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Shortly after publication four more games were added to the list, so the original article now reflects this.

Original Article:

It's time for the penultimate North American Club Nintendo rewards update of 2014, with details for November now available to tempt you into parting with hard-earned virtual coins.

This batch contains eight games, once again, with four across Wii U and Wii and the other half available on the 3DS eShop. Overall the focus is on Virtual Console, with just two download-only games of recent years — the details are below.

These titles will all be available until 14th December 2014, and you can check them out on the Club Nintendo site. Games listed above for Wii U Virtual Console are only available on the latest home console, while those listed as Wii Virtual Console or WiiWare games can only be downloaded from the Wii Shop on the system itself or on the Wii U via the Wii Mode. DSiWare title Starship Defense can only be redeemed on the 3DS eShop.

That's everything for this month, so let us know if you plan to spend any of your coins on these in the poll and comments section below.

Which Club Nintendo Reward will you pick up first? (287 votes)

  1. Pilotwings10%
  2. Vegas Stakes  0.7%
  3. Clu Clu Land2%
  4. PictureBook Games: Pop-Up Pursuit  0%
  5. Tokyo Crash Mobs7%
  6. Kirby's Pinball Land3%
  7. Metroid II: Return of Samus18%
  8. Starship Defense3%
  9. Nothing for me this time56%

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