Capcom Arcade Stadium came to Switch yesterday, and people are already finding new secrets and updates in the various arcade games within.
In the latest discovery, Twitter user @pomegd (h/t Kotaku) noticed that part of the E. Honda bathhouse stage has been removed for the re-release of Street Fighter II: the Rising Sun which previously had been painted on the tiled wall.
The Rising Sun flag has been around for centuries, but eventually became known as the flag of the Imperial Japanese Army and Navy, and therefore as a symbol of imperialism. As a result, it is a controversial image across many parts of East Asia, in countries like South Korea, which was under Japanese rule until the end of the Second World War.
As Kotaku's Brian Ashcraft notes, it's not the first time the Rising Sun has been altered in Street Fighter. In Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition, the Rising Sun flag was replaced with a simple sun design, rather than removed altogether.
It's likely that the Rising Sun was removed in an effort not to offend any parts of the Street Fighter community.
Do you prefer the simplicity of the blank wall, or the balance of SFV's sun design? Let us know in the comments.
[source, via]
Comments 602
Good! new design looks fine to me
@Darlinfan For a lot of East Asia, it would be like having a massive Swastika on the wall.
Why not just have the sun design from Street Fighter V in the port? The wall looks so empty in that Street Fighter 2 re-release.
Edit: I also wonder how the animation has been changed, or if the wall stays blank even then.
Ah yes, the real issues are being addressed thanks woke capcom.
At least you can still buy the collection.
I would have bought Street Fighter V for Switch if possible.
I probably never get the sensibility towards stuff like that.
Sure, there's no need to glorify regimes and their iconography specifically, i get that.
But instances like that, where it's simply an iconic style element found in a plethora of classic Japanese art, i really don't see the inherent connection to the navi.
It's a bit like we Germans banning/altering pictures of Buddhist temples sporting a manji because it was later misused by the 3rd reich.
I think what's bothering me is that context seems to become more and more irrelevant.
@Darlinfan if half of your family had been slaughter at the time of the Japanese invasion you would think differently. And im sure they want something like Street Fighter to reach as many people as possible.
The rising sun imagery was also removed from Takuma's stage in ACA NEOGEO Art of Fighting 2.
@Rika_Yoshitake It's understandable that a big entertainment company like Capcom is trying to maximize their bottom line and cover every base. Do you want an online mob and boycott coming after you?
@Darlinfan "Either way it doesn't affect me."
Probably why you can take comfort in your passivity.
Think of it like this.
It's like continuing to display the flag of the Confederate Union in Nascar. They banned its display last year.
There are games where you aren't allowed to display that flag any longer, like if you wanted to create the famous General Lee card from Dukes of Hazzard, you can't include the confederate flag.
Has the sun been brought up ever in the last 30 years? Like back when it was more relevant? WW2 is pushing 100 years ago...
Unless they wanted to depict E. Honda as an imperialistic nationalist (and in turn Japanese imperialism as a neutral ideology) it was a good decision to remove the rising sun.
Gotta love the absolutely pointless censorship. It's becoming censorship for censorship's sake at this point.
@AtlanteanMan ....left-wing fascists. Do you know how much of a massive oxymoron that is?
You didn't want to defend against censorship years ago with Xenoblade X and the weeb stuff so this is your reward. Enjoy.
2021: The Sun is now a trigger.
I always defend against censorship. Censorship of ANY kind is wrong. I'm not saying that people should be free of the consequences but their opinions should never be silenced regardless.
That's quite sad, the background in this level was pretty iconic. It was NEVER meant to be associated with politics or anything, it was just an old japanese painting.
@Darlinfan I think there is a distinction to be made when Nazis (in your examples) are central to a story or plot. Just as Imperial Japan and its flag has been shown in numerous fictional accounts before.
Removing this one detail from a video game, where it adds no real value or is not central to anything...please explain why that is suddenly critical to keep?
The bemoaners of this type "censorship" see everything in false equivalent terms.
It's censorship because it's been changed in an effort to not offend people.
Here's an option: how about Capcom simply including an option to turn the "offensive" imagery on or off and allow each user the freedom to decide for themselves? I could name a few other examples that could benefit from that approach, and if all else fails and something bothers you enough, just exercise your own freedom not to partake of it and let others do what they will. The real hate and anger right now are being fueled by SJWs taking those decisions out of everyone else's hands. Nobody should have that kind of power over everyone else.
Absolutely ridiculous.
So basically you could take any symbol of flag, from any race or culture, as they all have done bad things at some point in time, a lot, and now years later state it's offensive and should be removed.
These symbols or flags should be kept as a reminder that the human race was not always perfect and there are still things to do, they should educate people going forward, so the same mistakes do not keep happening, just simply removing every instance is not the way to do it.
Any chance they're going to ban the Imperial butcher's apron ???🤣🤣🤣
No well this should be left alone
Is it really censorship when the developer is making the decision themselves?
Because you should be free to say what you wanna say, regardless of whether you hurt someone feelings or not. It's called free speech.
@Tedikuma No, it isn't.
There's a big difference though.
If the controversial element on display isn't serving a narrative purpose, it shouldn't be there.
The rising star background of this bathing house isn't part of some deeper narrative like Wolfenstein's scenario of a world where the nazis won. The inclusion of nazi imagery in a game like Wolfenstein is justified because it's exploring that subject matter as opposed to accommodating it.
Why do people talk like making "an effort not to offend people" is a bad idea? If you can easily choose, without compromising anything important, why would you pick the version that upsets people?
It's not like its otherwise a important part of E Honda's character that he's a flag waving Japanese imperialist.
This is the issue between offence and offended, for example I may be personally offended by something, this does not mean it's offensive, it just means I find it offensive on a personal level.
I just feel simply cancelling every symbol of flag from the past is not the right way to go about it. Nobody is suggesting we should let people go around offending people in the name of free speech.
If I don't want to swear at someone, but you all want me to, am I censoring myself? Good news everyone, the old games still exist.
No, I did. I stand by what I said.
Hopefully they erased the sprites of drunken Russians in the background in Zangief's stage as that promotes a harmful stereotype!!!
@johnvboy At least one person did suggest it.
@nessisonett It is not an oxymoron, fascism is an Italian socialist political movement from the beginning of the last century.
The manifesto published in 1919 contains points as:
Voting for women
A minimum wage
A strong progressive tax on capital
And many more topics that we today find 'progressive' or have since implemented in modern society.
Ofcourse the practice and reality of the movement was different from this as we so often see with idealistic movements be they 'left' or 'right' wing in nature.
Marx did not invent nor had a monopoly on socialism and it's ideas.
On the Topic, I like the SF V rework better because it just has a sun using that empty space well, in the re-release it just looks like an unfinished mural.
If I feel like I have something to say, yeah. I don't care whether my opinion on a matter offends someone or not.
@Aya-chan Good luck with that.
@nessisonett Do your research into the methodology of the Nazi Party beside that of the left over the past 15 years or so, from infiltrating the education system to control of and use of the media as a propaganda machine to the use of violence and intimidation to coerce compliance. Or the constant repetition of slogans and rhetoric that's directly from Hitler's own writings on propaganda and its application to the masses.
Evil isn't the sole domain of the "far right". And saying "left-wing fascists" is not nearly the oxymoron you think it is.
Never said people can't be offended, but I still feel cancelling everything is not the answer.
Not saying what is offensive, just stating that somebody being offended by something, does not make it offensive.
@cdmac So I live in a country invaded by the Germans 80 years ago, my grandfather worked in a German work camp, did this earn me the rights to be offended by swastikas?
@cdmac But NAZI means National SOCIALIST!!!1!! BLah blah foam at the mouth, I've studied highschool social studies.
Should of replaced it with a shining full moon.
I bet you're fun at parties
I think people who still use that phrase don't get invited to parties either
The thing is that the Empire of Japan, the Confederate Union, and the Germain Reich were defeated and their values rejected by the developing word, because of their fascism, racism, antisemitism, practices, etc.
These are things that should not be accepted, and the flags of imagery of these defeated states are reminders of these dark times. People that continue to willingly display these images are usually accepting of what these nations stood for.
That's why such imagery is removed from games unless they are thematically necessary because of the subject matter, and it's why games companies will take measures to prevent users from adorning themselves with such imagery.
@Darlinfan whilst your comparison between the regimes has some validity, I think there are vast cultural differences between Germany and Japan, and Japanese culture may be a lot less passive about this than German. And since Capcom is a Japanese company, I trust they have an idea what they speak of - though it does beg the question of why they didn’t think about it in the last 30 years of SF2.
Personally, I prefer the SF5 sun version. More balanced and less glaring than a plain brick wall.
Didn't know Nintendo Life had so many Japanese imperialism apologists, lol. Good luck!
@cdmac Instead of refuting my claim with information you assume I am right wing? I find that kind of offensive tbh...
Yeah at the end of the day it's their work, they can do what they want.
The game was originally released in the 90's, was there uproar then?
I think in general folks need to to take a step back and chill about stuff like this. There are plenty of things to take a stand on, if you take a stand on every little thing, the important stuff gets diluted. It's a bit like the boy who cried wolf.
I don't go to parties. Besides, don't act like you're better than me. You're the kind of person that isn't friends with someone because they hold a different opinion to your own. I don't bemoan people just because they have different views to my own.
@Darlinfan TBH It’s never bothered me because I think it’s a cool flag design, but I was never subjugated to Imperial Japanese boots on my neck so I don’t think my vote carries more weight than a Korean’s - however I would also hope Koreans have an issue with the American flag in there, too, after the horrific atrocities that the US committed over there.
@Darlinfan Personally, yeah I'm okay with denigrating Nazis and everything they stand for. I don;t really see the need to portray them in a good light.
@gaga64 I mean it's literally illegal in Germany. Countries that stopped being fascist, or were oppressed by fascists tend to take this stuff pretty seriously.
@khululy Hahahaha yeah, I wrote a paper on early Italian fascism and its ties to the futurist and vorticist art scene and you’re talking absolute bollocks. Fascism is by definition right wing, early fascists were not socialists by any meaning of the word as they positioned themselves as the ruling class, an ‘organised minority’ ruling over the ‘disorganised majority’. They literally weren’t socialist, that’s a stone cold fact.
Do you ever get offending because someone is proudly displaying the flag of the guy who abused your mother to death after she got too old to be a sex toy for solders and tossed your baby brother on a spear when he was 3 months old?
No? Cool. Then take your white privilege, understand you have no idea what it's like seeing a symbol of oppression because you've never been oppressed, and shut up.
@johnvboy Yep, killing millions of people under the swastika will have that effect.
You have me confused here, as I never stated any of these things were right, I simply feel just trying to erase history, good or bad is not a very progressive thing to do.
I don't even know what the terms " right wing" and "left wing" mean. Politics is a plague.
A) Fascism is specifically and factually “right-wing”
B) Who the heck is learning their history from Street Fighter II?
C) Look into the words “empathy” and “sympathy” - your comment is “we shouldn’t remove things because people are offended” but ALSO “we should keep things because their removal offends ME”
D) actually, Capcom DOES owe their customers “something” as a result of their business transaction. If the customers want the flag gone and they elect to take it out, it’s LITERALLY <b> not your business </b>
@cdmac I mean, you could be, but if they made a point about offending you all the time, probably tricky. I've got conservative friends. They're just not jerks.
Well this comment section is going about as expected
@Aya-chan further left means democratization of power, further right means consolidation of power into smaller groups
@Rika_Yoshitake Capcom is a Japanese company, so they should be free to choose how they represent their culture to the world in their own game. If Guile's base was draped in Confederate flags, that would definitely be seen as a real issue in the US.
Still does not change the original intention or significance of the symbol, so now we are saying any group can take a normal symbol and it can never be seen again.
@johnvboy I don't think anyone is suggesting we erase history. I think history is safe.
What actually happened was a background image was removed from a video game, not history books.
I was specifically referring to the newer Wolfenstein games that actually do handle the subject matter like I'd mentioned, not the original DOS game that was probably just thoughtlessly used the subject matter as window dressing for the game, with no more depth than any of the games about killing Osama Bin Laden that popped up following 9/11.
I hope you're proud of what you have brought, Kate.
Sigh, brave move Capcom. Honestly, like @AtlanteanMan said, if it really is a big deal for these companies to bend over backwards to do stuff like this, at least give players the option. I bet their analytics team would find out most people would play with "offensive material" on.
@Aya-chan if you’re ok with being friends with someone who thinks other humans deserve to be ethnic cleansed and somebody else isn’t, that is not the damning insult to the other person you think it is.
I'm alright, having an interest in politics clearly makes you a snowflake that gets offended by everything.
@Rika_Yoshitake "Ah yes, the real issues are being addressed thanks woke capcom."
