
Topic: Apparently, aliens do exist.

Posts 1 to 20 of 53


This has indeed happened before. A fossil of what looked like some sort of primitive life. It has since been shown that such formations can occur through natural processes and was not proof of life. It is still a topic of debate. I expect this to become quite similar.

EDIT: Did a little bit more digging. The report was badly done. There was very little supporting evidence that made sense. As far as I`ve read anyhow.

[Edited by Ravage]

Sean Aaron ~ "The secret is out: I'm really an American cat-girl."
Q: How many physicists does it take to change a light bulb?
A: Two, one to hold the light bulb, the other to rotate the universe.


In a ridiculously large universe where there's hundreds of planets within just our own galaxy that have the perfect conditions for maintaining life (liquid water, distance from nearest star, etc), I find it harder to believe that there isn't life out there. They just almost certainly aren't zapping around the universe with ray guns, spaceships, and a fetish for probing hippies.

[Edited by Raylax]


3DS Friend Code: 0173-1400-0117 | Nintendo Network ID: RaylaxKai


Aliens do exist it's what gives me trouble sleeping
also if aliens exist doesn't that make us aliens?
also: "micro-organisms strikingly similar to those found on planet Earth" hmmm...interesting



I was expecting to see a little green man... ah well.

There could well be aliens out there... and if you believe in God, you can call him an alien, right? But the fact of the matter is, there is no proof of aliens as of yet. We've had stories about people seeing U.F.O.s etc. but most of them have turned out to be hoaxes.

And we'll probably never know until we invent something to fly around space for a lot longer than what we can at the moment. And if there is, then wouldn't that also make us aliens?

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I wonder if ghosts are just Aliens in disguise?
just curious



JafWumbo wrote:

I wonder if ghosts are just Aliens in disguise?
just curious

Ghosts don't exist, so no.

Anyway, I'm sure there are some forms of life out there but I don't believe we've ever had any contact with intelligent alien life yet.

Who knows what alien race awaits to decimate us once we are able to truly explore the cosmos?
Will we be seen as a delicious snack?
Be exterminated by a genocidal alien religious crusade?
Conquered by a master race of giant space ants and forced to toil in their underground sugar caves?

[Edited by The_Fox]

"The government of the United States is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion."

-President John Adams

Treaty of Tripoly, article 11


The Fox wrote:

JafWumbo wrote:

I wonder if ghosts are just Aliens in disguise?
just curious

Ghosts don't exist, so no.

Anyway, I'm sure there are some forms of life out there but I don't believe we've ever had any contact with intelligent alien life yet.

Who knows what alien race awaits to decimate once we are able to truly explore the cosmos.
Will we be seen as a delicious snack?
Be exterminated by a genocidal alien religious crusade?
Conquered by a master race of giant space ants and forced to toil in their underground sugar caves?

OR we could see them as a delicious snack.

School is just like having a job except you don't get paid.


Yeah, this sort of thing has been found before, and it doesn't look like there's any actual proof in this. That doesn't mean extraterrestrial life doesn't exist.

I am way too lazy to think of something clever.
My Backloggery


zezhyrule wrote:

I'm an alien~


School is just like having a job except you don't get paid.


Token Girl wrote:

Yeah, this sort of thing has been found before, and it doesn't look like there's any actual proof in this. That doesn't mean extraterrestrial life doesn't exist.

I agree over 9000%

School is just like having a job except you don't get paid.


I'm sure that absolutely everything is possible in this universe we live. Aliens, ghosts... you name it. I just don't see anything interesting or useful about some possible bacterial or other primordial life possibly dwelling in some corner of space. Humans should concentrate on more important things, like the existence of Supreme Being (God). Whether you believe it or not, have experienced it in some way or not, it's always the most important and talked about question existent.

[Edited by Cia]



Raylax wrote:

In a ridiculously large universe where there's hundreds of planets within just our own galaxy that have the perfect conditions for maintaining life (liquid water, distance from nearest star, etc), I find it harder to believe that there isn't life out there. They just almost certainly aren't zapping around the universe with ray guns, spaceships, and a fetish for probing hippies.

This. I don't understand how people can be narcissistic enough to think we're alone in the universe. I also find it hard to believe that we're the most intelligent species in the universe. If we were... well, that's just too scary to think about.



Not much of a Alien.
didn't even come in a space ship

For you, the day LordJumpMad graced your threads, was the most important day of your life. But for me, it was Tuesday.

3DS Friend Code: 4167-4592-9402 | Twitter:


I don't believe in aliens.



Raylax wrote:

In a ridiculously large universe where there's hundreds of planets within just our own galaxy that have the perfect conditions for maintaining life (liquid water, distance from nearest star, etc), I find it harder to believe that there isn't life out there. They just almost certainly aren't zapping around the universe with ray guns, spaceships, and a fetish for probing hippies.

Actually Earth is the only planet we know to have everything needed to sustain life. Water is the biggest thing, but atmosphere is the biggest hurdle that planets have to overcome to have life.

zezhyrule wrote:

@Bed: Yeah, lucky, that's it.

Don't you dare bring religion into this, haha.

[Edited by BedCommando]

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