Following the rumour EA is working on Frostbite engine support for the Switch, a separate finding linked to two completely different LinkedIn profiles suggests Playful Corp's 3D platform game Super Lucky's Tale is making its way across to the Switch in the near future.
Playful Corp concept artist Taylor Smith reportedly references the "environment assets for the upcoming Nintendo Switch port" he worked on in his CVs. If this isn't convincing enough, the LinkedIn profile of the former Playful Corp employee, Jesse Sosa, reveals how she helped ship Super Lucky's Tales on Nintendo Switch.
Super Lucky's Tale is a sequel to the 2016 Oculus Rift VR release, Lucky's Tale. The second entry was released as a launch title for the Xbox One X in 2017 and is published by Microsoft Studios. More recently it arrived on Valve's digital platform, Steam. Below is a bit of information about the game, according to the Steam page:
Super Lucky’s Tale is a delightful, playground platformer for all ages that follows Lucky, the ever-optimistic, energetic, and lovable hero, on his quest to find his inner strength and help his sister rescue the Book of Ages from Jinx. Jinx is the scheming and mysterious villain trying to reshape the world, but for what reason?
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Comments 48
Bubsy, dat you?
That surprisingly looks better then I thought it would and yes, the music sounds equally as good. That tune was catchy!
Would buy. Please do.
Looks like this has more platforming than Super Mario Odyessy, I was so dissapointed with that game, worse than Super Mario Sunshine in my opinion.
Oh, please Microsoft.
Make it happen !
This is essentially just Super Mario Galaxy with a different skin. That's not a bad thing at all, as this is a quite a good game. The only problem is that it lacks ambition and uniqueness, which may make it a deal-breaker for some.
@Anti-Matter They don't own the IP. So it's possible if there's no exclusive publishing agreement.
I really hope this rumor is true. Super Lucky's Tale is honestly one of the admittedly few exclusives on Xbox that I want. A switch port would be a godsend.
Yeah, I'll buy literally anything if it has a fox in it. That's how I wound up with Never Alone and RiME. Fox N Forests is on the list of 'will get to when I have money' games. Oh, and I even preordered Starlink immediately after the Star Fox reveal so I have a serious problem.
Meh I rather have Banjo-Kazooie back or that other forest creature that is better than Lucky. What was his name again? Ah, yes Conker that's his name.
Microsoft own both of those properties, so I doubt that they'll reach Nintendo platforms in the future.
@AshFoxX Strangely (or perhaps not), I haven't played any of those, myself, heh.
Just bought RiMe today.
Love it!
Isn't there another digital game with foxes?
Something with a tree in the title?
@cyrus_zuo Fox n Forests
I'm confused: this is a Xbox One game, it's not that Xbox One X has any exclusives, and it received kind of lukewarm reviews. I still want it, but very very cheap, on Xbox One.
Welp. There's the 3D World port ;D
@Moroboshi876 Game is on Steam and is a sequel to a PS4 VR game.
Microsoft doesn't seem to have any exclusive rights to the IP.
@Seacliff I didn't say anything about exclusives, I only said the game is no specifically designed for Xbox One X, you can run it on standard and S models, and that it doesn't seem to be so good a game anyway.
I have this on Xbox. It’s okay, nothing exceptional. There are much better platformers already on Switch.
Experience the power of the XBOX One X... on the Switch. Well they still got Forza Horizon and Cuphead, one of which can run on a bargain basement PC. Not ragging on the machine, but it seems to be a tougher and tougher sell these days.
This looks really good and something I would buy
This got terrible reviews
This couldn't hold my attention past a couple of levels. And the loading took forever, even on X so the Switch release would really need to be retooled to even be passable imo. Thankful I tried this thru Game Pass
@AshFoxX You should pick up The First Tree then.
Looks cute. Approved
I played this in VR a while back. I remember liking it except for the fact it was VR (which in this case only added a sweaty, uncomfortable face and a slight queasy feeling when the camera moved).
Will definitely give it a go on Switch for the right price.