Yeah, because that Capcom pixel artist could have spent that 20 minutes solving world hunger and passing universal healthcare instead. You're on a video game news website.
@Aya-chan Who's offended? We're not bothered the art was changed!
@Wargoose actually in the 90’s my conservative dad and grandfather were extremely pissed when they saw me playing in that room and I had to hear an entire discussion at my 5 year old brain about how Japan bombed pearl harbor and we changed their flag and deposed their empire etc etc etc etc etc so don’t be acting like nobody cared then. Bootlickers just didn’t have comment sections.
@TryToBeHopeful I am bothered by HOW the art was changed, now why.
It's more that I dislike people in general so it doesn't really matter either way. I've had family members that have been involved in some horrible things but I still don't think references to past events should be ripped out of media.
@WoomyNNYes I'd rather put my money on Ultra Street Fighter IV. Definitely the better game of the two, and should in theory be a simple enough port. Out of all the games we've seen ports of from Capcom, it eludes me why that one hasn't made the cut.
@cdmac again, not necessarily, but the most conservative person in the world who was interested in politics would know that you can't be a left-wing fascist.
@KillerBOB Those are Buddhist symbols in Asia. The meaning changes with the context.
Hey, you can rest assured that even if you remove this hateful symbols from a video game, people in Korea are still going to "remember" the history of their grandmothers or mothers being forced into sex slavery, and they will "remember" how they are missing a generation after the Japanese tossed all their infants onto spears.
We have history books to teach history, and the stories of the people who's lives were destroyed. Statues and symbols have never been part of teaching history.
@Darlinfan Google “Japanese war crimes rising sun” and you’ll learn some dark history.
I cannot approve this.
Privilege? No, I'm not comfortable at all. Quite the opposite.
I should go on the record and state I did not complete my MRes in Nationalism and Ethnic Conflict (yes, really) but the first thing they taught us, day one was that fascism is right-wing (ok, not really).
@Darlinfan sure man, other games have been censored in other countries as well...
Can we not all just agree that taking a sun out of a picture in a video game is bloody stupid?
So if I play Wolfenstein and there is a Swastika flag on display, I am really a secret Natzi supporter.
Sounds like a balanced way to look at things.
Are you okay with having a president who refers to a Chinese run genocide as "different cultural norms"??
@Aya-chan No. @johnvboy No.
Well, think of it like this.
Playing video games can be a day to day thing like traveling through a town.
A town might've had some statues remembering people who did some bad things, or some streets or buildings named after such people.
If these things aren't welcome, people will remove them from their day to day lives. Specifically, images of things that remember or honor the things that should not be remembered.
This isn't to say, remove imagery or knowledge of things that shouldn't be forgotten like tragedies or causes.
If the work of fiction's goal is just as a general entertainment product and not exploring such a subject matter, I don't object to this sort of alteration.
At the same time though, I feel like I might be contradicting myself.
Last year a fan translation for Goemon 3 was released, and this translation preserved the trans insensitivity of the original game.
My position was that it wasn't the place of the translator to omit something present from the original game for their own idealogy, as to present the game as it was originally produced in 1994.
Yet, here we are modifying a game from 1991.
I think it's somewhat different though, the latter scenario is the company making this decision themselves to revise their own product. I feel like they could've included some sort of notice or disclaimer though.
I guess I'm okay with its removal, although I prefer the change in SFV. The painting in SFII just looks empty now.
Doesn't the military/navy of Japan still use the "imperial" flag?
This is getting way too heated. I'm going to leave. Apologies to any and all I've offended.
So things you see everyday can't be a reminder of bad things, not getting you there.
@Jakiboy Kate didn’t change the in-game graphic.
Don't shoot the messenger
That's absurd, every Wolfenstein game has you killing nazis who serve as the villains and antagonists.
No Wolfenstein game portrays nazis in a positive light, though the original DOS game was thoughtless about it.
I've been to Berlin. Not a lot of Swastikas out and about. Have they erased their history? Not by a long shot. Go to a museum. Read a book.
@khululy uh yeah I’d probably not be super tight about swastikas if I were you
Does the game play the same? Then nothing of value was lost.
It’s not only about offense (which people have a right to their pain and to not tolerate someone trivializing it) but people also have to realize culture updates how it views itself. WW2 had a lasting impact on all sides, including the citizens that usually (some people are just monsters of course) are just following what their leaders tell them and are trying to survive. The Japanese may be choosing to abandon imagery associated with the past and they have every right to do that.
Either way at the end of the day, Capcom is trying to release a global product and that means tailoring that product for as many consumers in a market as they can. Don’t agree? I’m sure that one can procure an original Japanese cabinet if one is that bothered.
@BloodNinja in these trying times we need a silent assassin like you to bring us together
@Darlinfan I mean, I think this is a broader cultural discussion about artistic works appropriating history successfully and unsuccessfully. You're right that other works can trivialize serious subject matter, but those are usually bad or unsuccessful artworks. Others do a better job.
The point here specifically, is that the flag removal (which as far as I know, no mob was demanding, but was removed by the developers) doesn't have a strong case for its narrative-inclusion, does not impact the quality of the game whatsoever, and yet removes a symbol that is painful for other cultures. To me, the net "good" here wins out.
@cdmac Most statues are not erected because the people were slave owners, that was merely a side of them, they were erected because of their percieved impact on society.
No, but she reported it, giving us many lols in the comment section.
@GannonBanned I think I talk too much LOL
NINJA APPROVED (I can approve that)
Funny how people get massively triggered because they disagree with a simple design decision capcom made that doesn't even affect them in the slightest...
@Jakiboy I get where you are coming from. I just wouldn’t pin it on Kate. She’s not responsible for the “lols” in the comments.
@KillerBOB nope! I heartily and readily condemn the Chinese totalitarian government and the US military-industrial oligarchy.
I condemn Biden also for not supporting Medicare 4 All, a $15 minimum wage, authoring the crime bill, defending segregationists, and belittling the choices of black voters.
I’m a Christian Socialist, I condemn the governments of each nation on Earth throughout history as I don’t recognize the sovereignty of governments.
Kate Grey kicking back right now counting the ad revenue
@Darlinfan But it isn't censorship. It's editing by the owner. And the originals still exist.
@khululy actually most of these statues were erected during racial turmoil to send a message, this is easily verifiable and widely reported
@KillerBOB it’s kate grAy
“Do your homework” - KRS-One
@HeadPirate not all white people are American @GannonBanned hehe I honestly don't care for them I am not shocked or enamoured by them it's just a symbol from the past. In that same light most Europeans should react the same to Roman imagery but I think the Goths got over it.
@TryToBeHopeful well then I withdraw my comment.
Does that make the Wolfenstein games illegal in Germany, or are they censored?
They know what they are doing, just waiting for the right time to close the comments section.
Not a pleasant flag to look at, so it's fine with me that Capcom has voluntarily edited it out.
I'm shocked, shocked I tell you that the phrase 'not all white people was used'.
@nessisonett must you have an opinion on literally every subject? You can add ‘World War 2 historian’ to your ever-growing CV.
@Aya-chan if I was a member of the UK Empire I’d probably try and be more sensitive to how imperial ambitions can trigger other cultures
...What a shock, the comments section is a total bloodbath.
@gaga64 I think it ended up being case by case. Looks like for the last two years, they've been allowed in art:
She made a whopping $1.99, which she then has to share with the rest of NL staff.
@cdmac I know exactly what I'm talking about. If the methodology is the same, the left or right of it is irrelevant. Seriously, look around you at what is happening; our public statues, monuments, even cemeteries are being vandalized, desecrated, destroyed, or simply removed. Brand labels and imagery are being replaced or removed. It's no different from the book-burnings that occurred in 1930s Germany. And who are the vast majority of the mobs behind it? Teens and twenty somethings who've been radicalized by what laughingly passes for our education system. Do the riots, the violence, the media's duplicity when it concerns their "narrative", and Big Corporate backing ring a bell? Does the targeting of certain groups (conservatives, Christians, Jews, law enforcement) for hate, or the witch-hunting and destruction of anyone who offends the "wrong" groups?
It's the same. You can try to put fascism in a nice, neat little box and place it solely on the "right of center" all you like, but at the end of the day you're arguing semantics. As the old saying goes "If it acts like a duck, looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it's probably a duck". The ideologies may be different, the faces behind them may be different, but they're all exactly the same in their hate and in how they operate.
I just want to say, I think it’s great that Capcom made the change. We don’t need imagery like this in a video game. It’s not censorship. Some of you folks are fighting for the equivalent of keeping a Swastika on a wall. There is nothing ok with this symbol, please familiarize yourself with its history. Google is easy to use, and we are not required to do the work for you. Please seek the knowledge that will help you understand.
@johnvboy Yes. If, under a swastika, a 6 million jews were systematically killed and burned (forbidden under judaism), and many more jews were abused, displaced, publicly humiliated, and tattooed (also forbidden) and almost an entire continent of people were killed, abused and plundered ... people are going to see the negative. It's not "funny." It's a fact and it makes perfect sense.
Maybe after a few generations we can be more philosophical regarding the origin of the swastika. Though the now-negative connotations regarding the swastika is the least of problems stemming from Nazi legacy.
@PessitheMystic Nah I’m not a WW2 historian, I just studied the Italian Futurist movement and artists like Umberto Boccioni in detail back in school which led to writing about Italian fascism. They’re intrinsically linked and anybody who’s ever written an art history paper can tell you that the social and political background is just as important as the actual paintings.
@Darlinfan For the most part, outside of class, we are a monolith, and I'm not going to waste time being offended by someone with a genuine grievance.
But the flag moved and flashed when you won the round 😓
@Aya-chan the frustrating thing is that things have ALWAYS been ripped out of the media, it was just formerly things like heresy, homosexuality, black people, communism, etc - and Freeze Peach Activists on the right were silent.
Now people are like “let’s take out imperialism” and it’s suddenly CANCEL CULTURE.
I, personally, think cancel culture was more HUAC, Hayes Code, Comics Code, ETC
@AtlanteanMan "It's no different from the book-burnings that occurred in 1930s Germany." Brilliant. you've managed to close the argument.
@GannonBanned I have never seen a comments section like this. It will likely get closed, but I’m shocked at the number of people fighting so hard to support that crazy flag.
Sorry, can’t approve this. Against regulations.
@nessisonett I like video games.
@cdmac I have. I actually minored in History, by the way. But it's obvious that either what I'm saying is going over your head or you're deliberately choosing to ignore it for whatever reason.
Sometimes you need to look beyond the nice, neat definitions your teacher or professor taught you to see how and why history is repeating itself right under your nose.
That would still be too much
@GannonBanned I think cancelling people is generally bad (and un-Christian), you know, unless they've committed a crime (and in that case they still can be forgiven on a personal level). Cancelling discriminatory ideas, yeah that sounds fine to me.
@PessitheMystic So do I but I also like to respect victims of genocide.
@BloodNinja i’m trying to do my part as a bleeding heart SJW but these boyos with hate in their heart have me vastly outnumbered.
If I fall, please leave a shuriken on my grave.
@AtlanteanMan Thanks buddy, I studied Nationalism at post-graduate level, and have a law degree (and a biology degree). Tell me more.
This is getting quite aggressive in these comments.
@Darlinfan I think he was talking about the monolith that wants to preserve confederate history and ban discussion of racist massacres, but seem to think free speech is real important.
@cdmac bit harsh on US historians...
@cdmac Do not put others down for the sake of your own arrogance. Show the world kindness, please.
Yeah but the fact that I didn't include examples about how the rest of the white world has similar laws doesn't mean they are not there. You can't mention the Boar concentration camps in schools the UK, even though they cover the Boar war. In Russia ... I mean you teach a state written text book that leaves out the whole "Stalin killed more people then 3 Hitlers" part.
White isn't a race. There are no races, scientifically. But being white is a sign that you are descendent from European colonialists, and they are the one who have been re-writing history for 100s of years. We are the reason the oppression of billions has been erased from history. We are the only ones who own that, and it makes it just plan evil when we try and tell people it's wrong for them to not want to look at the symbols we used to oppress them because history is scared or something. If some other color people had won all the wars, they would have done the same. But they didn't ... we did.
France and Germany get a pass. They both teach of the atrocities they have committed by simultaneously making it illegal to glorify them.
@KillerBOB That was a correct analogy, because they fought on the same side in a war. Changing some screenart in a rerelease of a game is not like banning ideas, or deviant artworks, or even burning Beatles records.
For what it’s worth! LOL
@TryToBeHopeful I can love everyone and still think maybe they shouldn’t have a platform to vocalize hate.
I would hug a racist and ask him to repent, but I’d also place my hand over his mouth or my body in front of his fists if he was harming others.
