How Well Do You Know Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom?
Image: Nintendo Life

Much like Breath of the Wild, we've got a feeling that The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is going to be one of those games that we keep playing for years. After just a couple of weeks, many of us had playtimes of 100+ hours and what's more, we're still going.

All of this exploring must mean that a fair amount of the game has sunk in by now, right? If only there was a way that you could test just how much you know about Link's latest adventure...

Surprise! That's where this quiz comes in. The following questions range from locations to Lightroots, creatures to cutscenes, so we hope that you've been brushing up on your knowledge of the whole game because you'll need it here.

Also, it goes without saying that we do go into some pretty specific details about Tears of the Kingdom here, so if you are still trying to avoid all spoilers then maybe don't tackle this one until you have got a little more of the game under your belt.

Now, let's see how much you can Recall...

How Well Do You Know The Legend Of Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom?
Image: Nintendo

The answer is 4.

Your answer might have been "too many", and we get that. Numerically, though, there are four different types — Fire, Frost, Thunder and King.


You scored x out of 15.

  • 0-5: You didn't Ascend to the occasion this time
  • 6-10: Keep working on that Recall
  • 11-15: Ya-ha-ha! You Ko-ROCK!

How did you get on? Do you know TOTK like the back of your Zonai hand, or do you still need to do a bit more exploring? Let us know in the comments — but don't go giving any answers away!

If this has got you in the mood for some more Zelda quizzing, why not swing the Master Sword at some of the following: