
Topic: DOOM

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Akira_1975 wrote:

@Deathwalka Well, I'll hear a loud buzzing sound at random points. Sound will also diminish in quality to the point it's barely hearable. I've also heard popping and static sounds. Once these happen they won't go away until I restart from a checkpoint. I'm not sure if playing docked or undocked has any impact on the frequency of these issues. I'm surprised you haven't encountered any of these. Especially now that you're playing in hell.
I haven't played enough multi-player to know if they happen there as well. Looks like Bethesda is aware of these so hopefully a patch isn't too far off.

The one time I got the loud buzz, it stopped after I went into the map screen and back out. HVe you tried that?

It is a known issue, hope they can fix it soon.

Switch FC: SW-5152-0041-1364
Remind yourself that overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer.


@Akira_1975 I'm really surprised, as I have not had a single issue apart from the frame rate dropping a little on a couple of slo mo cutscenes in hell when there was a lot going on but nothing annoying.
I've read others say this so maybe It will happen? If it helps I have only played in handheld mode.



Classic shotgun is the best gun, bar none. As long as you can keep up a steady string of executions for ammo resupply, you're golden.



@rallydefault Glory kills, normal ones anyway give health, not ammo, unless you proc the normal drop rate. To get more ammo you use the chainsaw.

Alone, a force. Together, a force of nature.

3DS FC: 2535-3888-1548

3DS Friend Code: 2535-3888-1548 | Nintendo Network ID: meleebrawler


Man I'm surprised at how difficult it can be finding your way round! Lol idk if that's because I'm playing on handheld hence the screen is smaller? But sometimes I get seriously lost and can't see a way out or think that's too far too jump.
I'm loving the super shotgun! Pure dynamite in your hands lol



@Deathwalka I've gotten lost no less then 3 times in the first 3 areas so you're not alone.

John 8:7 He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone.

MERG said:

If I was only ever able to have Monster Hunter and EO games in the future, I would be a happy man.

I'm memory of @Mr_Trill_281 (rip) 3-25-18

Switch Friend Code: SW-7353-2587-4117 | 3DS Friend Code: 3050-7580-4390 | Nintendo Network ID: SpoonyTech | Twitter:


@Deathwalka It's not just you. I got lost when I first played the demo on PC. The areas are well-designed, though, and it's easier to find your way than in something like Dark Souls, where I can lose my ways for hours on end.

Currently Playing: Yakuza Kiwami 2 (SD)


@Ralizah oh yeah the areas are designed really well. I wish there were some weather effects though, I'm a fan of rain and snow, as I think it adds a lot of immersion so that's one thing I would love, is a bit of variety in environments.



@Deathwalka @Spoony_Tech I think there is a compass showing you the distance to the next main goal in the top center of the screen at all times.

Edited on by SKTTR

Switch fc: 6705-1518-0990


@SKTTR There is but can still be hard to find where you got to go. It's often a jump up somewhere I didn't see.

John 8:7 He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone.

MERG said:

If I was only ever able to have Monster Hunter and EO games in the future, I would be a happy man.

I'm memory of @Mr_Trill_281 (rip) 3-25-18

Switch Friend Code: SW-7353-2587-4117 | 3DS Friend Code: 3050-7580-4390 | Nintendo Network ID: SpoonyTech | Twitter:


meleebrawler wrote:

@rallydefault Glory kills, normal ones anyway give health, not ammo, unless you proc the normal drop rate. To get more ammo you use the chainsaw.

This sentence right here is precisely why this game is so great in the truest meaning of the word "arcade"

@Deathwalka Finding your way around isn't too difficult with the nav markers showing you where to go. I've ended up in a loop a few times of not finding the newly unlocked door or the panel to hit (some of those pannels are well hidden) but they generally don't tie you up for too long. Searching for secrets however....there's a lot of places to get lost! The map is pretty good though, and figuring out where to jump can sometimes be misleading (they always put green lights on critical jump ledges though!)

My little pet peeve is I can't always tell if a console/door/object is to be interacted with, and sometimes when I can I'm not in "just the right position" to make it happen so I tend to follow the "if it's a console, punch it to be sure" procedure



@Spoony_Tech @Deathwalka I don't pay too much attention to the compass/markers, just keep a look out for green lights either on doors or you'll see them regularly on platforms that you can jump on

Older than I care to remember but have been gaming since owning a wooden Atari 2600 and played pretty much everything inbetween.

Switch Friend Code: SW-5967-3221-9309 | My Nintendo: Carlos


Biggest gripe for me is the audio bugs. Really should be fixed



Got the boots today for that extra jump boost and super shotgun. Oh my so much fun had with that. Also did a couple of the rune challenges I found, some harder than others. And yeah I got lost a few times as well but thats because Im trying to explore like it's Breath of the Wild lolol.


Switch Friend Code: SW-7459-0389-4683 | Nintendo Network ID: HyruleMage | Twitter:


Audio bug is annoying but I make my way to the next checkpoint and reload. I'm sure an update will fix it. Still an absolutely brilliant game.


Switch Friend Code: SW-7459-0389-4683 | Nintendo Network ID: HyruleMage | Twitter:


I can’t decide whether to buy this. I stopped playing pure FPS some years ago. Relentless shooters, especially linear ones, have little interest for me now. But I did play the original Doom games in the 90s and really liked them. Might there be a demo eventually?

Switch: Dragon Quest Builders 2, Fire Emblem Three Houses, Valkyria Chronicles, Shin Megami Tensei
PC: Farming Simulator 22


I doubt it.

So, honest opinion. The game itself (ignoring platform) is fun as heck. I'd say it's right up there with Zelda and Mario as one of the best games on the Switch.

This version isn't perfect though. Little lower res than I'd like (although still miles beyond even the best Vita FPS games which looked good in their own right) and there is an audio bug so sometimes sound gets quiet until reloading a checkpoint or dying (only happened once to me, but I think some others here have had it happen a few times). As for framerate, I think it runs super smooth and fluid. Granted, I play on the easier difficulty. I've heard from others here that on the higher difficulties where there are more enemies on screen, the frame rate can noticeably dip.

Now personally, I think it's worth every last cent. This is by far the best FPS game on a handheld ever released in the history of video games. However if you plan on playing the harder difficulties I think you should evaluate your tolerance for framerate, since it's pretty well-established the game does take some dips on the higher difficulties. With that said, it is a little harder to play any FPS game on a handheld, so it might be a good idea to play on the easier difficulty mode anyways. Heck, even on Xbox One I play on the easier difficulty because I find it it's plenty hard enough as it is lol.

So basically, just understand that it's not without its faults. Hopefully they can patch out that sound bug and maybe sure up the framerate a bit on the higher difficulties. I'm not really holding out hope for better optimization in resolution, but again, I can live with it as is. It's kind of like Rocket League where it's not full 720p in handheld, it's like 610p on average. But considering the average Vita FPS was at like 390p, it still looks incredible to me. As for docked mode, it's passable. Not the best looking game on the system but certainly decent.

Again, all things considered I think this game- even with its faults- is one of the best games on the system, but other people might have a different opinion.

Edited on by JaxonH

All have sinned and fall short of Gods glory. Wages of sin is death. Romans

God so loved the world He sent His only Son- whoever believes on Him has eternal life. Unless you believe, you will die in your sins. Whoever believes, rivers of living water flow within them. John


It's a great experience and a great addition to the Switch library, no doubt about it. I've found myself overlooking more of the graphical downgrades as I've played more and more - you kind of get used to it just like water temperature lol


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