@HeadPirate I think you can mention the Boer war in the UK, it may well not be in the GCSE textbooks, though, but very few people would have a problem with debating the Boer war.
@cdmac you're insane if you think Stalin wasn't a ruthless committer of genocide
Well I guess as considering getting this but now I won't.
@GannonBanned I think we're agreeing.
@cdmac Thank you, I appreciate that. I live in the US, and while I have my complaints about the system of education we use here, it still manages to turn out some brilliantly intelligent individuals, despite its flaws.
Remember, it’s not what you’ve got, it’s how you use it, that counts!
@doctorhino not all leftists are tankies, homeboy.
I can support marxist idealism without thinking Mao and Stalin were very good boys.
@cdmac you need me to teach you history to believe a man who sent everyone to Syberia and has countless historical records of him damning entire towns to death?
@GannonBanned It is always interesting to see what people "go to bat" over.
To be offended at the removal MORE than what it represents to others, just because it means nothing to them personally, just speaks a lot to the ignorance and twisted misuse of concepts of "censorship" and "free speech" ( and is it not free speech for the developer to choose to do this of their own volition?)
Good news, someone's done the work on Hitler and Stalin. Stalin only gets 60%... I'm being flippant. They were both terrible.
@TryToBeHopeful i had a feeling we were but wanted to expand my emotions outwardly in case I was giving you the wrong impression
@Darlinfan Since you're obviously not getting it. I'll spell it out: the iconography and symbols have meaning to people who are still alive today, many with negative connotations. Just because it doesn't affect you doesn't mean it's no big deal. It's a completely selfish way of thinking. Realizing that forcing people to be okay with the continued existence of symbols of those regimes is wrong, is an act of sympathy and compassion.
Actually take yourself and imagine being a victim of those regimes, how would you feel to see people proudly parading those symbols and icons around? It's not hard to figure out how you'd probably feel about that.
@AtlanteanMan So symbols of people who espoused hate, tried to enslave or kill people, and used their religion among other things as excuses to do the aforementioned, should be allowed to stand in public as symbols of power of a failed regime? For someone who minored in history, you seem to have very little understanding of what that means to let them continue to stand. It says their view of the world, the one that allowed slavery and mistreatment of fellow human beings to stand for hundreds of years, will be tolerated and allowed to continue to exist, for no reason other than "Freedom of Speech"
Which, by the way, I feel the need to inform you, is not how it works. The First Amendment keeps the government from jailing you for things you've said (the kind of thing you could've had happen to you in Colonial England). It does not however protect you from the consequences of your own words. To use a phrase: "Your right to swing your fist ends at my nose."
@Mallow I can just never wrap my head around people screaming and crying about how they’re NOT offended, darn it!!!!!
I said they teach it. I said they don't teach about the fact that they ran concentration camps and committed genocide when they teach it.
Honestly, I apricate the comment and debate, but if you care enough to comment, care enough to read closely please.
I really get why the image of the rising sun would be removed entirely. It was something bought into concern for those that were planning on making faithful cosplays of characters from Kimetsu no Yaiba.
But leaving the wall so empty? A simple sun would make the wall faithful to the original design without being of offense for those that were affected by the actions of Imperial Japan.
And people should really learn to differentiate the Buddhist manji from the Nazi swastika. The swastika is a mirrored manji, at many times rotated 45°. It should be noted that the Wolfenstein games have you fighting Nazis, except in the German versions, we're anything Nazi is banned by law.
Lastly, a General Lee car without the Confederate flag isn't a General Lee. For pop culture references, that's the only acceptable use of the flag. Otherwise, it's considered a hate symbol.
@cdmac He killed countless people. Now if you want to bicker over numbers idk where to meet you in the middle. I think he is easily accountable for well over a million deaths due to forced starvation, enslavement and moving people to areas that are uninhabitable because he didn't like them.
He wasn't even a communist, he followed more of the ideals of a fascist or a dictator figure. He did not represent his people in a way that made them equals. He tore them apart.
So you can keep things if it's a negative, but any symbol or flag that could show something in a positive light is right to be removed.
No issues with this, but who set the rules, and how do we gauge any possible offence?.
@doctorhino oh boy, wait until you hear about this Andrew Jackson character if you think deaths and starvation are bad!
Believe it or not, we have a TON of statues of him where I live, and boy I wish we didn’t!
It's Capcom's game and if they want to tone down the antiquated nationalism on display in E. Honda's bathhouse, then that's their prerogative.
I certainly have no problem with it - I think the only time I saw the old battle flag in Japan over the years was on the extreme right-wing propagandists' black vans, and on some of the tricked-out deco-trucks.
@HeadPirate I was talking about concentration camps. I was aware of them because it was on the BBC news. It's no secret history. Maybe take a breath. I'm trying to say American education is not the same as British education.
@GannonBanned I don't get it, are you sticking up for Stalin?
@khululy i feel like that analogy would carry more weight if the abused and battered surviving romans were still alive and having to see the iconography
@doctorhino no, I actually even specifically said in an earlier comment with you tagged that I didn’t support Stalin.
I just find it extremely sus that you pop up ex nihilo slamming the Soviet Union when you could be talking about the horrors of Japanese Imperialism? Or being nice to people?
Feels like you’re sliming in on a bad faith right wing sales pitch, so I’m asking you:
Friend or foe? Are you cool?
@Teksetter There is no room for this kind of logic and sense here, sir.
@GannonBanned Because someone was talking about the Soviet Union and this is a forum. We respond to each other. If you think saying Stalin is evil and committed genocide is right wing I think you're horribly confused.
So I was not being nice to people reciting a historical fact? I offend all the Russians who are still Stalinists. Spoiler alert, they don't exist anymore.
@doctorhino But no one said that.
@doctorhino the question was, are you cool?
Next topic: Abortion....
@cdmac tankies deserve equal rights just like all other human beans, but I reserve the right to tell them to stop giving me copies of Bob Avakian’s Dream Journal
@cdmac Anything but SWaPpies.
@GannonBanned Anyone ever told you that you look like Jared from Subway.
@cdmac You know Stalin was dead for 25 years before the start of the cold war, was Churchill's and the UK strongest and most trusted ally in the war, and Roosevelt called him a hero and perhaps the greater leader of all time right? If it was up to the US, we have have nationally holidays to celebrate Stalin.
We know about Stalin's atrocities for one reason and one reason only ... he bragged about them. A lot. When Roosevelt called his army brave he replied with "In my army, it takes more courage to retreat then to advance". This guy was NOT hiding what he was.
Oh you didn't know that? Why are you talking then?
@DenimDemon I'm a Belarusian, we have no genealogical trees not scarred by the Nazi invasion to various extent. How do I manage to play Wolfenstein games and not have a stroke?
I understand the emotions behind this logic, but that doesn't make the logic any less perverse. And if attempts to avoid insulting people come with the necessity of insulting Fiction, one can shove these attempts high up as far as I'm concerned.
People who are "affected by the iconography" are always welcome to steer clear of the products containing this iconography. But much of this "censorship" stems from the publishers going on a ghost hunt after these people's wallets as well, rarely realizing that most folks maintaining the sentiment in question will never bother with or so much as ever LEARN about the product in question. This practice does little but fuel the idea of condemning a once explicitly hijacked and misused symbol with conscious disregard for context. Which is an obscenity both within and outside the realm of fiction studies.
@Darlinfan Welcome to the world governed by politically correctness BS we live in. Just breathing feels like walking on thermonuclear eggshells because someone might sue you if they get offended by the way you breath.
I don't blame the devs for playing it extra safe, but I do blame most of the world for using the "offended" excuse to veto/sue everyone and everything.
@nessisonett Most people don't even know about the religious symbol (which is mirrored for the Nazi symbol) and would get offended by peaceful Hindus. Everything is potentially offending and this is why I value respect over modern politically correctness BS.
@cdmac Socialist Worker Party...
@TryToBeHopeful It doesn't take much effort to turn that "law" on its head. After all, if the comparisons are accurate and relevant to the discussion (and they are), then quoting it is an obvious attempt to deflect the truth, most likely to cover for one's own approval of leftist ideology and the protection of "the narrative". There's a reason history repeats itself; people like Godwin know how to distract others from what's really pertinent. Hey, the media's been doing it for years now.
@doctorhino not really, I have short, straight hair, a beard, and am 6’1” in skinny jeans and commie t shirts.
I do get told I look like Scott Disick all the time, and once at a Dave & Buster’s in Austin, TX a group of Puerto Rican women on a business trip were convinced I was him and took a group photo with me even as I assured them they were incorrect.
Time for ninja to go poof
chopped log
I mean they could just remove it in East Asia?
@Rhaoulos if “don’t be sexist, homophobic or racist” feels like a nuclear landmine to might want to re-evaluate your moral values.
Its always fun coming in late to the comments section, and getting all riled up to post some long tangent, then after scrolling through 200+ comments, realizing everything's been covered, and there's nothing more to add to the conversation.
Not that this comment ended up adding anything to the conversation in the end. Oh well.
@AtlanteanMan You compared removing a sun from a video game with nazi book burnings, and then said that me pointing out that was a bad comparison was because I'm trying to push a leftist ideology. Give me one large break.
@Desrever I thought it was great and I don't even know what your opinion is!
@AtlanteanMan @TryToBeHopeful wow, if you have a pre-existing grudge against Godwin you might want to revisit what forums you’re hanging out in
@Desrever hey I think you matter <3
We’re not sad because you left.
We’re happy because you came.
“Sail Ah Vee, friendo”
I understand why people would find this offensive but if this is removed from stuff shouldn't the Union Jack also get the same treatment?
@GannonBanned You're confusing me with your @-ing.
@The__Goomba If you want to remove the Union Flag from Street Fighter 2, I'll back you up.
@TryToBeHopeful sorry king/queen/non-binary royalty - I was responding to a response to you because I thought their claim was so outlandish I chipped in my two cents.
Mea culpa for any confusion
@Rhaoulos If a Japanese developer chooses to remove something related to Japanese history/culture from their own artwork, can you enlighten us over how this is political correctness run amok?
There is a lot of needless extrapolating here. This is not a case of "modern woke (insert prejoratives)" BS. Many here have bent over backwards to try and retrofit this into being an example of something it is not.
It is not censorship...a government or powerful entity has not forced Capcom to do this.
No sorry, wait ...
Ok, ok, I can do this ...
ha ... ha ... You know Stalin wasn't a communist right?
That he actively opposed to communist party, renamed Lenongrade to Stalingrade to erase the father of communism from history? Called Marx a traitor and censored all pro-communist writings as Marxist propaganda right?
Honestly man, this is the most I've laughed scene the pandemic started. I can not thank you enough.
@GannonBanned Some day, I'm going to have to find out who this Godwin fellow and how he's linked to the media. We're talking leftist media, right? Like the Washington Post.
At least the flag was still there in the Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection to those who miss it. Not sure about Ultra SF2 though.
@cdmac I suppose it depends what flag we had when we were doing things. I agree with your point, but I also can't remember many fighting games where it plays a prominent part, but then I'm not an expert on video games.
I always thought E. Honda’s name was offensive. I always imagined people driving him. Seriously though. I had a rising sun bandana years ago I bought from a Japanese shop downtown in Mooresville NC. I walked into a coffee shop for veterans and got the “you got a target on your head, boy.” joke. Hence... WW2 and all that... I bought it because it looked cool and it reminded me of stuff I’d seen in movies, and the Loudness album cover. A few years later I joined the USAF. Not there anymore as that was years ago. However, I wouldn’t wear another flag but an American one now. Still love Japanese stuff, but I can see where people outside of Japan aren’t fond of that flag.
@GannonBanned What a perfect illustration of being offended by everything. You are comparing breathing to being sexist, homophobic or racist. It's like comparing being PC and being brain damaged
@TryToBeHopeful yes, leftist media like the WaPo, run by Comrade Bezos.
Mike Godwin is a lawyer who said if you argue long enough on the internet, Hitler always gets brought up.
That got turned into a “Law” where whoever says “Hitler” first is ruled out by the invisible debate umpire.
I'm likely only picking up volume one of the stadium arcade collection. I've been having fun with it. Rewind is a life saver for these very, very tough games.
I already have Ultra Street Fighter II, so not sure I need four more versions of pretty much the same game.
As for the level edit, not the hill I'm going to die on, unlike some of the commenters here.
Is it "censorship" when Disney removes a black guy from a Star Wars poster to appease the racist Chinese?
@Rhaoulos hey, that’s a good point! I have mental health issues and am a Social Justice Wario.
You did it, you cracked the code
To me as long as it doesn't the context of the game then it really doesn't bother me.
If I remember correctly it was either apple or google that started removing apps and games from their service that contained the confederate flag. The problem is that this included civil war games.
