the switch with exclusive online?
If solely Microsoft owned the game with MGM and the brocollis etc. Then we would have seen a full xbox remaster with online and everything. But the reason you dont see that is because of Nintendo.
I honestly dont understand your logic, you've read 1 article online and now think you're an expert on rights issues 🤦♂️
I bet you're an American aren't you, that would explain alot!
@SnohSkye I have to disagree with one part there. GoldenEye revolutionized CONSOLE shooters. Not the genre as a whole. As someone else noted, Half Life released not that long after. There were other titles that were making strides in mobility design and gunplay as well. GoldenEye succeeded in making people rethink movie tie in games (until then, mostly seen as awful), engaging 4 player multiplayer, and having intuitive controls for the platform. Prior to that, most if not all console FPS titles were ports of PC titles with lackluster multiplayer and controls that rarely did games justice. GoldenEye had some other tweaks to the formula, but my point is this largely made it work better on consoles. People can laugh at the current states of Call of Duty and Halo if they want, but it's disingenuous to not acknowledge Halo and CoD 4 didnt take that "console FPS" ball and sprint down the road to the point that we don't even make a distinction between console and PC fps anymore.
My point is that GE is important but for the time compared to its peers it is far from the most innovative title to come out. I noted earlier in the thread, I feel Perfect Dark trumped it in about every way (if we just want to talk about N64 shooters). And as far as innovating in the console space, GE wasn't the end of that road. This is subjective, but I personally find it dated. Some people are acting defensive at the idea, but "quality of life improvements" are common in gaming.
I blame millennials not appreciating quality software they simply haven't got a clue always on that fortnight give them a N64 card to blow on they would suck it this game was a game changer then Timesplitters after that early hours in your mates back shed those were the days
@Jprhino84 to those nasty and spiteful haters
See you just got to tell them
There probably watching the Japanese cartoon cams now
It's a Deck measuring contest.
@PurpleShyGuy Haha. Measured in GBs, I presume?
Wen I was making money to by 59 cent a gift I worked in a bar and jams Barnard sed one rum and cok shank not stird so I shuk and shuk and it went in his face and he hit me a hard wrking cat and he was so sad he cried and I sed if you want to avoid my lawyer and I’ll have you know he got Richard Ramirez free bail and nighthud rerelease goldeneye because that would be evn better than the jacuzzi I was getting him and he send ok.
Your welcome old Nintendo people who want to remember good times wen there wos ok computer and blur played things can only get better at a party.
Follu. My. twotter 4 poems
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