The times they are a-changin' and in this instance, seemingly for the better.
Unlike past launches of Nintendo first-party properties at the flagship Nintendo NY store located in New York City’s fabled Rockefeller Center — which often saw hundreds of people queued up overnight to be the first to buy the Switch, or high profile Mario and Zelda on Day 1 — the debut of Game Freak's highly anticipated Pokémon Legends: Arceus was downright civilized.
Clearly, this was by design, with Nintendo NY laying the ground rules a week in advance and ensuring that lines were for ticket holders only and that they could only line up an hour ahead of their entry slot (10 am, and a second wave at 11 am).
Surely local law enforcement had some choice suggestions on how to handle big launches, since past scenarios often found fans bringing actual furniture (everything from lawn chairs to tents) in order to better survive the often freezing temperatures that accompanied these special events.
But so too did the game’s widespread availability likely soften the blow of this launch. Your intrepid photographer had already put 5 or so hours into the game, having played it since midnight EST the day of the launch when Arceus unlocked, with yet another boxed copy arriving early the same morning.
The fact that there isn’t an accompanying Arceus-themed Switch console on offer, a special edition of the game, an Amiibo, or any developers or voice talent on hand meant that there was little to queue up for, other than to say “I was there.”
Nintendo NY was, as it is known to do, giving out posters and some minor freebies, and also had an Arceus-themed ‘campsite’ inside the store for fans to take photos in and around. Otherwise, this was a generally tame and organized affair – far preferable, in fact, to the chaos and usual FOMO that afflicted past events.
Surprisingly, there was a complete lack of any Arceus-branded merch – shirts, Switch cases and the usual suspects were notably absent – which is unusual considering this is one of the most anticipated first-party game launches in some time and was mostly shrouded in mystery. Regardless, everyone seemed to leave the store a happy camper which, to be fair, is completely appropriate in this case.
Comments 60
Did they have special rocks with purple stuff on them??
@ArchRex Crystal Meth?
That's overall a positive thing. But let's not forget that current events certainly dissuade a lot of people from gathering onto large crowds...
@nessisonett Ahh, that’s probably what’s on those rocks in the game.. Must be why the mons are going crazy.
there's still a pandemic.
and after how hard NY was hit in 2020, a lot of people wised up and now the state is a leader in pandemic regulations.
What a depressing event - terrible optics. They should have cancelled it rather than make the game look sad. Almost anti-audience.
Next time don't do it in NYC - do it anywhere else or don't do it at all.
I hope Nintendo of America realizes that My Nintendo exists as a platform for physical merchandise in a time where tourism is scarce and sometimes dangerous. had nothing to do with the game at all. It was clearly the furniture. 🤣
Since when? Do you even watch the news? Also...100 people in a line is not a big event.
@Sonos There's no "don't do it in NYC" option. NYC is where the Nintendo Store is located.
@CharlieGirl Do you mean a leader in terms of fighting the pandemic, or they simply have the most restrictions? Cause Florida has been the best state bar none when it comes to this.
@JasmineDragon That is why "don't do it at all" was mentioned. Put the game on the shelves and don't do a presser around it. It makes the game look as pitiful and depressing as NYC is right now.
@Sonos Did you just join to say how ***** NYC is or something? XD
Anyway, this was probably a subdued launch by design. I doubt it would be that hard to make more people show up for a launch of a Pokemon game, being in NYC or not. I don't know what the point of this article even is. How is this newsworthy?
@QueenKittenWrite Out of curiosity. Do you mean that Florida is the state with most restrictions due to COVID?
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@SuperPS1 No. I do not mean "authoritarian."
It’s due to their stance on Covid and regulations they have. Not saying that’s good, not saying it’s bad. Just saying that is the reason smaller crowd numbers.
@jowe_gw they mean that Florida has some of the least restrictions. Funny how Florida had the least amount of cases for most of the year. Now that has changed. Maybe, just maybe it is seasonal like the flu.
@Sonos You're thinking about it the wrong way around. The NYC store needed to do something to commemorate the launch of a hot new game in one of Nintendo's premier franchises. It doesn't matter if it looks good on a website, Nintendo's flagship store in New York City isn't going to just ignore the launch of a new Pokemon game.
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@blindsquarel I always thought Florida's case numbers going up was because of how many fled to the state from New York and California. More people equal more cases usually.
Could be but that is a whole different conversation entirely.
Smart of them with all the smash and grab robberies going on there.
I am going to make a very bold prediction that this comment section gets shut down.
Nice they had a camping section. I like camping. Camping is wild, man. It’s in tents.
@SuperPS1 You're not correct, because I did not mean authoritarian. That's a word you put in my mouth. This conversation is over, and I will be ignoring you now.
You stay safe out there.