If it just a background piece then I don't care but if they are trying to remove something that was part of a historical event then that would be an issue to me as I see it trying to change history.
@GannonBanned I know that! I quoted it! I just don't know his background re destroying my right to be rude to people!
I think we can all agree that a game about the civil war can keep the confederate flag.
Makes sense... as games are more and more often being released officially in China... you probably wanted this out before the game got into Nanking.
@cdmac I always apologise when there is a reason for it. If I say something confusing that could be interpreted differently, I'll always correct it.
The problem is people being offended on purpose for whatever reason. There needs to be a limit to what "being offended" means, or would spend 70% of our lives apologising following your logic.
Also I was offended by your comment. Apologise at once!
Some of you need to read for context
@TryToBeHopeful oh, as for that part, he received a giant grant from the Commie Corporation to discredit people who are “not a racist but just asking questions” so feel free to make sure you offend the “right” kind of people and then you can censor away!
@KillerBOB They reduced the size of Boyega on the poster, they didn't remove that isn't censorship...more like an appalling appeasement of racism.
@ResoluteGP ah yes, the distant past of a 30 year old game.
I have my OG copy of SFII for SNES, I see this flag all the time.
However, Nintendo has not yet made Zombies At My Neighbors available on the SNES Online, so Konami, Nintendo, and LucasArts are collaborating to erase history!!!
@GannonBanned I'll give it to you, the "Social justice Wario" made me laugh (don't forget Waluigi or people will ask for him as a DLC!). I thought your previous comment was serious but you were obviously just pulling my leg.
Please, anyone who supports this, and the people who actually approved it--get the **** out of my face.
PS. And, to respond to the question at the end of the article, I prefer the original, by far.
Just finished reading through this whole comment section.
Welp, that's enough internet for today!
@Rhaoulos yes and no - I was being hyperbolic because at the end of the day this is NintendoLife, not the Hague or a UN Summit on equality, but also I am a bleeding heart pinko commie SJW and make no apologies for it either.
But I like to have fun and joke and pal around, and being born and raised in the South in an extremely “being PC is for <gay slurs>” family I’ve learned to just roll with the (literal) punches.
I love everyone
@RupeeClock To be fair, the Axis powers of WWII were defeated by a world-wide cabal bent on global domination and erasing their beliefs from history (sarcasm if that isn't obvious)
@impurekind wow, yet you use a site that would censor your ability to use a curse word.
Better delete that account.
“It’s about principles” - Ralph Fiennes, In Bruges
Cancal Culture is Cancer to art and creativity! What these SJW Wokes are doing to things we like is sacrilegious.
@cdmac yeah, but your fly was down the whole time.
Me and the boys were over here laughing it up
This site is still to the left of MacRumors (which is funny).
People are so ***** sensitive. It's history. Yes, it's unfortunate that it's a symbol of a dark period in Asian history, but it is also a graphical element that depicts a specific period in time. Editing history and censoring things that people find offensive is wrong. What's next? Swastikas are going to be edited out of Wolfenstein?
@cdmac Me neither.
Disappointing to see Capcom selling out their home country to appease foreign activists. Oh well, I'll at least get to enjoy the delicious schadenfreude when the people praising this censorship turn around and whine about western companies censoring their products to appease China.
@cdmac I certainly was... Not. I don't get offended if people have a different opinions. They're like buttholes, everyone has one. It's just that some people act like said buttholes when they can't accept it.
@nhSnork hi man. Sure. But this is not Wolfenstein. Its Saturday Morning Cartoon Street Fighter 2.
297 comments in, has anybody posted the infamous " Hill to die on " comment.
You are correct, until this was pointed out I never even thought about anything negative about the offending sun image.
Just needed to tick it off my outrage bingo card, just had to leave the forum for a while, and have some dinner.
@GannonBanned Well, you've taught me my lesson--fo sho!
I guess we should go in and censor all those thousands of classical paintings portraying the likes of violence against both men and women, acts of war, various sexual and sexually perverse acts, various naked/tortured/sexualised/etc depictions of various religious deities, and so on, that some people would find offensive too then?
Let's just delete all of history, and all works of historical significance, and all artistic creations, and so on--don't wanna upset anyone....
@TryToBeHopeful cool, thanks
@Chamver tell me everything you learned about pre-war Imperial Japan from your playthrough of Street Fighter II.
I’m curious what HISTORY is on the line
@Freak_Show actually that Japan was a different Japan
@impurekind believe it or not, I would probably have a problem if Capcom put a painting illustrating sexual torture as a prominently placed background object in a fighting game for children.
Call me a humorless scold, I suppose, since we live in a world of manichean opposites which contains absolutely no nuance or context.
@cdmac But let's....
@GannonBanned Yeah, you turned that point all around and upside down in your head, didn't you.
I can see what I'm dealing with now.
@cdmac I have seen no evidence to suggest that these foreign activists are actually customers in any significant numbers. But even if they are, Capcom is still selling out their home for (potential) money, which is disappointing.
@cdmac if Animal Crossing doesn't add Guernica to the museum I'm going to riot.
@GannonBanned I also love everyone until people convince me individually that I should hate them instead. And I get where you come from, I'm team PC/Android in a apple fan boys family that acts like hardcore Nazis and insult you when they disagree.
But pushing the " being offended" to its limit, you'd start a petition to change the colour on our beloved NintendoLife because that exact shade of red reminds you of something related to blood, or communism, or your ex from 15 years ago. Don't you dare change that shade of red! I wouldn't be offended, but really pissed off.
Is Capcom a wing of the Imperial Japanese Navy? We must find out.
@Rhaoulos Yeah, exactly: What if it reminds him of the N*zi party or communist China or communist Russia or....
Petition to change NintendoLife's colour immediately....
@ResoluteGP that all or nothing mindset is an absolutely terrible logical fallacy.
Wait until you learn that Mortal Kombat was censored for release on Super Nintendo!
Did you know that Wal Mart sells versions of CDs with the profanity removed?
Wow, we truly live in the new dark ages.
@cdmac And the original game didn't have rewind. Is that extra cake?
@impurekind check this out:
When they play rated R movies on TV, they remove certain profanities, drug use, and explicit sex or violence.
Now it’s happened on a video game.
This is how the world has worked for time immemorial.
@GannonBanned Those leftists are the reason they had to rename the Eels song to "It's a Monstertrucker".
@cdmac baseless speculation
@Rhaoulos yeah but that’s pretty excessive. Like, I live in America but if somebody in Nagasaki was triggered by Guile’s stage I would extend them sympathy and kindness.
@cdmac I’m practically vegan, but I’ll take the stomach upset for some decent cake.
@Mallow I don't speak English well enough or am not young enough to understand half your comment. But do you think they would have made this change if it wasn't to avoid PC BS?
@TryToBeHopeful these leftists and their fascism personally paid ticket money to see Captain Marvel, KNOWING it had Brie Larson in it!
My mind recoils from such horrors.
@impurekind get what? That you’re offended other people are offended and a company is choosing to use their development resources to alleviate the offense?
I flatter myself that you made it perfectly clear.
@cdmac self-proclaimed educated guess with zero evidence to back it up
wowww over 333 comments about the rising sun in honda's stage
@ResoluteGP a) why? and b) Solomon was clearly wiser we can agree on that too.
@ResoluteGP Solomon was actually pretty dumb, but I digress....
I don’t know how to explain it to you more clearly, but:
When MK was made, it wasn’t censored.
When those artists were performing, it wasn’t censored.
Those changes were made retroactively.
For the record, Han Shot First
The moral outrage is strong with this one.
It was so much easier when social conservatives wanted to censor things.
@cdmac a real leftist would know that veganism is bourgeoisie affectation!
I probably explained it badly, but people prefer monuments that remember the sacrifice of people who thought against oppression, over those erected by the oppressors.
@GannonBanned how many psalms you wrote? Less than two, I’ll bet.
@cdmac it this an admission that your previous statement "perhaps they are being respectful" is highly unlikely?
I have three versions of the star wars films. I don’t think either of them are better or worse. Except that scene with Jabba in ep IV. But that’s just because it’s redundant.
@TryToBeHopeful had two different jokes, couldn’t decide which to use
A) david wrote most of them, and he was a scruffy nerd herder with a slingshot. How hard could it be?
B) i have dozens in my drafts, but I’m a poor editor, I never know when to put in a selah
@ResoluteGP me and Gannon are apparently both Jesus freaks and we’re not offended.
@ResoluteGP hey, I’m a Christian, and I say Solomon was dumb because (supposedly, in my religion) he had actual conversations with god/God and had his wish granted, but then switched teams later in life to false gods that didn’t exist.
If someone starved to death because they kept eating exclusively sand, I would feel fine questioning their wisdom
@GannonBanned Reductio ad absurdum. Push it to its limit and you see how little sense it makes. Another stupid comparison that makes sense: why is a polluting car from 1950 acceptable when a modern one needs to have far less emission? Why isn't it the same for videogames? It is perfectly acceptable in retro gaming, why shouldn't it be in a compilation.
This is just food for thoughts. I'm not saying it should be the same in every domain, but highlighting the issues of "being offended".
It's disappointing but not surprising people are offended because of a basic act of human decency.
@cdmac then we agree on that at least. But I'm not gullible to believe anything without stated evidence, so I'm still not convinced that a significant number of these foreign activists are also customers
@cdmac oh yeah, I was drawing from my memories pre-pandemic from “conversations that I drink through because it’s so dumb”.
I’m a future vegan, I haven’t been able to fully commit yet because I’d be dragging my family into it with me, but I’m definitely an ally
Hi. In the UK a polluting car from the 1950s is not acceptable. You can keep it in a museum though. Like video games.
@ResoluteGP who am I intolerant of? Nazis?
@Rhaoulos that’s actually still a bad example, because it’s not like Capcom is forbidding the sale of old carts, they’re just altering the current product.
If you wanted to make a car now that had 1950’s emissions, it wouldn’t be ok
@cdmac Depends on who you are asking really.
@TryToBeHopeful on man I’m jealous.
“Why can’t you tolerate my intolerance” is one of my favez
@Freak_Show i think the point you’re missing is, now that they’ve made the change, they’re hoping to court those customers
@cdmac activists aren't regular people?
@AtlanteanMan Good “Rant” 👍🏻 This idiotic cancel culture needs to end. All adults have the right to think for themselves.
These logical jumps are breaking my head. And why are there so many assumptions of bad faith?
@HeadPirate Miss me with that white guild, plenty 'none white' cultures and people have been guilty of erasure of history or justification of past atrocities.
There is no denying that all history is written in the blood of it's victims but no one has a monopoly of evil in this world.
@ResoluteGP have a nice day - sorry things didn’t work out between us, I tried 😞
@ResoluteGP I said the word. I’m asking you to explain what you mean. It’s not a big ask.
Anyway guys, SF2 is one hell of a game isn't?
Changed the arcade and home console gaming landscape for good.
As fun as it is to stir some beehives now and then, let's all realize that having different opinions can be a healthy and interesting thing.
Most of the people here are not evil or nasty people because in my experience most people aren't, wether you like em or not.
Whatever you do, don't be like Shadaloo
At least we can all agree that we all like video games. 👍🏻
@PatrickMarioMan “love the games; hate the gamers” as the old saying goes
I still don’t know the difference between all the different versions of street fighter 2, and I’m not going to learn now. Avoided buying any versions of it because I might as well just play Smash.
@khululy i was convinced as a child if I could get amazing bangs like Vega, the rest of my life would just fall into place nicely
Fair enough, as I said I was not condoning anything, and I am not sure what people want, has to be a balance somewhere though.
For instance what if you had a statue of a historical figure that did a lot of great things, but was also part of something that was not so good, as I said there has to be a balance.
@TryToBeHopeful tell us who your main is so we can start disagreeing on something
@PatrickMarioMan Love video games. I’m just very bad at them. Hence I end up spending hours arguing about something I actually do know about!
@cdmac activist only implies vocally or physically advocating for something, which is really easy for regular people nowadays with social media
@GannonBanned I’ve not played in more than a year, but if I tell you I’m really bad, I think you can guess.
@Freak_Show you’re confusing activism with slacktivism.
Tweets don’t feed the hungry, that’s just organizing.
And if you don’t have a circle to organize, it’s just complaining.
@Freak_Show I was an activist previously. Having an opinion on social media is not activism. It’s being a teenager.
@TryToBeHopeful Fox, Kirby, or (shudders) a Mii.
@cdmac what about banning it? Caught you!!!!!
@GannonBanned Kirby!
@TryToBeHopeful it’s ok tho, I play as the King of Evil, Ganondorf, who is OP if anyone is.
Also Mario because he’s Mario.
@cdmac Iknorite? What’s the record for comments by current and former academics?
