Shortly after publication four more games were added to the list, so the original article now reflects this.
Original Article:
It's time for the penultimate North American Club Nintendo rewards update of 2014, with details for November now available to tempt you into parting with hard-earned virtual coins.
This batch contains eight games, once again, with four across Wii U and Wii and the other half available on the 3DS eShop. Overall the focus is on Virtual Console, with just two download-only games of recent years — the details are below.
- Pilotwings — 200 coins (Wii U Virtual Console) and awarded 6/10 in our review
- Vegas Stakes — 200 coins (Wii U Virtual Console) and awarded 6/10 in our review
- Clu Clu Land — 200 coins (Wii Virtual Console) and awarded 5/10 in our review
- PictureBook Games: Pop-Up Pursuit — 250 coins (WiiWare) and awarded 2/10 in our review
- Tokyo Crash Mobs — 200 coins (3DS eShop) and awarded 7/10 in our review
- Kirby's Pinball Land — 150 coins (3DS Virtual Console) and awarded 4/10 in our review
- Metroid II: Return of Samus — 150 coins (3DS Virtual Console) and awarded 7/10 in our review
- Starship Defense — 200 coins (3DS eShop) and awarded 8/10 in our review
These titles will all be available until 14th December 2014, and you can check them out on the Club Nintendo site. Games listed above for Wii U Virtual Console are only available on the latest home console, while those listed as Wii Virtual Console or WiiWare games can only be downloaded from the Wii Shop on the system itself or on the Wii U via the Wii Mode. DSiWare title Starship Defense can only be redeemed on the 3DS eShop.
That's everything for this month, so let us know if you plan to spend any of your coins on these in the poll and comments section below.
Which Club Nintendo Reward will you pick up first? (287 votes)
- Pilotwings
- Vegas Stakes0.7%
- Clu Clu Land
- PictureBook Games: Pop-Up Pursuit0%
- Tokyo Crash Mobs
- Kirby's Pinball Land
- Metroid II: Return of Samus
- Starship Defense
- Nothing for me this time
Please login to vote in this poll.
Comments 136
eh I'll pass
Woah. Rather disappointing picks this month...
So much nope.
Less stuff in the store, more repeats of games they've offered before. My points are all going to go to waste if they don't start offering decent stuff.
Speaking as a guy who has absolutely no interest in physical rewards and has been loving getting digital games from Club Nintendo...this month is terrible. Why only 4 games? Why THESE 4 games? Ugh!
Call me crazy but I may get Clu Clu Land.
Although with these latest games I usually wait and end up never picking them up.
They could have at least offered Super Smash Bros. for the N64. They offered Mario Kart 64 the month Mario Kart 8 released.
More is actually titled toyko crash mobs. Nvm read that incorrectly A shame that they fell back to the 4-game format. NVM they didn't Sweet!
Only one thing for 3DS this time?!
But Clu Clu is on Wii U!
Four more games were just put up!
Really, just that? It's sad...
I actually thought that the selections in the past couldn't get any worst! Oh well, I guess I'm waiting until the 14th....I mean the 15th!
Wow, I went from being disappointed to getting two rewards! Awesome!
Absolute garbage.
Also added were:
Kirby's Pinball Land (3DS Virtual Console)
Metroid II (3DS Virtual Console)
Starship Defense (3DS)
Picturebook: Popup Pursuit (Wii)
@ericwithcheese2 Wait, what? Can someone confirm these 4? I might get STarship defense and Kirby Pinball. My coins have been piling up the last 6 months or so.
@XCWarrior It's true. I got Kirby and Metroid.
@XCWarrior Confirmed!
They suck like always....
No love for Pilotwings? I love that game - but it's probably nostalgia-goggles.
nice! i was mad for a min. will get starship defense for sure, maybe more later.
Well I got metroid 2 atleast.
Now to wait for next month.
Absolutely nothing for me this month. This is depressing. I'm already sitting on a hoard of coins at this point.