@tabris95 I've had my eye on that one but I'm waiting for a sale since it's supposed to be really short. It's on the list though
I’ve heard the VR version is more immersive and fun than the non-VR version, so i’ll just wait to see if that comes to PS4. If not, no biggie if I miss out on it
From what I've seen and heard of this game, it's a pretty average 3D platformer, nothing really special about it. I could take it or leave itj.
It looks like I am the first person that have played it that comment on this. It's a beautiful platformer with a really nice art style and soundtrack. It's also quite funny. The controls are totally smooth and intuitive. The camera is semi-automatic, you can turn it right or left but you don't need to do it very often (mostly for finding secrets) so you can focus on controlling Lucky. Because of this it's quite similar to Super Mario 3D World but I think Super Lucky's Tale is better. It has an additional world and challenges added via DLC.
It features a burrowing technique that it's a lot of fun to use and several types of levels: 3D, 2.5D and puzzle. It's really fun and I loved it but if they make a sequel it should be a bit more ambitious, in this game you can't swim and you can't go absolutely everywhere. A bit more ambitious and it would be one of the best 3D platformers ever. I still recommend it if you can forgive that.
Too long, don't read: The art style, soundtrack and controls are perfect, the game itself could be a bit more ambitious.
@Mgene15 Yeah and it also got very positive reviews like basically every other game that it's not called GTA, Mario or Zelda:
fascinating, a Microsoft-published game
@Moroboshi876 When they say "Xbox One X launch title" what they mean is it lahnched on the same day as said system and was meant to show the benefits of the upgrade alongside other launch titles that day like Forza and at the time it was planned, Crackdown 3.
@nessisonett How about Titus the Fox.
@Wasp How do you know Microsoft owns the Lucky's Tale franchise?
Well I've heard the controls aren't that good and neither is the camera as you can't rotate it freely. Would consider this at a decent price though, it still looks enjoyable.
@Varubajia Glad people are being brave enough to say this – Odyssey was more of an action adventure and was seriously lacking in platforming for a Mario game. For me the most 'focused' 3D Mario genuine platformer was 3D Land – a very underrated Mario and with far superior platforming challenges and inventiveness than Odyssey.
@brunojenso Thanks after I completed it, I felt that Nintendo was trying to replicate the Mario 64 type of gameplay but with a few new ideas, but to me it was like they diddn't understand what people liked about Mario 64, which is something I think Nintendo has struggled with in Metroid titles too.
@Varubajia Yeah - Mario 64 still had some really great platforming despite the open nature. Odyssey was a good game no doubt - and beautiful, but for all it's inventiveness I think it simplified the core gameplay that is 'Mario'. Something was missing for me. Really absent. I wouldn't be surprised if we get an Odyssey 2 on Switch since it's been such a hit – but I really hope they put inventive platforming back as priority. It's like Nintendo think we are happy with 200 costume changes instead! Not me. After Mario nipples it was enough.
Maybe I'm just missing some Nintendo of old. Even BoTW – great great game - BUT this has to be said – the shrines were dull! I mean they were ok-ish, but a really special and interesting one was rare. And they all looked the same and left me dreaming of finding vast and unique looking dungeons all the more – but they (barely) existed in that vase sandbox. Either as traditional crafted puzzle dungeons or random caves. And underwater sections – I just wanted to dive and find cool s**t underwater - cave systems and Temples. Yes - I love water Temples. And the bosses were so samey!
A Link Between Worlds was an infinitely better Zelda when you remove the glitz.
Here's how I see it - Odyssey and BotW concern me because they have taken like 3 or 4 enormous steps forward - but one more important step back. That one step dumped so many of the core things that make me love Zelda and Mario.
Metroid – I have hope for Prime 4 since they are clear on our feeling about Other M and F.F. But with Zelda and Mario I feel everyone thinks they like them – but have be blinded by the bright light of the gorgeous facia and innovation those games have – but I believe people will realise at some point the core experiences were quite hollow – but too late as Nintendo will already think this is what the new generation want. I hope I'm wrong.
@BlueOcean Nice to see someone else on here that has played this and enjoyed it. I absolutely loved it. Such a fun game with a ton of charm.
