
Topic: Do you cuss while playing Wii?

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I don't cuss as much as when I used to play 360, but I still get frustrated while playing -- usually during Mario Kart on the 150cc circuits when I get hit by 4 items in a row and end up in 10th place. Or on A Boy and his Blob when I die over and over. Or sometimes on NSMB Wii, but its not as intense.

Somebody set up us the bomb.
Wii: 8703 7486 8875 3789
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Absolutely not. In fact, I almost never cuss outside of the Internet except by accident at all.


Switch Friend Code: SW-1409-9782-5984 | Nintendo Network ID: astarisborn94 | Twitter:


I absolutely positively do. Actually, I just end up stringing various profanities together into a stream of nonsense, because if I'm mad enough to be cursing at an electric box I'm really in no state to be forming complete sentences.




Yes. I cuss at those #$$&@$ bike bots in Excitebike, those #]&**#&*@#&* blue shells in Mario Kart Wii, those $&&*#$% space pirates in Metroid Prime, those #$^&@# night levels in Sonic Unleashed, that @$^^%& Super Paper Mario "game"... I better stop now.

Edit: (Cursing format)

Edited on by retired_account



Being the Decepticon that I am, I tend to cuss in Cybertronian:


(That means F***)


AHHH it is Chicken Brutus' older evil brother TURKEY BRUTUS! He is rather festive though...I bet with some side dishes and a few hours marinating...
no seriously? If I am online, and they can hear me, then no not at all. I might say D*mn a lot, but even then I don't use it in conversation. You never know if you are playing online against innocent ears, or if innocent ears are in the room with them. If they can't hear me though, I swear enough to make a sailor blush. I'm respectful of others but if I am alone I see no point in censoring what I really think.

Wii : 5234 3442 0233 5325
3DS: 2664-2106-1671
I have A LOT of games, if you want to play something, just email me jangonov&#...

Yes, I curse at my Wii. One dark night in October I swear I heard it curse back at me.

[insert 25 Cents here to play]


Sometimes. But usually when I play Water Warfare online with people who cheat.


I would only cuss while playing Brawl with friends or online, or online in The Conduit....

Twitter - Infernape1000
Youtube - Infernape1000


It's good to get it out of your system, before taking a deep breathe, and heading back in. Go on, let it out, don't be afraid, go with it.



I don't Cuss when I'm playing Wii. Actually I only get really angry when playing GTA4 online multiplayer on my PS3, I have been known to lose my temper on that on more than a few occasions. On the positive side it does get rid of some aggression, but that aggression is normally born of frustration from playing the game, so I'm not sure if it's cathartic or not...



I never curse if I can help it. But Mario Kart online has made me say some pretty unspeakable things.

3DS Friend Code: 2277-7231-5687
Now Playing: Animal Crossing: New Leaf


I cuss while reading the weekly Shop Channel releases...does that count?

and yeah, I'd cuss playing Mario Kart but the emphasis of luck > skill kinda nixed that series for me.

-Swerd Murd

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I don't swear when a game gets too hard. I just step outside for fresh air.

And then get behind the wheel of a stolen car and start mowing down cats and the disabled.


3DS Friend Code: 0173-1400-0117 | Nintendo Network ID: RaylaxKai


I hardly ever curse in real life but for some reason I curse quite often when playing video games. I guess video games bring out the best in me.



I really have to watch myself while playing Mario Kart. There were also several times during the purple coin levels of Galaxy that the words just came out. Ironically, the levels that had me cussing are now my favorite levels!

Toward the end of Galaxy, in fact, I tended to only play it when my kids weren't around, because I knew I would end up cursing the game out.

Moco Loco
If you find yourself spiritually drifting (as I was for far too many years), remember that Jesus can and will walk across the water to reach you and bring you back to shore.


Unless I'm playing I Wanna Be The Guy, I don't swear at all while playing video games. I just keep trying until I win. Then after I beat the hard part, I begin to sing this song.

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Sure I do. I also cuss when I can't open a jar, have to get up early or get shot in the balls with a paintball when I step outside for the mail by my neighbor (revenge is brewing).

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Treaty of Tripoly, article 11

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