
Topic: Splatoon 3

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Yeah. I was thinking of OE...
I just recently played it. That's why I got confused. 😅

[Edited by Budda]

Laugh Hard, Run Fast, Be Kind


I had a look back at Big Run announcement timing and it feels like if there is one in September it will be announced tomorrow. Like the June one was announced on May 24th and the March one was announced on February 23rd.


Switch Friend Code: SW-2595-6790-2897


@Grumblevolcano Yeah, I just thought of that myself. There WILL be one during the Grand Festival's Sneak Peek just like last year's Deep Cut leader fest. The fact that next week's NSO icons are Salmon Run ones is more proof, whether it's grasping at straws or not.

I predict it's the first weekend of September. In that case, announcing it tomorrow two weeks in advance is perfect.

Bonerattle Arena Samurai

My Nintendo: Dev-N


The next Big Run will take place... at the GRAND FESTIVAL VENUE. This might as well be called Grand Run!

The Big Run takes place the first weekend of September, as I thought, with a model of the Mr. Grizz radio as a reward. Let's stop the Salmonids from cancelling the Grand Festival!
This time, Grizzco will be tallying the global number of golden eggs collected during Big Run. If the big quota is reached, there'll be a special reward for everyone.

[Edited by Dev-N]

Bonerattle Arena Samurai

My Nintendo: Dev-N



Resident Palia fan, as well as a Splatoon fan!
My PFP is Reth
ZeldaZerd's homie
Willing to explain (on demand) why Frye is the best.

Switch Friend Code: SW-3225-4369-7994 | My Nintendo: CaleBo25


1.5x CaTaLoG BoNuS🌈🌈🎪🎪🎈🎈

1.5x CaTaLoG BoNuS
(insert attention-getting, comical DJ horn sound effect😆)

Be sure to note or take advantage of the 1.5x catalog bonus that has started.

[Edited by WoomyNNYes]

Extreme bicycle rider (<--Link to a favorite bike video)
'Tendo liker


The Grand Festival management venue has posted a statement about the Big Run and how they're closely monitoring it and making a decision about whether to hold the event at the appropriate time. This is in Japanese for now. Of course their headquarters would be in chaos right now!

Frye reports on the schedule. The three groups will perform live on three stages for the first 48 hours and become the Now or Never Seven on the final day. They perform different songs at different times.
Big Man reports on the Now or Never Seven song "Time Tribe" that's filled with thoughts about the past, present and future. Here it is! This must be the song they perform at the big stage on the final day. The lyrics are on the Japanese website. Their website has been updated with the schedule.

[Edited by Dev-N]

Bonerattle Arena Samurai

My Nintendo: Dev-N


I'm super hyped for the Grand festival! I can tell that the devs are putting a huge amount of effort into it!

[Edited by _Lime]

Switch friend code:SW-3744-8516-9497
User name: Lime!
Third kits??


@Croctopus Time Tribe, huh? Cool. Not going to listen to it though, as I want to hear/see it all during the event. I guess you could say I am "going in blind." The English name is Three Wishes, btw.

[Edited by CaleBoi25]

Resident Palia fan, as well as a Splatoon fan!
My PFP is Reth
ZeldaZerd's homie
Willing to explain (on demand) why Frye is the best.

Switch Friend Code: SW-3225-4369-7994 | My Nintendo: CaleBo25


The English name is “Three Wishes” like from a genie. Even though I’ve gotten my first listen early this morning (what a way to wake me up) even I will wait until the final day to listen to it more and read the lyrics. What little I remember sounded so beautiful and fun. Frye in particular hits hard in Deep Cut’s sequence!

I think it makes sense that the Grand Splatlands Bowl will be the tricolor map after Grand Run. Should be interesting to see how it looks when it’s complete and not when still in construction and overrun with Salmonids.

[Edited by Dev-N]

Bonerattle Arena Samurai

My Nintendo: Dev-N


Whoa! A Big Run on a brand new stage? Let's go!

Also does anyone know why the servers are down for maintenance right now?

"Tingle is the very reincarnation of a fairy!"

Um hey guys...? Did anyone notice that Spicy Calamari Inkantation is supposed to play during grand Festival? Not the OG, or the 3MIX, but the Spicy edition. That's... a little odd, wouldn't you say?

Resident Palia fan, as well as a Splatoon fan!
My PFP is Reth
ZeldaZerd's homie
Willing to explain (on demand) why Frye is the best.

Switch Friend Code: SW-3225-4369-7994 | My Nintendo: CaleBo25


@CaleBoi25 The three idol groups are combining & singing together for this unique finale fest. Why is Spicy Calamari Inkantation strange?