@brunojenso I feel exactly the same way, I mean I dont blame Nintendo for trying something new, but I dont want them to completely lose what I loved about Mario or Zelda games, but the sales of these new iterations will most probably sway their decision going forward I guess it's like how we dont see many turn based rpgs or arcade racers anymore, maybe I'm just getting old lol.
@SMW Thanks!
@Varubajia @brunojenso I agree with you both and thanks for sharing your thoughts freely. If Super Mario Odyssey and Breath of the Wild were new franchises we could not compare them with previous entries but they aren't so it's easy to see all the shortcomings.
Super Mario Odyssey and Breath of the Wild lack the core features and focus too much on the open-world sandbox thingy. Super Mario 64 while open is much better than Odyssey (Odyssey has better visuals obviously, 20 years later...) because it has real platforming and variety and still feels an adventure.
The world of Breath of the Wild is huge but it is hampered by weird gameplay choices (menus, inventory management, never-ending rain...) and the bosses are samey not to mention the shrines, only a few are interesting because of the unique puzzle designs but 90% of them are rinse and repeat. And the story is cut in insignificant bits. I was excited because the horses were back but Epona was more fun to ride in Ocarina of Time 20 years ago and the motorbike (DLC) feels like a fan mod. There is no climax in this game. Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, The Wind Waker and Twilight Princess are all infinitely better (considering only 3D entries).
Seeing how successful these two games were I fear Metroid Prime 4 will be a sandbox game with casual space pirates and DLC costumes for Samus.
The game's major flaw is that it is ridiculously easy. It's target audience is children, sure. But even kids would get bored of this very fast. The only real challenge comes from the last few bosses.
@AshFoxX I was sure it was something else, so I hunted it down and it was "The First Tree" that I was thinking of, but couldn't remember the name of.
@BlueOcean Very well put.
Another major concern for me in BotW was the emphasis put on 'real world' aspects. Like hunting and to some extent cook after a while. Initially they both felt fun and interesting and I felt a thrill hunting for the meat that would keep me going - but after a while I again wondered were my beloved pure fantasy experience namely 'Zelda games' had gone. Suddenly I was playing one of those generic survival games on Steam.
Zelda for me is exploring a crazy world with amazing puzzles, a playful story of good vs evil, meeting zany characters and going up against cool monsters/foes/bosses. And although BotW had much of this, it felt like it was trying to be a bit too 'real' in part.
Zelda is a fantasy game foremost – not a survival game. In that respect BotW was not a reimagining of the first game at all. I also always disliked fishing in Zelda though – and I know most people love that. But for me those kind of things are ordinary things invading my fantasy, and child-like escapism that is Zelda.
I have it on Pc this game is really good expecially the Gilly island DLC
Looks pretty good. Its welcome!
@brunojenso That's right. Another thing I disliked about Breath of the Wild is how you had to pause the game to eat food and select another weapon (even with the D-pad shortcut the game is paused) in the middle of the fights and how you had to pause the game while climbing to recover stamina. In other Zelda games you had to run away a bit to find a jar or grass and find some hearts, bombs or arrows. Here, the Z-targeting doesn't work well either and the menus are overcomplicated so the boss fights are kind of broken.
Sometimes I reckoned well how many seconds it would take me to climb a certain mountain only to find it that it started raining, again, when I was a few metres away from the summit, which means falling all the way down even spamming the grab action (only helps a few centimetres). It's like the game doesn't respect you.
Another problem is how the inventory works, you have to pause the menu and select each piece of inventory separately for each different situation. To make the game more enjoyable you basically have to grind a lot and collect tons of foods and basically break the game so you can forget a bit about armours and food.
I think that Super Lucky's Tale looks easy because how easy and intuitive is to control Lucky, but there are some challenges in this game and collecting all the clovers certainly expands the clock. For instance, getting a perfect score (no damage) in some boss battles is very difficult. The extra DLC world makes the game feel complete.
I loved Super Lucky's Tale but I wish it was a bit more ambitious and that you could swim. Hopefully a sequel fixes that. A sequel is teased at the end of the game. Anyway, I really recommend the game to any gamer that likes platformers and it surpassed my expectations. Besides, the art style is gorgeous, the soundtrack is great, the script is funny and the controls are perfect, you do not get that every day.
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