What a bunch of junk. Guess Nintendo doesn't want me to spend my coins
No surprises there, I honestly don't know why I try anymore...
Right, refresh everyone, Ninty added four more games after I'd published. As for why they don't update them all at once, who knows!
oh boy another month of saving coins for next months games (which probably won't be good picks)
Edit: Metroid II? never mind, guess I now know what game I'll be getting
While they are offering plenty of games I don't own on Wii U, I already own them on either Wii or 3DS already!
i plan to get clu clu clan for sure (to add to my virtual console collection), and probably Tokyo crash mob
I might get Metroid, not that keen on it to be honest, but it's better than letting the points go to waste entirely ... Starship Defense is great, but I already got that, when it was avaiable last time. Overall rather slim pickings once again :-/
THIS IS WHY I HATE LIVING IN THE NETHERLANDS, I usually import stuff for way too much.
Probably sick of giving me free DDP points for my Club Nintendo pick ups. Nothing for me this month. Maybe December will offer me something I'm looking for.
Meh. I've got 1500 coins waiting to stock up on WiiU VC games. Piolotwings is an almost, but game kinda bored me. I'm waiting for the more popular titles, F-Zero, Marios, Zeldas, Metroids (WiiU, not 3DS), etc. Blah. Another month wasted.
I might cave in and get pilotwings.
I'm really disappointed in what's being offered. Why are they still offering Wii games? Why do we have repeats? Why are the better more popular games never offered? I would really like to know how they pick the games each month. If they insist on offering Wii content they should have 4 Wii, 4 Wii U, 4 3DS. I know you can play Wii games on the Wii U, but I have no interest Wii crap.
Pilot Wings! Clu CLu Land! Veags Stakes! More games you still don't want!!!
Oh good, they actually are offering eight. Would have sucked if they were going back to four.
@AmyGrrl To answer your questions:
1) Wii games are playable on WiiU, and some people still play on their Wii.
2) Repeats aren't a bad thing if you missed your chance at FREE games the first time.
3) Better, more popular games actually sell and make them money. These games I bet don't.
4) They pick games based on 1st party titles mostly, b/c they own the rights and maybe a few 3rd party titles if the developer gives them the OK. And they aren't going to put 12 games up there if they only have a small collection to rotate of games with popular people but don't swell well.
@Yorumi I don't really agree with you that one site's reviews mean anything, but on top of that, they actually gave three of these games scores above 6/10. Personally, I was thrilled to get Kirby's Pinball Land and Metroid 2.
My original comment still stands. Absolutely nothing I"m willing to spend coins on that I haven't in the past.
I'm shocked that there are people who would take Vegas Stakes. I know it's free and all but still...damn.
@Toincoss It's not nostalgia goggles. I still enjoy it immensely every time I play it.
@Yorumi I don't think anybody buys games for the Club Nintendo points or rewards. It's a nice bonus on top of getting the games you want to buy.
Another disappointing month where I won't spend any coins. I wish they'd add some eshop cards so I could at least buy games I don't already own.
Been meaning to get Pilotwings for a while. It's a great game that was one of the first I ever played on SNES. Happy to get this title for free.
Metroid 2 for me~
Judging by the reviews, this isn't exactly a desirable selection. Think I'll just wait for some other stuff to show up.
Yet another disappointing month. Nothing worth my coins.
Maybe they're holding back all the good games for Christmas next month?
Unrewarding rewards. :c
Wow! I was disappointed at the initial 4 games on offer. I may get Kirby's Pinball and/or Metroid II. Shame they aren't on the Wii U....
"Kirby's Pinball Land" is actually much better then the review on this site claims... (Which is just one person's opinion. I can't believe it got a "worse" score then "Clu Clu Land.")
I liked that game, it's one of the better Kirby spin-offs, and better pinball games in general with how "interactive" the environment is. (The boss & bonus stages are nice to. There's a cheat code to practice them, as well.)
in fact it was one of my sister's favorite games, and it was one of the few games she'd play it for hours on end.