@cdmac Some dorks are gonna find this article in an hour or two and start the whole cycle again.
However, since it seems like only the three of us are left, I guess the good guys won!!!
@TryToBeHopeful If you really want to challenge my usage of the word activism, go ahead and link me to a definition of the word from an authoritative source and explain why my usage doesn't fit any of the definitions. I'll gladly change to a more fitting word if you can do that; otherwise I'm going to ignore this semantics debate.
@TryToBeHopeful while I appreciate a good tautology, is Dr. Mario also Mario?
Buzz off, bootlicker. No gods no masters! Honor no kings!
@TryToBeHopeful 👍🏻
@GannonBanned It propably would have... I mean those bangs...
It’s like asking if I can call myself a plumber because I fixed my sink. I was an activist because I volunteered for a political party. Volunteering your time to any organisation with a political slant would make you an activist. Having an opinion on something, filling out a petition, or voting doesn’t. (My opinion).
@khululy I was cursed with thin, limp hair, alas.
Also, I lack the energy to scurry up a chainlink wall like a buff squirrel.
Oh Vega, you mensch.
@TryToBeHopeful being a plumber means using the pipes to teleport underground to a secret area with 10-30 coins in it
@GannonBanned Should we stop there? We're making the NL team work extra hours over the weekend to moderate this comment section and that's definitely not cool. Especially for a painting in the background of a video game. I did enjoy our chat though.
@GannonBanned I don’t understand why every island in Animal Crossing has nook brothers but they never recognise me.
@Rhaoulos i’m game to lay down our arms and embrace as brothers. Have a great weekend! For real for real! <3
Thanks for your diligence, NL overlords.
@TryToBeHopeful TBH all you guys look alike
@GannonBanned I am still, am I one of the good guys now too?
@khululy all people who try their best to be good people are good people.
Everyone else is still people and people deserve love and respect.
Welcome to the circle, friend
Capcom 1991: Let's make a one on one fighting game full of stereotypical characters with exaggerated features and make sure the only female character shows her crotch after she loses a match!
Capcom 2021: Keep everything...but that sun has got to go!
@TryToBeHopeful Cool, I respect that. But obviously I'm not going to be familiar with your personal definition of activist so I see no reason to think I was misusing the word. Anyways that argument is very pointless so if you have a better word (preferably something not from urbandictionary) I'm open to suggestions.
To be honest was thinking the exact same thing, but thought we already had enough to argue about .
All in all, this comment section was much more polite and open minded than previous NL comment section fiascos, not bad
@cdmac that's not true at all. All of these crazy big companies outright go after Trump supporters when they makeup half the country? Make sense, NO?! Why would you say anything and lose half of your business? I just said Trump supporters but it can go either way. I mean why companies feel the need to stick their nose into things that don't concern them is beyond me. And I have to admit I'm tired of all of the censorship. Some think that if you don't agree with them you deserve to be hurt, lose your job, beaten, your kids not eating, etc. It's ridiculous and un-American!
I don't remember anyone ever complaining about the sun being there ever. I was around when the original game released and nobody seemed to care about it then or now. It's a preemptive attempt by Capcom to avoid the cancel culture crowds baying for blood. That's the saddest part for me.
It started off pretty fiery, but has calmed down a lot, and been pretty good overall.
@Fifth313ment please scroll the entire thread and see all of these concerns have been debunked previously. Thanks!
@__jamiie my dad and grandfather complained a LOT and were furious
@Mallow Nazi Zombies in South Park The Stick of Truth.
@GannonBanned Well they'll be absolutely ****ing delighted now then.
The idea that nobody complained would sort of prove that it's not censorship.
@__jamiie nah now they’ll be like “cancel culture!!!” even though they thought the thanksgiving day parade shouldn’t show gay people dancing Broadway because kids are watching.
@PatrickMarioMan I freaking hate video games.
Just when I thought I was out...
Is there a reason why they can't have settings for stuff like this? How hard can it be to enable changing a few simple graphics so everyone can be happy? Or are people also upset that someone else can see what they choose? What's next? Changing Cammy's outfit or at least her suggestive win pose?
@DenimDemon a fortiori, as they say.
What's with the controversial articles? Anyway, I don't think our version in the west should be censored at all, there's no need for that. In China/Korea however who this actually affects, sure absolutely.
@Fifth313ment oh boy, so let me get this straight:
“I support a murderous imperial army” ✅
“I support boys kissing boys” 😱
What should we call the setting?
@RetroNarf the article is neutral, the controversy is hurt white feelings
ok ok my turn
Guile's stage should remove all US Army References. I'm also offended with Zangief's communist symbol in the ground. You know, Dhalsim's stage has a very religious look, I'm offended. What about Blanka? A monster in Amazon stage, you know, it's offensive to relate people from amazon as monsters...
(In few weeks I'll add my two cents about Fei-Long being bruce lee and some other topics in the next street fighter re-release)
Let's cancel Street Fighter 2! Let's play something neutral, like Mortal Kombat!!!
@jancotianno you know, they actually DID make Zangief less communist after the initial release on arcade cabinets.
Funny how nobody is complaining that we have less Gorbachev in our children’s homes
@cdmac A quick fix is starting using this as the default background for all these stages:
@GannonBanned I didn't know that. I realized they've removed communist references in later games
@cdmac Those both sound like AU Toby Keith songs.
@cdmac somebody’s about to claim their grandpa was a kulak to try and shame you hahahaha
@jancotianno Good point, based on body count the Communist symbol is far more offensive than the Rising Sun or even the Swastika. And I would be against removing that as well.
@GannonBanned The article itself is neutral, but they know well that it will cause the comments section to get, um, "active". Not sure what it has to do with white people, but eh.
@Freak_Show that was already debunked earlier in the comment section.
@cdmac Citation needed for that evidence-free claim, but regardless I am also against removing $ from any video game, though I'm not sure it appears in SF2.
whew, 420 (450 by the time I finished typing!) comments around. the amount of people acknowledging the fact this was a capcom move (at least, as far as I can tell) and not some boogeymen is maybe 4% of that, which baffles me
if it's really a make or break thing, why are people so against getting one of the two other versions of SF2 on the switch (one of which is 4-5 versions!) which are unchanged?
@Freak_Show you don’t think American capitalism has killed people?
I mean, I can already kind of tell that empirical research isn’t a hobby of yours, since you’re making claims that have already been addressed in this very comment thread.
@somebread perfect marketing move, it will work as a new DLC for the game
Absolutely prefer the balance of SFV sun. Glad capcom chose to remove the rising sun.
I just noticed this thread being all crazy and had to look through it. Interesting stuff. Couple thoughts:
-Video games are basically toys (look in your heart, you know it to be true) so they tend to undergo lots of changes to improve marketability. I personally dont like changes being made to classic content, but likewise a first time player isnt going to know (and they wont care either).
-Censorship (and I hesitate to really call it that, but...) isn't that bad. At least in video games it isn't. Seriously. They changed a stage background. WHO CARES. I feel like decrying censorship is just a way to avoid sounding like a child.
@Fifth313ment hetero is sexual as well. If you wanna go the “kids are too young” route, you would need to strip all the heterosexual romances out of Disney movies and kids shows and E video games. I’m all for it. Had to fast forward through so much crap as a kid. People don’t become sexual at (insert legal age here).
Sure, kids shouldn’t see actual explicit sexual acts but if a child can watch Aladdin and Jasmine kiss and flirt and date, they can watch Netossa and Spinnerella or Korra and Asami do the same.
Goalposts have gotta stop being moved to fit an anti-non heterosexual narrative. If children can’t handle any type of romantic/sexual knowledge then it goes both ways. Sterilize media, cut all non platonic contact so they can’t see it, and give them sex ed when they are (insert legal age). You can’t have it both ways and try to hold a supposedly objectively moral high ground as protecting child sensibilities.
You can’t flood all media with “sex/relationships leading to sex sells” and then go “oh wait not that sex” because of same-sex. Pretending that homosexuality doesn’t exist doesn’t make it go away. It just makes it dangerous for us to live our lives and ruins relationships (familial or platonic) for everyone. Heterosexual/Bisexual parents are still gonna keep birthing homosexual kids. Actually if you wanna tone down homosexuality tell heterosexuals to have less kids. Lowers the law of averages.
Oh yeah. There was an uproar in Korea over the one ship in One Piece having it displayed on it. Also in A Certain Scientific Railgun one character had it removed from his shirt to get ahead of any offense.
Its okay to be offended. Not everything in the world has to match up with your personal mindset, experiences and beliefs. I can see a swastika without being horrified, even though I oppose what it stands for. I would also not demand for it to be removed in entertainment.
The American flag can stand for brutal oppression to some people in some countries based on the events caused by a minuscule number of Americans, should we remove the American flag from everything?
@Bass_X0 sure, I don’t see why not
This is the more balanced view I was talking about.
What a comment thread. Good lord.
There once was a bathhouse in Tokyo
They called the Rising Sun
And it's been the ruin of many a streetfighter
And God, I know I'm one
@blodermoder you ask the only good point: why was it here at first. If not a political statement, should not be there...
Is anyone going make a petition to Capcom to put back the Rising Sun art?
Here's the truth, no one alive in Japan today is responsible for what happened in the past. Guilt is not inherited.
These days this "offense" is little more than thinly veiled racism against Japan. Largely pushed by the Chinese government with political aims.
I am kinda disapointed in most of us here, including myself, we came together as people who enjoyed videogames but we let politics and differing perspectives get in the way of looking at what we have in common, our love for video games.
I will now go home and be a family man.
"Why is it a big deal to try and not be offensive to people?"
Part of the art of Street Fighter is that it is a satire on nationalism. The fighters, the stages are all over the top characterizations of the places they come from. The entire concept of the game is absurd and offensive. That's the point, it's a very silly game that we all enjoy. I can barely tolerate the first change but admit that it should have solved any perceived offenses... but now that it's a blank wall it goes to a point that's just weird.
@Heavyarms55 you might have more of a point if the atrocities committed under said flag weren't regularly downplayed/outright said to never have happened by a fair amount of japanese people (most notably regarding the Nanjing Massacre, considering the number of prominent cultural figures and/or politicians who have denied it)
to imply "don't use what's a symbol of various atrocities to various nations, not just China" is racist and pushed by China (hell, South Korea seems to be the nation with the biggest problems with it from some cursory research) is absurd, and ironically reeks of sinophobia itself
@somebread Don't give me that nonsense. I lived in Japan for 5 years and worked in a school. The general line of thought held by most Japanese people is shameful remorse for what their ancestors did during the war and a firm commitment to peace unlike almost no other nation on this planet.
While countries like the USA have spent the last 70 years in virtually nonstop war, butchering people around the globe like they are aiming for a high score, Japan has been one of the strongest sources for peaceful power in the world.
If you want to talk about the actions of a handful of fringe nutjobs and a tiny portion of political figures go back to Qanon or 4chan.
And if you want to talk about atrocities committed under a flag? How about the American flag? You know, the only country to ever willingly nuke civilians.
@cdmac I’m from Southeast Asia. The Japanese occupied our country for the majority of WWII. My grandfather joined the armed forces in the Pacific to fight the Japanese.
Fast forward several years later. My grandfather drives a Toyota, bought me a Famicom, and takes me out to eat ramen all the time (before he passed away).
I like the sun imagery. It gives it a Japanese vibe. I just think that people are overly sensitive.
@Heavyarms55 see comment #254 regarding the american flag
that's great. i never was arguing japan is currently running to imperialize/go to war with anyone, just that it has its own issues with nationalism. germany also feels great regret for the holocaust/Nazi regime, and they have a strict "get rid of swastikas" mentality, as many have mentioned in this thread. they also have their own issues with nationalist nutbags/denialism, but they've at least got that down pat--why is Japan made to be any different here?
@somebread It's not. Japan is one of the most peaceful nations on Earth and considers it's actions in the past to be the greatest mistakes they ever made.
But you can find a handful of comments from a handful of people to suggest otherwise, or you can actually look at reality.
This idea that Japan denies what happened and what people in the past did is blatantly FALSE. It's a slander and a lie. Generally pushed by people who have never been to the nation or at most, visited for a week sometime and got butt hurt because some old man didn't speak English.
Meanwhile America and Europe are held up on pedastals like they are these bastions of justice and other such lies. They are nations that have spent the last nearly 80 years in nearly constant war. They've committed atrocities far worse that anything Japan did in the past. Drone strike, invasions, illegal coups, regime change, deposing democratically elected leaders. In the middle east, south east Asia, Africa, Latin and South America. They fund terrorists and rebels all over the planet, sell weapons like candy and destroy the economies of any 3rd world country their corporate masters dictate to them.