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@blindsquarel I'm not an expert but I don't think it's seasonal. I think it's more that when a lot of people go and gather, number go up. After all, the number went very up arround the holidays.
Also I asked that question about Florida because I remember their goverment doing some shady stuff with covid numbers back in 2020. Like, making them smaller than they look and going after an ex-employer from the goverment that was leaking the actual numbers.
Also because I saw everyone *** up in their own unique ways so everytime i see someone saying "this state did it the best" it's usually said for... interesting reasons.
Also, is that even true that there is a max exedous to Florida from NY or CA? I remember looking down numbers and not being that bad.
@CharlieGirl You too
No idea about New York, but it is true for California. I know a lot of Californians are moving where I live in utah, but also Idaho, Wyoming, Montana and Texas. Covid numbers being changed is a whole entire different topic. But I do know that a lot of deaths were prematurely reported as Covid deaths. Such as maybe someone had heart disease and Covid. But only the Covid part was reported. Honestly no one can know for sure.
Side note: how does every story about Covid get comments shut down but this one doesn’t. I know it isn’t really about Covid but I think everybody could tell how the conversation would go.
@Thatsalie It had nothing to do with the game. It had everything to do with that pesky disease that's been around for about 2-3 years now. They legit can't have big crowds due to how fast the new variant spreads.
Subdued public event during a global (Panic) pandemic, where large gatherings are being discouraged in indoor spaces, what a shocker, add to the fact it's a doddle just to buy the game online, and usually cheaper.
Living in the UK I have to say half of the people in the replies here seem to live on different planets and not just different countries
Clearly an indicator that the game sold 5 copies and Nintendo is failing.
I’m vacationing in NYC right now and having an awesome time. Nothing depressing about it, and the vaccine mandate is only making the trip better. Can’t believe I’m saying this, but my home state of California could learn from this city on that front.
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Everything about this game is terrible, even things irl.
It has a few good ideas but yeah, I’m probably not getting this one. I bought BDSP because they’re simple remakes of games I loved in the past, but this is supposed to be Game Freak’s next big step for the franchise and I just cannot get over how rough the environment looks. I’m not a graphics guy, but it doesn’t look half as good as BotW and that’s just crazy to me considering how profitable Pokémon is.
That guy in the second photo with his arse crack hanging out!
@VoidofLight couple things. There have been big crowds since 2020 there. The article literally states this. Also...they have big crowds all over New York. Basketball, football, concerts, dining halls, parties. Do you really think 50 people standing in a line with mask is going to cause police to be alerted? Just stop already.
Eww, butt crack in 2nd photo. I thought this was a family friendly site?
@Thatsalie 2020 didn’t have a variant of the virus which was 500 times more contagious than normal.
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@VoidofLight yet...New York has less restrictions today than it did in 2020 and 2021. Lol its
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Ok let’s move on. This is not the “let’s discuss American politics” open forum. I’m sure you guys can find some other place to talk about that topic as much as you want.
I know you didn’t write the article but what was expected. Everyone. Everyone could tell a article that has to do with crowds being small in New York would lead to this eventually. I agree politics should not be on the site but how come articles that invite them are?
@blindsquarel nothing about this article seems inviting of that type of discussion to me.
I would recommend avoiding subjects like politics even if an article makes any passing reference or mention to it.
I agree that politics should be avoided. But articles about vaccines or race, while very rare, do happen on this site. What I am saying is that if a article is allowed to talk about things that can be seen as political then why can’t the comments be political. Clearly people found this article to have some correlation to Covid which will always lead to politics.
Anyway I am done with the subject. Hope you have a good day.
@blindsquarel the community rules apply to the users.
If you wish to bring it up with someone above me, then I invite you to use the contact form to speak directly to an admin.
@Thatsalie The thing is, the game is being praised by tons of people who were highly critical of the series, so it wasn't the series itself. Even if New York didn't have many restrictions, (Which it does, I have a friend who lives there, and tells me about said restrictions often), people usually tend to avoid bigger, more crowded events now, given how easily spread this new variant is.
@VoidofLight if that was the case this article would be pointless. The obvious lack of people is what created this article. If it was a common trend this whole conversation would be pointless. It was the game.
honestly its nice to see a lack of people, as it shows that either people are being more careful or government officials are.
@Phostachio interesting take! I will say as someone in your place that the youtube and twitch graphics don't do the game justice. by no means does it look superb, but its not as bad as it looks.
@Thatsalie And yet, if you look at sales, Legends is one of the highest selling pokemon games. People who bashed Gen 8 and Gen 7 of pokemon enjoy Legends, and the only complaints have to do with the graphics really. It wasn't the game.
We don't have these big gaming launch/event things where I'm from. It would be nice to experience it personally so imma add it to my bucket list. I'm sure they do these launch/special events in Japan so that would be my best bet.
@blindsquarel off topic but I also live in Utah lol, cheers!
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