Ironically "Kirby's Block Ball" was much better received on this site, (got a better review & score) and i didn't like that one as much as "Pinball Land" personally.
So don't take the reviews on this site to much to heart, it's better to come up with your own opinions.
Surprisingly the SNES Pilotwings is pretty good to, though paying 200 coins for it feels like alot, sense I only payed 100 coins for it on Club Nintendo 2 years ago. (I wish they'd stop increasing the cost of download games on CN.) Still, tha'ts at least a better "buy" then all the other games this month, considering it's an $8 game normally.
Metroid 2 is quite good to, but it'd be better to just pay the 4 bucks for it, and save your coins for a more expensive game.
So yeah, I grabbed Kirby's Pinball Land from Club Nintendo. Gotta say, the NL review score is incredibly harsh.
Not everyone will appreciate old-school video pinball, but if you think you might (or have fond memories of games like Revenge of the Gator) then it's a pretty awesome freebie.
I'm thinking about either Clu Clu Land or Kirby Pinball but wow, those are some bad reviews. Not so sure now
I hate seeing these...
I think I might finally jump on Tokyo Crash Mobs. I don't have anything else to play on my 3DS right now, anyways.
Metroid 2!? Gimme gimme gimme!
I got excited at Metroid 2. But then I realized I don't have enough coins.
@Toincoss I have a a Pilotwings copy, and it's one of the better games for the Super Nintendo, I really like it too. It's a criminally underrated game.
Not bad actually, Pilotwings and Tokyo Crash Mob.
Meh, nothing for me this month. I think I'll save those coins for later
Tokyo Crash Mobs for me, if only because it's the only 3DS game on that list (and in lists for months now) I don't have or didn't already get via Club.
Seriously, Nintendo ... we want something to spend these coins on, and you started phasing out the really good physical prizes and recycle the same game lists over and over. Please start giving us MORE, not less! >_<
Worthlessness.... Utter worthlessness. Give me an option to use my coins to get eShop credits so I can actually buy something fun. I spend enough money on your junk to be able to have this option, Nintendo.
And fans: I understand Nintedo Deluxe Promotion offers this from eShop purchases but using Club Nintendo codes for eShop credit is the direct result I'm aiming for.
Junk. You owe us a good Christmas offering next month, Nintendo.
How many times Metroid 2 has been on the promotions ? This is getting ridiculous
Lame. I should have gotten kerploosh. I hope december promotions are better.
Awful, just awful. Oh well, at least Smash Bros is coming out on Friday. Add me as a friend on wii u and let's play (Almost Mario Kart and plenty more games)
@rjejr I think maybe they just gave up on this service. They'll probably phase it out. I'm almost at Platinum so i'll stop registering stuff when I get to it; This is now just a waste of my time
Nintendo's plan: Offer items and downloads you won't likely redeem with your coins to give less stuff away.
cool. i wanted to try tokyo crash mobs.
@wisdomsprince NNID: WillhamBoyGenius
3DS: 0318-7842-0491
If Nintendo actually had a few decent physical rewards and a better selection of digital games, the service could be turned completely around. As it stands though, it seems Nintendo just wants to make our coins expire...
We've seen most of these games before too, which just makes it worse. An option to convert coins into eShop credit would be amazing, not that I would ever expect such a thing too happen.
I'll most likely pick up Pilotwings since I can't see myself paying money for it yet it's a childhood classic for me.
I would love for them to somehow make the game wide screen
3ds Code:0662-4741-7158
such garbage. nothing to get for the past months all trash. why does nintendo hate it's loyal fans and customers so much?i have like 600 points and nothing to get ever that anyone would play.
wow i thought other months were bad
i hightly recommend both Pilotwings and Starship Defense. If I didn't already have them both those would be the ones I would download.
