
Topic: The Last Story Topic

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Looks cool. That first monster reminded me of those aliens from the Conduit

I'm SO GLAD that this isn't turn-based. Now I can actually consider buying it if it get a NA release.


Oregano wrote:

btw, why did you sell your PS3 Adam? Seems a strange thing to do.

Really? People sell things all the time, game systems included. Doesn't seem strange to me.

I wasn't playing it but once in a blue moon, and usually out of guilt. It was beginning to do nothing but take up space, and I am kind of obsessive about not keeping things I don't use. At the moment, I'm only looking forward to two games, neither of which are coming out any time soon most likely (Last Guardian, The Another World). I could live without The Another World, as I'm burnt out on RPGs, and I should be able to play Last Guardian at a friend's house, or on one of my siblings' PS3s.

I got $200 store credit for it -- Zelda, Metroid, Kirby, and Donkey Kong all paid off at once, or a console I rarely play? Easy choice for me, actually. Nintendo is focusing on making games right now, and Sony is focusing on making hardware and hardware updates (Move and 3D), so I've lost a good bit of confidence in them.

Come on, friends,
To the bear arcades again.


Must just be me, it seems strange to me to sell a console but I guess you're right. Plus I've only ever heard about the other way around.

Also I wonder if the player will do the climbing.... that would be interesting but it looked like a cutscene.

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Trailer makes it look like a mix between Gears of War and Monster Hunter, but more Gears of War.
I love it.

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I really don't see Gears of War in there at all, certainly not more than Monster Hunter, but as long as we all love it, I'll let it slide.

Come on, friends,
To the bear arcades again.


weirdadam wrote:

I really don't see Gears of War in there at all, certainly not more than Monster Hunter, but as long as we all love it, I'll let it slide.

Parts of the world have lots of shades of grey and brown, with lots of ruins. Plus, parts of the combat, like the combat system, look alot like something you'd see in gears of war.

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Miiverse is Moomoo14, PSN is Moomoo1405390

3DS Friend Code: 4940-5561-6002 | Nintendo Network ID: Moomoo14


My God, this game looks fantastic! I want it sooo bad! The girl humming the theme at the end of the trailer gave me goosebumps. Mistwalker looks like they are really pushing the Wii to the limits with this game. I am extremely impressed!



moomoo wrote:

weirdadam wrote:

I really don't see Gears of War in there at all, certainly not more than Monster Hunter, but as long as we all love it, I'll let it slide.

Parts of the world have lots of shades of grey and brown, with lots of ruins. Plus, parts of the combat, like the combat system, look alot like something you'd see in gears of war.

Yeah, I actually see a little bit of Gears in the combat and cover system too. It's dark and gritty like Gears or possibly like Demon's Souls. Seeing the crowd bumping in town made me think of Assassian's Creed. A lot of great elements coming together in one fantastic package. I love it!

Edited on by WolfRamHeart



The only gears bit would be the cover system but plenty of other games have cover systems and I think it's a distinctly Japanese version, hence backflipping main character.

I think advertising it in the west as a type of medieval cover-based shooter could really work in it's favour though, even if it is misleading.

The fact that the game doesn't look as anime as the concept art indicated should work in its favour as well.

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Wow, that looks amazing. And I mean AMAZING.


Yeah, I forgot to say this earlier, but it does remind me quite a bit of Monster Hunter.



It looks alright actually - hopefully it'll be a battle system I can get behind.

Bloody hated that humming at the end of the trailer though - very cheesey cliche Japanese RPG tosh that could put me off. Other than that it looks like a game I might enjoy.



I can't believe it, but I have to agree, The Last Story does look good. Lets just hope it doesn't disappoint this time, like the rest of Mistwalker's games. I doubt it will, though. Not with Nintendo backing them up. Now if they could just show us some footage of Xenoblades, confirm Tales of Grace for a western release, and give Arc Rise Fantasia a good review, the Wii might finally have some good RPGs.

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What Mickeymac said. And Tales of Symphonia 2 which I liked personally.

I'd have to say the trailer to this game really impresses me. I really enjoyed the humming at the end of it which really wrapped the perfection. I think we're going to have one hell of a game on our hands here. Hopefully there's some online functionality announced soon and some more details on the game.

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"I'm just a musical prostitute, my dear." - Freddie Mercury


It is a very good looking trailer though I can't say I'm not disappointed about the real time combat. As for Mistwalkers track record Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey weren't stellar but then again I can't blame them, I swear it's just a curse on the whole generation as I've yet to play a JRPG on the Wii, PS3 or 360 that would grace my top 25 JRPG's.

Frankly I was hoping Tales of Graces might break that streak but then the bums at Bamco had to go and kill that dream. I mean fan translations are nice and all but, ugh.

Anyways, I'll be there day 1 for this game even if I still have to whip out the SNES/PS1 to be really wowed by a JRPG.



Doesn't look much like Monster Hunter at all imo. Looks like a real-time JRPG along the lines of FFXII or Vagrant Story. Monster Hunter isn't an RPG.

Still, FFXII and Vagrant Story are both great games. Personally I'm very excited about The Last Story. Looks like it's gonna be good.


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