[Edited by WoomyNNYes]

Extreme bicycle rider (<--Link to a favorite bike video)
'Tendo liker


@WoomyNNYes Because it was the S2 version. I'd expect the S3 version since it's the newest, or the OG, as it is Team Past after all, but Splatoon 2's? That surprises me.

I recently moved and my new library had Splatoon 2 available so I picked it up! It's... no where near as good as S3, at least in my opinion lol!

[Edited by CaleBoi25]

Resident Palia fan, as well as a Splatoon fan!
My PFP is Reth
ZeldaZerd's homie
Willing to explain (on demand) why Frye is the best.

Switch Friend Code: SW-3225-4369-7994 | My Nintendo: CaleBo25


@CaleBoi25 Maybe it's because they used it in a Nintendo Live concert? What's more interesting is that Liquid Sunshine will be in a performance for the first time, which never happened in-game or at a Nintendo Live before. How will they perform without "Ian BGM" there? Recorded voiceovers?

Bonerattle Arena Samurai

My Nintendo: Dev-N


@CaleBoi25 Ahhh, I see you got Splatoon 2. I see it in your play history. You got it from your library? That's wild!😆 S2's single player may seem kinda tame after you've played Spaltoon 3. Although, it does get better in the later levels. And the final boss battle and it's music is pretty dang fun.

Octo Expansion is when they made a more modern jump that's more like Splatoon 3, and it's the the better single player - you'll probably dig that. Although, Octo Expansion is $20 and almost never goes on sale.

[Edited by WoomyNNYes]

Extreme bicycle rider (<--Link to a favorite bike video)
'Tendo liker


@Croctopus Huh, I hadn't even considered that! Now I am very curious.. If you can't see other stage's performances from one stage, maybe Big Man could be there? But I would say most likely they will simply have his voice recorded, like you suggested.

Resident Palia fan, as well as a Splatoon fan!
My PFP is Reth
ZeldaZerd's homie
Willing to explain (on demand) why Frye is the best.

Switch Friend Code: SW-3225-4369-7994 | My Nintendo: CaleBo25


What are everyone's hopes for Patch 8.2? Personally, I am hoping for a few things:

  • Pencil damage and painting range nerf (this will lower how oppressive it is, as well as lower its special output).
  • Wavebreaker wave height should be increased, and hopefully also the speed of the waves, to keep them from being way to easy to avoid. Possibly also hive it more HP.
  • Tacticooler should get a duration nerf, currently the Cooler sits out for 22 seconds, I think this should be made closer to maybe 15 seconds? That would keep it around plenty, but also not leave the map full of Coolers since you can currently get a second Cooler charged up before the first one is even gone!
  • Big Swig need a damage width buff on it's vertical attack. PLEASE NINTENDO.
  • Dart's line should deal a little damage, it's coded to do 0 damage so just... change that to like 15/20 damage and we're set.
  • Tristrike needs to get a radius nerf, as well as making the detonation speed slightly slower.
    Ok, sorry for the long post, those are my top few wants, though there are others I'd love to see..!

Resident Palia fan, as well as a Splatoon fan!
My PFP is Reth
ZeldaZerd's homie
Willing to explain (on demand) why Frye is the best.

Switch Friend Code: SW-3225-4369-7994 | My Nintendo: CaleBo25


The patch notes for the Version 9.0 update have been announced. Here's my concise summary of most of the major points.

  • Improved connectivity. According to Nintendo, "In regards to connectivity, we have reduced the time it takes to convey the things that happen in-game to the other players by optimizing the game’s internal processing and adjusting the communication control processing."
  • Squeezers and Ranged Blasters are nerfed
  • Snipewriters have slightly decreased spray droplets from shots
  • Sloshers have been nerfed by requiring more ink
  • Heavy Edit Splatlings have slightly decreasd spray droplets
  • Wellstrings have decreased radius from ink splatter upon impact
  • Trizooka has been nerfed by delaying its activation
  • More points for the specials of Custom Range Blaster and Sloshers
  • Data for the special Big Run
  • A new Salmon Run item for exchanging fish scales
  • We can get fish scales from the bonus meter
  • Gear from the bonus meter will now change with each shift instead of each month
  • Reduced XP for getting one star on a weapon to make getting Sheldon Licenses easier. Weapons gotten before the update that weren't played much will get a head start.

NL has posted the full notes already.

[Edited by Dev-N]

Bonerattle Arena Samurai

My Nintendo: Dev-N

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