Lets do this another way to see how crappy NoA CN still is
Pilotwings — Decent, most people probably have it, but those that don't will actually benefit...however, this has been on there several times so people who want it, already have it
Vegas Stakes — Lol.... no, more trash
Clu Clu Land — Yawn nothing good here
PictureBook Games: Pop-Up Pursuit — Complete Garbage
Tokyo Crash Mobs — Garbage
Kirby's Pinball Land — Boring
Metroid II: Return of Samus — Everyone who wants this already has it
Starship Defense — Decent, might actually be a reason for people to spend coins
So there we have it, 2 decent games, one good one and the rest trash and no new physical rewards... in fact, there are less physical rewards than there were last month.
Club Nintendo NoA still proves to be the worst Club Nintendo region (of the regions that offer the service).
PictureBook Games and Vegas Stakes for me. Two bonafide classics that really highlight the strengths of their respective systems. Anyone that doesn't have it is totally missing out.
@ikki5 Odd, Tokyo Crash Mobs isn't a garbage game. As long as if you don't have a problem with a wacky version of Magnetica.
Nothing for me this time unfortunately. Maybe next month!
@Za23 it's a wacky version of a garbage facebook game.
Would it kill them to put quality games up on club nintendo?
Club nintendo should be a thank you for their hardcore fans by providing us a little bonus for buying their stuff. This feels more like a slap in the face than a thank you. Am I being a bit too harsh, maybe. But that doesn't excuse the pathetic showing here.
@ikki5 Funny since it's based around a game that started out in 1998. :/
I would pick up Metroid 2 buuuuutttt, I already did last time it was up, also I don't have enough points because I am more of a PS Vita guy...
Woah, I didn't know Pilot Wings was on the Wii U shop! I want that...
Starship Defense is a nice addition to those stocking up a diverse digital library on their 3DS.
Didn't we already have Pilot Wings, Metroid 2, and Kirby's Pinball as rewards this year?
Metroid 2 for me! I don't think I have ever played it. I love Metroid games!
Some of these would have been great if we hadn't already had them 2-3 times already.
CN is supposed to be Nintendo's way to get us to buy games new. Since we can count the number of good titles on 3DS released this year on just one hand, they have little incentive to offer us bonuses. And so I have little incentive to buy anything new,
Starship Defense is actually pretty good, but it's the 3rd month it's been an award. Everything is else is pretty ehh... I normally don't like to complain (these are free games) but there are better options they could offer without a doubt.
Sry I know this is off topic: Anybody else having trouble logging in to the 3DS eShop? I haven't been able to log in all weekend
Just plain bad
There are even less physical rewards than before....
I wish Nintendo would take its Club Nintendo membership seriously instead of feeding us average to mediocre games every month. If they're going to go all digital with their rewards, then the least they could do is give some decent games.
The worst month I can remember.
Just getting Starship Patrol the rest are all junk except metriod 2, but i already have it damn.
What is the point of NIntendo Club? In addition, the awards for 3DS are usually much better than those for Wii U, and this is unfair for Wii U console owners.
Awful rewards
Definitely getting Metroid II. I have a special fondness for bw Gameboy games.
The rewards are getting weaker and weaker...
Kirby's pinball land is a great GB title, check it out if you haven't played it.
@Yorumi At the same time, Nintendo did fine without Club Nintendo and they are still doing fine. I doubt it's impacting much of anything right now. Keep in mind that despite the better CN in Europe, the sales are much lower relatively speaking
Think I'll just rack up my coins and wait for something good, like that poster set we got recently.
These are good rewards when the alternative could be nothing. In for Metroid 2 and Kirby Pinball. Time to kick it back old school.
WOW this bad. The only thing I'm even kind of interested in is Metroid II, and I feel like that pops up on Club Nintendo all the time. Awful.
I'll pass for this month. And these games are not free once we get beyond a cash sense. We are creating value for them through survey responses. Maybe they feel they have adequate other channels for this information and don't need it from us anymore.
