Welcome back to our once-monthly GoldenEye 007 update! If you think we're joking... well, we mostly are, but from February's rumour mill winding up, and Rick Astley declaring James Bond's N64 outing is his favourite video game, to the Xbox digital re-release rumours in January, it seems everyone is desperate to get their hands on either that cancelled Xbox 360 GoldenEye remaster a more basic re-release of the world's best-known spy's best game.
Danjaq LLC, the company that owns many trademarks and licenses for the Bond franchise, was granted an extension to use the trademark just two days ago, on 15th March. The franchise's 60th anniversary is this year, and with these updates and rumours swirling around for the past year, it's surely a case of 'if' not 'when'.
in fact, at this point it's not unlikely that the rumoured remaster is being held back because of the recent Russian invasion of Ukraine, as GoldenEye has a Soviet-heavy plot (Nintendo recently delayed the release of Advance Wars 1+2: Re-Boot Camp for this reason). VentureBeat's Jeff Grubb has corroborated this:
Whether it's a remaster or a Nintendo Switch Online version, complete with online compatibility, we're surely going to find out sometime this year if the gold standard of film-to-video game adaptations is making a return.
What do you think about this recent trademark update? Do you want to see GoldenEye 007 on the Switch? Let us know.
[source videogameschronicle.com, via kitguru.net]
Comments 29
PLEASE BE TRUE! ! I don't care what anyone says about this game aging. It's still the most fun I've had with any FPS and I may be mental but I still love the controls.
(But please let me BUY this. Don't make it subscription based 😒).
It's probably nothing.
In unrelated news, the Switch outsold the 3DS in Japan!
(24.9mil vs 24.67mil)
I'd love to see the remaster. Recently played through the original and it's still a lot of fun, but graphics from that era aren't particularly kind. On eyes
People said this game aged poorly? I remember quite the opposite, considering this game pretty much shaped moder FPS games.
Hoping to see this and Perfect Dark on the NSO!
I would like to see the Wii GoldenEye 007 remastered for Switch! It was great and I liked it a lot! Put HD graphics, better framerate in some areas, online multiplayer and it will be a hit !
I’d prefer to own a remastered copy than have access to the original on NSO but the latter would still be welcome. Along with Perfect Dark.
@sketchturner Agreed. My favorite FPS. Loved everything about this game. The level design, difficulty settings, controls (inverted, baby!), enemy reactions, music, even the sound effects. The 'Thwip!' of the silencer enabled pistol shot and 'Ktchtlnk' of a magazine reload are sounds that soothe the soul to this day. Joanna Dark may be forever, but it all started right here.
Maybe this'll be the year of classics getting re-released in some way. EarthBound on NSO, the TMNT Collection, & GoldenEye would be pretty solid.
Didn’t Amazon just acquire MGM? Just saying.
@ModdedInkling Yes, from what I've seen, the common sentiment online these days is "sure Goldeneye was a big deal for its time, but have you played it recently? The controls are utter garbage and it has aged like milk."
I just don't agree at all. It still feels so good to me.
My money says, Xbox will see some sort of remaster and Switch will get the original version added to the N64 Online service.
@sketchturner I couldn't agree more. I mean imho, Goldeneye hasn't aged a bit (other than graphically, but that goes without saying).
The gameplay is still the best, most engaging and fun FPS I've ever played.
Again the chances of the original getting on the NSO service is about 00000.1%
I played through the leaked XBLA remaster in February 2021, and Goldeneye is just as fun, well designed and addictive as it was on the N64. Modern shooters just don't compare. 😍♥
So...why are people asuming that they will add the game to nintendo switch online? It's a rumored remaster, not a rom being emulated. Also, crossplay would be neat.
I guess people just not want to pay money for the remaster...
This game has so much hype with these on again off again speculations. I don’t know if it can live up to the hype - and this is coming from someone who played this game to 100% probably like 5 times
Still have the original CIB along with every pal game released for the 64 so I have no interest in NSO.
A remaster on the other hand, that I would buy in an instant.
@Raffles @sketchturner Absolutely, GoldenEye is still awesome fun to play. I beat it just the other day and immediately started a new save. My latest thing is making sure I unlock all of the cheats before deleting and starting again.
The unpredictability of the AI means every time I play the game it surprises me in some way.
@fenlix Banjo-Kazooie, Banjo-Tooie and Perfect Dark all got remasters on Xbox 360 yet Banjo-Kazooie came to NSO.
Back in the Wii era, the plan was Wii getting the N64 original of Goldeneye (via VC) meanwhile Xbox 360 getting a remaster but Nintendo got the project cancelled when it was completed but before launch. Xbox is probably getting that cancelled remaster meanwhile Nintendo gets the N64 original on NSO.
I remember for the longest time, whenever I looked at the boxart for Goldeneye, I always thought Bond had a giant mouth/smile. In reality, it's just the way his hand is holding his pistol. Please tell me I'm not alone in thinking this.
Never played golden eye, but guessing from how Perfect Dark plays, the Controls are totally ok!
C-Buttons as WSAD on the PC and the Stick to aim with some little automatic Help
Also was Fun to play Turok 2 and Doom 64 in such Way.
Only Problem with Turok 2 was that up and down are inverted and you have to get used to it.
Press down to look up, holy Moly.
@Grumblevolcano people still blaming Nintendo for cancelling it even though that's not the case huh
Mum's the word, but my uncles that work at Nintendo and Microsoft tell me it's actually a demaster and it's being published exclusively for the CD-i.
There aren't enough pairs of rose tinted glasses in the world for me to not see how bad this game aged. Definitely was quite the amazing game for it's time though.
All the fan pressure is positive but because of all the leaks I know this is true. I was right about Super Mario 3D All-Stars, let's hope that I'm right again!
I would so love for us to get the remaster on Switch, it would give me a chance to relive my childhood like I currently am with Neverwinter Nights on Switch. I have been wanting to play it again, just not too interested in the original N64 version because of that frame rate.
@sleepinglion The original aged badly. Poor framerate, clunky gameplay etc.
The only version to play today is the remastered version made for Xbox 360, but you have to play it on PC.
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