Japan? In the last nearly 80 years has had a tiny tiny fraction of people say some less than remorseful things about the sins of their grandfathers in WW2. Japan is not a perfect nation by most metrics. But I'm not okay with people badmouthing it and turning a blind eye to the active atrocities happening right now by the so-called "free world". And in these cases, it's not the sins of their grandparents or great grandparents, it's the sins of people still in power as we speak.
@Heavyarms55 i feel as though we're arguing different things here? for one, i don't think it's good to hold any nation on a pedestal, no matter what part of the world it is. for two, i don't think all of japan, or even most of it, denies the past, there's just a vocal minority, including some prominent people, which seems to be the case in a lot of nations right now--nobody is expecting your average japanese guy to pay up for a bad flag, but given what you're saying, the average japanese guy probably won't be flying it in the first place. the disconnect i had in the first place is that sinophobia is up in "red scare" levels of ridiculousness right now (especially considering people are using the recent atrocities with Uighurs/immensely stupid COVID paranoia to push it), which is where the pushing the idea that "people of East Asia might not like the old imperialist flag" is a strictly Chinese grab for power/is a racist sentiment comes off as ridiculous. for instance, coming back to South Korea, they were concerned about it in showing up at the olympics as of last year even
@nessisonett it’s not bad to be reminded of history
@cdmac Really? MK8? C'mon...
This is just a cynical corporate decision. Sad.
The rising sun is more of a New Orleans thing anyway.
Sorry, yes, I was late to the party and didn’t read many comments prior to posting, as I knew it’d be a bloodbath (!) in here.
Thank you for the chuckle! 😄
And that’s “mam” for me please, begging your pardon.
@Heavyarms55 hey, we killed PLENTY of civilians before and after the nukes, too!
Give us some credit, we’re pretty horrifically evil and imperial.
We’re still at it this very day!
@somebread hey! I wrote comment 254 and it doesn’t mention any flags, but I’ll chip in:
If someone from the Phillipines, Vietnam, Korea, Russia, Central America, Africa, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Palestine, etc said “jeez I don’t like romanticism of col guile and Americana” I’d definitely admit they have a valid reason to feel that way.
I don’t fly the American flag on anything, but I get drunk on the 4th of July, which is kind of patriotic?
@cdmac do a big thread on Eugene Debs vs. Lenin - those gentlemen had strong pens!
That’ll get us to five hundo
@GannonBanned might've meant 255 then--i don't know if the numbers change based on ignored users or not, but 254 is cdmac talkin' about the union jack for me
@somebread weird that’s 255 for me.
Oh well! Hope you’re having a nice day/night ☮️
Reactionaries losing their minds over stories like these never fails to disappoint. Ironic, because these are the same people who will pat themselves on the back for having sooooo much thick skin...
Side note: Pretending to be offended by things you're not actually offended by to make a point, is not the argument you think you're making. Bad faith arguments are just unnecessary noise that either reveals one's ignorance or how little stake they actually have with the topic at hand.
So... when are we cancelling the Union Jack, then?
@killerBOB: Love the cynicism. The site has exploded with subtly political articles since a certain somebody set foot on this site. I'm not sure if I'm willing to stomach it for much longer though, especially when my impartial comments often get deleted in such articles without notice, but I suppose remarks grounded in logic and reason are considered to constitute unacceptable content around here.
@erikharrison Your ****ing racism and sexism has no place here. Your comment has been Reported. I have no respect for your mindless ideologically-fuelled attacks on an identifiable group.
Not really a big deal. In fact, it's for the best.
The Doom II port on Switch had already de-Nazified its sprites and textures in the secret levels and not many seemed to mind then.
@COVIDberry To clarify, the only comment I can find from ErikH is:
"An enormous number of white men in North America complaining about "cancel culture" for a change made to keep sales up in Korea.
If you're Korean and you want to tell me that the symbols of Japan's brutal genocide aren't offensive to you, I'll listen. Maybe the rest of us can acknowledge that this change isn't about us?
Unless I missed something, this is a reasonable comment, suggesting that unless we ourselves are part of the issue, to step aside. Did I miss something? Genuinely curious.
Also, I see that we are trying to get to 500. With my power of insomnia, I may be able to help
@YorkshireNed Is geopolitics a Western buzzword, too? Can we use it, in your stead?
@Elvie I must not have played Doom II thoroughly enough, I never saw any nazi symbols. Maybe I just never found the secret levels with them? I guess that's good, not a fan of that stuff.
NINJA, uh, I can't approve that symbol, sorry.
What surprises me more, is only a few sites like Japanese game blog はちま起稿 (Hachima) mentioning Capcom also changed Fei Long (Hong Kong)'s flag to PRC flag when reporting about this Rising Sun problem.
(Kotaku only mentioned this as a small footnote)
It used to be British Hong Kong flag but later changed to Hong Kong's regional flag in 30th Anniversary Collection, and now, the PRC flag.
Hong Kong, despite being a so-called "one country, two systems" SAR (special administrative region) for 50 years (expire in 2047), having its own flag and special SAR passport, requiring special permit for traveling to and from Hong Kong for other people, got its flag changed.
BTW, Zangief still has U.S.S.R. flag.
Seems no one remember what happened in Hong Kong since 2019...
All hail communism, and don't piss the su-POOH-reme leader off LOL
@rushiosan I can't find the credits for the background designer, but all the character designers seem to be Japanese ( I can't imagine they wouldn't know what this symbol represents.
@GannonBanned Yeah I think we can all agree some Americans have an unhealthy obsession with flags in general. Symbols only have as much power as you personally give them.
The key point to this is, the creator of the game changed the design. It's the same as George Lucas changing the original trilogy. If the artist wants to change something, they're free to do so. It's their work at the end of the day.
Of course it's their game and right to alter or remove whatever they want, but this goes beyond a simple design change for simple visual purposes, it's more of a political move than anything else.
So true, if you take any group of people and go back through history they would have done bad things, and they all have a lot. But you have to remember those things but also move on, the current generation can't carry the guilt of these events forever.
@GannonBanned Tell that to people put in Gulags by Soviet Union. Far Left and Far Right are united in their desire to trample on individual rights and individual freedoms in the rush to build their differing utopias. Thats why China in some ways can be both. What unites them is an intolerance for others views and finding ways to shut them down. Anyone supporting democracy should always seek to uphold the side against censorship.
The problem with the left I am afraid, quick to point out the right are not very inclusive and very closed minded, while at the same time treating everyone who does not agree with them the enemy, hypocrisy at it's finest.
@johnvboy This is very true. I remember when the right wing were pro censorship of blood and sex on the basis of christian values. And the left were truly liberal and anti censorship. Now the left are worse than the right wanting to censor things like mirandas butt in mass effect or anything that involves an offhand stereotype due to the liberal ideology. Its funny to see how things change. Overall Im always anti censorship even if i disagree with whats being portrayed.
@T0mizawa So true lol. All these so-called "awakened" companies are happy to criticise things in the west or liberal countries. As soon as it could mean passing on the china growth story though theyre quick to shutup. What company has stopped dealing with china as a result of the atrocities theyre committing in xinjiang. Just shows the absolute hypocrisy.
Yes the left and right seem to have swapped positions on censorship, I mean the name conservative tends to make me think of censorship more.
Triggering right-wingers seems to draw lots of traffic to Nintendo Life. 500 comments this time, impressive!
Btw. Capcom should have gone with the sun from SFV instead of a blank wall. It looks so dull without one.
@Mikey_205 "Anyone supporting democracy should always seek to uphold the side against censorship." What about my freedom not to?
@johnvboy Or it could it be that social conservatives and the alt-right have different views, and it's the alt-right that are being amplified now because they like the internet. Social conservatives aren't mad about games with big lady butts either.
@cdmac Just played some Hades watched some 1950s game shows and had a good nights sleep. Morning!
Well of course there will be degrees to left or right, it's not as simple as you being just one or the other.
@T0mizawa that's concerning! hope they don't do the same for Dan when he comes to SFV...
@johnvboy It's not just degrees, it's different groups. So it's also not super helpful to draw generalisations about leftwing people or rightwing people but focus on the arguments.
@TryToBeHopeful Your right to do that needs to be upheld and exist in law and not censored by those who disagree with you.
@Mikey_205 Rights can't be censored though. And it's up to me to decide if getting upset about a backdrop in video game really has anything to do with repression, or if it's just a business decision.
@erikharrison I found your comment offensive because you assumed opinions based on race and gender. You should delete it. You should have deleted it before I complained. Im thinking about deleting this comment now, and I haven't even finished writing it. Sorry if any of my good intentioned words have an unexpected negative reaction.
@TryToBeHopeful Rights can be taken away and expression of opinion can be censored. I don't want things being taken out of games because it's considered distasteful by people. I don't want blood removed from Mortal Kombat or made green for "encouraging violence", I don't want Christian symbols removed from SMT for being "blasphemous", I don't want a symbol of the sun removed for being "political" and I don't want Mirandas butt de-emphasised for being "sexist". I want games to be uncensored - because ultimately anyone can be offended by anything.
@Mikey_205 I get what you want. But my point is that you're not seeing the issue with the statement "Anyone supporting democracy should always seek to uphold the side against censorship." You've defined censorship and implied that by disagreeing with your opinion I'm not doing what someone who supports democracy should do. My definition of censorship doesn't include companies making business decisions.
We have focused on the arguments, I was simply pointing out there is hypocrisy on both sides.
I am not here to be super helpful as you put it.
A business decision based on something that may or not cause offence, and therefore censoring it.
@TryToBeHopeful Removing a political symbol from a game for being controversial is censorship. It is pretty clear-cut even if it's a business decision. Nintendo removing blood from Mortal Kombat was also a business decision "family values" alongside being a crazen move pandering to conservative ideologies at the time about completely baseless concerns about violence in videogames.
@johnvboy well like you said, it's all a question of context, especially for the Hakenkreuz. No German will be offended by this Symbol walking through Asian temples and seeing it on Buddha's chest. Putting a Nazi Uniform in a Barbie Game just for the purpose of fun, this could offend some people as this would have absolutely no purpose for the game.
Just like here, the Symbol has no purpose for telling a story. Honda is one of the good guys according to the movie and is fighting the regime of Bison. So really , it has no purpose here. On top of that's Capcom can do with their games whatever they want
@mazzel someone gets it.
I prefer the original design but I'm not Asian so I don't know if it can really be awkward for them in spite of being pictured for centuries.
Never stated Capcom can't do what they want or people can't be offended by this, but does that mean it's automatically offensive, of course not.
Or somebody agrees with your own personal point of view, can't have it both ways.
And how many people playing these games for years now, all over the world, would have been on this stage and thought the rising sun logo was offensive in the first place.
I get why they are changing it, as why leave any chance of causing offence to anybody.
@johnvboy never said you said, that's why I put this comment separately this was my own opinion and not directly towards you 👍
@johnvboy I'm a democratic centrist. I don't really care if people agree with me as long as they can see both sides of an argument.
@cdmac Can we make this the longest comment chain that doesn't get locked down? Or is it just inevitable?
@cdmac when i do political compass I come out left of Stalin. But the nature of my work means I have try to rein that all in. Similarly, I'm a Christian who believes government should be secular.
@cdmac Unhelpful ad hominems, probably? Circular arguments?
@jancotianno Oh FFS, I am sick of the people that are so obsessed with themselves that is driving the "I need to be represented" in everything nonsense these days. I don't watch films or play games to see myself in them, I do so for the story or the experience that I would pretty much never be able to have in real life, I don't sit there thinking "where am I in this?". Do they not realise that Nintendo is a Japanese company that does extremely well in Japan yet none of the Mario characters are Japanese?
I do get both sides, so I am in total agreement with you, far too much emphasis on these sections trying to state which side is right or wrong.
Thanks for that, I very rarely take anything personal on these comment sections, life is far too short for that.
@johnvboy yep that's right. Probably half the discussion here wouldn't escalate like this in real life as sarcasm and tone of speech is often misunderstood in written text, especially if people don't know each other...
Because the switch can't handle that much detail.@MS7000
@AtlanteanMan didn't even have to look at your profile to know where you came from…
I understand what you're saying but I kinda have to disagree. Removing historical stuff cause 'gross' isn't a good thing imo.
The confederate flag is the same thing. Fine don't sell it or fly it really (unless you're one of the 74 million traitors in the USA last election) but don't remove it from prior art. There's lessons to be learned.
@Mikey_205 if you think the USSR had a problem with prisons exclusively, read about the US prison-industrial complex sometime.
I recommend starting with The New Jim Crow.
Wouldn’t want the sun to melt the snowflakes.....
@Nookingtons the movie industry was invented in California and Japanese people removed this flag.
Delete your account and read a book.
So! How about them Antifa, ready for another good season of 30 innocent folks and 1500 locally-owned businesses?