Blahk, Yuck, foowey! 1510 coins and my options are picture book, starship and Tokyo. What the crap. Maybe I'll get the Smash Poster but I not aloud to hang that stuff up in my room anymore .
@Za23 and 90% of the population that play it are stay at home moms or people bored at work. Why? Because it is a crappy game only good for passing the time for your boring parts of life. There is a reason why there are so many free rehashes of that game.
@ikki5 How is it crappy?
I'm rapidly forgetting what the point of Club Nintendo is.
Starship Defense looks like a pretty decent little game, about time I get to spend my coins on something. I would have also picked up Metroid II if it had just one thing... I can't play Metroid without a map. Shame because it's the only Metroid I haven't really gotten to play very much since the original Metroid was remade as Zero Mission with a map system.
I don't know if I should save up for the poster set or get Metroid II...
Tons of nope.
I might actually spend my points this month. There at least 3 games I'd like to use coins on
Got Tokyo Crash Mobs.
A very, very strange game.
Got Tokyo Crash Mobs.
A very, very strange game.
Got Tokyo Crash Mobs.
A very, very strange game.
Pilotwings 64 please!!!!
I already have the SNES version on my classic Wii. It's just frustrating as I keep hoping for a game I don't have and don't want to waste coins on a double dip.
@River3636 I rarely ever hang up game posters as some of the ones I do have are quite hard to come by. I guess it's the old comic collector in me that just refuse to do so even with poster putty. One of mine is a Mirumasa Demon Blade bonus when I was all of two people that reserved the game for the old Wii. I'm glad the game got a second try on the PS Vita but it should have gone to PS3 for a larger audience to enjoy the beauty of 2D graphics.
Okay, the old gamer in me will stop rambling now.
@ThomasBW84 Sorry Thomas, but since yesterday accessing NL on mobiles (I tried more than one) gives me a pop up asking if I want to download unsupported content, specifically is a "twitch player". It never did in the past, and it certainly doesn't do it for any other site, could you look into it? Thanks.
Not hugely tempted by any of these games but I could use a Wii U VC game to get an extra $5 from the DDP, and Pilotwing is the better of the two options so I'll go with that. And Tokyo Crash Mobs always caught my attention; I kind of liked Zuma the few times I got to play it and I like the presentation of this one, so I might as well go for it and spend the rest of my coins.
After a long time, back to 0 coins. I don't think there'll be anything worthwhile on december, but if there is I still have Bayonetta 1 and 2 to register, I'll register Smash Wii U for the soundtrack, and I'll probably get Captain Toad, so I can rack up enough point for another reward if it were to show up.
@ungibbed now that is something i be interested in i got the SNES version on wii as well so that be nice addition
but sadly we got repeat games so pass like last month and the month before that >.<
Good games but I already have them. Kinda hoping Super Mario Advance might make the cut as a reward one day
I got pilot wings! I'm working on my retro collection on my Wii U without spending hardly anything. With the $1/$1.50 upgrades and the club Nintendo rewards I've built up quite the collection~
I save up my coins to buy posters and sell them on ebay for $36 each.. most of these games are meh and have been on the list one time or another..
trash trash, trash as far as the eye can see
Definitely the worst offering of 2014.
Why all the hate? Imma let you finish but.... STARSHIP DEFENSE IS ONE OF THE BEST TOWER DEFENSE GAMES OF ALL TIME! If you haven't played it and are talking trash on this months downloads now is the time... Honestly I really like it a lot. Simple yet complex ... You can beat a level normally if you like but then there are these sos cards that call in help or increase your power and stuff.. if you can beat it without Using the cards you get a bonus, on top of that if you defeat every enemy without missing any you get a perfect bonus and a medal displays by the level... MUST HAVE ALL MEDALS.. It's good trust me
@AshFoxX you will not regret starship defense
this is pure trash.
metroid 2 is okay but i swere ive seen that vegas game on club nintendo for months.
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