@cdmac @angelfox is saying fascism is good, as far as I can tell
@GannonBanned @cdmac
It was not just bad harvests that caused the famine. I know what my ancestors lived through. If you think forcibly taking land and grain is a good idea you are a psychopath.
And you both made light of this which absolutely is very offensive to some which reveals you to be colossal hypocrites.
Nothing wrong with the sickle and hammer?
@teko have you heard of manifest destiny? Empires are bad! Countries are bad! Full stop.
@cdmac I wonder how those burghers got the land to begin with? I love how people imagine Tsarist Russia was blameless, lovely land of lassez-faire market capitalism equality - or that present day Russia post-USSR is the land of the free.
@cdmac TBH whenever I start seeing all this gulag talk I mentally insert “but my dad said...” in front of it and it makes more sense at the level of the accusor
@GannonBanned I completely agree with all empires being bad.
@cdmac again your comments are completely insensitive and show what a hypocrite you are
Use all of that energy for some exercise.
And what was their identity? An arm of the Imperial Japanese Navy?
I never understood E. Honda’s background to begin with
@cdmac You know absolutely nothing about me or my family who were never rich, call people who you know nothing about liars, trivialize the suffering of millions because it doesn't fit with your political ideology. And pretend like you're the good guy standing up for sensitivity.
@Akimi i exercise every day!
@GannonBanned Then why is your face sideways?
@TryToBeHopeful i took that picture on the equator, so I was perpendicular to polar north
@cdmac I've seen Goodbye Lenin, they had rubbish junk food.
Real talk: why does the floor change colour between the first pic and the next two?
@cdmac if you ever really want the NintendoLife comment section to blow up, find ways to make fun acronyms with the numerical code 1312
Best at kicking
@cdmac I never said I suffered. I'm not saying woe is me.
But my great grandparents certainly did. And millions of people have suffered because of communism, just like millions have suffered from predatory crony capitalism.
Thanks again for showing how sensitive you are being careful not to offend anyone
@cdmac oooh, can’t swear tho, they’ll report you for that
“Cancel you”, if you will indulge me a small bon mot
@teko my great grandfather got gutted by a bayonet at Okinawa, he was a US Soldier and a registered socialist. He lived!! (Well, he died 10 years ago, but you know)
All good
(Judy Hops from Zootopia)
@cdmac yeah, the scar was gnarly, weird little hexagonish spot a few inches left of the belly button, little pucker like a cigarette burn on the back.
He had a great story about when he woke up on his cot somebody was robbing him and he was just seized with a brutal rage and just swung into the dark and connected then fell back out.
He woke up the next day and reported that somebody was burglarizing his effects in the night and it turned out it was a friend of his who was just organizing his stuff while waiting for him to come around and my grandfather had knocked out two of the guys teeth, severely hurting his hand.
Great thing about the US Army back then, once he was recovered they were just gonna send him back out to fight even though he felt like crud, but they dropped the first bomb on his birthday and he got to go home.
He said it was the weirdest birthday present ever.
He was a good great grandpa, I loved him a lot.
@cdmac oh I’m anti bombing people, from the nukes to dresden to the absolute atrocities that were carried out in Vietnam
I'm glad I stick to good, clean, inoffensive fun like GTA. I saw the rising sun art when I won as Honda when I was 10, and I said "no thank you, insensitive monsters!"
They should have had an opening question: press (A) if you have political sensitivity towards imagery in videogames or (B) if you just play games for fun and don't read too much into it,
They could then provide an altered version, only for those who want it.
@Moistnado I know what you mean, I love running around Saints Row IV all day punching cops that pulled people over, but I could never perform such an act of demonstrative liberation IRL because I would be murdered, so it’s just harmless fun
@cdmac Switch Pro? More like Switch ProLETARIAT
@15roundTKO I did actually chuckle at this, but partially at the expense of free speech lunatics who also played a video to congress about how video game violence VERY BAD
I think what a lot of you maniacs are missing is:
Most of us didn’t care about the rising sun flag, but other people were offended and we said “oh, of course, sorry”
You’re mad about the “oh of course, sorry” part which means YOU care, not us snowflakes who are honoring the social contract and treating others the way we want to be treated
@cdmac if we can reach just one, we did good praxis
So serious question... is Mario offensive to Italians?
@cdmac Nobody was being fed. The grain was rotting.
Your callousness is disgusting
Joke answer: Italians literally invented fascism, so who knows, they have to sit this round out
Real answer: idk, I’ve never heard any complaints about it! It’s a fair question, but one I’m not well versed in.
Joke post-script: it’s not racist if it’s against Italians, this is a well known feature of humor
@teko since I live in the USA, a proud and free nation where people NEVER starve or freeze to death every day, and isn’t entering Year 2 of shortage and quarantine, I literally can’t imagine what it was like
@cdmac You think I want to get into a lengthy personal discussion on a public video game forum?
Some manage to escape. Those that stayed starved to death.
My 2 cents:
I don’t care either way. Getting mad over this is useless virtue signaling.
@cdmac a kid with socialist healthcare, nonetheless.
Also, he’s yet to extend his sympathetic condolences to my real grandfather that was stabbed by a soldier flying the Japanese flag, so I don’t think he’s arguing from good faith verses some bizarre clarion call to defend white capitalism from the specter of equality
I hate this PC era we live in.
Deleting history, as some left wing radical will be offended.
My heroes carried a guitar.
Millennials heroes carry a keyboard, and a box tissues to cry into.
I’ve commented twice, g.
@RandomAfricanGamer yeah I realized I’d seen you comment on the blizzard article and self deleted.
Full public apology: i was mistaken and incorrect, and I apologize for being combative.
Wanted to add my 2 cents
No problem.
@Madder128 what heroes are you talking about? Woody Guthrie? Jimi Hendrix?
@GannonBanned @cdmac I don't care if you don't believe me.
Thanks again for showing yourselves to be the callous smug pompous hypocrites that you are.
@teko well, you haven’t expressed any sympathy to my grandfather who was wounded under that flag, so I don’t think the hypocrisy is on my end
Donkey Kong and his entire family and friend groups are obsessed only with bananas. This is primate stereotyping and it must be stopped.
@GannonBanned At no point did I defend the Japanese imperialist army.
My sympathies to your grandfather
@15roundTKO bananas are good tho, they have a potassium rich diet, probably rarely cramp.
@teko hey thanks! I appreciate it, he’s dead now, but the flag never personally bothered me. I don’t mind it being taken out of the game though, as I respect the wishes of others who may be offended.
@cdmac I bet you thought it was great fun when my sweet prince Harambe was murdered in cold blood then. Callous.
@15roundTKO oh god is this turns into a dirks out for harambe throwback I’m going to push the plunger and detonate the bridge and doom us all
@cdmac capitalism
I feel like you crazy communists have been missing my moderating influence.
@TryToBeHopeful always miss a friend. I’m a crazy Christian Socialist, my man @cdmac is the crazy Communist.
Join us, crazy left leaning democratic friendo
I’m still confused why the flag image was in the game in the first place.
@cdmac do I have to wear a big hammer and sickle?
Ever since the first zipper was undone, the movement was never going to stop. #RIPHarambe
@cdmac aha. That’s what this article is missing. Although sounds like an epilepsy inducing nightmare.
@TryToBeHopeful since everything is modern now, the hammer and sickle have been replaced with a robot and a solar panel
@GannonBanned That is way too close to my old political home.
@TryToBeHopeful transhumanist green party? if they’ve joined forces I’ll donate haha
@GannonBanned Don't make me google Christian Transhumanism. Honestly, if I reveal any more of my politics, my carefully anonymised profile will be destroyed.
@GannonBanned I did it! It exists. I'm not clicking on the links.
@TryToBeHopeful fax me some consecrated host to download into my transubstantiation drive
@cdmac everyone has certain privileges. It's called life. I do care about how people feel, so much so that i think that people who are traumatized by an image in an old videogame should seek mental health advice. Press (a) for normal content, as in what is accurate to the original Retro content you paid for or (b) for the censored version for people who get upset by things that existed before call out culture. - I think this is a solution for all, no?
@GannonBanned That's Catholic Transhumanism.
@TryToBeHopeful i’m ecumenical
@cdmac I didn't notice the ***** which indicates a naughty word. Enjoy your online privilege because in real life you have to be accountable for your words.
@Moistnado dude we’re trying to debate the importance of religious acceptance across ideologies and communities in here and you’re hung up on somebody using a swear and canceling them for their speech?
@GannonBanned dude, Debate whatever you like. Be respectful of other people.
@Moistnado or don't, but don't expect people to respect you.
@Moistnado I’m just surprised you want to cancel someone else for their speech offending you. Seems a little overly sensitive, but that’s just me. /s
@GannonBanned didn't cancel anyone. Im not offended by words of strangers or pictures in old games. My point is that, people who care ever so much about respect, should show some respect.
@Moistnado can you elaborate on that point and your specific grievances, please? I’m interested and would like to hear your opinion.
My wife loves people and also loves swearing. Do we have to break up?
@TryToBeHopeful this is the Internet, you are supposed to say MAI WAIIIFE
We have both said the exact same things before, about virtue signalling.
My personal angle on it is that I would like the original release of the game, unless it has been enhanced for gameplay purposes. With old Retro games, I enjoy seeing the content as an expression of zeitgeist these cultural products capture. When this is politically incorrect, I do understand this. I understand that people in history made mistakes. Why pretend this didn't happen? An updated game is not authentic. It may be less offensive to certain sensitive parties but I would rather download a Rom to play the authentic game. My opinion, if revisionist history is your thing, good for you, enjoy.
Depends, does she swear at you, or because of you, my wife says there is a difference,
@Moistnado You had to add the last line...
@johnvboy All of the above. It's lockdown!
@basswitch yup, I mean... maybe the idea was to represent some sort of old japanese painting, like hundreds of those which have mt Fuji and a rising sun in the background. Okami has the very same landscapes and it's not even remotely tied to imperialism/politics.
I just want Antifa to liberate 30 moar peope from their lives and burn another 1500 locally owned business!!! They're not fascist, its in their NAME!
@Moistnado the street fighter you played on console as a kid had communism references removed that had been in the original cabinet.
This isn’t a NEW thing, your memories are tainted already
@cdmac you speak of privilege but get bored when after trying to disrespect people online and they notice.
"You speak of Solar-a-nite"
@AngelFox first of all that statistic really needs some citations, second if all if that’s the case the stats are pretty good compared to the actual Fascism that destroyed MILLIONS of lives and hundreds of thousands of businesses
@GannonBanned for me, Retro games are about plying the same game you played in the past. If you disagree, all power to you.
But everything is fascism! Also I want Zangief and Gorbachev to cossack dance while Bison repeatedly shouts "Delicious!"
@Moistnado so you want them to restore the communism and USSR celebrations, so other people can have their first experience, even though it would wipe out yours, or you want your experience to triumph?
Real question I’m asking in good faith, I feel like this is an interesting thought experiment
@AngelFox you know what isn’t fascism?
Socialism, aka “The good thing”
The lockdown is just a prolonged argument at home, you tend to notice the little things your wife does that annoy you, like breathing.
@GannonBanned I think he's saying it would be like editing classic movies or re-writing history. It's part of the cultural zeitgeist, and can be learned from and studied (or appreciated).
@GannonBanned And YES! I want other people to own my personal workmanship, family, or freedom. It's the "Good Thing"
@cdmac Dude....... you literally made the "they're called anti-fascist" argument......
I can't even.
@AngelFox grow some plants in your yard that induce euphoria, see if you keep those freedoms over your workmanship and property
@AngelFox i think you should be aware that due to active scholarship history is “re-written” all the time, because it wasn’t necessarily accurate preciously
The real point is what did E. Honda's bath house really look like? This is History, people! And there's things we can learn from it!
@cdmac Burning minority-owned businesses and killing people isn't the concept of "anti-fascism" I was aware of.
@cdmac to the economy, and the music industry, yes.
@cdmac That's right, I only see destruction and murder at the hands of people that call themselves "anti-fascist", not sure what else I'm supposed to
@AngelFox you ever get so mad you broke something you owned or punched a hole in the wall and threw your controller?
A neighborhood is people, and people don’t always respond logically to trauma or pain.
I know I don’t.
@GannonBanned found that amusing haha
Hendrix yes, a guy I knew played with him.
He died a few years back now.
@cdmac Is it when they make butts less obvious in video games?
@TryToBeHopeful my wife also swears. I believe in freedom of expression so this is not a concern for me. If she swore by using asterixes online to strangers, to enforce a weak argument, and to disrespect people she doesn't know but circumvent the abuse rules, I would lose a lot of respect for her. My wife wouldn't do this.
@TryToBeHopeful the real fascism is when people want female characters to be well rounded instead of well, round.
From Wiki: "Whataboutism, also known as whataboutery, is a variant of the tu quoque logical fallacy that attempts to discredit an opponent's position by charging them with hypocrisy without directly refuting or disproving their argument.[1][2][3]
Whataboutism is particularly associated with Soviet and Russian propaganda."
It's official, we've reached the end of History.
@Moistnado bro/sis/non-binary sibling, defend your wife if she chooses to use a potty word.
To have and to hold, etc
@GannonBanned No, that's just good taste. (Slaps own hand)
@TryToBeHopeful nice Fukuyama reference.
Also, the Soviet Whataboutism was actually pretty good for America.
America would be like don’t trust these guys, they’re commies
USSR would say no no don’t trust these guys, they don’t even let black children use the bathroom
And USA was like uhhhhh we’ll fix that I reckon.
@TryToBeHopeful Actually, Whataboutism is applied to either side to just shut down an argument. I could call your "whataboutism"...whataboutism.
I don't think I've used whataboutism, and I've got no idea why anyone's talking about antifa.
@GannonBanned Not seen Futurama in ages.
@TryToBeHopeful antifa got brought up ex nihilo, the last refuge of the gamer
We need Bison -IN- the tub shouting, "This is delicious!!!"
@B3lla88_666 that’s super cute how you are agreeing with somebody who’s offended while saying people shouldn’t be offended and should be quiet if they agree or disagree
@B3lla88_666 “haha you’re triggerd” - person who CREATED AN ACCOUNT specifically to comment on this issue.
@cdmac wanted to make sure you got to back in the glory of the 88fash up there who used the amazing phrase “reactionary leftist liberal”
Reactionary. Leftist. Liberal.
@B3lla88_666 Welcome to NintendoLife, guy!!! Where the US opposed the soviet union because "commies" hurr-durr, and not because their marxist ideology killed 10-20 million people! I still want Bison in the damn tub!
@B3lla88_666 oh, so it’s a coincidence that you created the account at the same time you stumbled across this article to offer positive support to a guy who’s been tirelessly debunked by dozens of comments to leave a hysterically double sided comment.
Oh well, stranger things have happened
@Heavyarms55 Educate me on this. I was under the belief that there was at least some truth to Japan downplaying their role over the atrocities committed during World War II.
For example, I remember reading about how manga artist Junji Ito often criticizes Japanese society through his work and that Gyo was inspired by Unit 731 and Japan's supposed past reluctance to mention it.
I also heard about controversies over their history textbooks with some people seeing them as rather brief in areas when it discusses the 1930's-1940's period.
Although, I do recall bringing up Hideki Tojo once to my father, who was a Japanese citizen, and he seemed to get somewhat angry and called him "worse than Hitler" but he spent a good deal of his life in the U.S. as well so I'm not sure if this sentiment was affected by his dual citizenship.
I'm not really trying to take sides here, just trying to get the facts straight because it would comfort me to learn that Japan is completely open and honest about their past.
@John_Koshiro They are (mostly), and yes the war flag can be totally offensive to, well, much of asia.
@Isz88_14 you could at least pretend to not be a nazi, you know.
You ban yourself with your foolishness.
Whatever, bro.
@GannonBanned Dude! Where on earth did THAT come from!?
@John_Koshiro dave barry has a book about when he visited japan for an extended stay and he said it was very frustrating on the anniversary of the bomb it was mainly treated as just something that happened bad luck oh shucks one day out of the blue without mentioning the war or allying with the Axis powers or anything.
I wasn’t there, so I can only repeat what I read.
@AngelFox yo! What up? Where did what come from?
@GannonBanned I meant calling the guy a nazi. Rude, I can see. Not a follower of ole' pencil mustache.
@AngelFox good question! Time for a little PSA for the comment section at large.
They have white supremacy/neo-nazi numerology in their username.
“14” stands for the 14 words, the creed of white supremacists.
“88” stands for Hail Hitler, H being the 8th letter of the alphabet.
Since there are (i’m estimating) just shy of around 10,000 possible two digit numbers that could be randomly chosen, the chances of innocuously landing on 14 & 88 are, well, around 1:9700.
So, probability is on my side to call them a nazi
@GannonBanned I legitimately didn't see that. Totes gotcha.
@AngelFox it’s all good, I genuinely don’t mind people disagreeing with me, having separate opinions, arguing with or insulting me. We all have our own unique life experiences.
But when somebody just kicks in the door waving that flag, I don’t have the patience. Everyone else here is ok in my book, even if they’re calling me a stupid SJW, I don’t care, heck, 10 years ago I would have been on the other side of the argument.
@GannonBanned I'm actually not even for name calling, though I'll tease if others are doing it. And yeah, that was RIGHT in the name. This is why I couldn't be a mod.
@AngelFox i try not to name call, even at my most frustrated I try and keep it to “that argument/statement is really wrong” and not “STUPID” because a lot of WRONG information is learned, they had teachers (of any variety, not just school) that were misinformed, uninformed, or acting in bad faith.
A lot of politics and religion is just default settings, so when you disagree with people I try to be mindful of saying “you are incorrect on this issue” without making it sound like “you have been wrong your whole life”.
The struggle continues, as THE saying goes (I’m absolutely not comparing myself to Ms. Angela Davis tho, I’m scum)
The internet pitchfork mobs have changed the world in very unpleasant ways. A universal self censorship to an imaginary ideal where everything is universal and nothing is inherently of a single group is now the norm. Yet amidst that, we have a handful of politically sanctioned groups that divide and self segregate with the only apparent goal of cleaving permanent divides between groups of people along controllable fault lines.
Ok the surface this is corporate protection in various markets, yet it's a new protection that hasn't been needed in prior decades. The rising sun is well hated in parts of Asia for good reason, and yet it's a traditional symbol on Japanese design that predates it's imperial meaning by centuries, and is, indeed, still used today by the JSDF navy, and is not merely a past symbol of their ww2 behavior. Ripping out anything associated with the past because some people don't like seeing it makes no sense. By that standard, mitsubishi famously made the Zero aircraft used to kill countless people in wwii. Should mitsubishi be forced to close and rebrand so as not to offend anyone?
With this particular blunt change, i have to ask though.... Are they planning to sell this in China? That could explain quite a bit.....
@NEStalgia I dunno. And yes the symbol means VERY different things between the nations. But the censorship on behalf of China is frightening. As in -outright- frightening. I don't care, left or right; cultural genocide and human rights abuses are happening ad- wholesale, and that is not some right-wing propaganda. How people see China as a get-rich-quick market, and not, "Yeah, let's not support that" is terrible.
And I meant what I said about cultural zeitgeists. It's like playing SF4 or 5, then looking at the whole Zangief/Gorbachev thing and saying, "Wow! Look how far we've come"
@AngelFox look at us agreeing!!!
Updating images to help people? good
Bending the knee to chinese totalitarian dictatorship? BAD
But I do think Chinese citizens deserve to play street fighter also, so it’s more of a “you suck” to Xi than to Capcom
@GannonBanned I'll drink to that!
@nessisonett and why is that so hard to deal with? I really don't understand people's inability to deal with anything these days. Everything needs to be hidden away, or it will set of some Karen's ptsd. Such a strange thing.
@GannonBanned 88 and 14 are also the numbers of a lot of different athletes. So yeah, it's not difficult at all to come up with those numbers. For instance, being born in 88 and his favorite NBA player being Brandon Ingram (number 14).
@Kobeandodom that’s very thoughtful and polite of you to appear at the very end of a 700 comment thread to randomly defend a Nazi. With your second comment ever.
Nothing suspicious or sock puppet-y there, not at all.
@GannonBanned I just defended the fact 14 and 88 are very common numbers in athletics, and 88 is very common birth year obviously lol. Sorry I blew a hole in your little Karen rant though.
What did you tell me a while back, on a similar comment section, never an easy path to tread, putting some reasoning in these debates.
But I do tend to agree with you.
@Kobeandodom you don’t have to blow a hole in anything, my guy, especially with such spurious and timely logic.
@GannonBanned I certainly don't have to, to think it was required would be silly. Though watching such fallible logic being displayed so proudly was amusing. I'm sure you won't even admit how incredibly faulty your logic is.
@Kobeandodom speaking of faulty, I love how people think they’re being really slick with ban evasion when mods can pull the IP address without even trying.
Like, at least use a VPN.
@GannonBanned not sure what people partaking in ban evasion has to do with our conversation. Though it does seem I was correct, you won't admit the fallacy of your logic. In fact you went so far to avoid it, you changed the topic of the conversation completely, and steered into an irrelevant tangent.
Thanks for coming to my defense, though as my comment seems to have vanished I don't know that it worked
@COVIDberry and @Moistnado
I don't need to "assume" that some of the people yelling about "cancel culture" are white American men when people on Twitter post their location and a profile image. I am a white man from America, after all, I know a few people like me, and I don't have to assume anything to know what the opinions of my friends/coworkers/neighbors are, I can see them on Twitter. I wasn't assuming anything about you specifically, or everyone who made such a comment.
I was noting that "cancel culture" is a Western idea and that Capcom is a Japanese company who made this change for a Korean audience. And I was also saying that if any Korean folk wanted to pipe up about how they felt about Japanese company altering the background for a Japanese character to not have a symbol associated with a brutal genocide performed by the Japanese on their people I would be interested, and that other people - people like me - maybe didn't have anything super relevant to say.
If you believe that was sexism and racism then I'm afraid you'll find me difficult to convince.
@erikharrison I gotchu
@erikharrison I know better than to argue with ideologues.
For anyone else still reading:
The mods have removed erikharrison's original, bigoted comment. This person was launching yet another of these tired but currently popular attacks on those evil white males you hear so much about. (He admits to being one of them, yet feels free to voice his opinion!)
Right now, for these people, the hated group is white men. As the study of revolutions and human history in general tells us, though, the wheels turn: the target can change! What this kind of person says about white males today will later apply to others - and then it will be the turn of another group to be told:
History is full of injustice; people like this use that very fact to justify their bigotry. For the rest of us, though, there is a question: can we restrain them and shut down these historical cycles? Or do we have to go through this until Mother 4, Half-Life 3 and Scalebound are released?
I doubt I'll be playing this version very much anyway. The Switch's controller doesn't lend well to fighting games, I find. I'll stick with Street Fighter 30th Anniversary on PS4.
I can understand being offended by stuff like that, if horrible things happened to you in the context.
My question would be, who exactly is offended here?
WW2 ended 75 years ago, everyone under the age of 80 should not recall anything bad happening to them under that flag.
Is Street Fighter this popular with the elderly?
Small scale censorship like this doesn't bother me much, but I genuinely wonder who is offended by this stuff and why exactly.
Usually I only hear people basically say, "Oh, but someone ELSE is surely offended!"
@COVIDberry Why are you so focused on being white? The majority of people don’t care that you’re white. What kind of horrible opinions must you have if you’re feeling your being attacked?
@erikharrison your comment was deleted for a reason.
@cdmac Let's share our love of games instead of calling people nasty names.
@Moistnado This individual has already been Reported, and anyone reading the thread can draw their own conclusions about this person's state of mind.
I understand that we have all lived through this pandemic period with difficulty, but one should at least try to have standards.
Offensive or not, erasing the past will not change it. We have to instead accept that it exists, warts and all, and learn from it.
As reflected in society today, those who would rather choose to forget or ignore the past are always doomed to repeat it.
@GannonBanned I did learn that one one of NL has 1888 in his twitter handle. Freaked me out until I realised lots of Glaswegians do because it was the year Glasgow Celtic was founded.
@AngelFox Changing Hong Kong flags, Taiwan flags, etc. is not great. If this edit was made because of the Chinese market, again, not great. Still, a business decision, but not great.
Just another worthless article that aims to spark a comment war. And it succeeded.
So why not just make it an option that users can toggle on or off?
The 0.005% that actually care about a sun on a background wall can disable, while the 99.995% that prefer the original design can experience it how it was designed.
@Rika_Yoshitake For a lot of Japanese, this is offensive. The removal wasn't for you. I still can't believe that people get upset when offensive material is removed if it doesn't offend you personally. It's not about you!
Over 700 comments? Really? If you want to play to with the rising sun, there’s plenty of alternatives out there.
@BloodNinja The secret levels are full of Nazi soldiers from Wolfenstein 3D. I think the joke is that it's only natural for them to end up in Hell.
There's a secret exit in Map 15 that will take you to one of them.
@Elvie I'll have to hunt around lol Thanks!
The best thing about the comment section for articles like this is how all the people who need to be on my ignore list just come right out and tell on themselves.
@Darlinfan you have no idea what you're talking about. maybe do some research on what the Japanese did during WW2. It would be like glorifying the Nazi symbol
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